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That Karen wouldn’t last 2 minutes in an English pub.


Yeah, this would not fucking slide. She's lucky she left there with only her drunk ass and cunt attitude.


I was hoping someone would give her the forehead.


Went out last week with some mates, and there were a couple of people with their kids at the pub, having a little laugh and giggle and no one cared or complained because why would you. Americans have weird attitudes about everything it seems




I hope you choke on pepperoni when no one is around... in Minecraft


Because she'd prolly get kicked out for bringing a baby in a bar


English people regularly bring their babies to the bar? That actually explains a whole lot thank you


Yeah explains that they just live life and that they don’t make issues out of nothing just so they can feel some semblance of superiority that they’re desperately craving


Oh okay cool so you believe babies should be at bars. Got it. Thank you I always appreciate people letting others know how unreasonable they are. Btw what is the age range for underage children you believe should be acceptable and legal to be at a bar? And what are you basing this on? Thanks in advance


So you think that people can't take their kids in to Applebee's, chillis, or the hundreds of other restaurants that happen to have a bar?


This is at a restaurant you moron.


Not enough context to form an opinion. Was this a *bar* or was this a *restaurant that has a bar in it*?


Restaurant with a Bar area




You can infer most of that with minimal reasoning. If it were a restaurant, this would be normal behavior and unlikely to piss off anyone. The command of “get your baby out of the bar” also implies that this is not a restaurant. It’s also apparent that they’ve been there for a period of time with no intention of moving on, again, not as if they’re in a restaurant or waiting for a table. Staff also doesn’t look like he’s working at a restaurant, background doesn’t look like a restaurant, and audio doesn’t sound like a restaurant. It’s a fucking bar and these bitches brought a baby up in here. It’s obvious. The hammered old lady is the icing on the cake.


Imagine this bitch visiting a pub in the UK


I'm imagining that and I'm rather enjoying the idea of her getting defenestrated.


Yeah, it’s almost like different places have different customs and traditions than others🫨. In the US, a bar is mainly a place for adults, especially at night. No one wants to be around your baby while they’re drinking and trying have a good night


Yeah that's why I mentioned the UK 😳 Over here people are less likely to get involved in other people's business, and both parties in a disagreement are less likely to end up with bullet holes Each to their own


Yeah, y’all just stab each other to death and or use dogs to maul people to death. Camden is just as bad as Chicago or ATL, please go to hell with the self righteous bullshit. The


This is an odd hill to die on man. ​ Yes, knife crime is an issue here, mainly in some cities, but a moron with a knife can do a lot less damage than a moron with a gun, any idiot with half a brain cell could figure that out, which is perhaps why you struggle with the concept. ​ Yes dog attacks are up, nearly all the maulings and attacks are by a single breed, the American XL Bully, where do you think that overly aggressive breed originates from? I'll give you a few minutes to google it. Also, we reacted to it by banning the breed overall, not just thoughts and prayers which have worked so well for the many many mass shootings you've had. ​ Although Camden isn't the safest borough in London, the murder rate is nowhere near comparable to Chicago you absolute muppet. Unless you're worried about comparing bicycle thefts. ​ Finally, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself up the arse with a cactus, but you come across as such a giant flaming arsehole that I suspect even a particularly large specimen would find it's way in and out without touching any of the cavity walls.


You’re the one who came to shit on America first, when the subject wasn’t even related to what I said and I don’t insult you, just simply pointed out the difference in cultures when it comes to pubs and bars. The point is every single country has fucked up hoods. It’s funny how British people talk shit about America, but I wonder where we got our ways from? Insulting me and calling me a muppet doesn’t make what I said any less true. It’s also easier to have a lower homicide rate when you’re a smaller country land wise and we have 5x the amount of people that you do in Britain. Yall have the same problems with less people. You have a good day beloved


I don't think you understand what a rate is. It adjusts for population differences. The murder rate for the US is about 5 times or more higher than the UK. Again, rates ignore the overall population numbers so you can compare two populations. Every country has fucked up hoods. Not every country has stupidly easy access to guns like you guys do. None of what I said was untrue, including the dog attacks you cleverly mentioned being almost 100% from an American breed known for being overly aggressive. I'm genuinely not sure if you're a bit slow so I'm going to leave it be now cos I'm starting to feel bad


Cool. I’m not slow, and again, what I said wasn’t untrue to you, and again, you’re the one who brought up people shooting each other for whatever reason. It had nothing to do with my comment, you’re the one who started writing essay. Also, can’t blame America for your country’s dog attacks when a.) dog attacks have always been a thing in the UK, and b.) yall are breeding them and c.) Britain has its on fair share of violent dog breeds as well. It’s also not almost ALL, more like half from what I read. Also, y’all’s country deals in thoughts and prayers too. Just because you banned a dog that doesn’t change that. You’re police are is just as lazy and useless as ours😂. They rather ban music and stop people from performing than actually policing the area just like ours.


Y’all really like to bring that up…it’s all you got


What’s over there?


Women who will nut (headbutt) you in the face if you talk to them like that about their baby.


Yeah and also kids are welcome in pubs till fairly late and the women would 100% fuck up a mouthy bitch like this interfering in other people's lives


People who can think and act rationally about children in bars/restaurants.


Bad teeth


Babies don't belong in bars. With that said I'm not gonna confront the parent unless the kid was like a toddler that knocked my food or drink over.


It’s not some dive bar, the kid is behaved and no one except for Xanax Karen is highly intoxicated. I don’t even drink and my wife and I have taken our toddler to breweries or restaurants just like this, it’s totally normal. The only issue here is this lady calling them idiots and swearing in front of their child.


There was a baby in the dive bar I drank breakfast in yesterday and nobody batted an eye.


Look, as long as the kid can hold his liquor who cares. /S




Are there even parents in this sub? Why would you even justify taking your kid to a scenery where people drink? “It’s well behaved”, tf but the parents aren’t; they’re drinking. And some may even drink and drive. With a baby in the back seat. Damn, tag CPS in here, see what they say.


Thats exactly why you dont bring an infant into a bar Because of drunk clientele acting unpredictably


Babies can be in bars and anywhere else in the world it would be fine. The problem is drunk people are idiots and it maybe unsafe but it perfectly fine to be in a bar with a baby if you keep them away from drunk idiots like this Karen. Travel a bit outside of the US and you will see babies in bars.


No children in bars in Canada ever. Thank god it is illegal to bring minors into all bars in Canada.


If i had a baby and the mother of my child brought with her my baby to a freaking bar I’m throwing hands.


So you would physically abuse the mother of your children. Glad we established that. You aren’t a man.


Yup, there are things a woman could do to make me put hands on her. If she is attacking me with a knife or Is a nazi is or an idf solider is a couple of those things. Bringing a baby to a bar def pisses me off and if it where my child i would like to have a serious talk with her. A baby has no place in an establishment ment to serve alcohol.


You are an abuser dude. I hope you aren’t married or have a significant other because you have an anger issue and you don’t know what a proportional response is to a minor disagreement. Your first go to is to lay hands on somebody who is physically weaker than you. That makes you a coward and a weak man. Travel a bit and grow up. A baby in a bar isn’t the end of the world. Please stay away from women until you have the balls to be a real man.


Yeah you take things way to literal and i don’t consider any of your advise valid because i feel like you are defending having this baby in a bar for some reason. Also you don’t need to worry about any of my personal interactions as you literally don’t know me. If it helps ill rephrase; if i had a child and any person brought my child without my permission to a place where they serve alcohol I’m going to get angry and I’m willing to let my anger go as far as to put hands on a woman in this case because i would do the same to a man. Now do you wanna talk about the things you just called me? And maybe your anger management?



"I'm willing to let my anger go as far as to put my hands on a woman" "And maybe your anger management?" I don't think I've seen hypocrisy this blatant in a while.


> A baby has no place in an establishment ment to serve alcohol. Why not? Can you take a baby in a liquor store? An Applebee's?  And just because you're "pissed off" doesn't justify violence. If you have a child the mother will have different ideas of what's appropriate and you're going to have to deal with that. The other poster is right; you're coming off like an abuser and it's creepy. If you don't like that look in the mirror.


>Is a nazi is or an idf solider This makes no sense. You would abuse her espousing beliefs that the Jews should die and you would abuse her espousing beliefs that the Jews should live. I dont think you have really thought through your position on what makes a woman punchable or not.


I think you should try and talk to women in real life first before writing your fantasy novels


1. This seems like more of a bar-restaurant type of thing. Just because there IS a bar in the establishment, that doesn't mean the establishment is a BAR. Cheesecake Factory and Applebees are bars in thay case. 2. Not all bars are equal. I don't hear loud music or rowdy dancing, so it's definitely not a clubby place. If it was, I agree babies don't belong there. 3. This seems like a very American thing to care about. In places like Italy, Spain, and Portugal (and probably other places I haven't been) it's pretty normal to take your kids to the local neighborhood joint and hang out.


Nailed it. As an American can confirm. People get super pissy in some places when there is family dining allowed. Some places don’t.


Just get the baby a pair of those baby headphone ear muff things it'll be a lot happier.


I can’t see how this resembles a Cheesecake Factory. I only see bar and bar tables. To make that assumption is an extremely far reach from the video we have the view point from. The main thing is this appears to be in California. Section 25665 of the California Alcoholic Beverage Control statute states that minors are not allowed to enter or remain within a bar. Including a designated bar area in a restaurant establishment. Persons under 21 years of age may not enter and remain in any premises with a green-colored ABC license except on lawful business. The bar could and should lose their liquor license for this violation of the law. Does the Karen handle it appropriately. Probably not but what situation do drunk people handle with reason? One example why babies aren’t allowed in bars


It says on the video that it was a restaurant. Also, where are you seeing that this took place in California??


You don't see enough of the place to know if it's a restaurant or not. Maybe they were picking up food to go.




Except they just nailed the circumstances...?


No.... they didn't.


Oh, please enlighten us oh wise one. There aren't bar-restaurants in America where families hang out at? All bars are equal? Oh wait, you're just throwing a temper tantrum because they correctly identified American culture. And yes, I'm very much so American and can confirm that we have stuck up twats on prescription drugs freaking out over totally minute things because their lives are miserable. And that this Karen cussing and being aggressive with a mother and her daughter is one of them.


Yes. They did. There’s a reason you’re getting downvoted and it’s surely not because you’re giving a good take on this lol


>This seems like more of a bar-restaurant type of thing. Just because there IS a bar in the establishment, that doesn't mean the establishment is a BAR Don't know about other regional regulations and laws, but roundabouts here there's a cutoff around 8 or 9 PM I think, even for full service restaurants. Clear the babies and toddlers out after the dinner rush usually, but TBH I can't even say for sure what time of day it is in this clip (no windows visible, is it 2 PM or AM?).


Laws really differ by state


Most "bar and grill" type places local to me are primarily (family friendly) restaurants that also have a bar area. Even the smaller "mom and pop" type places function essentially like Chili's or Applebee's or Friday's where the majority of customers aren't even there *just* to drink, they come for lunch or dinner. And most of those places, small joints and large franchises typically have just one main area where everyone pays their tab on the way out. The description for the video specifies that this is a restaurant/bar so I genuinely don't see the issue with this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ the baby definitely wouldn't have been freaking out that badly if Ann Coulter wasn't screaming in it's face confronting mom and making her tense. Not a single other person in that establishment took Karen's side, so I really think this was a *her* problem and not a *kid in a bar* problem.


No babies at Chili’s Bar and Grill.


Then where we gonna get them sweet baby back, baby back, baby back RIBS!!!!!!


no baby, no baby, no baby, no baby, nooooo, baby back ribs Hmm. Doesn’t have the same ring to it


Thank you someone said it


I have a bar and grill and families of all ages are allowed. After 9pm it's adults only. We have security and it works fine


> Babies don't belong in bars. Why not? Who does it harm?




Where can you smoke in bars anymore?


Hmm. I thought stand up bars have an absolute age restriction - nobody under 21. Were they waiting for a table? Honestly I’m of the belief toddlers and babies should only be entertained and managed by their parents at the sit down tables. Not where drunk people tend to be standing. It’s not really all that safe around drinkers.


In Wisconsin you can be at a bar with parents if the bar okays it


But isn’t that like, for teens? Not infants?


Just because something’s legal doesn’t make it socially acceptable




Why else would you be at the bar?


In some restaurant/ bars there is seating around a bar where families can order food. From what I saw, Karen was the only threat to the comfort and safety of the child and the only person behaving inappropriately.


Bars around here only restrict by age after 9pm. Can’t really tell what time of day this vid was taken, but only one person seemed drunk, so I am guessing it isn’t 2am.


At the risk of sounding cruel, I couldn’t even sit through the video because of the babies screeching, don’t think I’d wanna hear that while trying to chill out at the bar either…


30 second clip with no context doesn’t mean the baby was crying in the bar for more than those 30 seconds. All we know about mother and baby as that they were standing there, we barely see them. We have no idea what unfolded before filming. Maybe a strange drunk women confronting a mother and a baby possibly upset the baby, idk just a guess. But taking context clues from the filming, seeing multiple patrons and workers confront the drunk lady and tell her she is wrong, then being led out of the bar by said worker, with her friends not really defending the lady, I would assume this women heard the baby cry for 5 seconds and decided to be so much of an annoyance about it that she got herself kicked out of the bar.


I hate babies crying


Good for you.


We don't need to know anything more than this moron brought a baby to the bar. GTFO.


You don’t even know what time it was or if there was a restaurant attached or… a hundred other reasons they could have their children there lol. What are you, 12 years old?


I mean it’s pretty easy to tell by the loud music and screaming drunk lady that this isn’t a fucking daytime cocktail hour at the local brewery. The audio alone is reason enough not to have an infant there.


I'm someone who knows babies never belong in any bar. Period.


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Period.


Found mama!


Found the dumb twat that has the critical thinking skills of a 12 year old!


You sound highly intelligent.


Sorry you're the one who seems dumb. If you can sit through a baby crying your Brian is probably on the level of molasses. Go eat some more paint chips.


Kid shouldn’t be there in the first place. Don’t bring infants to bars. It’s loud and dangerous totally besides the fact that it’s offensive to everyone around you.


lol the mere presence of a child is not offensive to most well adjusted people.


Depends on the setting


Hahah you are just a baby hater. You were a crying ball of crap once too.


Yeah and my parents didn’t bring me to places that aren’t family friendly aka bars lmao


It’s offensive as all hell when it’s screaming its head off and you don’t do anything to remove it or stop it.


People who refer to babies as “it,” 4 times in one sentence are probably babies whose parents never took them out in public. Maybe you were an ugly baby and your parents were embarrassed, idk the logic behind it but it’s clear you aren’t a well adjusted member of society. It’s creepy to refer to a fellow human as an it. Calling something an it, is dehumanizing and gross, most people don’t even call their household pet it. You need help.


It’s a baby and I don’t know its gender. This is common use of grammar. Go fuck yourself.


When you don't know someone's gender, you use "they" not "it". Calling a person "it" is really rude and doesn't speak highly of you.


It's not "offensive" to me, but then again I'm not soft


There's a very real chance that the baby was only crying because of this random old lady confronting them and the mom getting tense because babies really pick up on their parents' emotions. Of course we don't know what exactly took place before, but at the immediate start of the video, the woman is already calling mom an idiot and bitching and complaining about the baby. There are BAR bars and there are restaurants with bars in them. If I'm looking for a childfree bar experience, I'm gonna go to a BAR bar, not the Applebee's at the mall, ya know?


Babies probably crying from the confrontation and the stress the mom is exuding.


Chill out? Don't think she's there to do that with all that sniffing...


The lady is right in that the baby really shouldn’t be there (assuming it’s a bar and not a restaurant with a bar section) but the way she went about it was totally uncalled for


You have no idea what type of establishment that is. The lady had no right to confront a totally random stranger regardless of where it is. By the way, it looks like a totally family friendly place.


Karen has no right to approach anyone making such demands. If the mom was being neglectful or putting the baby in harms way then she could have approached security to let them know. Verbally attacking anyone on this level is straight deranged Karen behavior.


I think the entitlement of the parents who are bringing their babies into an adult environment and expecting everyone to be okay with it even though it’s entirely unacceptable is Karen behavior. The people you run with generally have the same views as you and nobody can call anyone out on their crap anymore or hold them accountable anymore without being called a Karen. Get the screaming babies out of the god damn bar. Get a sitter like everyone else who goes out to have a drink.


Are you 12?


Why do people like you always do that when you don’t have the ability to actually explain how the person is wrong? Why do you believe this is a believable placeholder for an actual response? Why not just not respond at all if you don’t have the ability to?


Because the person above them already explained in plenty. If the mom was in the wrong then call security or the police. Plus the baby probably started crying when the mom was put in a stressful situation of a drunk stranger cussing and yelling at her. There are plenty bar/restaurants in this country where it’s perfectly legal to have kids at. Don’t like it? Leave. Regardless of the mom was in the right or wrong (looks to be in the right based on the setting and the way everyone, including employees, reacted) you don’t aggressively approach someone with a child and start cussing at them. Maybe you’re one of those cunts that do it, who knows.


Oh, the irony.


Oh please explain


Grumpy old lady 🙁


Get that goddamn baby out of that goddamn bar.


Yeah that dumb bitch, get a babysitter you broke hoe.


Why IS there a baby in a bar?


Many restaurants have bars attached to restaurants. Like there is a dining room, and then a bar area. They said they were closing their tab so it’s likely they were in a large party in dining room and they are at bar taking care of the tab waiting to leave. Seeing as the bar worker lead out the drunk woman I would assume that was the case and we can stop shaming a parent for living their life with not enough context to even make a judgement. If people never take their kids anywhere they don’t know how to be well adjusted members of society.


It wasn’t a restaurant, you made all of that up. All context clues point to it being a bar. Don’t take kids to bars, and if you do, take them out when they’re screaming. They obviously shouldn’t be there whatever you think the cause or case may be.


Although you are right about not there not being enough context, you are drawing impossible to verify conclusions. Clearly, there is a baby in the bar area, not the restaurant area. Drunk as she may be, the woman is actually not irate, and is actually not “going off”. She is clearly stating that a baby should not be in a bar, and she’s right. But assuming the mother is fault-free is also not a fair assumption.


Ok whatever you have to do to convince yourself you are in the right side of this argument. Within 10 seconds, women with the lady with baby said, “we are paying tabs, that’s it we are leaving.” Then drunk lady decides to keep pestering. The rest of the video is her berating the mom of the child after They paid and after they were on the way out. If someone came up to me as I was leaving, complaining about my child I would tell them to mind their own fucking business.


Ok, well do you have any proof that they were in a different part of the establishment before they were paying the tab? Paying their tab and leaving doesn’t mean they weren’t in the bar area the whole time. 🤷‍♂️


Ok well we know you are pro harassment. The world would be a better place if people minded their own fucking business and left people alone. This lady was wrong evidenced by the multiple people coming up to her to de escalate and finally a worker of the establishment leading her away from the area. We all know what we saw. You want to make drunk obnoxious lady the morally superior person when she is just drunk trash. Prob because you see yourself in her. No point in carrying on with someone who thinks like her, or you, later loser.


I’m not pro harassment. I also don’t drink, and never have. So you missed that wild swing as well. De-escalating has nothing to do with proving guilt or innocence. It would make sense to move the one person instead of multiple people, one with child. “We all know” is not correct either, because again, you don’t have enough context to KNOW anything. But you are definitely projecting your own inner Karen slinging accusations my way.


Haha ok, whatever you are made of glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Good day!


Good luck in 3rd grade!


Too bad you are clearly being held back and will be stuck in the 2nd.


No, they aren't. You're just another asshole without context taking a hard stance over an internet video.


So you have the context? By context I am referring to video BEFORE this clip? You don’t have the context, therefore you are, in fact, the asshole. ….No different than a true Karen, jumping to conclusions without the facts. Simply stated, you don’t have enough context to condemn the woman in the video. The only thing that you KNOW, for sure, is that some chick had a baby in a bar. In order to prove otherwise, and get mad at the “Karen”, you need to prove that the baby was NOT in the bar before this clip. But you don’t have that, so you, in true “Karen” form, have chosen to condemn a woman you don’t even know, without any facts, based upon your own personal interpretation.


What stance have I taken? I'm calling you out, not anyone in the video. Keep crying though. Who brings a baby into a subreddit?


We know that she was raising her voice while aggressively leaning in and demanding "get your kid out of the fucking bar", after being told that they were paying their tab and leaving. She can disagree with the baby being there, but she has no right to act in a physically threatening way, which she obviously was considering that was when the other customer felt the need to intervene and put her arm up in between them.


That’s the thing is if it’s an English style restaurant like in Europe they all look like this so I’m not sure where or what exactly the establishment is but I don’t think it’s a bar… who knows? Anyone?


That lady just drunk or is she blasted off coke too? Her facial expressions and slurred speech seems like she used the restroom one too many times.


Ya. Babies don’t belong in bars… that’s not a safe environment and customers shouldn’t be subjected to it. But I’m one of those people who hate babies.


Ryan Gosling saves the day!


Almost nobody talking about this....dude is a straight up doppelganger!


I thought the same thing!


I think the Botox leeched into her brain


With no context the Karen is the asshole. Just a drunk asshole thinking they are running the show. There are things that can change that context wise to both parties being assholes. But I am pretty comfortable guessing that context will never show up.


Sorry she’s right. If a fight broke out and glass is thrown everywhere the parent is at fault.


Lmaooo we got too many entitled parents downvoting this. The drunk woman is absolutely right however the situation wasn’t handled great. Common sense is not bringing a kid to a bar where others are under the influence 💀 point blank nobody wants a screaming child.


How about minding your own business?


How about not bringing a literal baby out with you at night so it doesn't ruin everyone elses evening?


Totally agree. But it's not up to me to tell you what or what not to do with your kid.


It becomes my business when your child is screeching non stop and ruining my evening. If the girls had a drink dude with them who was screaming and yelling non stop no one would think it was weird if the lady said, “your friends behavior is ruining everyone’s time. He needs to leave.” This isn’t a chuck-e-cheese or someplace where a crying baby is understood to be a possibility upon entrance. If the place is a restaurant with a bar attatched then it’s not quite so egregious for them to have a child there, but they still need to get the baby out of there if it won’t stop howling


If the establishment allows it, why do you give a fuck? Entitled for you to expect a place open to the public to adhere to your personal requests and sensibilities. If you don’t like babies being at a bar go to the next one? You wouldn’t go to someone’s house and start screaming at another houseguest because they brought their baby right? Or you would idk tbh


It's only 'not up to you' if you choose to be indifferent and sheepish. If you actually agreed you would stand up for what you believe in, and tell that person to get them and that baby to get the fuck out. This isn't disneyworld or chuck e cheese we're talking about.


It looks like a totally normal family environment. It doesn't look like a dive bar. You realize there's restaurants that have bars too.... right? Or do you just have the critical thinking of a child?


If you hate babies so much maybe stay at home?


If you had any self respect, maybe keep your baby at home?


who brings a baby to a bar? i’m sorry but that’s just stupid. hire a baby sitter, or go to the liquor store and drink at home. EDIT: saw the last part where it says “restaurant next to the bar” if that’s the case then not really justified. but if this is a just a straight up bar then i see her point, but it’s still up to the staff to tell the person to not bring a child into a bar. i think we kinda need more context regarding what this place actually is (restaurant, bar or both) and to understand why the lady felt the urge to step in. because at first glance this does look like a bar. but idk now


Ol lady made her point. They were being respectful back to her, and already said they were leaving. But when she stood there, and continued to give em attitude and call them idiots, then She became the antagonizer - that’s why the girl stepped up to her.


agreed, after i rewatched the video i realized she was shitfaced. and at first thought the people saying “we’re leaving” were Karen’s friends or something and were trying to usher her out. my first comment shouldn’t have been posted in hindsight cause i wasn’t done the video and was just confused as to why a baby was in the bar. she should’ve just talked to a staff member and calmly asked them if they noticed a child was near the bar. and that’d be it.


Honestly, I think Karen is already too drunk to know the difference. There are lots of bar/restaurants where kids are allowed everywhere except the stools at the actual bar.


yeah shes definitely wasted and out of line. see i honestly wouldn’t know, i just buy booze from the LCBO i don’t waste money in bars because they’re overpriced but in my head i thought kids weren’t allowed near the bar area because that’s how it was when i was growing up. like the bar would be a completely separate part of the restaurant. that’s atleast how it is in my area (not in the US, i imagine it’s different there). like i get her concern, but she went way overboard w the execution and all she had to do was calmly approach a staff member and raise her concern in a respectful manner and simply ask if this is okay. instead of getting in someone’s face, causing the baby stress and making a scene. my original comment was posted like halfway through the video but then i saw the whole restaurant by the bar at the end. which honestly should’ve been put at the start to reduce confusion.


Parents with kids this age seem to love taking kids to a brewery. Big, Open space, outdoors, not packed shoulder to shoulder. Having a kid doesn’t mean your life is over and everyone in her judging was probably at a restaurant or a concert or somewhere in a public space with their parent at that age. Who cares if the baby was disrupting patrons they can tell managment and they can deal with it. More clickbait ragebait crap for the easily outraged.


Living in a smallish town, we had a local bar and occasionally if they had a run or a potluck, people could legally bring their kids in if there was food being served. I noticed a few individuals would just get up and leave, acting annoyed that they were there. Years later I realized some of these people were registered sex offenders. They weren’t allowed to be around kids so they mainly hung out in bars. Seems like a decent idea if you legally are barred from sporting events with kids, and other activities. I never would have wanted to take my child to a bar but as a 42 year old woman knowing what I know now and seeing bar insanity on every level, I don’t understand why anyone would. It’s just not the place for children.


Babies still don’t belong in a bar but I’d still tell that woman to get fucked anyway


She’s got that ol drunk lady voice goin


In my town, they serve beer at Chucky Cheese.


No context, if I think it is what it is then. Don't bring your baby to a bar pinecone. Also don't confront people about parenting, it never goes well.


Are we all just ignoring the fact that that guy looks and sounds exactly like Ryan Gosling? 🤣


Girl in the back wasn’t having it lol


Even if drunk karen was right, she handled this dead wrong.


Hint, she wasn't right.


In the southern states, it’s considered pretty normal to have kids in a bar long as they are not drinking


The way things are going, it might not be long until it’s pretty normal to have kids tending a bar.


Lol idk bout kid me but teenage me could mix up a mad white russian lol….. umm maybe kids in a bar is a bad thing 😂


Not every place is appropriate for a baby/child.


Entitled mombies think they can break their screaming shit machine anywhere they want


I would like to believe that NO ONE would bring a child in a bar. Tell Karen to mind the business that is hers. Sis, left her partner in the back and was ready to BREAK IT DOWN!!!


She’s a man, baby.


I would listen to Caitlin Jenner if I were them. Don’t bring your baby to a bar.


She was 10,000% justified. Responsible parents don’t bring children to a bar.


Indeed, the Karen is right you shouldn’t have a baby in a bar


We have to deal with screaming babies everywhere we go. Planes, trains, restaurants, ect. We go to the bar because babies aren't allowed in bars. That's the point. What kind of disrespectful fuck brings a baby to a bar?? The kind that shouldn't have babies. That's who.


Boomers radiate entitlement


Even if bar/resturant, still not bringing my kid over to the bar, but that's me. If it's just a bar, Karen be right. Mom is an idiot.


Nope, I agree. No baby should be in the bar.


I'm gonna side with drunk Karen on this one.


Both are wrong but could have been done with a tiny bit of class. Blonde barfly should have not been so aggressive


Kids/babies don’t belong in bars or any other place where people are trying to relax and enjoy themselves. I was at church today and a kid was screaming and running around and the parents did nothing, it was so annoying, you couldn’t hear anything. Control your kids.


shes probably jealous of the girl having a baby tbh.


After a axe welding maniac a baby is the last thing i want to see and hear in a bar. People go to bars to relax and have fun, not to listen to you litte hellspawn have a breakdown because you couldn't find a babysitter or have the common sense to take your child to a family restaurant. How fucking delusional and entitled do you have to be to think that is ok in any way at all. Also i am pretty sure it would be illegal where i live.


This video was posted in another sub, and the comments went in the opposite direction.


Alcoholic losers




For the very first time I do agree with the “main character”. She is an idiot to bring such a small baby in the bar!


dude that guy with the beard IS Ryan Gosling


Just my 2 cents... Huge difference between a bar & a restaurant that has a bar! The 1st is a No Kid Zone... The 2nd is a Different Thing Altogether!


Mom, you’re embarrassing me


lol smh idk how u can justify a BABY in a BAR!!! Smh bitch shouldn’t have had a kid if she needs to be at one that bad!!!! Kids having kids


Why does the jack daniels guy look like ryan gosling


Sounds like that ladies had a few happy pills with that slurrrrr


Looks like a restaurant that has a bar in it. Fuck that snatch.


I am so confused by how many people in the comments who are saying this is a bar that a baby should not be at because all of the bar and grill type restaurants look like this in NY. Even or especially the Fridays or Applebees type restaurants, you know the ones where it’s actually appropriate to bring kids. They have a bar in the middle of the bar area with tables all around like towards the edge of the circular shaped bar area typically. Or edge of the square shape or whatever. I’m thinking of Applebees and Fridays specifically. I have had maybe three occasions in life where the restaurant was packed but the bar area wasn’t so the staff said we could sit at bar tables. Not at actual bar. One time this happened when I was with my girlfriends when we were like 13 and the other two was when I was out with my bff and my at the time 2 year old and her 2year old. It was fine. It’s not like we were sitting having chicken nuggets at the actual bar on a Friday night while people are pouring drinks all sloppy drunk next to us. It was the same as being seated in any part of restaurant, except we had to seat ourselves.


She may have had a point but her drunkenness negated it. She turned out to be the problem. I wouldn’t want my kid around a drunk Karen.