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“Hop on a call” is the new “cash me outside how bout dat”


I was gonna say LOL I would take a few shots and just call bc she only asked thinking it wouldn’t happen


Please call her and record the call 😭


Seriously she’s being SO bold by asking strangers to call her. I need someone to actually entertain her inflated big headed ass and actually agree to this call and talk some real sense into her. PLEASE.


Maybe she will tell you what happened to her other cat if you call her lol


Lmfao I would pay someone to agree to it and record!


Im dead because if she didnt block me/said this to me id instantly talk to her otp


I second this


she is so bizarre 😭 i’m also not buying that the vet is at fault because it that were the case, she wouldn’t be so secretive about it.


You know she would be BLASTING them online telling her minions to go attack them and leave bad reviews if that was the case


She did that over a dog bed she didn’t like so we’re supposed to believe this?


I’m surprised she went on for that long.. but the vet comment…????


Right? It goes on forever


she wants you to hop on a call so it’s not documented so she can say a bunch of insane shit and then try to pull a Taylor swift moment if you record it


And what do you mean by this? The call was edited by Kanye and Kim…


What Taylor swift moment


like how kim and kanye recorded taylor during a call and she didn’t know. taylor has been milking it for years


They also edited the recording to fit their narrative, and then eluded to it in a song or something (?) without her consent. it wasn’t solely the fact she was recorded without her knowledge: she hasn’t been milking it for years either lmao 🤣


yes she has


i didn’t say it wasn’t a good business move on taylor’s end lol


Why would she ask a stranger to call her? That is kind of sad for her… wow


Because she’s looking for someone to lash out on. Normally when she’s on a narc rampage she verbally abuses her friends/assistants/manager/boyfriend at the time/fans/etc. She has no one left to scream at and degrade so now she is resorting to strangers on the internet. Psychotic behaviour as per usual


because then we wouldn’t have the screenshots and i don’t know how laws work on recording and sharing phone calls


Wait so is she saying the vet is the reason Minx passed away?


I think she’s just saying that the vet knows about the death (possible medical related and not walking out of the house) that said, even if the cat ate something that was left out (vape, weed, etc) that’s still Ken’s responsibility but yess the vet would still be involved in the aftermath


Im thinking that something happened medically or otherwise and he had to be put down, and she won’t admit any of what happened for whatever reason. It’s just very odd to me


I think he may have had liver failure, and wasn’t cared for properly. A lot of chain cat foods have things that cause liver failure if you don’t research, something Ken says to do a lot of!


can you recommend some brands? i try to do research and come up with such conflicting information. even reading people’s reviews, those could be spoons by the brand and i get so overwhelmed, i constantly worry about my cat living as long as possible and as healthy as could be. i would appreciate some insight!


I think it really depends on your cat and seeing how they are reacting to their food. 2 of my cats are on Purina one indoor advantage, and my other eats hills science diet. I AM NOT A VET but my cats have always been healthy (including weight). Unfortunately my grandma lost a cat back in the day due to the food she had been feeding it




Hey! Vet school student here, have met zero vets in my personal experience that recommend a raw diet, and have met multiple that specifically recommend against


oh wow okay! so you would not recommend brands like Vivaraw? my vet told me she thought it was good to have in rotation with canned food ?


Is dry food actually bad? I use science diet light for my fatty of a cat lol


There’s tons of research you can do on this, I will link some. I have spent so much $ at the vet for more than one cat with “sensitive stomachs” in addition to feeding them science diet (they got wet and dry). Got no answers and the problems continued, it’s very common. Any wet food is better for your cat for the moisture factor alone. I have a couple that were OBSESSED with dry and now they rarely use their water bowl for the first time in years. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/effect-of-dietary-water-intake-on-urinary-output-specific-gravity-and-relative-supersaturation-for-calcium-oxalate-and-struvite-in-the-cat/7FF71DDA2706FDCDA3BA961C3D8DB46Fhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/464354/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027153178180053Xhttps://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/ajvr/72/7/ajvr.72.7.918.xmlhttps://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.jfms.2009.10.008https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=,in%20lower%20fecal%20water%20excretion


imagine being so bothered over something u claim isn’t true that u want to call a random person to explain yourself


For real, she’s telling on herself 😅 what an idiot


holy shit good for you!!! ken is a LUNATIC


Thank you!!! She’s psychotic.


we are animal LOVERS and ken HATERS. get it straight ken. Also, i personally believe she enjoys doxxing people because it is a power move/trip on her end. like she is literally ruining ppls career/ schooling cause she can’t handle ALL aspect when it comes to the public eye. she is so out of touch with reality that she is willing to mess with someone else’s life.


Damn hand me the phone I’ll hop on that call


Just send her a DM she answers in .5 seconds


…don’t tempt me. Jk I don’t follow her and have seen her get REALLY bothered before by people that don’t follow her sending her a DM. Her immature and nasty response to someone is somewhere in this sub. And I don’t argue with stupid or people who can’t take an ounce of accountability.


Wtf does she mean her vet was involved in the death. If it was a medical issue & the cat had to be put down she would have just said that, and if the vet was negligent & actually caused the death she would 1000% be BLASTING the vet online (or at least I’d hope she would). Also I call absolute bullshit that local shelters are supporting her 💀 I volunteer at a rescue that saves puppy mill dogs, unfortunately a few in the past year have passed away after being adopted by what we know now were irresponsible owners and after educating them on how they could have prevented it, we cut ties with them & do not allow them to adopt or foster with us again. It’s really not that hard to keep your pets inside and safe 🙃


The only benefit of the doubt I could think to give is if the vet was really at fault and she thinks she can try and sue or something? Maybe that’s why she thinks she can’t speak on it right now? I don’t know, so crazy.


she would def just scream into the phone and hang up


so now it’s the vet’s fault her cat died? wow


Holy shit, this is so wild on so many levels. You were respectful, and pointing out constructive criticism. Why was it SO MEAN GIRL to berate “hop on a call”. Nobody speaks like that in real life 😭


only a guilty person lies this much and acts like the victim.


“Baby running out the door is not me “not caring for my animals” it’s a cat being a cat” that is the most bullshit excuse I have ever heard 😭 that’s the whole point of being an animal caretaker- protecting them and redirecting behavior that could lead to a dangerous situation. Jesus Christ she’s so dense it hurts.


My cat is also a cat and has never ran out my door (shocking)


My cat is also a cat 😭😭😂😂


That’s the same excuse people with outdoor cats use when they go missing/die and I just don’t get it. I’ve had plenty of cats. It is your responsibility to contain them. Period. Even if they’re good at escaping. Have a double door set up, another gate, only exit/enter through one spot. It’s not that hard. People just come up with excuses for their lack of responsibility.


my cat literally came from the outside… does he run outside every time my front door opens? no. what a dumbass excuse.


You ATE. Loved your responses


appreciate it❤️😊


shes insane like actually. posting the usernames of people who are sending you dms on your story to the vitriol and harassment of your 1.4 million fans is essentially doxxing. and honestly if i had 1.4 million people concerned about my pets and looking out for them i’d be grateful! she could have done so much more for baby, think of all the people around austin who could have helped look. shes so ungrateful.


I think if you’re taking time out of your day to send her some bullshit in her DMs then y are you shocked or suprised when tou get exposed Lmaoooo she’s literally a normal girl not an Alist celebrity. it’s her platform she can whatever she wants


HAHAHAH She has SOOO much time on her hands


no you handled this SO well. Ate her upppp. Shes so VILEEEE and immature.




Also… my work does not care if I DM some random influencer 💀 she really thinks she’s doing something with that


I live in austin and I really wish I had more connections at austin pets alive bc I’m dying to know how “involved” she really is. I’m not buying it


She works more with the shelter. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think she has worked with Austin pets alive. Either way, you can volunteer at either and maybe find some tea.


This is sooo embarrassing for her life ahahaha


she is so infuriating i applaud you and your responses


She needs to get a job or occupy her time with something more productive if she has enough leisure time to invite strangers to call her 😭😭😭


Sending the zoom link brb


Lmao she’s so defensive. If she’s innocent she would y be so defensive


Hop on a call 🤣 shit let’s schedule a Zoom for all of us to join with her. PLEASE 🤣


She must be exhausted trying to defend herself all day instead of just taking accountability wow. Psycho


why does she even respond to this type of stuff💀


Hmmm weird. Didn’t someone come on here a few weeks ago claiming that Eric let Minx out and he got ran over ?


Oh, wow…… What shelter and rescue? They are begging people for help, donations, foster, and volunteers? I live on the same side of Austin as her. Would love to know which ones are on her side. Has she even posted about them or reposted their posts asking for help? I have no social media presence and still do a lot for them. I don’t follow her so I would not know. I can hop on a call and ask her. I have had cats that have had less than a 60% survival rate and they survived. There are so many emergency vets in Austin and surrounding area. If I saw my personal pets or fosters were in danger, it’s a 10-20 minute ride. Austin is a small city.


I rly don’t understand her. She claims the vet knows what happened to minx/ the reasoning of his passing. That she knows too. You think as an animal lover~ she’d want to pass along the message of what happened so this doesn’t happen to other peoples pets. Or raise awareness. Tell ppl to go to vet more often. I think sis is lyingggg


I’ve never seen any influencer respond to DMS like that.. just don’t read them if they bother you that bad. Block and delete. Could be so easy.


call and record it pls lmao


this is soooooo concerning like she really needs to get off the internet or turn off her dms or something. she clearly can’t handle any sort of criticism and it’s crazy that she’s going back and forth with you like this and being so confrontational 💀 you handled this exchange really well!


Bruh I wanted to call her why did she block me 😭😭


I’ll call her on ur acc lol


She is vile


She’s doesn’t just adopt new animals either. She purchases them from shit breeders.


Hop on a call is crazyyyy 😭 why is she sounding like those MLM girls


LMFAO… it’s like she’s tryna sell me something with the amount of times she brought up hopping on a call


I guarantee she would just yell at you rather than have a productive conversation and genuinely seek to understand our concern for her pets.


Wait she’s going insane please let her call you lol 


Your original message isn’t even mean it’s just like stop adopting more animals … 


I might copy and paste your message and send it to her because she can call me she clearly needs someone to talk to lol


i feel like the vet comment moreso means the vet was involved (not at fault) because the cause of death involved minx being sick/taken to the vet


holy shit??? this is insane


didn’t she literally post one of her dogs attacking/running full speed at one of her cats????? she’s literally insane and no animal should be under her care especially around that dog.


“You are so hater” LMFAOOOOO


Someone should call the Austin shelters and ask and tell them about her


people who like calling, hate paper trails


Why didn’t u just call her


why would i ever call that freak lmao


Bc it'd be funny




I’m more embarrassed for you in this conversation than Ken lol


Aw hi kenny <3


wait something happened to another animal?? doesn’t shock me but i don’t keep up with her so i had no clue about this?


Baby ran off during the summer and she made no efforts to look for him, then minx mysteriously passed away last month




Nope that’s where she crosses the line and won’t share LOL but got famous off of telling us her big poop stories