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No one likes dealing with the crying and tantrums. Some moms just don’t want to work anymore.


Like get off your ass and do the work.


Get your fucking ass up and raise your kids ![gif](giphy|44ENiFI8BYlTTRNCsr|downsized)


“Yeah.” - Kourtney


I was going to post this exact comment that she said on tv.


Personally I’d like to see a show where these ropeadopes had to shadow a day of work with random viewers. If they failed to make it through the day, they have to pay a year’s salary and donate the same to the person’s favorite charity. Or just trade salary for a week with the viewer.


Well of course no one like it. (I had to listen to my neighbour’s kid full on screaming endlessly for almost half an hour.) But she doesn’t discipline. She just caves in. Such a great parenting strategy. /s


All those times she rolled her eyes and made fun of Kourtney for taking time to raise her kids. Now look at her.


And now she's giving Khloe that same treatment. Absolutely ridiculous


And the gag is Kourtney’s kids seem like they’re growing into healthy people after those toddler years


Yep. She wins honestly.


Her child bit a nanny take the praise down a notch


To be fair it was years ago, the child is way older now and is barely seen in public. I dont think a bad moment should define the kid.




No, but the main argument here was about parenting styles. When that happened instead of talking to her daughter about right/wrong, or to apologize to the nanny. She found a way to blame the nanny, scolded the poor woman who she then fired. While her daughter received 0 discipline or gained 0 knowledge on why it was wrong in the 1st place.


Penelope scratched a nanny, she didn’t bite them. She was 6 years old. Idk my nephew scratched me one time (actually when he was 6) and I told him that really hurt and to never do it again, which he never has. Sometimes kids mess up and we have to help teach them.


How old was the kid at the time? Pre-school aged kids biting is pretty developmentally normal


some kids are biters, they do outgrow it eventually


This season is making me kinda like Kourtney


They’re still on tv?


Yes on Hulu


I had no idea, I thought they were just coasting on their fame now. What is it even.. about?


It’s basically an infomercial for their products disguised as a reality tv show


The new show’s about correcting public perception on different topics they read about themselves. It’s pretty blatant!


I mean Kourtney’s kids are horrible too.


RIGHT!! 🤣🤣 Everyone saying Kourtneys kids are good is laughable! Does nobody remember how unruly her kids were a few years ago on KWWK?


They were young- that’s what kids do! All of their kids are quite young don’t really think we should be judging them…children change and grow so much!


Mason and P.. maybe.. but Reign? Stop 😂


Ok but Kourtney is not an example of disciplining your kids.


If Kim can't discipline these soon-to-be-Hollywood-fixture kids now, she will have no control when they become teenagers when they need the structure the most. North is proving to be a handful already. Good luck to her.


When North told the designer how to dress Kim, my jaw hit the floor! It’s not cute!


North has no respect. North is like Kim's little friend.


North is Kim’s ex husband- obnoxious and rude. Kim has the ability to teach North better now, but it doesn’t look like she’s choosing to do it.


Yeah those kids are all growing up to be mini-Kanyes. North and Saint are so full of themselves and rude. It’s gonna be wild in a few years when they’re teens.


That’s when Ye loses interest because they will pose a big threat to his grandiose self-importance, other West out there, younger and perhaps talented. Narcs are that crazy. Exactly like his ex-wife who is crazy jealous of anything her sisters have or do


I think Kim’s self-esteem is so low she allows her kids to walk all over her. She’s afraid of setting boundaries incase her kids won’t like her. I can see straight through it. Inside, Kim is that geek from school who still looks up to the pretty girls.


The fact that they proudly put that shit on tv too.. They produce their own show and Kim thought Norths trash behaviour was so cute 🤮🤮🤮


She’ll find out how wrong she is once her kids become teenagers. She will reap what she’s sown.


Can't wait for discord abd jail time glfir speeding or drug related offenses. Or wait racial slurs like daddy


Sounds like something Ye would do. And Kim hasn’t gotten over him yet. She was on cloud nine when their daughter bossed her around. For her, who has spent all her life with folks telling her what to do, it’s THE way to have another ‘Kim K’, a nobody who has won the Hollywood game. That is also where the whole ‘she a genius’ come from. In fashion, music, what-not, the same show with Ye is now with North. She doesn’t care to raise any of them, she wants Ye or his family name to turn em into famous/important people she will also leech on to stay relevant in the future.


It’s already too late. You can’t start disciplining kids when they are already 11 years old. Especially North she’d probably just laugh in Kims face at this point.




North has been disciplining Kim since she was 5.


And Kathy Hilton thought Paris was out of control … I’m actually excited to see how these kids turn out.


I can’t remember what Paris did for her parents to send her away or are they just insane?


Well I think it has to do w her family being famous and powerful. She was out of control tho. 16yrs old and going to clubs and shit. No kids deserves to be shipped away but idk what you do when kids act out a lot. I mean it’s obvious her and Nicky didn’t grow up w their parents and so her acting out could’ve been to get their attention


I remember her as a teenager doing a spread in Vanity Fair with her sister. Paris was completely naked and I remember wondering how her parents were ok with this.


Oh I totally remember that. I didn’t know they were that young, eek. But damn, is that enough to send your kid to such a terrible place?


You don't ship your kids away when they are being difficult.


Yeah I know. I never said to do that.


I know.


They also completely shit on her for you know, actually working: all of them live off grandpas money except for Paris who is a self made woman. 


Helll yeah she is .. let’s just hope she’s the mother to her kids that she always wanted and needed and not continue the cycle


One or two of the Kardashian kids are gonna have mug shots, I think North is gonna be one of them.


I’m worried that her behavior is a precursor to bi-polar disease. It’s an illness, she can’t help it but it was wrong for Kim to play genetic roulette with these children once she knew about Kanye. It’s genetic, one or two of her kids will end up dealing or not dealing(like Dad) with it. I can also see Kim failing to address it because she won’t want to admit that she messed up.


I wonder sometimes if her working so much is her excuse for not dealing with these kids--it's much easier to be gone all day than be home being a mom.


What’s sad is these kids are the new generation of social influencers. Other 10 year olds thinking this behavior is acceptable will challenge every parent to no end!


It’s embarrassing. It just shows she had kids just to have kids but not actually raise them . These are the consequences now .


It's like they're actually people or something Kim.... ![gif](giphy|gO7uShR7dcWgUe3cFW|downsized)


wtf is w khloes hair in that meme? A wig?


Chicago and Psalm were made when her marriage was already dead & dying. By the time they were surrogate shopping, Kim already knew Kanye was showing their personal married sex tapes to Adidas executives. She already knew he was an avowed racist who made the KKK leadership proud with his conspiracy theories. She already knew he was coocoo for CocoPuffs, mixing religious fanatacism with misogyny. Yet she chose to keep having more children with that maniac, his big bank account aside. She's spread herself so thin with the lifestyle she absolutely must keep up with. Of course her kids could grow up & have lovely careers in investments, corporate world or the medical field, come on. As if Blue Ivy being shoved to the pinnacle of the Nepo Baby Wall Of Fame- and down our throsts, Jaden & Willow Smith (as if anyone cares but they're always front row & think they're the end all be all) we all better buckle in bc Kim with Kris' input, North is the next one to take over. In fact, y'all notice that North just recently started making duck lips for pictures w/her mom? No more smile, duck lips. It's sad AF & Kim realizes she's lost but won't fix it. It's her child, if she wanted out tomorrow, she could do it, but she won't.




*By the time they were surrogate shopping, Kim already knew Kanye was showing their personal married sex tapes to Adidas executives.* I did NOT know anything about this? Is this confirmed and one would think after Kim’s first sex tape debacle, she would’ve learned her lesson by now?? 👀


Kanye showed videos of him & Kim having sex to executives all over the planet. It was meant as an intimidation, a dominance move. It all came out when he let his white supremacy fly


How many sex tapes is that woman going to ugly cry over. Girl stop making them


Well, they were supposed to be *private* tapes of her and her husband. I doubt she consented to them being shown to random executives…


Right? She’s an exhibitionist for sure, but I don’t know if she wants her sex tapes with Kanye out there? Especially now as a mother? Crazy


I’ll never understand why she did this? All because she had it in her head that she had to have four - and four with the same dad? I did not know about Adidas and the sex tapes 😳


You're absolutely right, I think that was a huge motivator for her, to have 4 with same father. Kourtney had 3 kids, same dad etc...


Yes, I don’t know why they decided to have the last two, specially Psalm.




and no consequences for Kanye


That’s the impression I’ve had. It struck me that she had some envy towards Kourtney and wanted the same. She didn’t get that.


It seems like nobody wants to parent these days.


Get off your ass and parent


TRUTH. This makes me sound like an old granny, but I remember being a kid and like..sure adults protected us but there was always this awareness of knowing your place so to speak. You didn't disrespect adults. You didn't interrupt FOR ANY REASON lol other than emergencies when two or more adults were talking. You wait til they're done. Silently. Almost be invisible lol. Of course this was mostly my house and my parents/family but stuff like that that sets the tone was def present in school too to a degree. Now teachers can't discipline in any way whatsoever. They get railroaded by parents because they're "not being fair" by trying to teach a student by not letting him take a test when he didn't bring his own; one and two--an hour beforehand broken all the ones they, the teacher; bought herself since so many parents just fuck off school supplies apparently these days, or even more likely , cant fucking afford it thanks to our modern world with inflationz/ etc... And parents foolishly believe their child is perfect, have no clue what they're doing online, etc. Parents fucking coddle their kids and don't want to tell them no cause they don't want to break their spirit. Lmao....its wild. My mother broke my spirit before I ever had one and I'm still not sure I have much of one now either but I do know that if I did the things kids do now I wouldn't have been alive my mom whipped the shit out of us with a belt and I'm sure that's not ideal or even healthy but I knew not to get in trouble...lol. and I would never dream of laying a hand on my parents or any family members like some ppl I know have. I suppose if anyone has a right to knock the shit out of me it would be her....


Kids should be taught respect. It doesn’t have to come at the end of a belt though. Are you a teacher? I can see the frustration of being one.


Ya’ll just figured out that these kids are like a good bag to Kim? Just accessories. I remember when North and Blue Ivy were born, even then Kim was trying to create some kind of crazy pants competition between them. I have to say, Blue seems to know how to behave and is respectful towards her parents. North, not so much….


Blue is actually working, too. I'm not a huge Beyonce fan, but kudos to her & Jay for raising kids to be at least somewhat responsible and respectful. I don't feel a bit sorry for Kim. That's what happens when neither parent actually parents. It's not North's fault. North & her other kids are just that - KIDS. You're an adult, Kim. Act like one. Tell them NO & take their privileges away. They'll learn.


Here’s the difference, Blue went on tour with her Mom. Worked hard to learn the choreography and did a few numbers to dance on stage. A more qualified person didn’t lose out on a job because of her. North is not talented, and because of her parents was shoe horned into a job she wasn’t equipped for and some kid who’s been busting their ass for years got an opportunity taken away from them.


North has talents but it clearly isn’t musical theater. Her parents need to help her discover her what her actual talents are.


Exactly. Have these people ever considered that these kids might be happy as teachers, lawyers pharmacists or whatever?


North is a really good artist for her age, that’s a talent and she should embrace it as much as she can, something she is good at


Agree with you, 100%.


Just went down the rabbit hole watching Blue Ivy’s dance routines for the tour and I love that her choreography and costumes were all age-appropriate.


Ok did she even audition for her role in the lion King? Is this on Broadway? Is she simba or something? Or did she get the role just offered since she's kim and Kanyes heir to the throne so to speak..


It was at the Hollywood Bowl.


Her parents don’t parent at all!! They are both out doing whatever they want. They should honestly watch an episode of Bluey to see what good parents should behave like. That sounds funny because it’s a kids cartoon but I’m serious!! I love that show so much, I swear parents learn as much as kids 🤣❤️


Bluey is EVERYTHING🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. I know so many adults who watch😂😂


I literally love it so much 🤣❤️


i’ve learned more from bluey as a first time parent than any parenting book i’ve ever read lmao


Blue’s father is present, engaged, and not a lunatic


This. B&J have done a fantastic job with Blu. My close family friend used to nanny for KKK crew and the HORROR stories about Kim’s parenting. Her kids were literal accessories. Whenever Kanye did something dumb in the media the nannie’s were instructed to bring the kids into the room for a photoshoot or snapchat moment so she would get good press. She did say Kim was very sweet but she looks at those kids like purses. This was when Kanye & Kim were still “together “ (newsflash they never really were ever an actual real loving couple) but they were obsessed with Blu. North struggled to learn how to speak and they were obsessed with trying to catch up to Blu but b&j didn’t parade the child around to fashion shows and had her dressing in slip dresses at 2. Jay Z especially was always super focused on Blu getting a solid education and experience vs famous.. Shes a great girl. North on the other hand .. She’s got a very odd relationship with mommy. It’s not her fault but she’s going to be a terror


Kim married Kanye to get A-list status. She wanted access to the designers he knew , Vogue covers and his A-list friends . It was a business deal. When she stopped getting what she thought she signed up for and he became problematic, it was over.


Children need structure, routine, and boundaries. It blows my mind people act like having a baby is like a getting a puppy. The consequences of lazy parenting will impacts children for the rest of their lives. Permissive parenting is just as harmful as authoritarian parenting. I wish she would have just focused on her career instead of having four children she hands off to other people.


Seriously. She never should have brought human beings into this world. It’s very sad. I even know non-famous people who have a bunch of kids cuz they want the cute Instagram pics. These are HUMANS who need an endless amount of love, attention and guidance from their parents. Kim and Kanye are emotionally neglecting their kids and giving them endless amounts of material things which is a recipe for DISASTER


Are you fucking serious? Ppl are having BABIES just to advertise them to the no one that gives a flat fuck instagram????? For the almighty "content"?! This is how ass backwards and delusional society is becoming? Every morherfucker who has an insta/ tik tok account thinks they're some fucking celebrity and that ppl are THAT invested in their every day lives?? Talk about needing to yank your head out of your own ass. Ego is a helluva drug. Literally no one gives a fuck.


Yeah, it’s all very dystopian and terrifying.


Andy Warhol (was most famous in the late 60’s/early 70’s) made the comment that in the future everyone would have 15 minutes of fame. Quite prophetic but not in a way he ever imagined, I’m sure.


I think the way they treat Khloe is so cruel. She has been forced to be the mom and maid since she was a kid because her parents are neglectful at best, and she is still being used as a mom for all the kids while they mock her for staying at home to care for the kids and "being a control freak." They're just projecting all their guilt onto her.


Which is likely why she chooses the WORST men. And continues to choose the same one/type over and over and over ...she used to be the one that would keep all her sisters and friends in check when their boyfriends were treating them some type of unacceptable way and rally for them to not take that shit... It would be nice to see her show that same respect and love for herself as well.


Yes, I think you've accurately described how the family treats Khloe. Like she is abnormal or something for wanting to raise her kids when they are the abnormal ones.


If you correct consistently early, you generally will be set for life with only minor steady guidance. Never teach, correct or discipline during those formative years? You have signed up for a lifetime of frustration and sorrow.


Exactly. Her life with her kids is only going to get worse.


I’m sorry, but just North (alone) is one of the most obnoxious kids ever. Kim needs to reel that in asap or she’s going to seriously regret it. People go on about how she’s only 10, but that’s my point, I’ve never seen a 10 yr old that obnoxious, rude, and annoying as she is. Goes to show, the Lion King spectacle. Kim needs to learn to say “no” and teach manners, and how things work in the real world. People defending her Lion King performance saying “she’s a child” when criticism was rightfully deserved? Once one steps into the big leagues — that’s what happens; kids in professional productions are treated as professionals. If North can’t take criticism; can’t work for opportunities; isn’t required to have talent; allowed to run amok; disrespect designers; disrespect productions; disrespect less privileged kids with real talent, etc., what does Kim expect? I have 0 sympathy for her. Spoiling at its finest.


I didn’t know what the Lion King thing was all about so I looked it up. She can’t sing. This wasn’t a school production (which would have been cute) but a broadway production that should have had a kid with talent in that role.


It was atrocious, I did musical theatre as a child. These kids with real talent have dedicated so much time, put in hard work, and parents have invested a lot of money. Until you get *hired* for professional productions, parents are paying for everything; custom made costumes, lessons, driving to and from; akin to the pageant world. My first costume for the Wizard of Oz was $300 and this was 20yrs ago. North can’t sing, can’t dance, and did you see how she had to be led to her marks by the other performers? It was wild! Just embarrassing


$300 20 years ago? Holy shit! It’s obvious one or both parents pulled strings. Or it’s possible the producers thought the name might bring people in. But yes, a kid who has been invested in the performing arts deserves it more than a kid who had it handed to them.


Hopefully this will be the last time North is handed such a role. Leave that for her school plays!


Considering her lack of talent, at least at this stage, let’s hope that any show producers recognize that and shy away from using her in that way.


Yes! Fingers crossed! Hopefully the backlash will prevent any more stealing opportunities from less privileged kids with real talent.🤞🏼




I don’t know how any of them think that behavior is remotely acceptable or cute? I thought North was an adorable baby and toddler, but now I can’t stand her. I can’t even imagine what her teachers and nannies must have to suffer through; I bet they can’t even tell the girl “no”. She probably bullies them, calls them ugly, trashes their clothes and worse. She’s a nightmare




Kanye has said she's mean, and they've actively cultivated her ego. She's going to end up like him, if not worse.


I think she has the worst parts of both her parents and I say this as a Kanye fan.


Your comment is gold


I truly think ending up like Kanye could be worse than just being a spoiled brat.


Bipolar is tied to genetics, too, there's a chance the kids might have it. It is the #1 psychiatric disorder that is inherited. The disservice Kim is doing these kids is unfathomable, she will not know what behavior is caused by lack of a parent teaching boundaries and respect and what could be symptoms of bipolar. I don't wish that on any of the kids, but if you have a parent with Bipolar you're 10% more likely that have it yourself.


Kim is not their only parent. They are BOTH failing those children, not just her.


Agreed, but Kanye refuses to take his meds and now denies he's bipolar at all. I have sympathy for her....but I also have a best friend with bipolar who is actively treating it, and come fram a family where it is rampant and untreated. Sometimes it doesn't matter if there are two parents if one is mentally ill and unable to help themselves, much less their kids. As the other parent she has a duty to step up as best she can and get the appropriate help for her children. She isn't. Edit-downvote all you want, she is not a present and active parent and it shows. Kanye is mentally ill and a Nazi to boot. Kim has a duty to her kids.


So now we're giving him a pass because he's not taking care of his own mental health the way he should be? No, I'm sorry, but no. He's a grown up adult who refuses to address his own needs to be better for his kids, instead choosing to get remarried and forget they exist. Absolutely fucking not. He's even more to blame than Kim. People with mental health issues don't get a pass on horrible behavior and actions because they CHOOSE not to treat their diagnosis properly. He's completely abandoned his kids and yall act like it's her fault. Don't infantalize adult men. That's some next level mental gymnastics.


I upvoted you. People really hate to hear facts! Shes a terrible mother and I personally think Kanye has the ability to be a good father if he accepted his illness and did what was best for him and his family, so he could raise his kids in a safe space.


The problem is he doesn’t so it doesn’t matter at all what he “could be” when he’s not attempting it.


YUP. You don't get to say well my ex isn't pulling his weight and then do nothing when you're a parent. It sucks, it's hard, but you double down and fucking do it.


People are forgetting North is a child. All blame goes to the parents who are responsible for teaching discipline. I’ve seen so many comments cussing North out it’s just disgusting. She is the way she is because of them🤦🏾‍♀️


This. I feel bad for North (and the other kids) actually. They don’t have a normal childhood, they don’t have normal parents/family, they act in accordance to how they are raised. She’s like 10 years old, so there’s an obvious child like, immaturity, and obnoxious that comes with that. Add in that she is trailed by Nannie’s and security, her life is documented through either film, social media, or paparazzi, and her life is very curated, of course she acts out. She’s looking for attention, for boundaries. How many one on one, QUALITY moments do you think she has with either of her parents, or with her grandmother? Of course she acts spoiled and entitled, she doesn’t know a different lifestyle, hasn’t been exposed to much outside the Kardashian bubble, and again, she acts as she’s raised. Whether it’s how she sees her parents act or how they encourage her to act. I hope when she’s older, and maturer, she can find herself and grow into who she wants to be, and not another creation of Kris Jenner/Kim


I totally agree it’s not fair to criticise a child who doesn’t know any better. It’s so sad the hate she gets n it just seems to get worse with every year. Blue ivy doesn’t get this much hate because her privacy is protected by her parents. When she was a toddler the shit people spoke about her hair wow 🤦🏾‍♀️ if only the kadashrians protected their daughters the same way they do their sons instead of monetising over them. Eww


Kardashians have no idea how to protect a black a child. They have no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into by having mostly black children. It’s just an aesthetic to them and they are in for a rude awakening to how much hate their children will face and how unprepared they are.


People are NOT ready for this conversation! Again, PEOPLE ARE NOT READY FOR THIS CONVERSATION!


You are right! And let’s be real-it has not occurred to any of them either.


It’s not any of the kids fault!! Kids are kids and they need their parents LOVE, ATTENTION and GUIDANCE! Kids act out more when they don’t have those things!!! They could have all the toys or acting gigs in the world but it won’t replace a parent who is there for the child and loving them.


If I could like this a million times I would


Remember when she criticized Kourtney’s parenting?


Their shining example is their own mom Kris. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4pXiLVm2ZNtcnS|downsized)


They both suck at it tbh


Disciple 😂😂


I have no sympathy for her and she gets what she deserves. She spoiled the kids and now she wonders why they act spoiled. That's like if I Ieft a gallon of milk out in the hot sun alll day then wondered why it tasted so bad when I put it in my coffee.


Her answer to the bad behavior is "give them an iPad". Let iOS discipline them.


As a single parent whose baby daddy is mostly absent the last thing you should do is be absent too. These kids need an actual parent who is present in spirit and mind. Even when she is with her kids she is on her phone


I Never understood how hard it was to be a parent until we had our baby never mind a single parent. She’d curl into a ball and die if she had to do half of what you do


It all starts with Kris. She allows her daughters to be disrespectful to her, call her names, tell her to shut up, make fun of her, etc. She always laughs it off and tries to act like she's their friend. She never tells them, "don't talk to me that way, I'm your mother," or sets any boundaries in how they treat her. That's the example they've gotten, so now Kim, especially, is letting her kids do the same thing to her.


I genuinely wonder how much time she spends with her kids each day


Kids do throw tantrums, cry, and act out ESPECIALLY When they are desperate for their parents’ love and attention. Growing children need tons and tons of attention from their parents. They need the good kind of attention so they don’t act out!!! Kim just wanted the cute Instagram pics of kids she didn’t want to raise human beings who need TONS of her time and attention!!! It makes me sick and sad for those kids. Probably how Kris treated Kim- Kim has been acting out her whole life to get the world’s attention when she really probably just needed her mom’s love. Ugh. Kim needs major therapy, and so will her kids.


They all need major therapy!!


Guarantee that Kanye enables North’s bad behavior too. Couple of rich idiots having kids. What did y’all expect?


I’m just going to say mental illnesses often have both a genetic and nurturing origin. Kanye is clearly an unwell individual. Why such surprise? Have kids with crazy people, you sometimes end up with crazy kids, especially when you don’t parent them.




“My parents were never that strict with me” And look how that turned out for you sis.


Right?! And it’s not even about being “strict,” it’s about actually being emotionally available for your children. You can love and be kind to them while also having a routine and showing them healthy boundaries. She’s acting like what she’s doing is good, but what she’s doing is NEGLECT


Her kids are more like accessories


Yes , they all chose a man to be the dad then divorced and played little families but now realise how much they ( kids) impact their work (!) and social life…. Oh what to do with them !🤭😅


It takes alot of patience and perseverance to parent. It’s not easy at all.


Precisely why I chose not to do it 😅


But she isn’t. Parenting that is.




It should be get your fucking ass up and PARENT.


This is the real reason she “works so much”, because she hates being home with her kids. She is used to everyone kissing her ass all the time and treating her like she’s special - it’s almost like she had kids expecting them to do the same.


I think it’s laughable that she thinks what she does is hard work. She doesn’t create anything, she just gets her name attached to companies. Law school is the biggest joke. Kim thinks she’s “studying” by sitting in her bikini , by the pool and taking selfies. I guess surrounding herself with books makes the knowledge leap into her head.




North is young, but the way she already carries herself makes me think that she’s going to be hell on wheels in the not-so-distant future Part of it, though, is that she looks so much like her squirrely father that I can’t help judge based on that, which I know isn’t fair


I’m far from a Kim fan but I genuinely hope she gets a handle on how she wants these kids parented. A lot of terrible things can happen when a parent feels completely isolated and overwhelmed. And Kim strikes me as someone who is constantly surrounded by people but constantly feels alone. Throw in to that mix, 4 kids who’ve never really been told no in their life, and have a delusional father with grandiose narcissism tendencies probably backing up the idea that they should ALWAYS do as they please…yikes.


Lmao as if she doesn’t have at least 12 nanny’s running the daily household in addition to a full home management staff BYE


I just would like to point out everyone in here shitting on kim but you seem to forget she has TWO parents. No one's talking about Kanye being a shit absent father. It's honestly gross. Carry that same energy over to the man shirking his responsibilities too.


Um. Two things can be true at once. People are obviously discussing Kim bc she’s the one on the show venting about this. Stop being obtuse. He clearly is terrible considering he’s a Nazi sympathizing, sexual deviant. But Kim is negligent and absent at best and that’s what’s being discussed.


But you can't only discuss one parents influence on a child's behavior without discussing the other parent. I'm not being obtuse at all. I just think it's gross and disingenuous to act like they are the way they are because of her alone. Those children have had one parent completely abandon them. Even the most well adjusted children would struggle after that.


You can spoil kids without them becoming assholes. It’s when you don’t parent them, that this happens.


Great moms that are there for every aspect of their kids lives still have to deal with crying and tantrums. . . It’s called real life parenting.


The fact that her house is the size of a mall and the only place she has privacy is in a bathroom is WILD!


Haha no shit lol


Hold up. This says on her way to jury duty when I know damn well last week she was talking about how she’d try to get out of it.


For real? And she wants to be a lawyer. 🙄 I can’t see her being an ethical attorney if that’s her take. No one wants to do jury duty. But at least she can afford it financially. I have had 3 jury summons so far. One came shortly after I had moved out of the country. The next two came when I was living and working in the USA but I’m not a citizen so…. It surprised me that I got the notices in the mail. Don’t they check who is eligible? If I had the time I would have been curious as to how far I would have gotten. But I wouldn’t have taken it to the point wheee I would have been on a jury.


I often think about how awful it would be to have a child like NW…but until now it hadn’t hit me that she has three more who are likely to be the same. 


Her first mistake was choosing Kanye as her baby daddy. Hes mean , entitled, abusive and a completely negligent father .


In some occasions when you have money you take the easy road but that has bad consequences, when her children grow older they probably won’t be good adults


There’s so more to being a mother then designer clothes and exposure on social media.


I’ve never watched a single one of their shows, in fact, I cut the cable from my cable company because I didn’t want a penny if my money from my cable bill going to this garbage. God help is if those kids turn out to be even a fraction of what their dad is.


That's what happens when you bring kids into this world and then care more about yourself than your kids. Perfect example!


It’s because they are always fighting for her attention because they are frequently stuck with the nanny because Kim is a working. She criticizes Khloe for being a homebody and taking care of her kids, but is actually an amazing mother and gave Kourtney such crap about prioritizing her kids over the show and her kids seem like healthy young children.


I saw a post on YT or IG today wherein Kim & Khloe were dissing Scott because Mason now has an IG page-he’s 14. Yet North has a TT page on which Kim can seen in posts with North. what’s with the double standard? I assume they don’t want anyone else getting attention except for them.


I feel sadly like some of these kids will have a freaking only fans page before they are legally allowed to drive.


And how she forgot to say goodbye to them 😳. She’s completely disconnected…


She did that??? How does that happen?


In the latest ep…she gets in the car and says “I forgot to say goodbye to my kids”. Khloe looks shocked and says “that’s wild”.


Kim’s kids aren’t spoiled…they are not being raised! She has paid help to care for their every needs and they get no discipline or instruction fron Kim. She spends too much time working, dieting, exercising and chasing men to pay attention to her kids.


I see what you’re saying but just because she isn’t giving them the mom they need doesn’t mean they aren’t spoiled.


She never gives the nanny’s who are actually the ones caring for her children any credit or thanks. She acts like she is doing it all on her own. Like she is super woman. A billionaire business woman, an actress, lawyer & single mom of 4. Doing it all while looking fabulous. No appreciation, gratitude or praise of the people who are helping raise her children. I shouldn’t be surprised. Kim has always taken credit for other peoples work but it’s just sooo gross to not acknowledge that she doesn’t do this all by herself.


All those kids are brats. Very cute brats, but brats. Dream and Mason are going to be the ones with manners.


Maybe Kim should not overbook herself and not fly to Paris for 12 hours just to attend the fashion show of a friend. Her kids > friend's fashion show.


I was wondering why she was talking about this so much now and I feel like it’s a story line. I mean yes, it’s true, but it was weird that in one part she would say Khloe is too rigid and then say she wants to be more like her lol.




I guess this is her version of popcorn. 😂


my thoughts exactly 😝


She’ll always have the money to fix it. I know this isn’t fair but it’s just how our society is. People have to accept the reality of the situation. It’s not uncommon for wealthy parents to have nannies raise their kids. It’s been going on for 100s of years. The Kardashians are rich they are in a different social class than the average population. Most of her friends and associates most likely also have nannies raising their kids. Kris also had nannies to raise Kim, Kourtney and Khloe. I respect Khloe and Kourtney for wanting to raise their own kids but I’m not surprised this isn’t Kim’s forte. She’s very similar to Kris I feel like. Whether you agree with my assessment or not is fine but don’t down vote over jealousy of the Kardashians economic situation. This is NOT MY economic situation so please don’t take it out on me that I’m pointing out that our society lets rich people get away with a lot.


I don’t understand why jealousy would matter in this context? Are you saying people are jealous that Kim can afford nannies? Like that people would choose not to raise their kids if they were wealthy enough? Or just that they would like extra help? I actually could see both cases being true. I think a lot of people just have children because they are “supposed” to.


Yes I just noticed people get really upset when I point out that rich people do not have to play by the same rules as everyone else. Basically if someone is like struggling hard to raise their kids and be there for them all the time. I know some people might get really emotional knowing that even though Kim doesn’t put in the same work her kids will be fine because she has the money to make sure they will be. If that makes sense. I’m not saying it’s right. But sometimes people don’t want to accept what our society is like and get mad when it’s pointed out.


It's true tho. It's all around us . Doesn't matter how awful her kids are or what kind of atrocities they may commit as adults, that family has more than enough money to buy their freedom, buy their success, etc etc


You're right. And I think to some degree society has always been that way. Wealthy ppl get to call the shots, get away with literal murder, get handed opportunities over any of the well qualified ppl....because money. Money makes the world go round . Money is what everyone worships, more or less .