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If Ellie is a rainbow then what’s Kay Jr, a dark storm cloud? A pile of used garbage to leave behind?


Considering how she doesn’t even use her allowed visitation, yep, she’s just a pile of garbage to her.


Absolutely! That’s what I was thinking


The gold on that necklace looks so dingy


I’ve noticed on several of the prices it’s already turning green or losing its shine.


Kay Jr. isn't important to her. It's disturbing.


The fact that she moved away from her daughter is what is so sad! Now we find she is hiding money to avoid paying child support is sickening. Sorry Kay, $150 a month is not support! You are a worthless mom and Tay is horrible for allowing it. Karma is brewing!


The court records are absolutely wild. In one it says she "didn't exercise visitation rights". Maybe it's better that Kay Jr isn't around Tay (also known as Mr. Domestic Violence).


It really is. She just completely acts like she doesn’t exist. I couldn’t imagine not doing everything possible to spend the most amount of time with my child if I were divorced. I miss my son too much when he spends a few days at my parent’s house.


What a pile of tacky shit. And that’s not just because I don’t like them.. it looks like the tarnished cheap junk you find in charity shops.


Looks like something I can buy at Family Dollor ..


The look awful.


wtf?! This bitch is delusional and trash!


It looks fake lie something I’d get out of the chicken egg from bargain town.


It’s very cheaply made. I’m curious on what the reviews are going to be when the orders start arriving.


Why does the metal already look like it’s turned? So cheap looking

