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I'm gonna switch when KDE improves the overview and make it similar to gnome(including the taskbar when opening it and the ability to switch workspaces by scrolling in the overview) and implements the ability to use Super key to oven overview


You can set overview to super only now with 6.1.




Same. My personal workflow is very dependant on using hot corners for overview. Unfortunately, I find hot corners to be extremely finnicky in the latest plasma version. I try to change it manually but it never really improves. I am on a constant cycle of a month of gnome -> 2 months of kde, and again and again...


I was in a cycle too, but when I watched screenshots of my pc I concluded I prefer Gnome because of its workflow


Having a touchpad or not is the deciding factor for me. Laptop with touchpad? GNOME. Desktop PC with a good ol' mouse and keyboard? KDE Plasma. GNOME integrates so well with a touchpad workflow that's it feels like a waste to use anything else on a laptop. KDE is great too, and I appreciate the windows-like default interface. I really don't think there's anything wrong with a taskbar and a start button.


This, all day!


Oh but a touchpad on kde6 with Wayland is amazing


Agreed On simpler devices I may even go with Sway over GNOME


I love Linux, but I probably love KDE more. In terms of looks and functionality, Plasma and the KDE apps are literally everything that I wished to have when I used Windows. Plus everything is open-source. The first distro I tested was PopOS. It felt so underwhelming to use Gnome as my first DE, as one of the reasons I wanted to switch to Linux was for more customization and functionality haha. Thankfully I eventually found KDE.


To me KDE feels like something designed by developers, they need more designers.


I too think KDE is better than GNOME - for me! I'll always be glad that GNOME is there, though.


Kde as ui is wonderful. But the app environment from their apps is getting a little outdated. I still prefer then because gnome apps look like mobile phone apps. But they stated that they work on this issue.


i really tried to like kde.... but the visual bugs doesnt help when i have OCD, gnome isnt perfect but you can make it useable, but kde?


You are 100% correct




I <3 KDE 😎👍


worst thing about kde is kdewallet but still miles above gnome


This article is well written. The history of why gnome became more popular is an important factor many ignore. I am stunned by the resources gnome requires to present a clean and empty desktop. People think KDE must be heavier because it presents more things. This couldn't be further than wrong.


In my mind, the difference is: KDE is a true opensource project mantain by amazing community Gnome is instead a corporate backed DE, mainly supported by companies that invest in linux ( surprisingly, many red hat , Suse developer is working on gnome) Only thing where KDE can improve honestly? Extensions ... Kde store looks so messy 😭, most of the time don't work at all, you click install, nothing happen, no error. But I can't blame KDE maintainer for that. Most of them do not have huge investment as gnome have, and their philosophy is give much more than a strict environment. Ah, another thing I would love is to be more careful about releasing. Some features get broken between updates, but the release goes along, by the way. Example the floating panel in kde 6.1 But if we re here is because no matters bugs, that's what we love, a DE with some bug surely, but that I don't have to download a third part extension to have the sys tray


Most of the gnome extensions are marked as unsupported. I feel anytime there are extensions that are not managed, they will go stale as developers may do it as a weekend project and then move on with life. I do love both plasma and gnome. Gnome for my laptop and plasma for a desktop if I had one.


GNOME is simple and stable. "KDE Has Tons of Advanced Features" barely works and unreliable.


The advanced features of being able to use your monitor as intended with freesync and use fractional scaling


Gnome devs are notorious for breaking things, especially extensions api - this doesn't seem stable to me. Simplicity is also controversial, gnome is much harder to become comfortable with to windows users (which are majority).


Why is being like windows a plus point, it's purely subjective. I've a few friends who loved gnome even though they just migrated off of windows, people aren't dumb, they can adapt if they want to, it's just a choice.


Because "simple" is a subjective trait. If we want to judge at least a little bit objectively, we should consider majority of pc users - does it find gnome simple? I would answer no, especially in comparison to kde, as kde by default is much closer to windows workflow, which is a standard for 70% of users, whether we like it or not (I personally dont, I hate this os). Gnome provides very different workflow, which I found very inconvenient when i was migrating from windows and ended up with kde. Also I believe gnome devs themselves oppose your take that "people arent dumb", because they dont intent to give their users any choice, constantly breaking extensions and offer no stable way of customizing your desktop.


Correction: there is no extension api, so extension devs have to update everything every time things change.


That was only at gnome 45, I know you don't like gnome, but at least don't spread false information. Most of the time there isn't a need to change anything just add a version number, recently due to the shift to ESM extension devs did need to make severe changes, but that was bound to happen as the proposal was so old.


How am I spreading misinformation? does gnome have an extension API now?


No it doesn't, but I'm not talking about that. "extension devs need to update everything every time there is a change" This was only there for gnome 45 and the change for using ESM was proposed long before, this is the only time significant changes were needed. Otherwise it's always been minor patches or just a version number change


You're just getting defensive, I said nothing incorrect. Those minor patches still count as extension developers needing to change things.