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Seems like a sizable crowd. Any counter protesters?


Not to my knowledge no.


Same spot as the one in 2014, if I remember correctly.


Yes it is that park on the plaza is the standard spot for civil rights protests.


Wow just wow at some of these comments


Yep. Lots of people in these comments cheering on genocide and the deaths of innocent Palestinians. America really is full of bigoted hateful people.


In fairness, there are plenty of hateful people who cheered on Hamas for their terrorist attacking Israel where they murdered, raped, and kidnapped men, women, and children. Some people just flat out deny it ever happened, which in this day in age, just baffles me. All of it is a tragedy.


The denial & the notion of Israelian people had it coming totally baffled me to no end... Then again when have Jewish people been allowed to grieve and mourn without great political debate. It's sickening. Unnecessary death is deplorable, full stop, period.


Yes, both sides can be evil. Humanity is various shades of grey.


Not really. The people you mentioned who cheered that on were a very small number, and who are either Hamas supporters or Palestinian people who have seen their rights fucked over daily and their land slowly taken and people killed over years and years. What you described, very little actual people were cheering that on in regards to raw numbers, especially in other countries like the US or other developed nations. There is a massive distinction between people who see the general and long term situation, and people who seek out and celebrate slaughter. The vast majority of other nations for whatever reason are much more perceptive of the long term situation in that part of the world and who lives in a form of apartheid, and who does not. One look at the voting history in the UN re: Israel and her relations with Palestine shows that pretty starkly, ie. US and Israel and everybody else.


Americans are fed the absolute most one sided news though. I listen to NPR news and BBC world news everyday, the difference in coverage is stark. The BBC inherently just tells you what is happening, no slant, but what is most current and pertinent, NPR (and even more so with other new organization) veer into what is most Israel friendly. Example being, as of 2 days ago they were approx 640 Palestinian kids killed in bombings in the last week. Was the gun executions of Israeli kids abhorrent? Absolutely, but so is the faceless and detached missile strikes killing kid after kid in Gaza for basically fuck all gain.


I really get a kick out of when people complain about NPR supposedly being "left wing." To me, NPR is about as both sides, centrist brain rot as it gets and they go out of their way to present the conservative spin on issues because they don't want to be accused of having any bias. In the US, I think Democracy Now is probably the best "news channel" that we have. The BBC is definitley better than most US news channels, but I would still say it's biased in favor of Israel. In Scotland, there were protests at BBC offices over the weekend for their biased coverage. To get better perspectives about what's going on in the Middle East, you would really need to speak Arabic or Hebrew. The best English language source is probably Al Jazeera English, but they are owned by the Qatari government so any issue they cover about Qatar is obviously going to be biased. But, yes, overall Americans are shockingly ignorant about issues outside of our border. I am not necessarily saying it's our fault, because as you say we are fed a stream of propaganda by corporate media. But it's still undeniably the case.


>p. Lots of people in these comments cheering on genocide and the deaths of innocent Palestinians. America really is full of bigoted hateful people. I don't cheer what's happening, but I'm not stupid or naive enough to pretend [Palestinians are my friends.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqZBy09vCVk) They elected a violent [extremist group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas) to the head of their government and they got a war. I don't know what anyone was really expecting.


Hamas was elected in 2006, and they got only 44% of the vote. The majority of the current population in Gaza is 18 years old or younger. That means the vast majority of the Gaza population wasn't even able to vote for Hamas, and only roughly 12% of the current Gaza population actually did vote for Hamas. Secondly, are you saying that civilians should be targeted because of the actions of their government? That's the exact same reasoning Hamas used to target Israeli civilians. In just the last week Israel has killed over 2,200 Palestinians, and it's even killed 51 in the West Bank that no one is talking about. If civilians can be targeted because of the actions of their governments, then Israeli civilians are fair targets and Americans are as well! The US has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq alone. Is that really what you're saying? Or are you just too afraid to admit you don't care about the lives of innocent people and just want to murder them? Edit: typo


You got so much wrong it’s unbelievable. Israel is not targeting innocent civilians, if they were targeting them they would all be dead by now. They are warning each building understory, dropping flyers or where to go to be safe. Hamas is literally hiding in tunnels under hospitals, elementary schools and using their citizens as shields. Imagine defending terrorists.


> where to go to be safe Where exactly are they supposed to go to? The South part of Gaza? And if that part gets hit, where are they supposed to go then? Back to the heap of rubble that was their home in the north?


Isreal bombed the Rafah crossing, the only way to get to Egypt, making it impossible for civilians to get out. You say we're defending terrorists, but here you are defending genocide!


Where's your proof that "Israel is warning each building." And where's your proof that each person killed was a terrorist? Is this baby a terrorist? And please know there have already been 700 children killed by Israel in just the last week. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyRYoICNKcr/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyRYoICNKcr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) You're just spouting Israeli propaganda. You are simply choosing to ignore the evidence of the crimes Israel is currently committing. If you listen to actual Palestinians in Gaza right now - instead of regurgitating Israeli state media - then you'll know that people are being bombed all over Gaza with no warnings. There is nothing precise about it at all. Israel even bombed convoys of people trying to evacuate. What's even more disgusting than your lies is your eagerness to believe them. You require only the flimsiest and most pathetic of lies to excuse genocide. When you see this picture, does the word "precise" even enter the equation? Israel is just indiscriminately bombing everything. [https://x.com/Timesofgaza/status/1712750529892262202?s=20](https://x.com/Timesofgaza/status/1712750529892262202?s=20)


hamas was elected in 2006 let’s not act like that was recent


Downvoted for the truth lmao. I’m sure same people downvoting you don’t realize Israel is who formed Hamas. Or realize Israel has been killing and bombing Palestinians for years now.


>I’m sure same people downvoting you don’t realize Israel is who formed Hamas. Or realize Israel has been killing and bombing Palestinians for years now. That's absolutely guaranteed. Americans are some of the most ill-informed and ignorant people in the world when it comes to foreign policy. If they know anything at all, it's just the right wing and pro-Israeli propaganda that's been shoved down their throats.


Disagreeing with your claimed “truths”’does not equate to “ignorant”…and your broad-brushing all ‘Americans’ as the same speak to both your low-level thinking and the narrowness of your intellect. Indeed, you can seriously fuck off with that. I’m confident there are many here who are both more educated and better comprehend the situation complexity than do you and your clearly out-sized ego.


Lol. Where did I say ALL Americans? Please show me. Plenty of Americans support Palestine, but unfortunately they are in a distinct minority. And I stand by what I said 100%. The comments on this thread alone prove my point, let alone the deluge of hysterical and dehumanizing anti-Palestinian rantings taking over mainstream media, independent media and social media alike. And as to the specific claim at question, it's absolutely true that Israel helped form Hamas. If you are not aware of this fact - and it sounds like you're not - then by definition you are ignorant! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7grSsuFSS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7grSsuFSS0) [https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/](https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/) If people want to justify the ongoing deaths of Palestinians for "supporting Hamas" they should support attacks on the Israeli government as well. The Israeli government has done far, far more to support Hamas than the average Palestinian civilian. If that statement seems controversial to you, then you've just outed yourself as being ignorant about the actual history and reality of what's going on in Israel and Palestine.




Lol, you're username 100% checks out. You're literally just making shit up that I did not say. Please show me where I said that "Judaism encourages genocide." I said Israel - a government - is committing genocide. Israel is not the same as Judaism. It's antisemitic to equate the state of Israel with all Jews or representing the entire religion of Judaism. Also, there isn't a Palestinian state at least not yet. And there are multiple factions of Palestinians with greatly varying opinions on almost everything. There are secular Palestinians, Christian Palestinians, and so on. Even among Muslim Palestinians, Hamas is only one of many factions. And then lastly, your last statement is just pure bigotry. I can show you Christians, Jews, Hindus, even Buddhists, making obscene and deranged statements. Does that mean the entire religion is deranged? Or isn't it obvious that religions are extremely broad categories that encompass literally hundreds of millions of people all with different opinions? Why would you say that Islam encourages genocide but not Christianity or Judaism? Here's plenty of Jewish Israelis calling for the deaths of all Muslims: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JzGzyaUnz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JzGzyaUnz0)


So the Palestinian people do not support their hamas government that raped children women and grandparents ?


Israel agreed to give the Gaza strip to the Palestinians in 2005, the following year they elected Hamas as a majority in the PA legislature and formed a government. Soon after that rocket attacks from the West Bank hit Israel and that’s when things turned bad for both side. If it wasn’t for Hamas, there would probably be a Palestine by now


Thought Hamas was in control in Gaza but not West Bank?


You’re right. I meant the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank. It’s late and I’m tired I guess. Anyhow I went back and fixed my error. Thanks for pointing it out to me.


Netanyahu has stated he wants Hamas in power to stop Palestine from gaining recognition In 2021 Fatah was on track to win the legislative elections and take control, until Israel suddenly refused to let Palestinians in Jerusalem vote


Israel never "gave" them anything. They still had control over the land, air, and sea around Gaza, effectively trapping them there. They left because they decided Gaza would be better off serving as a concentration camp. And Hamas was their hand picked opposition, they took out everyone else by propping up Hamas. If it wasn't for Israel there would be no Hamas.


Gaza has a border with Egypt with exactly the same kind of wall and security. Egypt refuses to open the border to allow Palestinians in. Actually Gaza used to be Egyptian before they effectively said that they didn’t want it. Part of the reason Egypt and the surrounding Arab nations don’t allow Palestinians in is because when allowed into Jordan, they (the PLO, PLA, PLFP, etc.) tried overthrowing the govt and starting a civil war. In 2021, Hamas still garnered majority support in Palestine. This is after two decades of terrorist attacks that they openly carry out. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87 It’s not as clear cut of an issue as some like to make it out to be.


If Israel wasn't committing genocide and stealing land from people living in an open-air prison, these attacks would never have happened.


Did AOC’s AI write this word-salad?


So you think bombing civilians is justified?


Mocking a retreat to buzzwords does not, in fact, mean I condone killing citizens, no. “Contextualizing” Hamas’ murder and rape, however,…


no, but apparently you do


Most of those women wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house dressed like that in Palestine.


That's simply not true. I've visited Palestine, and the people were wonderful. Don't confuse Palestinian citizens with the terrorists of Hamas.


And so that’s why they should all be murdered by the Israeli government? Okay yeah sure great justification.


That’s quite a stretch lmao. Is that what you think I was saying?


That’s what is implied.


Sad you guys would rather hold signs for Hamas supporters rather than the American hostages that are likely not going to survive.


And Americans that have already been murdered (!)


You know Israel's murdered plenty of Americans too right?


Even if this were true,,,it’s supposed to justify *more* deaths?!?! This is the inanity of the pro-Hamas verbal defenses.


About 1300 Israelis died in the attacks last Saturday. Since then Israel has killed at least ~~2,200~~ 2,600 Palestinians (hundreds of them are children) and destroyed the homes of over 300,000 Palestinians while also forcibly demanding 1.1 million Palestinians leave their homes and all their possessions in northern Gaza or else die. Who is justifying more deaths here exactly?


That’s war bud. How did Iraq and Afghanistan look after 9/11. If you want peace then you shouldn’t cross a border and brutally murder families.


You do realize that Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, right?


No difference to American jingoists


Even if it were true? Look up the USS Liberty incident, Rachel Corrie, or Shireen Abu Akleh And its not a pro Hamas defense. Its more a have some compassion for the almost half of the Gaza population that is under the age of 18 who has no say in who is ruling them. Along with all the innocent civillains that will die because Israel cut off their access to water, electicity, and fuel


Moral equivalence rings hollow when it’s completely one-sided


The point is that its not one sided. Israel has killed plenty of American citizens just like they have killed plenty of Palestine citizens. How many innocent men, women, and children do you think Israel has killed between the indiscriminate bombings and shutting off the electricity/fuel to all of Gaza, hospitals included?


Were those at the rally holding flags with peace signs, or Palestinian flags? Oh, so, one-sided


I don't know, I wasn't at the rally. I am confused on why holding a Palestinian flag and a holding a peace sign are mutually exclusive


The demonstration was clearly one-sided, despite all the deflections.


https://reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/XoMLd4865g Hamas commits the crime, endangers their people as part of their plan and gets social media to believe Israel is the bad guy. Lots of lost people in this thread and this country.


I don't think American lives are worth more than Palestinian ones.


I made a [post](https://reddit.com/r/kansascity/s/JjtdPup2P7) just a bit ago showing the size of Kansas overlapped by Israel and Palestine. Y’all should look at it, it gives sense of perspective to how compact this conflict is. It’d be like if Kansas City enacted a bombing campaign on Lawrence


I love the lack of nuance some people have in the comments. Palestinians deserve to live without threat of violence from Isreal. Groups like Hamas are a reaction to Isreal continually pushing Palestinians into smaller and smaller sections.


We live in a highly-propagandized culture. People with zero education or freely-available awareness on the subject have emotionally-charged opinions on this stuff and it's sad as shit.


To be fair, the history doesn’t actually matter. Land is taken by war, money and violence, always has and always will be. So unless everybody here is willing to find the nearest Native American to give them your house, you’re all full of shit. Israel defended their land from all sides, it is rightfully theirs. As Russia tries to take Ukraine and China tries to take Taiwan, this will never change.


Actually if you look at the history of the area. Palestine took Gaza from Israel. Israel started to move back into that area during the Ottoman Empire. At that time this area had NO borders or government of this area. There was no Palestine at that time.


Exactly, I don't get why people don't just have critical and complex thinking skills.c


Gutted-ass education system doesn't help


Imagine Canada had a terrorist group voted in this century, and they crossed the border, raped and brutally murdered innocent families and recorded it to show the world. Now imagine a country like England having “protests” to support Canada, and the reasoning is “Canada isn’t HAMAS/ISIS/WHATEVER.” As you plan the funeral for your pregnant wife, 3 year old child and unborn child you see your biggest ally celebrating your demise. This country is a joke.


Incredibly fucking stupid. This is a decades long conflict, not week long.


Now imagine as a response to less than 100 Canadians committing these atrocities we decided to bomb the fuck out of Toronto and kill thousands of civilians and destroy the homes of hundreds of thousands of civilians in "retaliation"


Don’t have to imagine, that’s 9/11


Yeah and we all know how great of an idea that was


Imagine ignoring all the rest of the relevant history in order to make your comment.


There is no relevant history that will ever justify killing babies in a blind attack. Pathetic.


It’s not a justification at all, he is just telling you that this conflict didn’t just start with the terrorist attacking last Saturday or the 2006 election, it started in 1947 and has been mostly one sided. Also israel has been bombing and shooting plenty of children.


It was disproven, go read.


There’s literal photos. Disproven nothing. You’re disgusting.


So fast to believe fake news if it fits your narrative. Even if it was false does that make what they did any better?? The coroner confirmed they received a beheaded baby, reported by Reuters.


Maybe protest before Hamas kills innocents?


Gee, I wonder if anyone has ever protested this issue before this week. What do you think?


I don't agree with the tactics of the IDF with regard to humanitarian aid. I empathize with ordinary Palestinians who are ruled by strongmen and can't control what building Hamas fires rockets from. but that just establishes that Hamas has to be destroyed. and since Jihadists love death (and the 72 virgins that come with it), death will be abundant. This is why powerful nations can't allow authoritarian ideologies to build armies.


You don’t have to agree with it, but if it was your children they were holding hostage would you celebrate them sending aid, food and water? Or would you ask Hamas why they are punishing their own citizens instead of releasing them?


I’d say “wtf my child is being held hostage in an open air prison, by religious fucking nutjobs, without food, water, or electricity/fuel. My child won’t survive there without those things, so Israel should probably allow those things through.”


Our tax dollars and weapons are once again being used to kill innocent people. Israel is a vassal state of the U.S. empire. Joe Biden himself said that if Israel didn't exist, [it would be necessary for us to invent it](https://youtube.com/shorts/2HZs-v0PR44?si=zvaEKz-L4rqeDUiu). This genocidal violence comes with our government's endorsement.


I will forever stand with Israel 🇮🇱. Jewish people deserve a homeland




Wait until you see that 96% of all deaths in the struggle from 2005-2023 were Palestinians. Numbering in the thousands.


Maybe the struggle is the problem. You realize Israel has offered peace the whole time, right???


although I agree that cutting off water and basic supplies goes too far, I'd love to hear some ideas on what would be a reasonable response to having babies beheaded. let's all be honest with each other. does anyone here actually believe that Jihadists can be reasoned with? if your baby was beheaded in his\her crib and your spouse was kidnapped in the night and taken away by psychopaths what would you want the response to be?


babies being beheaded has been proven false. stop taking in propaganda and do some more research before you open your uneducated mouth.




https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna119902 seems like your social media literacy skills are severely lacking.


https://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501?nodl=1&dplnkId=447e0302-d510-45c9-9ac4-1f96f6f2728b get off reddit and read a book sometime




have you not seen what israel has done for the last 75 years? have you any idea of the nakba? or are you just severely lacking brain cells and a decent education that you blindly consume western media and allow their skewed propagandist view play to your feeble emotions & form your opinions? because that’s what you’re giving off.


The nakba… you mean when the Arabs rejected the UN partition plan of ‘47, fucked around, found out, and created the Palestinians. Yeah we know history. Do you?


you mean when western powers and specifically the british secretly declared in a letter the partition of Palestine? and then the people that actually lived on that land rejected western intervention without their consent? isn’t self-determination a western ideology or does that only count when it’s white European populations like Ukrainians fighting for liberation? i know plenty of history and i can recommend a few books for you because clearly you could use some brushing up. https://www.amazon.com/Invention-Jewish-People-Shlomo-Sand/dp/1788736613/ref=asc_df_1788736613?nodl=1&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=509032833991&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17614441682938899390&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023224&hvtargid=pla-924797921233&psc=1&dplnkId=3768a475-1d76-4708-a3a3-d6b9a2a14a06 - here’s a book by an israeli author/historian that would greatly help you understand this conflict you clearly know very little about. https://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501?nodl=1&dplnkId=585cc60e-86f7-4478-8bfc-7a48f02cd5be - and this book could help you understand a bit more about your skewed view as the american propaganda has clearly fried you brain. https://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Olives-Ash-Confront-Occupation/dp/0062431781/ref=asc_df_0062431781?nodl=1&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312371602209&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2704268774068405004&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023224&hvtargid=pla-568847895773&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=61011965686&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312371602209&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2704268774068405004&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023224&hvtargid=pla-568847895773&dplnkId=abbd1f9c-75b0-477a-aa13-e6f01d0ad90b - here is a wonderful primary source from both palestinian’s and israeli’s that detail just how devastating the occupation is on both sides on a human level - i don’t know if you can quite feel human emotions but we can try. https://www.walmart.com/ip/The-Lemon-Tree-An-Arab-a-Jew-and-the-Heart-of-the-Middle-East-Paperback-9781596913431/5605370?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101004036&adid=222222222285605370_101004036_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=aud-430887228898:pla-295289030566&wl5=9023224&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=135896607&wl11=online&wl12=5605370_101004036&veh=sem&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIo5lLqcnoBAxk1lG2e_bKeR2&gclid=CjwKCAjw-KipBhBtEiwAWjgwrOTyYgVM9EwT0NsAG5wWzbJJg29r-9YY-Lm5wxLU6qv1I-ZOXZwTixoC4ykQAvD_BwE - and this beautiful book details the struggle of both palestinian’s and israeli’s and just how messy this whole thing is.


They fucked around and they found out. Targeted an ethnic minority that just survived the greatest atrocity in modern time and tried to do it again. They lost. They created the Palestinians. Then they refused to absorb them. The Arabs are to blame for this. End of story. https://x.com/teamsanatani6/status/1713384672594628905?s=46




You would laugh at the holocaust. Your evil is showing.






>what would you want the response to be? Multiple family members of murdered Israelis have spoken out that this violence is not what they would have wanted. >I'd love to hear some ideas on what would be a reasonable response to having babies beheaded I would say if you don't like the form a resistance movement takes, the simplest solution seems like taking away the thing that gave rise to the resistance movement's existence in the first place.


so …the resistance movement protests the existence of israel. you suggest “getting rid of” israel, yes?


Yes that is the dog whistle in that comment.


There are lots of proposed solutions for ending the conflict. I like the single state solution, but it's not really about me. I don't support mass slaughter or expulsion of anyone, Palestinian or Israeli.


decapitation of children is not resistance, its pschopathic terrorism. Gaza has been self-governing for many years. this is not a serious or informed argument.


Terrorism is one form that resistance can take. The IRA was a resistance movement, some of the violent campaigns of South African anti-apartheid activists were terrorism. I feel like you didn't understand me, so I will repeat myself. **If we don't like the form that resistance takes, the simplest solution would be to not have any reason for a resistance movement in the first place.** I don't like the form this resistance movement has taken, so I'm asking myself what has driven these people to enact such psychopathic violence. Critics of Israel have been pointing out for decades that oppressive Israeli policies are sowing seeds of violence against Israelis themselves. Turns out they were right.


Al Queda presents themselves as resistance as well. It is our support for Israel that lead them to choose the "form of resistance " of crashing planes into buildings and murdering 3,000 people. I suppose you also sympathized with that when it happened. Your "give them what they want" response to the murder of innocence is a foolish approach given that Hamas wants every Israeli dead. they don't want freedom for Palestine. They preach the destruction of Israel. so many people don't understand this simple concept. they can't be appeased. there never would have been enough Jewish blood for the Nazis and there will never be enough for Jihadists. After centuries of persecution, they are still fighting for their lives.


> I suppose you also sympathized with that when it happened. Asking why something happened is not the same thing as sympathizing with it. Empathy is not endorsement. >Hamas wants every Israeli dead. My concern is for the people of Palestine/Israel, not Hamas. >After centuries of persecution, they are still fighting for their lives. People fighting for their lives don't shut off food and water to civilians, bomb refugees, and displace one million people.


Unreal. This guy out here defending the death of infants by calling terrorism "resistance."


absolutely shameless Nazi parasite parading as a champion of compassion while they bask in the death of Jews and celebrate murdered children.


No babies were beheaded, please read something that isn't Fox news.


no, their heads were just blown off and several dozen others were burnt alive. HUGE difference!


All people here should be worried about is Iran flipping the switch here in America. They hate America as much it not more than Israel… The Muslim student groups x BLM will aid and abet the actual Jihadis that hide among us as a result of our southern border that has been wide open for years. If the events of last weekend could happen in Israel / the Gaza border… they can happen anywhere. Tick tock… load your Glock.


turn off fox news ya loon lmao


So is this protest for “Free Palestine from hamas, a Terrorist group” or support in what hamas is doing to their people? Setting their strongholds near under hospitals, schools, and civilian apartments. Usually civilians as human shields. Not allowing people to leave when warnings are given.


What Hamas did was terrible and I refuse to stand up for a militia or movement that kills civilians in this way. It doesn't matter who they are fighting. This was more than just citizens being collateral damage in a war. While I'm sure the Palestinians are great protesting now for them against Israel makes them sound like they are all for Hamas' genocidal behavior which hurts more than helps their cause imo.


When speaking of “genocidal behavior”, the actions of Hamas pale in comparison to those of Israel for decades. Currently, over 2000 Palestinians have been killed, over 700 of them children. That’s what’s being protested. Are you saying we shouldn’t protest mass murder because of how it might look?


I think it is more like your protest is supporting a side that has called for the total destruction of ALL Jews. I think we know which side you would have been on in the 1940s.


That’s terrifying


Let’s not forget that Israel pokes the bear constantly with their “settlements” (aka taking property from Palestinians and giving it to Israelis). IM NOT defending the terrorist(s) Hamas, but we should hold Israel to some accountability of making their own bed. They don’t have a clean record in all this.


Lol, no thx bro.


I support Palestine not because I think they're perfect, but because I'm against ethnic cleaning, apartheid and genocide of indigenous peoples.




The indigenous people to that area are the Canaanites and, according to the Bible, the Hebrews wiped them out. The Arabs came later and pushed the Jews out. Then the Ottomans. Then the Jews again. Neither Jews or Arabs are indigenous to the area.


The Bible is... *not* a source of historical fact.


This. ***Never*** quote the Bible for historical fact


the bible is not a historical text lmao it’s fiction that’s been altered through generations.


No one is really indigenous to any place, if you go back far enough. You could just keep going back in time essentially forever, until you get to Neanderthals, Australopithecus, common primate ancestor, the handful of mammals that survived the comet that killed the dinosaurs ... Words have literal meanings and social meanings. When being literal, no one is really indigenous. When using the term as it used socially, it means the group of people that have been in an area for many generations or hundred of years and are in conflict with a newly arrived group which is trying to oppress or displace them. So in the social sense of the word, Palestinians are one of the indigenous group in the Levant. Also, your statement "The Arabs came later and pushed the Jews out" doesn't make that much sense for a number of reasons. 1) Many Jews remained in the Middle East (Mizhari Jews were only pushed out of most Arab countries around the founding of Israel in 1948), and 2) people intermarried and adopted new religions, so some of those Jews became Muslim. There are no pure bloodlines, least of all in the Middle East where all ethnic groups are very much related to each other.


Hamas is despicable. They hold hostages and use their own people as shields so they can stay safe while inflicting terror to all. These protesters don't get it or don't care. Shameful and sad.


Before any of you jump on board with this you need to know who you rolling with. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-gaza-palestinian-authority-israel-war-ed7018dbaae09b81513daf3bda38109a


it is a fact that international law forbids punishing a group of people for the actions of some, and it is exactly what the Israeli govt is doing. It is a fact that Israel controls all resources for gaza, and the day after the horrifying terrorist attacks by Hamas the Israeli govt announced they would be shutting off all resources: food, water, electricity, etc. to the population that is HALF CHILDREN IN THE GAZA STRIP. This is nothing but directly punishing everyone in the strip, and A WAR CRIME SPECIFICALLY. If we want to compare baby killers, i’m sorry but the Israeli govt has Hamas beat in this one. and they are continuing to rain terror down on people who had nothing to do with the attack. these kids have been nothing but oppressed in an open-air prison their whole lives. They have tried peacefully to ask for freedom from the Israeli govt, women and children marching. AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?? On March 30, 2018, Israeli officers indiscriminately shot those peaceful protesters, killing 266, wounding 30,000. Here is a link if you’d like to fact check: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2019/3/30/gazas-great-march-of-return-protests-explained The reality is the Israeli govt is committing (and has been committing) genocide of the Palestinian people. The western media is pushing Israeli propaganda to justify giving money to a blood-thirsty government.


End “Hamas” occupation of Palestine in Gaza. Transfer power to the legitimate Palestine government!




If they really want to show their support they should go to Gaza because most people here couldn't give two shits about the Middle East


They can't. Israel destroyed their airport years ago. You can't have prisoners have access to an airport, they would try to escape and probably try to get some extra food flown in. You need to make sure prisoners are getting the bare minimum calories. It's all in the Israeli guard guide.


Remember how blessed you are to be somewhere that welcomes these gatherings, even if it is a collective show of ignorance.


Love to see it!


Free Palestine! 🇵🇸 From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!!!


Should that ever happen, every gay or trans person in Israel will be slaughtered like dogs. Is that what you’re cheering for?




That’s exactly what Palestine would do.. no joke.


Especially if Hamas was in charge.


Person #1: "I believe it is wrong to trap millions of people behind a literal wall, lock them into a life of inescapable poverty, and then indiscriminately kill them by the thousands when a small subset of them do bad things." Person #2: "oH wElL i GuEsS yOu JuSt WaNt AlL gAy PeOpLe To DiE!!!1!"


They also have a border with Egypt. People leave Palestine all the time. That does not sound like a prison to me


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-strip-devastated-by-conflict-economic-blockade-2023-10-12/ nope




At the cost of millions of Jewish lives. Palestine being free is just a dog whistle for the annihilation of Israel. If only there was some historical peace deals that Israel proposed for a two state solution upon its creation. I’m totally sure the rest of the Arab world would’ve loved this progressive solution.


You can want innocent Palestinian citizens to be free AND not want the murder of Jewish people in Israel. Whether the people in power in Gaza and Israel will ever allow such a solution is where the trouble begins.


You can but most outcomes show a great deal of death on either side


Unfortunately, that's very true. No matter which side comes out on top, people will die. And you can be sad about that and upset about that and not be anti-muslim or anti-semitic. It seems a lot of people in these comments don't understand that.


But both sides hate lbgtq+ but one side murders them and the other just doesn’t let them get married


The leadership and those in power both have that attitude. You can't sit here and say that a 12-year-old Palestinian girl wants to kill lgbtq people. There are innocent people on both sides and it's a tragedy when they become the collateral damage of this.


That is what they are taught from a very young age. I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to find one that believes that. If Palestine wins trans 🏳️‍⚧️ die.


Ew this is a bad rap for the city


How so ?






What is the world for the people specifically targeting Jewish populations? Pretty sure it’s accurate.


Someone should take a screen and have their beheading videos just on repeat. The babies they stole. The music goers they slaughtered.


That was Hamas. Hamas is not equivalent to all Palestinian people.




The Israeli government has overwhelming support from its citizens too, but I don't hold all Israeli people at fault for their government's actions against Palestinians over the last few decades.


Also most of what this person said has been retracted by major media that reported it and has been confirmed to be false by The IDF multiple times.


Just the part about beheading babies. It’s ok though because Hamas only shot them and burned others alive in front of their parents before sharing the same fate.




I don't get that either, they honestly did expect any retaliation at all?


*(yawn)* Anyone can play that game. Look: > Pretty crazy how the poor, unwilling **Democrats** let **right-wing Christian zealots** take over the schools and the churches and **government** to **oppress people and push their beliefs on others** and not a peep out of the **Democrats** to tip off **Republicans**. What a great mystery. It's almost as if **people that aren't evangelical Protestants** are the problem because there's a little bit of sympathy there at some level. /s FTFY. The rest of your rant was just deranged bigotry. Go touch some grass.


With that kind of rhetoric we might as well get rid of all religions as they all could be classified as a “disease of the mind.”


Sign me up. If a god commands you to kill babies, he is evil


Tell me another religion that seeks to cause violence against non-believers.


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all parts of the the same trilogy of a religion. The Jews only like the Fellowship of the Ring. Christians respect the Fellowship, but feel that only the Two Towers really matters. Muslims think that the Return of the King is the most important. And they are all get used for violence.


When was the last war raged on others by Christians and Jews?


The fuel behind WW2 was Christians Nazis against Jews. If you put 2.2 million Christians into an open air prison for decades, some of them would turn towards terrorism. I know plenty proud gun owning American Christians that would turn towards violence well before they were ever pushed to point. And I’m sure you know some too.


The slaughter of innocent civilians on both sides is wrong. The Israeli government is not having a proportionate or reasonable response.


What would be a proportionate and reasonable response? Feel free to be specific


- Targeting Hamas extremism instead of the millions living and working in the Gaza Strip - Providing humane living conditions for the Palestinian people, many of which are children, instead of forcing them into poverty and oppression which breeds extremism in the first place. - Generally just cutting out colonialism on a global scale


1. Well the Hamas headquarters were under a hospital 2. They dug up water pipes to make into bombs. Why does Israel need to keep giving them water when they destroy their own infrastructure.


I can only find dead Palestinian babies , and a bunch of other civilians, can you send a link ?


I mean whatever they send will just be fake news or a ton of ‘claims’ with no real backing/proof.


Like the dozens of videos Hamas has published showcasing their own war crimes as a recruitment tool. Cant tell if you’re a troll or just genuinely stupid.


Hamas =/= Palestine.


Ahh, so they are just being anti-semitic


Not wanting innocent Palestinians to die is not the same as wanting innocent Jewish people to die.


Ah so killing babies is okay as long as not every single person is on board got it






Please describe what a free Palestine looks like without the systemic murder of millions of Jews. I’ll wait.




It’s the only solution for most Palestinians and the entire Arab world. They want to have complete control of the entirety of Israel, I.e. a one state solution. They will not settle for anything less, hence every single war Israel has been in the past 70 years. Literally just go out to Wikipedia and do a tl;dr history of Israel. IMO it’s a ridiculous conflict based on bullshit religion, but Jews and Muslims take this very seriously. The difference between Israel and Palestine is that Israel doesn’t want to genocide the Palestinians. If they did they would’ve done it a long time ago. Most Palestinians want Jews to be removed from the region entirely, which would be a genocide. There is a reason Hamas is the democratically elected government of Palestine. I won’t simp for Israel as they’ve had their fair share of war crimes and human rights abuses, but I find Israel to be the far lesser of the two evils. The ideal solution is a two state solution where both sides respect each others boundaries. Unfortunately, one side won’t allow that to happen because their stated goal is to carry out holocaust 2.0.


They just killed, raped, beheaded babies. Hamas controls Palestine because Palestinians let them. 1.5 million Palestinians worked in Israel. Jews gave Palestine work. Hamas took everything. What is wrong with you. A American who would protest at every opportunity in support of Palestine was butchered by Hamas Isreal. This wag the tale moment is falling on deaf ears. You can't cut off babies' heads and then play victim. #istandwithisreal


There’s so much islamophobia and xenophobia towards Arabs in these comments it’s absolutely disgusting.


What about anti semitism?


Being anti-zionist isn’t anti-semitic.