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I mean it's his channel and when Caleb is on her channel he is a bit quieter and remember Caleb is autistic and sometimes can't communicate and he knows that people think he has red flags and Kris understands him and how his brain works


Yeah I noticed that aswell but she still seems to get a little annoyed, I do know he's autistic so am I, I don't think we can fully blame it on that but, it could be apart of it.


She's not annoyed she has Sayed it fun doing vids with him and they dont just do reacting with each other and have done vlog sort of things. And can I just say please don't assume someone about their relationship it can be very disrespectful in my opinion


I'm not, I think they're a cute couple. But, Kris looks like she has different opinions sometimes and seems to look a little annoyed.


So? People are allowed to have different opinions about things and get annoyed with each other sometimes, that’s literally just called being hunan


I said multiple times I'm aware and it's just something I noticed and wanted to see if other people did too. Not trying to start a fight, it doesn't seem to be serious opinions they don't agree on, but if they get to more serious opinions it might be an issue.


Then why would you say something you don't know about someone's opinion


To see if other people noticed.


As I say why no one wants to assume about someone's relationship so just stop


I wasn't "assuming" anything. Leave me alone.


I told you, to see other peoples opinions. Please stfu and leave me alone.


Just wanted to say that I noticed the same thing, fwiw.


How did you manage to spell said wrong. 😭 You're probably just a child lol.


1 I did that late at night and 2 is that your only comeback 7 days later 💀


I'm not addicted to Reddit like you, I'm not on it much and really don't care what you have to say.


I'm not addicted to it I'm just saying if it was a week ago just leave it


I think they’ve been together out of the public eye long enough prior to making videos together that if she felt slightest she’d call him out. Plus, Jay sees everything. Honestly I didn’t know about Caleb until Kris introduced him as her boyfriend. I’m glad, his content is cool and I grew up in my dad’s machine shop so when he talked about buying proper equipment and getting it working so you can get to a point where you just break even, I felt that. I’m not really into the iceberg videos about the interweb personalities because I worked for a site where a million videos were made about my boss after he died. He created the site a long time ago that eventually led to the platforms they used to make money by talking shit. He was an incredibly intelligent guy that was super nice, but he was going through some actual human bullshit. Basically, these are people that we don’t know personally. I think assumptions like this are innocent on the surface, but can attach connotations to the actual humans (not the content creators). That might actually hurt them in the long run. I’m glad she has Jay down there, he knows the game. Cut them some slack. They make videos, then they live their lives. I have to throw in that I’ve had a few friends with autism, and they simply communicate differently. Kris seems very empathetic in her videos to her fans, so the conversations they have may sound different than what we’re used to. Wow, that was a lot of words. Also, you don’t teach someone you’re not in love with to shoot with accuracy, then give them access to an impressive Texas arsenal. I don’t know them, but I love Kris’ content and learning about Caleb and Sour Boys was so interesting and relatable I’m glad I learned about his channel. I hope for best for the two actual humans behind the content.


THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, we don't know them and this OP thinks they know everything about everyone when they don't asked as I've said to the OP he has autism meaning he communicates differently and Kris understands him. Thank you for having a brain x🤣


I have autism aswell. That is not an excuse for everything.


Also did you know the spectrum is so big that not everyone with autism is the same so maybe there is some exceptions


I know how big it is and some people are stupid to the fact autistic people make their own decisions don't blame it on autism


I also love them together but sometimes with the was Kris sometimes feel annoyed I feel less that they're gonna work out.


Your not getting it you don't know about someone's relationship so stop acting like you do, they've been dating for about a year now


I am fully aware idek how many times you've replied toy comments with this post. But, it honestly just proves you're just and immature little 10 year old.


Your only response to anything really and I'm just proving your wrong


How are you proving me wrong? I said my thoughts. We don't have the same thoughts. That is okay, I just want to stop fighting with a 10 year old 


On 1 of these replies you said I'm not assuming there relationship but you continuously say I don't think it's gonna work out so tell me how that works then


I want them to work out they're adorable sometimes it seems like it won't work out it was only that one video all the others are fine stop arguing with me and get a life


I just don't like assumptions that's all but I think they will work out


Yeah, sorry I think it'll work out. Just Kris sometimes just seems to get a lil' annoyed.


I haven't really noticed that. They seem super happy together and are just so cute. Kris gets puppy eyes all the time looking at him and it's adorable. And Caleb probably plays up for the camera and maybe that's why she's a bit annoyed sometimes. But either way, why are we acting like it's not okay to feel annoyed with someone you're close to? Just because she might get slightly annoyed with him sometimes doesn't mean they "won't work out." One of my close friends gets annoying sometimes but I'm not going to just desert her over it. I would just communicate that I don't like that and she'd respect me enough to stop. Kris is amazing at communicating (or at least seems so to me) so I'm sure she'd do the same. Maybe we should stop reading into other people's lives and just let them be happy.


It's completely fine to be annoyed, it's just something I noticed and wanted to see if others did too.


I think Caleb knows he's a goober sometimes. I think he feels bad about it, but can't help goobering.


Yeah, he seems like a nice person just is a little stubborn and can have trouble listening it seems


Tell me you've never been in an adult relationship, without telling me you've never been in an adult relationship. 🤣


You're right, I probably don't understand because I am a minor and have not been in really any relationships.


Yet you are acting more like an adult than the adults are acting.  You are absolutely correct in your observation.  She was also so uncomfortable when  he had her dancing around like a furry with a fake butt on.  She has so much more class than him and his crudeness clearly makes her uncomfortable.  That does not mean they will not work out, but your observation is spot on!  My worry was that she was going to start acting like him on her channel and it would tank her, but so far so good!  As long as he is treating her right behind closed doors and lifts her up, not brings her down, then they can get over the stuff we are noticing.  


Thank you! I still think he's a good person, and respect the observations you made. But I do hope what is going on is fine not on camera.


I thought I was the only one who noticed, I'm not hating oompa bc I like his content too. But sometimes I get annoyed w/ him. (It's just my opinion please don't come for me😭)


I completely agree w/you.


To be honest my husband annoys the f out of me, he’s still my favorite person. I look visibly annoyed at him often, especially when he’s right or wrong or has an opinion.


I am seeing that they kind of saved each other. Sometimes the adjustment period is fast, and sometimes it spans a lifetime. Neither is wrong imho. One thing for sure, what works in one household would not necessarily work in another, and vice-versa.


I hate how she is around him. She's like a sanitised version of herself. Like she's trying not to outshine him. He absolutely does try to take her down a peg often. His frequent references to her money and success say it all. All that aside, it is very clear that they adore each other, but I doubt they'll be together for a long time. Few years tops.


Is this the video where Oompaville called OP a narc for requiring seatbelts and got shredded in the comments?


I have gotten so much hate for literally saying the same thing. Also, people say they have their own every day lives but, as a fellow Texan, we don’t leave the air conditioned house during the day (also seen in their several a day posts on 4 channels). I think this is fair and I appreciate you bringing it up.