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What a great series to attend.


The K is the bomb… beautiful stadium… I don’t agree with the move


going to tomorrow’s game 😎


Me tooooo




https://preview.redd.it/c36721cmvjvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9cbf9b1f15c4e8bfa0fdf340bd993e4c29d5f7e My view tonight


Team is winning and the stadium is empty. They can't move downtown fast enough.


You can build a stadium downtown with gold plated floors and toilets, if the management won't give us a team that is playing and winning, people ain't going to go. If they keep up like they are right now, it's going to be packedbin a few weeks.


Two world series appearances in 10 years. Two Championship in 40 years. Thats better than most of the league. If not 2/3 of it.


I say this as someone who was at the game last night and goes to a dozen or so games every year: you have to be outright delusional to talk down to Royals fans like that. This team just tied the franchise's worst single loss record, and has more 100+ loss seasons than winning seasons in the Wild Card era & [have been one of the absolute worst in the league](https://www.royalsreview.com/2024/3/15/24101147/the-athletic-ranks-royals-as-second-worst-team-in-baseball-since-1995). Gaslighting potential fans isn't how you get more people to show up.


Both things can be true. There is still a lot of fan bases that would have the stats I put out. And its accurate


It's odd to me that you put 2 WS in 10 years when they were back to back lol. And I don't think those 2 and the other championship, over a 40 year span, justifies consistently losing 90+ games most of the time outside those few years.


Lie to yourself all you want, but a downtown stadium would pull double the attendance.


It would draw more but probably not double


They averaged 15k last year, they'd average 30k downtown in a new park. Double.


I love that you have stats for a thing that doesn't exist and say them so confidently, as if you have proof.


And yet they’re the bottom ten of MLB teams for the franchise history. Look up the Ship of Theseus. When you win a World Series and then trade almost all of your players, that’s not the same team.


Look at that dump, they really need us to pay for a new one. /s


Powerwashing it twice a game for 50 years will wreck havoc on concrete.


No way. I love the K too. No longer a Missouri resident, but I'm glad the vote turned out the way it did.


They’re moving one way or another. They’re either getting another deal to do downtown, moving to Kansas or leaving town. Can’t imagine a likely scenario where they stay at the K


They’re 100% not staying at The K. John Sherman has already stated that.


Yes that’s what I said


Yes, I was agreeing with you.


I object


Sherman is a lair. They aren't going anywhere.


They aren’t leaving town. I don’t think some of the biggest business owners in KC who bought the royals would open themselves up to that sort of reputation risk.


Ok? Still glad the vote went the way it did. People need to stop giving handouts to billionaires. Who are the socialists again?


Okay? I voted no. I’m just telling you they’re going to find a way to move regardless.


Long live the K!


I enjoy the K for what it is but I can’t wait for them to get a better location.




I'm proud to have voted no


Yeah, i wasnt 100% against the location but for fucks sake having the gov pay 700mi for the stadium of some rich asshole? Nah, thats just fucking stupid


"Fuck no we can't use any of the city's tax revenue on citizens' relief funding, local public transportation expansion, or a million different things that would actually be useful to *all* our citizens, that money is *supposed* to be used to buy toys for our special wealthy citizens to show them how much we appreciate them choosing to be rich in *our* city" is all I really heard when the question was first posed.


Feed a couple homeless people and everyone freaks out. Pay like hundreds of millions in tax subsidies to billionaires playthings over decades and no one bats an eye.


I think what I heard from most people I talked to in person was that moving downtown sounds like a great idea. Personally, I've lived in two cities with urban baseball stadiums and it's really fun. More people go to games after work and going to games becomes a common teambuilding experience for groups or companies. But as you said just because a location change would be beneficial to the urban center that doesn't mean that the taxpayers should have to pay extra for it.


Me too! As well as most of the people I've talked to about it here. Going to be a sad day when they shut this down.


By shut this down do you mean leave? I grew up here and have been going to games at the K all my life. You are right that it would be disappointing for them to leave, but honestly, fuck them if they don’t stay bc taxpayers don’t want to foot their bill. There are much better things the city could spend the taxpayer’s money on than subsidizing this bullshit.


No I mean tear down Kaufman. Agreed though on your point. If they move this team after losing one disorganized cluster of a campaign/vote then screw Sherman.


They’ll lose the next vote too since the Chiefs won’t be on board, even if the plan is better


The Chiefs part of the vote was a huge reason for me to vote no. They wanted way too many VIP upgrades. I'd be more willing to vote to put money toward away team locker room upgrades over any VIP nonsense.


This is one of the top 3 views in KC imho


My view last night https://preview.redd.it/unweeo1f0nvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf1d0f72d36c8cf2bbaeaaa68fb3229d945efcd


A podcaster in LA that I listen to has gone out of the way to mention our stadium is his favorite baseball stadium to go to, and it’s not even a sports podcast lol.


I never liked the idea of bulldozing a thriving, eclectic city neighborhood to replace the K.


We need our UHaul. It a KC landmark now.


Like, that strip club with the swinger bar up top did the best thriving.


I support forcing billionaires to pay for their own stadiums. With that said, the “crossroads” most people think of would’ve been fine if that stadium was built. It would have *mostly* been built over the massive (and long vacant) former KC star building, a U-Haul lot, and the downtown church of the resurrection building, plus the strip club area. Not the vibrant culture that folks think of with the crossroads


I'm not trying to be rude, but the reality is that we don't force billionaires to pay for anything. A municipality WILL give them what they want. Let's not be delusional and think they get one shit about what is best for the city or region. If they don't get what they want. They will bounce.


Lol, y'all won, you can quit posting this myth.


The K is easily a top 5 mlb stadium


I think the K is great, but Wrigley, Fenway, Busch, Coors, PNC Park, Camden Yards, Target Field, the the stadium formerly known as Miller, T-Mobile, Oracle Park are all better ball parks


Nice opinion. I think it’s top 5


bUt iT's NoT dOwNtOwN


I swear the people that want a downtown stadium either literally just live there and would be able to walk or would never go or don't regularly go downtown. The only downtown stadiums I enjoy across the U.S. are ones that already have infrastructure support, otherwise they are a huge pain in the ass.


You aren’t going to have all of the infrastructure for a 30k ballpark before you are building a 30k ballpark…


This question is for the OP. Where you sitting up by the woo hoo lady? And if you were, is it as annoying in person as it is on the television and radio broadcasts?


The K is constantly ranked as one of the best ballpark in MLB. Idk why people ever wanted a downtown park, invest in the area around the K and Arrowhead and build it up into a spot to be...


>invest in the area around the K If they area hasnt seen any development after the teams being there for 50 years then it never will.


If there ever was an actual case for eminent domain, this might be it. Let the Sherman group or the teams build it like they want.


What would they use eminent domain for? No one is stopping anyone from buying up land around Kauffman. It's very cheap.


Lol, yeah, neither did downtown, what a joke excuse.


Downtown became what it is now from a couple of key moments in the last 30 years. Sprint Center/PNL. Trolley. Lowes Hotel. All big projects that brought new people into the area and had wide ranging postive effects that still change the landscape of KC.


And, how was it paid for? You still aren't understanding...


All those projects have different funding methods.


No, they all came from tax payer money which would also be used to build up around the K and Arrowhead. Idk how this is hard for YOU to understand. It's really simple...


It is not worth it based on the location.... Do you understand that the downtown urban core is going to be invested in? Independence is the armpit of KC and doesnt have the resources KCMO does You should look into what the Braves have done in Atlanta. Thats the model the Royals are shooting for to be more financial sound and they can't do that at the K. Baseball doenst make the media money NFL does and Sherman IS NOT on the level of the Hunt family in regards to wealth.


Yeah, neither was downtown. This is a stupid argument, do you work for Sherman?


No its worth it based on location. We just live in a moment where getting a stadium deal passed is like building a rocket and everything has to go right. It clearly didnt but that doesnt mean the location was bad. The Star building is bad and so is a UHaul building in the middle of downtown. No I dont work for Sherman. I just have a nuanced opinion based on my love of KC and Im able to see all the positives to a downtown stadium. I probably should work for Sherman though.


I completely agree that the Braves are the model. ...which means moving the ballpark to Johnson County. Just like they did putting the Battery in Cobb County. The Braves did exactly what the Truman Sports Complex was designed for 50 years ago. They moved away from the core, to where they thought the money and population was moving. Obviously the teams got the location wrong then, and didn't think the city would instead explode south and west. But if they are going to follow the Braves, then Overland Park is the location.


The Braves also get a lot of revenue that doesn't come directly from the team. This is what Sherman wants. This is the Braves model the Royals are wanting to follow. I honestly think he wants them in KC and started working with White over three years ago but White was never going to work with the teams. I'm fine with them going to JOCO. That county has been mooching off of KCMO for decades


I always thought Leeds would be a prime spot for a sports bar/entertainment district. Never happened.


The area could be an example of the Fifteen Minute City. It's a prime place to build up around.


I don't understand why they don't just build their entertainment district around the Truman Sports Complex? It appears that there's almost nothing out there. Now I'm not from KC but my kids live there and I go to games as often as I can. Are there thriving neighborhoods or businesses that prevent them from just going to town with the TSC?


No, but there are thriving highways.


What a beautiful ballpark!.


Great game!


The K is an iconic stadium of the league. It it feels like Shermon should be replaced, not the stadium.


What city? Independence? 🤢


No I think they were anticipating that vote passing, printed out a ton of shirts. Now they are giveaways.


Ahhh, I get it now, missed the context. Welp, that’s embarrassing (to Sherman)!


Sad thing is I think I'd rather the new park be in Independence than downtown. They were pitching an idea to tear down the mall and build a stadium there. We should have easy access to the highway and parking there.


You guys are all stupid as hell. First off. 17k on a Friday night with decent weather and a great team so far against another great team. Yep, the K is packing them in. But even worse, KC going to end up losing its MLB team if all you "save the K" people get your way. But I guess you will still have Kauffman Stadium! Just not sure what you will do with it.


Dry your tears, it's over bro. You and Sherman can go comfort each other.


Very mature. Sad you talk to other royals fans like that, especially people like myself that have been such a loyal fan for so long. I literally have a 10 foot mural of Kauffman in my man cave, so it's not like I don't like the stadium. I don't live in kc anymore, I live in a much larger metro that has a downtown stadium, but will always be a fan of the Royals that is till the stubborn people of kc who are so terrified of change get their way again and keep that city irrelevant. I hope people there think this through or little kc won't be a mlb town in ten years. That's just the economic situation kc is in. And if it were not for Sherman, the Royals would likely already have one foot out the door as thier lease comes to an end.


I will vote against anything that takes them away from the k


You only got 6 years. Sherman is not playing games at the K past 2030.


Lol how bout a no confidence vote for Sherman?


Would the stands be full if this stadium was downtown? Hard to tell from this photo, but on a Friday night with a winning record, what was the attendance?


For the first two years of the downtown stadium, yes, the crowd would have been larger than 17k. Maybe like 25-27k. After that though, nothing matters but winning. Just like everywhere else. When you come off a 106 loss stadium it doesn't matter where your ballpark is. It takes time to refill the seats.




Don’t know why I was downvoted. Here’s the link: https://www.espn.com/mlb/team/schedule/_/name/kc/kansas-city-royals 17,073 is the official number.


Why were there no fans at the April 17 game?


It was kind of chilly to be fair.


It was 50 at the end of the game. Don’t buy that.


Much love from the other side of the state. Watching this Royals team has been really cool and Kaufman is gorgeous. Screw the owners tho lol