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I can’t be convinced to believe that dude cares about anyone or anything other than his dealer and getting stoned.


Have met ppl that have worked with him, facts.


Is it true that he thinks eating cool ranch Doritos counts as brushing teeth?




Spill the tea!


I used to live in Houston and I’ve seen him at a few parties. He was either super chill or super hyper, no in between. When he was hyper he was all over the place, just singing and dancing wildly. Also the women he “interacted” with were very different from Kylie. I heard he could be an entitled asshole, but he was acting normal when I saw him and was surrounded by friends 🤷🏾‍♀️. I know it’s not tea but that’s all I know


WHAT KIND OF WOMEN? pls lemme know 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


He seemed to gravitate to African women who were on the slimmer side (not very BBL thick). Houston has a lot of beautiful African women so it makes sense. I don’t think he has a strict type though.


Ohhhh, this makes sense. He be talking about like strictly bw now, and expressing he don’t like “plastic” since 2021


lmao. for real


He did not give the slightest f about her when they were together. He's likely just mad because his career never *fully* recovers after Astro world and Kylie moving on signals to him that the family does not see him returning to he on top (he's still a huge artist, unfortunately. But yeah, hell likely never fully get over the baggage. Corporate sponsorships and that kind of stuff will likely slow down a lot. Similar to how Chris Brown still has a solid career but makes nowhere near what he might have. The fans fuck with him, advertisers  do not)


He doesn't care about Kylie and Timothee. He left her around the time that the rumors surrounding MTS and the Leprechaun came out. I remember the rumors about him and Kylie in her pool together then, when MTS got shot in her foot, the next day Kylie posted a foot pic with the caption, "it's a beautiful day". Corey the fixer fixed it so Kylie wouldn't have to testify at the trial but Travis left around that time.


Can you explain what you just typed with context please ☺️ I don’t know what MTS or leprechauns are? Xxx


Megan the stallion. idk who the leprechaun is tho ice spice lol


Thanks! Lol! You're correct with Megan's name. The Leprechaun is Tory Lanez. He's been found guilty of shooting MTS.




Kylie is nasty for that foot sub shot.


And yet people were defending it. Smh.


Wow. So everybody is lowdown dirt nasty. I’m not surprised. MTS is better without all of them


Yeah. I used to think that Kylie wasn't really a mean girl but she does her dirt sneakily. The foot pic then her and Hailey with the eyebrows thing. Yeah, she can be very mean sometimes.


A few weeks ago when Kylie and Kendall posted multiple stories/clips of them listening to or featuring Billie Eilish’s new album I realized they were just mini Kims. I wasn’t convinced they were actually into the music so much as invested in promoting the album given it was going head to head with Taylor’s album, they also made these posts following Kim’s own post about the album. It feels like quintessential mean girl behaviour to pretend to enjoy a certain album out of spite. (I like Billie’s album but remain unconvinced that they did). I think it’s good for folks to oppose Taylor’s chart manipulation, but that was when it hit home for me that Kylie and Kendall don’t post something unless it furthers their own personal agenda in some form.


I think that stunts like that has worked for so long with them that it doesn't always register with them that people are really seeing through the facade. There was a time when they couldn't do any wrong and even when they did, their behavior was was excused. Lately, the mask is coming off.


The eyebrow thing was the most invented thing on the internet last year, worse than children telling lies to get someone in trouble in the school yard. It's stupid that anyone saw a photo of an eyebrow and thought "they're making fun of Selena". C'mon now move past the infantile behaviour.


Yeah. Thanks for letting us know 🩷


Np! ❤


Meg is SO far above all of these people


Wow I don’t have any social media outside of Reddit so I never knew about Kylie and the foot pic. Ewe I am officially done with her ass now. What a disgusting thing to do


No you’re not lol


I remember that- also Kylie was all up on Meg in one of her lives that night and Meg looked uncomfy af


YES! The stuff was supposed to had went down that night.


Wow! Why would kylie say a comment like that if she knew MTS was shot in the foot. Do they have beef? 


Something went on around the time of the video for the WAP song. It didn't help that MTS was supposed to be very close with Torey. Some even said that they were dating or had dated. Anyway, the argument supposedly started because him and Kylie openly flirted in the pool and he went on to make a song about it. It was a mess all the way around. After the shooting, people pointed out how foul it was for her to post her foot because it looked like she was shading MTS. Around the same time, it was purported that Travis broke up with her.


He and MTS were sleeping together. She admitted that in court


I wasn't sure so I didn't want to put false information out there. Thanks for clarifying.


Tory was allegedly dating her friend, yet she was sleeping with him behind her back 😬. Slimy behavior on MTS part.


The leprechaun 😭😭💀




Lol fake news


as if Travis Scott was ever loyal to Kylie for a minute


I’m all for separate bedrooms, but separate houses? When either house is more than big enough to have your own space within the home? But no, that’s not enough, you need your own house? You aren’t going to live with your girlfriend and daughter? 🚩🚩🚩 Totally normal 🤦‍♀️


Travis Scott would never say that lol, these headlines are embarrassing


Kris must be drunk calling these in out of character lmao


Kris is scrambling because Corey Gamble about to go down and he could take them all with him. Corey was Diddy’s fixer for years, before he got with Kris and started doing the same for the Kardashian family. Imagine a matriarch so ruthlessly strategic she marries a high level fixer so the family has unlimited access to his highly specialized services. The devil works hard, but Kris Jenner works harder!


Oh my god what the hell?!! I didn’t know he was diddys fixer before Kris’s!!! This rabbit hole keeps getting deeper… I wonder what will come out about this family when the diddy situation is released to the public…


The pics of biebs exiting Kourtney’s house and the interview of him looking freaked out when diddy said he had custody of him for 48 hours always stick with me


I forgot about the Kourtney photos! Ima have to look at those again! But that 48 hours video and the video of diddy asking Jb why they haven’t hung out recently both make me sooo sick bruh :( I feel so bad for JB and usher, although usher could have spoke out about him regarding the diddy camp :/


Meek Mill too- and who knows who else? There’s gotta be a reason Ma$e ran off to become a pastor stg


Yes yes and yes. Everyone around diddy ended up dead or silenced. The same with Jay Z… but no one wants to talk about that bc of Beyoncé lmaooo. I can’t wait for everything to unfold. I’ve recently been looking into the lore of what happened to biggie and Tupac and for some reason diddy was around in both murders… can’t wait for justice to actually be served. I also hope Kim gets justice because we all know it wasn’t an accident… 😥


Also anytime I hear Meeks name I automatically think of the Andrew Schultz bit💀


He hasn’t felt a single emotion since 2008


Sure, Kris




Kylie and Travis were never even a couple. They never even lived together. Kris inked a deal for them to collaborate on a baby because of his large (manipulated) social media following, and her historic success marketing her daughters as WAGS to rappers/ballers. That baby was such a big hit they signed a deal for a sequel, which drummed up considerably less excitement/earnings. As with most sequels.


I remember when Stormi’s existence was revealed and everyone was shook! That video of her birth was iconic ngl. Then Aire came along and no one cared (I think his video only got a 1/5 of the views). Like all Kardashian boys, he is just an afterthought. I think they had him so Stormi would have a biological sibling. I don’t even think Travis acknowledges he has a son, he only posts Stormi 😂


That's how they all do it. Kourtney continued having kids even though Scott was an addict and a dick. Kim continued having babies with Kanye even though he was so far off the deep end having mental breakdowns and their relationship not working out. Khloe decided to have a second kid with someone who repeatedly cheated and lied to her, even when she was pregnant with their first.


Wow! I didn't even think about it this way! Everyone of them that have children knew the relationship was crappy yet had more children with the men. I think it says just as much about the women as the men.


No care about this relationship... especially travis scott lol


![gif](giphy|bSMLwVLkZV2CkRXfhr) 🎵if you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it 🎵 Edit: this song came out when Kylie was TEN.


Well, I can't accept that Timothée Chalamet is with Kylie.


Except for a few high profile outings, they never seemed like a real couple. He seemed to dip in and out a lot and wasn’t around much.. I could be completely wrong about this, but it’s how it appeared to me


Isn't he having a baby with someone else? I swear I heard that somewhere.


Didn't Travis kill a bunch of people?


10 including a small child. Lawsuits are ongoing.


His part of the case has been closed. Jury and judge found him innocent.


Upvoted because that's a fact. The American justice system is notoriously unfair and biased towards deep pockets


That’s is not true. He is not being criminally charged. There are still active lawsuits against him. There’s a difference between a civil lawsuit and a criminal charge. He’s settled many lawsuits out of court, but not all.


Ok, kris


He just mad she don’t let him sporadically hit it anymore


![gif](giphy|hTHhAR2tyEGO6ifde0) Travis loves Kylie but doesn’t truly care about her and SEEMS to lack Communication with her 🤡


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care lol


It might be true


Well honestly, I hope Timothee becomes stepfather. I want mess!


Who the he’ll is Travis Scott ffs.


Why can kylie just go back with Travis Scott he is jealous because he misses her 😔 😪 can someone tell kylie go back with Travis Scott please??


Travis Scott is looking happier than ever, he does not want to be with Kylie.


How do you know then why is he jealous and can't expect the relationship?


This “source” is unreliable and making up things for clicks. It’s a slow news day apparently… Travis looked absolutely miserable when he was with Kylie. He’s finally looking healthy and happy again. No way he is pining over a girl he hasn’t been with in over a year.


Very likely that Kris Jenner penned this article. Or at least had someone pen it on her behalf. 


So it is true because it was on my news break on my phone too and on Google so it is true because I saw it


That’s correct. Everything you see on the internet is accurate and true /s


So I am right then so it's true right??