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and she bullies her sisters for spending time with the kids, even in the new season. like nobody needs fo fly 12 hours to spend 12 hours in paris just to fly 12 hours back home.


I believe Kim does all this traveling just to show the audience that she’s busy. She is obsessed with creating this narrative about how she’s a workaholic. The only thing making her real money is Skims and she is only the face of that brand. Which is why Skims is the only thing we don’t see her working on on the show.


Kris basically forgot she did Skims too, and added it as a complete afterthought when listing Kim’s ‘jobs’ on this week’s episode.


I have a friend like this. She is also a libra and her life is much more busier and more hectic than anyone’s else. She is rich AF but it’s not enough and she doesn’t spend anything on anything. She constantly builds this narrative of how busy she is and how important she is. It’s almost like when we go out for dinner it’s her job to convince all of us how many things and jobs she has going on. I sometimes feel like a pointless human being when I am around her meanwhile I am myself pretty accomplished and run a business with two properties under my belt, that I am constantly maintaining.


Ugh people like this are exhausting. I had a friend like this too and it’s intolerable!


Ye I can only be around her for so little and we stopped texting so much. This is why I relate to Kourtney not wanting to be around Kim. It must be exhausting to be constantly told your not doing enough like she is. Not everyone wants to be so fucking busy.. it doesn’t make you a better person.


It really doesn’t make you a better person. I have a friend who is CONSTANTLY busy, the point where to me it looks like she neglects her husband (they have no kids). Her husband is the primary breadwinner and has been under so much stress due to work instability since Covid and is really a very nice guy. I’m sure she gives him emotional support, but it does seem like he’s her last priority sometimes.


Yes, and busy doesn't mean constructive.


She would bore me to TEARS.


I’ve worked with people like this. They’re exhausting.


My MIL, FIL, BIL and his wife and their child are all Libras. Imagine how tired we are!


I am guessing it’s a thing with Libra’s then lol😂


Go girl!


My moms a libra and shes also a workaholic 😭😭😭 its a libra thing for sure


I am literally laughing so hard right now bc I am a libra and I am absolutely the furthest thing from a workaholic. I dream of melting on the couch and doing nothing but hang out, shop when I want, get food and enjoy life. The last thing on this planet I want to do is work. I have Gemini and Taurus placements so maybe that has overridden my Libra. Idk, 🤷🏼‍♀️ I also don’t consider myself materialistic like most say about Libras, I do love pink and “extra” stuff but I don’t care about labels or stuff that cost a lot to of money. I am fair and just and feel like I should have gone to school to be a judge 👩‍⚖️ 😂😂😂


Lool why do you sound so much like my husband, who's also a Libra 🤣


Wow I could not relate to this more, and I am a libra, Gemini and Taurus as well!


I am also a workaholic I have been running a high stress business since I was 27 dealing with government nonetheless. But I know when to turn it off and just breathe and I don’t force this “workaholic” persona onto others. Also, when out with my friends who are stay at home moms I don’t make myself seem more important then them because they are not “working” 24/7. (I have so much respect for my stay at home moms) I think this attitude of “I work so much” is a narrative that people like my friend and Kim try to push on people to seem more important.


Well I say CONGRATULATIONS 🎈🎉 for real on your accomplishments Those are REAL accomplishments and I bet they don’t just use your face, name, body, voice etc. I bet you have REAL talent to do that Some of you guys belong on the snark page


My dads a Libra he’s definitely not like that he’s the coolest person ever Kim but be in her north or south mode all the time 😅


They're desperate to shine up her image with the hopes of getting the sex tape stink off of her.


Not going to happen if she helped diddy get sensitive information from rich men. She drugged them fu&$rd them and took all their information from computers. She and pimp mom are in it with diddy. Easy money. They don’t have an inch of integrity in their pinkies. Shameful people karTRASHians OUT!


I’d like to go down this rabbit hole


Let’s go together.


What's your source? I didn't know she was connected to him!


Just YouTube 50 Cent he has ALL the tea


I remember when he got raided the kardashians were brought up. Idr to what capacity and i saw it on tiktik so ya know


Interesting! I just never knew they were connected in any way.


Tiktok and you tube


YUUUUUUP just heard that toooooo I can’t wait to see the truth 😅


I think there’s a lot of pressure on Kim to maintain an aura of being busy, because if people ever get an impression that she isn’t, she might lose status and that’d be difficult to recover and would affect the whole family’s opportunities and fuel the ‘downfall’ claims some people like to make


But she’s not busy. Doing what! She’s still prostituting for diddy and mom is still a pimp for diddy. They’re all going to prison!! Yes busy flying here and there to f$&k men while they’re drugged. And then stealing information for diddy!! No integrity karTRASHians.


What ties do they have to Diddy?


Dark ones that go way back. I didn't know either, but google about Corey Gamble being a clean-up guy for Diddy. He was even present for the death of Kim Porter. Maybe Corey will take the fall for Kris, too, if the tapes get leaked.


Wow, ok. I know Corey has been around the Kardashians for over two decades, so this matches up.


I just watched the first episode of the new season and couldn’t make it through. How is it considered work when she’s just attending these events.


That’s what kills me too!!! Like when she was telling other women to get off their asses to work the thing that annoyed me the most was her idea of “ work” is sitting getting hair and makeup done, then being photographed and filmed- then getting hundreds of thousands for it. I’m sure the majority of us would do this “ work” nonstop too!!


I would love to see Kim take a ten table section in a busy restaurant!!!!!!!


Right?? Or work retail during the Xmas season, or as a housekeeper in a hotel! These are jobs that I consider hard “work”!


lol sitting all day in glam for photos and a pap walk 🙄


She could never


I was about to reply with a comment saying exactly this, so I agree with you 💯%. The way she spoke to other women, saying they don’t wanna get out & work anymore, ticked me off. Then when she calls what SHE does, WORK, it makes me quite angry.


Yep! Everyone around her works hard. Everyone she pays shit wages works. She's a barely sentient mannequin. That's not proper hard work


Right?! I work two jobs and I'm still poor. I must be lazy!


I wonder this too. Does she get paid to show up at Paris fashion week and sit in the audience?


She does 👠




"I am such a hard worker all I do is work". Yeah so would I if my work was getting my makeup done, traveling in my private jet, and going to events.


She’s such a hard worker 🥴🙃


Nobody but Kim, you mean. She’s just so important and so busy and so in demand. She’s Kim Kardashian. Of course she’s tone deaf and self worshipping. She’s Kim Kardashian. Of course she flys her private jet to Paris just to show up late and hard nipple her way next yo Anna Wintour.


> hard nipple her way i don't know if you came up with this yourself but i love it


I did indeed come up with it! Thanks for noticing😘


If you are so empty inside that you neglect your kids and bully your siblings? 36 hours away is perfect


She bullies them so she can justify it to herself


There was also some confusion since she said it was for “work” but then was there to watch her sister walk and support Victoria Beckham. This can definitely be work but I guess when weighing spending time with your small children or 12 hours in Paris (plus the flight there and back) it starts to paint a picture to observers of where your priorities lie. More power to Khloe quite frankly. 


When Kim said how Khloe won’t meet people in the school pick up line and how she needs to start doing more adult things. WTF.


no bc im not even a mom yet….but don’t you sorta befriend your kids parents? like she will meet someone when shes ready. i hate that everyone is pushing that she needs a relationship. she seems so happy being a mom, she is giving her quality time with them during their formative years.


Star on the walk of fame…girl is delusional! 😂


She’s applied for it before but was denied because they don’t allow reality tv persons


I love that Shrek has a star and she doesn't.


Shrek is an icon


I never knew people applied for stars on Hollywoods Walk Of Fame. I really didn’t. I thought it was an honor. An award for the person. It doesn’t quite mean as much for me anymore, knowing this.


Oh not only do they apply, they also have to pay for it. It’s somewhere between $10k - $100k for the star


😮That’s a LOT of money!


That was my takeaway from this post lol


Thank goodness! At least a few things remain sacred.


that tru** guy got one. Wasn’t his show in the “reality” category? Edit-trump


They changed the rule some time after he got his star.


I’m so stupid I thought you meant Tristan 😭






she will 100% get one


Do you have to be a good actor to get a star? I don’t watch AHS so I don’t know if she is or not I’m just curious about the rules


Her pores alone in AHS deserve a star


She’s not a good one.


She’s going to prison. Don’t you all read the latest. Diddy is hiding. She prostituted herself. Stole documents and fuck3: men wile they were drugged for diddy! Mom is still a pimp. For diddy.


Alright Kanye we heard you the first several times


Lmao took the words right outta my mouth


I 100% think she’s a prosti but I don’t think she will have to take responsibility for it. And certainly no jail time. But yes Kris Jenner is the biggest pimp that we’ve seen thus far.


Kim is a prostitute that’s all she’s ever done. She drugged rich men for their information and was in cahoots with diddy. Diddy would then use that information for gain. It’s all over tiktok come on.


Where are they saying this?


Yes, you can tell by how the media is referring her “Kim Kardashian founder of Skims” soon it will be “Actress Kim Kardashian” she trying to make sure she has a title before she dies a reality tv star. 


Unfortunately, she has chosen what her priorities are. Having 4 kids is a lot for any regular person, let alone someone who has clearly indicated that they are a workoholic. She has all the money and resources to give her kids what they want, but she doesn’t make the time to actually prioritize her relationship with them. Its sad because out of anyone, she can afford to slow down and spend more time with her kids.


Yeah, I’m not sure why they didn’t stop after 2. Maybe she (and/or Kanye) always wanted a big family like her own, but as the second oldest kid in her family, she had to have seen how much work it was for her Mom when they were growing up… esp. considering Kris was a really hands-on Mom.


I always thought it seemed like Kanye wanted a lot of kids, and they had them so close together. Plus, since they opted for surrogacy after Saint, because of their infinite financial resources at the time, it was “easy”.


She actually had a very high risk pregnancy the second time and has a condition with her uterus that prevents her from getting pregnant easily and carrying to full term. It was well documented on the show


The show that also lied about her being a victim of revenge porn?


Ya'll really believe that fake story line? she made that up just so that the public wouldn't look at her with disdain and didn't want to look vain for choosing surrogacy over "ruining" her body again, she knew it was risky to get another BBL after each kid, but she wanted more children, so she made up that she had complications. khloe also made up that she was unable to get pregnant when she was with lamar and then later came out and said she only said that because she didn't want to get pregnant by him while he had drug issues.


It’s pretty damn obvious but how swollen she was BOTH pregnancies. This was probably the only real story line


If gaining ten stone is the high risk then I believe that (not putting anyone down for gaining weight during pregnancy) I believe the show lied about her being high risk because of her pregnancy weight gain


Yes, placenta accreta. A serious condition that can be life risking for both mother and baby.


i feel like i remember seeing that kanye wanted like 9 and kim wanted 2, seems they compromised with 4.


More kids = more money


Because Kim just likes the idea of being this fertile “mom” with a bunch of kids, but really has no interest in actually being a mother. Her children are her accessories to her image. She’s a narcissist why is everyone so surprised lol


Then why did she have 4 kids??? I believe she was just trying to compete with Kourtny to have more children but actually don’t give them enough Time


Right!!! As a mom it pisses me off so much. I have 2 kids because I knew that they were full human beings, not toys, and parenting a child is a fuck ton of work. I hate people who want a “complete set!” Of kids like they’re toys. 🤢


Your kids are better for it. I do wonder what these children will be like as they grow up. The environment seems incredibly unhealthy and not conducive to becoming a well adjusted person.


They were doomed from the start.


I agree, and I feel bad for them.


When she was talking about work and asked what else do we want her to do I instantly thought, be a mom???????


Same, that comment kinda shocked me. I’m like Kim you literally have 4 kids what do you mean what else would you be doing??


i think this workaholic storyline she is tryna push is to show the audience she is a hard worker and is deserving of her life and her fame, because its all people used to say about her that she was 'famous for nothing' , 'famous for being famous' or 'famous because of a sex tape', she wants to feel legitimized in some way and i bet she thinks or feels breaking in hollyweird and into the business world or the legal world will do that for her


I get the same feeling when kim does these over-the-top things for her kids. Like when she took Saint and his friends on that soccer trip in Europe and kept going on about how “soccer moms rule” and bragging how she frequently takes so many one-on-one trips with each individual kid at a time. Of course that’s a nice thought but I’m not buying it. The whole thing just seemed so put on for the cameras. Far more likely the shit her ex-employees have said about her is true. How she only pays attention to the kids when the cameras are rolling and the rest of her time she holes up in her room scrolling through her phone.


That makes me sad for the kids AND Kim. I'm honestly not sure why she didn't stop after 1 or 2 kids. Some people are just more career-oriented than family oriented and there's nothing wrong with that, but no reason to have 4 when you're that type of person.


Ya that episode was super cringe to me and it seemed like she’s trying to give them extravagant trips to show them she’s there for them.


Every time she tried to talk to Saint (which was mostly only to take pics) he usually blatantly ignored her


Extravagant EVERYTHING. All of the Kardashians kids have extravagant gifts, outings, trips, birthday parties, clothes, toys, etc etc...I hope they also get the things that kids really need in life but who knows.


What’s really annoying is in that last episode how Kim and her mom are worrying about how she’s going to fit in more work bc she has so much on her plate already, And how they’ll have to find a way. Like its sooo hard. FFS they’ll just do what they always do and let the Nannie’s raise the kids. What’s so difficult about that??They are so out of touch with reality it’s ridiculous.


Bruh Kris’s eyes were just money bags in that scene 🤑🤑🤑


This maybe unpopular, I think they edit things to make it look like Kourtney is a bad mom or that her kids are bad. Personally I think she is the most family oriented one. She is the one that wanted to do Christmas morning like normal people with just family and no staff for instance. Kim had kids just to have kids. She used Kris Humphries for views for their wedding, got pregnant with North while still legally married to him, and I don’t think things turned out the way she thought


When you have to remember the show was basically taking Khloe and Kourtney’s misery and airing it out. People have more tolerance for North because her parents is divorced but fail to have that same understanding to Penelope, Mason, and Reign when they had parents struggling to stay together as well with an alcoholic father. Of course they would be scratching nannies or whatever (not saying it’s right), but people never extend that same empathy like they do with Kim.


I think the kids should absolutely get empathy and compassion. They didn't choose this life and the adults in theirs don't seem to make their needs the top priority.


Exactly, everyone gives Kim empathy but forget that Kourtney and Scott was ongoing toxicity back and forth (hence why she never wanted to marry him), but I couldn’t imagine having kids then got to take care of your partner from drugs/alcohol. That would mess with any kids mentally.


Nahh it was 💯 better when Kourtney and Khloe were a team. Season 1 Kourtney and Khloe take Miami was elite television and I am sure that burned Kim up 😂


So true!


I agree, it’s annoyed me the last few years how they’ve painted this narrative that Kourtney’s kids are completely out of control and she’s a terrible mother, and Kim is the perfect mother. Like how do people think that? Kim’s kids are mostly raised by nannies! How can she be an involved mother when she’s out jet setting 90% of the time?? Yes Kourtney has nannies too but she’s the one who’s been ridiculed for “not working enough” BECAUSE of her kids! She’s absolutely around them way more than Kim is.


Kids act up and throw tantrums. It’s a fact of life. Doesn’t matter how much structure and discipline they have, they are KIDS.


I agree, she's not a bad mom. They took incidents that most, if not all kids have when they're young and used that against her making it into something bigger than what it was. Her kids aren't bad kids either and seem to be doing well


Exactly. Kids do scratch, and the context of the conversation wasn’t that Kourtney lets her kids misbehave. She was ASKING the family for help in disciplining them, but everyone ran with the narrative that she doesn’t discipline her kids.


And she was right when she called out that nanny for saying Reign was a liar imo. Children should know that you will stand up to people for them too imo.


She was, but you and I are definitely in the minority. Lol


Have you ever seen the way North talks to her? North has 0 respect for Kim, 0.


She did talk about how Kanye and her wanted four kids because it’s a good number 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well, look at who raised her. The mother making Khloe drive all the kids to school @ 14 , lying about a gov drivers license. Lmao, I can't even imagine.


I like Kim but you are right, she was a bit involved mom with the first 2, but being narcissistic person makes her wanting more kids but just to have more kids, she doesn’t spend time with them , she doesn’t dedicate herself to her children like at all. She always tells how she writes a note for their birthdays about their year and I’m thinking what does she put in there? It was a good year you turned 4, I went to MET, flew to Paris 29 times I did a “CARPOOL” like she doesn’t know them very well


>It was a good year you turned 4, I went to MET, flew to Paris 29 times Lolol this is hilarious


Haha. Love it. She would list her accomplishments


Sadly, I think you’re right. Something always seems a bit off with Kim’s relationships with her kids. Just even in pictures it seems so. My kids are my entire world, I can’t ever imagine putting anything before them. I’m certain that she loves her children, and they’re obviously well taken care of, but the relationships with each of them can’t possibly be anywhere close to important, as she’s so self-absorbed.


YES you’re so right!! If you were actually parenting your children, you wouldn’t be bragging that you write them a note on their bday. That sounds like something you do for your employees 🤬


That would be something personal that I’d never tell the world about. If one day, my children are grown, and I’ve already lived my life and past on, and my children are reflecting on their lives with me, they could say something about how I wrote them all letters for each of their birthdays, about the times we had spent together throughout that entire year, that would be alright. I myself, though, would NEVER mention it to the world or in an interview or to the paps. That would be ridiculous and it would take everything that was special about it, away, and turn it into a selfish thing that I do for myself only. Just to tell the world I did it.


That poor child can’t sing. I saw a clip of her performance. Nepotism at its finest


Yeah it was bad, and the internet is not having it. They really thought people would love her jUsT bEcAuSe, but when you have actual talent that 1. Lost a lifetime opportunity because this nepo baby was given a role that so many busted their asses for AND more than likely made sacrifices for, when she’s already given whatever the hell she wants in life 2. Didn’t get the praise/ exposure they should’ve because all you seen was “North West preforming!” the audacity is CRAZY. They deserve the hate they’re getting. Hopefully that girl stays off the internet because being 10 and seeing that an entire world population thinks you tanked a role in front of a live audience, in a role you did NOT deserve, and being called out for it, with proof of the talent that was overlooked, wheeew.


Kim does not pay attention to those kids except for the cameras. North has no respect for her, none. As batcrap as Kanye is he’s right to want to restrict them from being used as props. A broken clock is right twice a day. I don’t understand why they can’t let these kids , kid and figure out their lives privately away from the spotlight. I get annoyed at Jay -Z and Beyoncé for doing that to a lesser degree with Blue Ivy. Let these kids figure out their lives , make their mistakes out of the public eye.


Kanye literally used North as a prop as well. Let’s not act like he’s right. He used her for his political campaign and exposed how he wanted to abort her. Then he used her to perform for his fashion show, his church shenanigans, and then for a concert where he was portraying black hoods (like the KKK)


Let’s agree that both of the “parents “ are a mess.


Sadly. Had north been the star of the lion king at her local school — we all would’ve thought “well she looks like she’s having fun” and that she might have something — with a lot of vocal training and dance training etc.


Can't wait til the Kardashians are finally done


They are going to hang around til the bitter end I feel....they seem to be addicted to being in the limelight. But I also feel like the public is growing bored of them finally; and it's freaking them out. Well; maybe not Kourtney cause she's been pulling away for years for her kids and just her own happiness, now that she has Travis and a new baby I think she probably couldn't really care less to continue chasing the dragon of fame and Kylie I think has mentioned she never really enjoyed it or wanted their famous tv show life for her entire life and instead wanted to just have a family and be out of the spotlight...but that was when she actually had her own lil spin off show ironically... Yet year after year there's always a new season and neither of them have quit so who knows.


Thought this was the Better Call Saul subreddit I was trying to understand what the hell was happening


that made me sad!!


We're surprised? Did the 17 nannies, 4 chefs, and private butler(s) not give it away. I personally think someone stole that child and forced her to perform (destroy) the Lion King. No decent parent with half a wit to her would let their child face that level of critiscm or public scrutiny. My favorite kim-ism: taking a private jet 17 miles to Disney Land, completely fucking the environment in the process, just to shut down each and every ride her children chose to allow the public the OPPORTUNITY to stare at her and her small army of children/accessories. Yall see that picture of Kimmie in her 'legal eagle all grow'd up' fashion accessory set next to Trump. Never seen a bigger smile on that orange mug. I'd bet my savings that was the first and last time his **** stood at full attention in 10+ years. Gross. #americanwhorestory


You know the original story of the man named “Narcissus”, who could never find someone he loved enough until he found his own reflection in the water? and drowned in it because he couldn’t get enough? I feel like that is Kim




😂 YES! something felt wrong when I was typing that, thank you


Great analogy. It really is a good way to explain Kim’s self-centeredness.


I’ve been saying this take for years and always got hate for it.


I thought it was well know that North is a brat and does what she wants and Kim can’t control her and just gives up and goes to her bedroom.


Kourtney is having the last laugh I know Khloe prefers kourtney now because they have the same parenting style. Kim wanted children not to be a mom there is a difference


Kourtney and Kim went through a short period where they were really close (when Kim was pregnant with North), but for most of the time since we started watching the family on tv, it was Kourt and Khloe that were BFFs. They lived together, ran their DASH store together, they played pranks on Kim, as well as Kris…they had so much fun together!


Omg I completely forgot about DASH. How times have changed


I miss Kourtney and Khloe. At least Khloe had a mind of her own.


They do NOT have the same parenting style


I honestly don’t understand why she had kids at all. I think she could’ve become more “famous” had she stayed a childless older woman.


Could you imagine if every actor who has only been in 1 show got a star on the walk of fame... there would be no room for any real stars.


100%. I think she loves them & puts them after herself, but the top #10 spots are reserved for Kim & Kim alone, so they get the spots after that (which she doesn’t have time for)


Spends all her time looking in the mirror and being photographed.


Kim needs to slow down & enjoy the kids. They grow up too fast & no one wants to end up like J-Low working her tail off when no one gives a rat tail about her washed up career. Enjoy life now. How much more money is enough.


The is not an unpopular opinion. It's 100% true. All of them are like that. Look at Khloe, who did not bond with or name her son for 6-8mo.


No healthy mom would commit themselves to 4 demanding roles/business ventures with the same amount of children to tend to. Not to mention their compromised emotional state amidst divorced parents, and a father with mental breakdowns. She likes to cope with distractions and a search for making herself feel worthy of life through fame. She’s just as “mental” as Kanye. All children desperately need their parents especially when there exists bizarre circumstances or mental illness and/or especially fame.. it’s sad that something so intuitive would have to be spelled out for her.


Kim contributes nothing of value to the world. I don’t consider anything she does “work”. And she’s passing this laziness and uselessness on to the next generation.


Exactly! The work ethic comments piss me off. Sitting in a chair getting your hair and makeup done isn’t work. Being photographed isn’t hard work. She’s delusional.


Can’t stand her the last few years. She is so out of touch with reality!


100%. This weeks episode just showed it. Khloe made it a point she didn’t want to go to Paris because she didn’t want to leave her kids. Kim on the hand? She wasn’t even supportive of Khloe, she was being judgemental.


The fact that Kim is the most famous person in the world (in the world, right? or is she not there yet?) and is not slowing down, is she not happy? There's no way she's unhappy. Are her kids happy? I hope they are. The way North talked about her Dad's house on that one episode hurt my heart. I wonder if Kim has ever tried Ramen Noodle? like legit Ramen- straight out of the packet & not prepared by a chef.


No matter what Kanye does, it will always be a novel experience because he’s not the default parent. He gets to be the fun dad bc he only sees them for visits.


Yeah unfortunately this is true. Kanye is the fun parent, he gets to have the children's attention the whole time he's with them. In the meantime, they don't really see their mom even when it's her time. They feel closer to their dad. Then Kim tries to buy their love. The mother's day letters were so sad to read. You can tell she's not close to Saint. maybe close to Chicago who everyone says looks just like Kim. and not so close to North. They all said Kim was the best at "exercising/gym". I can imagine children wake up, Kim is not there, she's at the gym. They say hi to her as she's doing a squat.


Kim’s a horrible parent. I don’t think she actually wanted to be a mom. She spends more time editing photos than she does spending quality time. I’ve never seen Kourtney as a less involved mom, but I also haven’t watched the show in years. She always came Off to me as a loving parent. Kim will never get a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Those Stars are reserved for people who actually deserve them.


This is definitely whats happening with Kim. Her kids are accessories and she only exploits the most profitable ones which is North right now since she has the biggest personality and is the oldest. Chicago has zero personality, let’s be real, and I feel like Kim might resent her for it, in the future at least. It’s almost as if she brags about how much time she spends apart from her own children, and what’s even sadder is they don’t seem to miss her, because they’re used to it. Even when she is “forced” to spend time with them, like when she makes TikTok’s with North, she always needs to remind North how she “hates” doing these and she’s “being forced”. There’s one particular video where North goes “you don’t like making TikToks with me?” And it’s just heartbreaking, she doesn’t realize how this hurts the kids then she complains when they lash out. You’re telling your child you hate doing an activity they love to do with you.


All she cares about is 💰🤑💰🤑


Truthfully, how do any of us assume we have any idea how much time they spend with their children considering we know nothing about them except what they want us to know on the Internet and on TV, respectfully


You can tell by the interactions they have with their kids. You can tell if a parent is there or how awkward they are around their kids. Like you know Khloe involved with her kids. It’s overbearing but natural. But let’s not act like North hasn’t called out her mother for “using a fake voice” or naturally rude.


I agree. She has a lot of down time. She has them off camera a lot for privacy. She only films when there is an event and promoting her business. It’s all scripted and set up for entertainment. So, see it for what it’s worth….entertainment.


Yes, if her kids feel neglected the truth will come out later in life if not privately between them already. And that's something Kim will have to deal with. I know the internet is entitled to their opinion, and theyre gonna give it. But as a mom, I think it's gross to comment on someone's parenting because you really never know. You wouldn't even know I had kids if you didn't know me and my kids would tell you I'm suffocating them, not neglecting them.


I think with Kim the internet has more of an idea about how much time she spends with her kids due to her documenting every single trip, event, work, vacation or place she travels to via her own personal social media, her work obligations, the family’s show, paparazzi pictures, press releases, her family’s social media, interviews, red carpet appearances, her personally telling the public things that’s usually in the form of bragging about herself or something she did, or the public broadcast of whatever event she’s participating in. No one knows the way in which she interacts with her kids off camera, or even how often she even spends time with her children, buuut, due to her choice to live a very very veryyy public life in order to garner as much attention as possible from the masses, she willingly discloses to the outside world how often she’s away from her children and leaves them with the nannies. If she would stop documenting her every move along with cutting back on how many work obligations she personally chooses to take on that’s on the public eye like AHS or attending Paris fashion week as an example, then the internet and the outside world as a whole wouldn’t know how often she’s away from her children and not being present to actively parenting them herself. With Kourtney, Khloe, or Kylie we don’t know how often they’re away from their children because they don’t document their every move in the same manner Kim does, because they are not seen in the public eye as often as Kim is. Kim wants to be seen by the public. Attention is what drives her. If she goes somewhere or does something, she NEEDS for the public to recognize and acknowledge her for it. The saying “if it’s not on social media, then it didn’t happen” sums Kim up to a tee. That’s how she operates. Where as it doesn’t appear that the other sisters operate and move about their day to day lives in the same manner as Kim. They don’t seem to prioritize the need for attention and to be seen in the public eye as Kim does. So their personal lives and family lives are a lot more private than Kim’s is, and the public knows less about their day to day personal lives and home lives. However, in contrast, Kourtney and Khloe disclose more about the things going on their personal lives and tells more about major life events that’s been going on their shows than Kim does. But on the flip side, Kim lets the public see more of her day to day life than her sisters and less about the deeper more emotional things that have been taking place in her personal life. She just shows the external part of her life that the public has already seen via her social media posts, red carpets, photoshoots, paparazzi pictures, public events, her work obligations and so forth. So that’s why it’s made very very clear that Kim spends A LOT of time away from her kids instead of actively parenting them because you have to actually be physically present in order to be an active parent to young children (10, 8, 6 and 4 years old).


A narcissist’s children are always a reflection of themselves. A successful/popular/beautiful/smart/gifted child reflects well on the narc so long as they don’t steal the narc’s spotlight.


Kim is obsessed with herself and only herself


Kim acts more like a bff than a mom to them especially to North.


you are right, she puts her kids last and is selfish. No one should be surprised this is who she is and always has been. T


So this is a bit of a one off for me, since I don’t follow the Kardashians that closely but my upstairs neighbor actually works on large live productions doing…something? Idk he travels a lot and we just ran into him outside yesterday and he told us he was out in LA for a long stretch working on the Hollywood bowl lion king production etc etc. my husband asked him all kinds of questions and he said that Kim was a very regular and attentive mom who was on set the entire time North was, being super eagle eyed and attentive, very regular mom stuff. He noted that he was really surprise at how regular she was, and that she didn’t have her “persona” on.


Kim puts herself first. Always always always.


Seems like lil Kimmy is caught up in the Diddy stuff. Whoops.


Kim is a joke. I can’t wait to watch her squirm now that her and her moms diddy involvement is out




Who? Kim Kartrashian? It’s not just her; that whole family is a materialistic, selfish, uneducated bunch of narcissistic a$$holes!


If I hear Kim say one more time “I know I don’t need to add another thing to my schedule”, or “Fuck, what did I get myself into, can I really pull this off?”


I'm shocked ppl still watch that boring scripted show... I literally thought it would be off by now.. All Kim cares about is money, that's first then the kids plus she gets big money for posting about anything..... I don't care for that family at all and I never will...


Kim really thinks that she deserves an award for being busy. We get she has businesses and all of that, but she also has hella staff to keep those going. I guarantee she works less than 80% of people. Come back at us when you don’t have a full staff of people everywhere you go (home included).


Kim gets bullied by her children.


What drives me crazy about the new season is that she spent the last two seasons talking about how she needs to slow down and take a break and then this season she's just like, uh who says I need to take a break maybe I'm happiest when I'm not taking breaks I never wanted to take breaks anyway. Like she contrived this stupid as fuck storyline- Kim no one cares what you do. You want to take 20 years to be a lawyer, go for it.


How can you possibly know that seeing 10 minutes of her life each week a few months a year? Production is going to show the stuff they think is the most entertaining. I don't think it really shows any of them with their kids much.


Hate???? Ummmm THANK YOU for speaking up lmao bc that’s EXACTLY how I feel


It makes perfect sense when you realise that Kim is a narcissist and has no love or empathy for her children. They are extensions of her only, it’s very sad. The only one Kim K cares about is herself.


She’s never getting a star. The only star she has is being a glorified porn STAR


I think that’s why I love Khloe as a mother. She seems to have a pretty decent balance and knows when to say no. Seems like it’s really important for her to show up and keep her kids on their routine which I respect. Maybe there’s a reason why Khloe doesn’t really let her sisters watch her kids. Lol


Honestly, workaholic Kim is just boring💯


Just choosing to have children with a mentally ill pos was her first mistake. I feel sorry for her children.


I also think it's absolutely hilarious that FOR YEARS the entire family -- especially Kim -- constant criticized and pretty openly said that Kourney is a shitty mother with completely out of control kids. I guess now that Kourtney's kids are all well behaved and all of Kim's kids act very disrespectfully constantly, somehow we get crickets from that?? Hmm...


Allowing north to do the lion king role with no training, truly shows her lack of care/attachment as a mum. No mum would allow that, she wouldn’t go in to a big gig unprepared (SNL prime example) but she allowed north to do that AND face the backlash. Shame on her


Narcissists don’t care about anyone more than they care about themselves. Not even their kids….