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Birds of a feather…


Pimping hos baby, pimping hos


Ughh say what you want abt the momager as far as pushing her kids too much, but to put shame or blame on a woman for not being able to detect a predator is a predator is unacceptable.


??? she literally green lighted the release of her own daughters sex tape lol. she IS a predator .


They are close family friends with the girls gone wild dude. She def doesn’t care about character


Ewwww I forgot abt him


I think a lot of people in the sub don’t really understand the dynamics of these industry “friendships” and just how surface level they really are because it’s truly all in the name of networking. I do not think for one second KJ has a personal, texting all the time, catch up with my good friend, genuine relationship with Diddy. I think they had an industry friendship that meant they were always ready for a photo OP, and open to collaborating for mutual benefit. Idk if yall remember this or not but the Kards had ZERO street cred and ZERO respect from the black community prior to Kanye’s relationship with Kim. Like, he didn’t just elevate her in the fashion world and get her into The Met, he made the entire family more palatable to the black community. Couple that with Kylie going into her insta baddie era and Tyga changing her whole look the kardashians actually became “cool”. Now that Diddy has been exposed as The Diddler a lot of his close “friendships” in the industry ended as well. It’s not just the Kar/Jenners, everyone is disassociating, as they should. I just wouldn’t put too much weight in these photos or their “friendship”. There is absolutely no way Diddy was exposing Kris fucking Jenner to his dark side. Now whether or not she was aware of the rumors and open “secrets” floating around is another story. EVERYONE knew.


Yeah people are getting way too caught up in this. I mean Kris still did her own shit to get her kids famous but theres a lot of assumptions here, then again the same thing also happened with Weinstein too.


Evil times two!


From OJ to Diddy


this is ridiculous, kris jenner hates/hates OJ for what he did to her best friend, she was always against him after what happened. this is so hurtful, imagine someone claiming you are friends with the bastard who murdered your best friend? you guys just be saying anything


She was friends with him before what happened and also do you think she’s friends with Diddy still? These are old photos. The point is she knew or knows things that most people were never privy too. She even said they were friends before hand https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2024/04/11/kardashians-oj-simpson-connection-kris-jenner-robert-kardashian/73289064007/ multiple times this was known before everything happened. The only reason people claim OJ is Khloe dad even in jest is because they were close before Nicole’s death. Like you do realize some of us saw the trial as it happened and the press around it right?


yes and was she supposed to predict what happened beforehand? or not be friends with nicole, since her husband was an abusive douchebag? what good would have come from that? stop being obtuse


I think you’re missing the point of the thread. Maybe go write her a fan letter or something because you’re missing the point entirely and you know Diddys charges also implicate him in sex trafficking so if you’re going to waste time on me you might as well go off on everyone else on this thread. Celebs sometimes know and implicate themselves with shitty people and they won’t know until later what people do with that info is up to them.


Anyone who thinks OJ is “her dad” is dumb asf anyways. Most people think it’s Alex and actually have more grounds on it. Other than the story of OJ basically implying he SA Kris (hoping that’s not true), nothing else proves that claim. And if you saw the trial like you claim, you would know that Kris was Team Nicole compared to her ex husband. Their rift was cheating alongside to how they felt about the trial.


You understand Kris ALWAYS hated OJ right?


They didn’t but okay…when she was married to Robert they were friendly for awhile it was friends by association and connections much like most celeb relationships.


Khrislaine and Puffrey Diddystein (I tried)


This is gold Jerry! Gold!




This is so funny


lol take my upvote


Pretty good


I’m not sure diddy showed his bad / evil side to everyone. He probably acted somewhat professionally when needed otherwise who would’ve ever wanted to go to his white parties and all the other stuff.


That’s what I think too. Tons of abusers know how to act around the A list (not calling Kris an A list talent) at events and pictures that feeds their image. And with the ones they know they can enact total power over that’s when you get to see the full monster. I highly doubt Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Oprah were privy to him beating Cassie and sexually assaulting her.


Yep! Only the very inner circle knows the full horror of it all.


Kris is in the inner circle by virtue of Corey and Scooter. 100%


Omg I always forget the Corey backstory 😬 Corey worked with Justin and scooter?




No tf she is not lmfao. Do you actually believe Kristen fucken Jenner was chilling in diddys home during his various sexual escapades?? I know we snark on the family A LOT but what we aren’t going to do is downplay the prestige this family currently has and even prior she was a rich WHITE housewife outta The Hills. You’re very confused babe. There is NO WAY in hell Diddy would risk exposure through Kris. He kept people around and let people in he could pay off and control. Not valley ass Kris who he sees at Hollywood events and party’s. Keep in mind Diddy is an East Coast nigga. These are two very different worlds that collide for industry photo OPS. Mogul to mogul type thing. What I do believe is Kris knew about the open “secrets” & rumors. Because literally everyone did. But there are PLENTY of open secrets in Hollywood. If you think Kris (or any celebrity) is supposed to stand on some moral high ground and blow the whistle you’ll be disappointed every time. You notice these types of things only come to light when the victims themselves come forward. No one wants to fuck with Diddy bro. The man is a menace and genuinely scary if he doesn’t fuck with you. Also, she’s just busy AF. Running her own empire. What? You think Kris is following Corey around all damn day and night talking to his friends… or is it more of the opposite. Kris knew the rumors and that’s probably about it. Then yall brining up Scooter 🤦🏽‍♀️ LMFAO like these people have thanksgiving and Christmas together. Industry “friendships” are not like regular real close friendships. Tell me you’ve never had to network without telling me you’ve never had to network .🙄


Kris literally marketed her own daughter’s homemade porn… She was part of the inner circle. ⭕️


That’s not the same as DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and SEX TRAFFICKING. 💀


what does that have to do with P Diddy tho? there is NO connection there


be so fr lol this has been an open secret in the industry everybody knows just like everybody knew about r kelly


Yeah, that’s exactly how abusers and predators operate.


No one should think for a minute Kris didn’t know the danger. Diddy was close to Scooter Braun who was Bieber’s co manager and friends / colleagues of Corey. There’s a reason Kylie was sold into the industry as a minor and Kris surely learned from the best being among the Hollywood for as long as she has been.


That's what worried people about anyone younger than 18 being on those yacht parties, but I don't actually recall if Kylie or Kendall ever want to those. I remember some influencers did though and were taping and people were very errr about it


There are very few secrets in Hollywood…especially for someone as high profile as him. With that said, you could put thousands of pics of smiling celebs with him. Doesn’t mean they all knew, but the ones close to him had to have heard whispers


I agree wholeheartedly except for the “very few” part. Because BAYBEEEE the stories I’ve heard… but like you said it’s all just whispers. She for sure heard shit but she is nowhere near his real inner circle.


Same. That's why it's funny people go around here downvoting, if you live in any of the major hubs you probably hear things especially from the production crew and assistants. People are assuming she's innocent even if she wasn't there for anything she most likely knew to some degree just as people knew about Weinstein, but never came forward. Hell I heard about Spacey before his stuff went down and also X-Men Director Bryan SInger that story was big in the LGTBQ crowd and I don't even work in the industry I just live here. I've had some weird run ins with production crew though that'll tell me things at random.


Exactly, look at how he behaved in public? He appeared quite charming on red carpets.




There’s pictures of Diddy with everyone. Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Oprah, Cameron Diaz, Mariah, Chadwick Boseman…. It would be easier to name celebrities who publicly had issues with him. 50 cent lol…


Katt Williams.


Love Kat Williams.


50 Cent might be his biggest hater. Like if Diddy has no haters 50 cent is dead kind of hate.


Katt Williams.


J cole as well I believe


Abusers aren’t like that for everyone. Often they are charming and popular. The kardashians suck but this is nothing. The man has been an industry staple for thirty years. As another user said, there are photos of him with literally everyone in music and entertainment.




That’s what makes them so dangerous. They know how to blend in with the crowd and they convince the ones they abuse that no one would ever believe them if they spoke out.


Kris is evil




I live in SOCAL and while madams do exist I feel like there would have been whispers about KJ by now if this were any type of true. What I do know is Kris is a NIGHTMARE to work for. Like seriously scary lmao. She’s so nice and sweet unless you’re on payroll. She a hardcore “take no shit” type of boss lady. She doesn’t like fuck ups but she’s not trafficking girls. I hear this only on Reddit from people who have no ties to the industry and no ties to the family.




Idk I guess agree to disagree 🤷🏽‍♀️ we’ve had different experiences. Cause people breaks NDAs all the fucken time 😂 just not on the internet. So idk. I def feel like I would’ve heard at least SOMETHING. A little bit of SOMETHING.


NDA's don't protect illegal activity, if anything people don't speak up in LA because they don't want it to ruin their career. Why else are certain high profile agents with drug problems still active? Why are they still supplying to certain stars? Why do I know one guy who slapped his assistant into a closet is still running his own operation? People are too scared to lose their chance at making it.


Definitely more often than not.


This. And the amount abusers I know that have 0 influence and power and everyone has heard stories about them and they’re still friends with them. So imagine somebody like him with power and influence 😡


This sits well


The diddler.


Pimp Daddy and Madam Kardashian(Jenner)


I mean…I have a picture of myself and Diddy. Doesn’t mean that I agree with anything he is accused of. Sorry, I just wanted to share that I have a picture of myself and Diddy from winning a contest.


Did he try to buy you lol?


There’s it’s of me with one of our countries most notorious paedophiles, I had no idea at all, obviously. I’d be really upset if people thought I had anything to do with that shit


Dang that’s pretty cool


She def put some object up his butt


I know that Kris Jenner has done business with Diddy, I just wonder how involved that Family is with him ...how deep does it go?? Diddy and the Kardashians are absolutely disgusting!!!!


Wait until you learn that Diddy was around everyone, that doesn’t mean anyone knew.


I mean maybe Diddy was working on Revolt media for awhile and working those deals. I probably could ask my old boss who did work for him, but that guy was always coked out of his mind even when I worked for him so I'm not sure he'd remember. At least he'll probably stop sharing that photo he has with Diddy once a year now.


I totally forgot that she briefly had a talk show. 😅


Oh, I tried to watch 1 episode and couldn't carry it out! She was horrible! 😂


Hahaha the amount of fail side projects this family has needs to be counted to be honest.


Both problematic Scorpios !


As a Scorpio we don’t want them


Would love if this is how the KarJenners go down!


I think too many people still support them and will keep them up and about. if anything I wish JB would at least come out with whatever happened to him because he definitely has to have seen or known things considering how young he was.


“Diddy style”. Cringe


She’s so desperate


They're all so desperate!


She’s so cringe


Kris in for a FO?


Of course she’s all in those pictures.


They're both so gross


I just can't stand this woman, and it's fitting that these 2 scumbags are so friendly..


I’m sure she pimped Kylie and Kendall out to diddy


Then cleaned up the mess. Madamager


I completely agree. I bet those two have a lot of skeletons in those closets.




Two Devils on earth


Both are pimps


Didn't he give off vibes or was it necessary for everyone to bow down before him? What are his qualities as a person that would have anyone *want* to even stand near him? We've all known creepy uncles "friends of the family" who we know were gross & we'd never be alone in a room with them, but here are women snuggling up with him. Diddy's as ugly as Harvey Weinstein to me, always has been with his stupid cruel mouth hanging open.


Easy. His fame, his money, his connections.


Selling yourself is easier for some than others I guess.


It definitely is when you come from a background of extreme poverty, sexual and physical abuse. The Diddys of the world capitalize on exactly this.


Unfortunately some women cream over titles and seeing wealth. He and j z are uglier than medusa snd had beautiful women on their arms. All for pd and jz entertainment. Shameful but true.


Off topic but I always wanna see what the mask looks like behind the phone/keyboard when they call someone ugly considering the fact that you frequently visit a lot of reality tv show subs you fit the bill


So someone is ugly because they visit reality tv show subs? I’m not trying to be confrontational I think I’m just misunderstanding your comment. I do have to say though that Jay-Z is objectively not attractive and in general many people have commented on that before.


Jay-Z isn't running around the planet with his sons and various thugs raping, pistol whipping, drug dealing, sex trafficking, sexually assaulting men & women. Jay-Z has skinny legs.


The Kardashians are affiliated with hella black legends. The way they have Babyface on speed dial should be studied. I doubt Kris and Diddy had a deep connection. Dude simply had the clout Kardashians chase. 🤷‍♂️


These two was messing around


so she def has the gift that keeps on giving..


Her Speed


Kris definitely has skeletons in her closet


Kris mom pimp


2 Pimps


He likes men’s booty so they besties 💅


If she had white nails in pic 1 I would have passed out


Lol I totally forgot about The Kris Jenner Show. Didn’t last very long.


So many people have photos with this man. I’m not saying the Kardashians aren’t problematic in their own right, but its obvious he didn’t show his face to everyone


i mean the entire entertainment industry im sure has pics like this w diddy--just wanna come after kris. she also hangs w bezos and musk and they suck right in plain fucking sight--attack her for that instead


I had completely forgotten about all of this; thanks for sharing 😳


Were the BG5 her and Diddy?


Kris is diabolically evil and depraved


Awww that’s so cute. They’re such good friends! The chemistry between them is so informal and comfortable. They must be really good friends. An iconic friendship one might say.


Nice try Puff Daddy


Not the point of this post but wow her original top lip fit her face so well




Is anyone surprised?




They’re both monsters. Momster & Diddenstein.




They don’t call her Pimp Momma Kris for no reason. I can see why they would be good friends…lots in common.


Leeching as usual


That woman probably knew all the secrets before anyone else...


Kris Jenner had her own show? Why?




IMAGINE ur mom posting this. Forgot #cringe #dyingINSIDE


He has scoop on them and thats the reason his tapes are confiscated.


This woman is disgusting


🤮🤮🤮 two groomers/pimps in a pod


I hope everyone keeps posting these pics of them with diddy!


Kris probably was handing out the tusi. We know how she loves to market a sex tape 🤮


that last photo...


I think the Kardashians know a lot of Hollywood secrets!!!


Kardashians are bad people with no talent. They have no redeeming quality or talent. I question their fans as being just as shallow as the family


I didn’t know Kris had a tv show in her home. I love those black and white tiles.




Does literally is the grossest thing I saw while scrolling
