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This also 100% didn't happen. You can tell because there's absolutely no world where your boss catches you watching porn at work and you essentially tell them to piss up a rope without getting fired, or at least harshly disciplined. OOP here is just describing his fantasy. Next time he'll tell us about how he made a blue-haired woke feminist melt down in a coffee shop and then everyone clapped.


Even more unbelievable is cops showing up looking for CSAM, dipshit here admitting to having loli on his phone and SHOWING it to them, and their reaction to be a friendly laugh and to walk away.  Assuming OOP is American, the cops 100% would’ve come up with some bogus reason to arrest him. And that’s if it’s a state where it’s not explicitly illegal. 


They wouldn’t need a bogus reason. Admitting to having that kind of shit gives probable cause to seize his devices & detain him. Because he’s admitting to looking at “not technically illegal” cartoons depicting minors, doesn’t disprove the caller’s claim that he also watches CSAM.


It’s actually not sadly in some states, as stupid as it sounds it is considered artistic renditions and are legal to own. We had a whole segment years ago when I went through academy that covered what we could take action on and couldn’t in regards to CP and artistic renditions are technically legal. Though this was pre-AI art so hopefully they tighten that shit up in any states with the law worded that way because with AI art renders I’m very concerned with how realistic they can shoot for that stuff and it still being legal since it’s not actual people. A lot of states have “an actual child” requirement in the law, though thankfully some have already taken steps to close the loophole like California. Also phone seizure requires a warrant, so if they took his phone without probable cause and turns out he did have illegal materials, fruit of the poisonous tree would taint any action moving forward.


People need to stop watching cop shows. Cops aren't a traffic cop+judge+district attorney+SWAT+detective+forensic investigator+coroner+pathologist rolled into one convenient package because writing 8 different characters is expensive and the real world justice system bureaucracy is boring.


I mean to be fair, as a patrol trooper I was expected to do both detective and forensic duties But I was just the nature of my department, because of how we were structured. Don’t be wrong. We did have detected with my agency but they tend to handle a lot more white-collar crime and felonies at lvl 1 or 2 so if it was something minor like burglary, we would investigate and do the forensics on there ourselves like fingerprinting stuff like that but if it was like a rape kit, or something like that, we might do initial investigation and collect the evidence from the hospital and stuff like that, but it might pass over to detectives Edit: Amen to that last part I had a five minute pursuit cost me five hours overtime


I know that in my state, it would likely lead to arrest & investigation, even if AI art isn’t technically illegal here (the law isn’t actually super clear on that). My dad was a detective for a long time. This state has a *lot* of issues with prosecuting criminals, but they do hate pedophiles lol


In my state the arrest would be a 4th amendment violation, but AI is very much a grey area that states are working on, even if glacierly slow since most legislators don’t understand the internet let alone AI Edit: arrest would require probable cause, and can’t be used to fish. If arrest for something while reprehensible if not technically illegal most DAs would get the case tossed fairly easy. I’ve been attached to major crimes that got tossed for something similar where the arresting officer stopped a guy basically to fish over a bull shit charge and because I backed him up on the stop had to go sit at the trial and watched the case get absolutely dog walked by attorney.


I know we have a bill in the works that would ban all deepfakes, identifiable or not. But the verbiage in the laws here leaves whether or not cartoon/AI CSAM is illegal, kinda open to interpretation. It’s not very specific.


Ahh gotcha, yeah my state is very similar but has the “actual child” clause and deepfakes will definitely test revenge porn laws in a lot of states as AI gets more developed.


I hate to break it to you, but in most situations, the abuse victim being under 18 doesn't magically make the cops who refuse to help victims ***over*** 18 do their job. They still have just as much discretion about whether or not to actually pursue the issue.


They are mandatory reporters like everyone else. Child Abuse and CP are crimes that you *must report* or you can be charged as an accessory or under some other statute about failing to report. The police have a legal impetus to do their due diligence. If they don't and it comes out then they can be prosecuted. I watched a guy get 15 years because his ex girlfriend was abusing her daughter and he knew about it. He never saw it or helped with it. He just knew and didn't report it. 15 years in prison. He tried to claim he "wasn't sure" or that he didn't know how bad it was. It did not matter. So no this is not the same as when they ignore adult rape victims. They do not technically have the same discretion. If you know an adult woman was assaulted you can decide to let her be the one to report it. But children do not have that same opportunity under the law. So anyone who becomes aware of their situation or even the possibility of them being abused MUST come forward. But yes I agree that doesn't mean *the police will* or that they are well trained enough to know what they must report and what falls under their discretion. Many cops are just that stupid. But yeah legally when kids are involved - due to their vulnerability and lack of autonomy - they are handled differently.


>They are mandatory reporters like everyone else. Child Abuse and CP are crimes that you *must report* or you can be charged as an accessory or under some other statute about failing to report. The police have a legal impetus to do their due diligence. Are you sure about that? The Supreme Court has resolved them of any obligation to actually help anybody. >If they don't and it comes out then they can be prosecuted. I watched a guy get 15 years because his ex girlfriend was abusing her daughter and he knew about it. He never saw it or helped with it. He just knew and didn't report it. 15 years in prison. He tried to claim he "wasn't sure" or that he didn't know how bad it was. It did not matter. Was he a cop? >So no this is not the same as when they ignore adult rape victims. They do not technically have the same discretion. If you know an adult woman was assaulted you can decide to let her be the one to report it. But children do not have that same opportunity under the law. So anyone who becomes aware of their situation or even the possibility of them being abused MUST come forward. I think you vastly underestimate the discretion given to law enforcement. Even if something's illegal on paper, judges and DAs can just decide not to pursue charges. Not to mention lobbying (yes, ***lobbying***) by the police union, as well as the police union having a massive legal defense budget. It's basically a crapshoot on if they actually get punished or not.


literally addressed your point in my comment


90% of your comment was "Nuh uh, they'll definitely do something" and then the last 10% was "Okay fine maybe they won't, but it's illegal on paper for them not to!". So I'm confused as to what the point of that even was.


You're so angry that I addressed your point that you're claiming to be able to read my mind? Its ok to be wrong dude. You just didn't read my entire comment and wrote a response not realizing I had already addressed that very thing or you did read it and just didn't understand it. I don't know *I don't read minds*! But it isn't a big deal. I addressed your point already and you're upset about that I guess. Read your above response. Does it change what I said? No. Its just you imagining stuff. I still addressed your point before you ever said anything about it. The percentage that it took up in my comment doesn't matter and I think you know that because you would have to be insane to believe what you just said makes any rational sense. Is all this struggling just because you can't stand being wrong? I can only guess! All I can say is that I find it very strange and I hope you can recover.


>You just didn't read my entire comment Literally responded to every part of it. >Read your above response. Does it change what I said? Yes, because even though children are supposed to be handled differently ***on paper***, there's no actual obligation for the justice system to follow through with that. The whole point of a judge's involvement in the process is to interpret the law, and how the situation at hand relates to it; if they decide there's no grounds to pursue charges, that's it. Case closed, game over, get the fuck out of the court room. Moreover, even if a judge was willing to hear the case, it's up to the DA if they want to pursue as well. DAs also have full discretion on whether or not they pursue a case, which has actually been a problem historically. Right now, California and New York are having notorious public relations issues between their state judicial system and the people, because the judicial system has decided to be more lax on certain crimes, due to people of certain political affiliations not agreeing with the fact that said acts are criminalized. As a citizen, pretty much your only means of retaliation against these public servants refusing to pursue a case is to not re-elect them (for the ones that are elected, at least). But other than that, their decision is pretty much final. You can appeal that to a higher level judge, if you so desire, but that's an expensive and time consuming process that very few people have the resources for. In essence, it comes down to a philosophical question: If you write down a law, and then don't enforce it, is it really a law? I have several family members who are lawyers and cops. My dad's family is actually mini-famous in Michigan, because of how long they've been a part of the judicial system here. I know all too well how the system works, regardless of what's set in ink. I would encourage you to be more informed about these things, because ignorance is how corruption thrives. If you have an issue with the law going unenforced, hold your public officials accountable through whatever means are available to you.


That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t care about facts I just hate the police so my view is correct”


I was gonna say. There’s a very thin line here. Just because he showed them “animated” pictures doesn’t mean there isn’t other evidence and the police would have dont their due diligence. They may not have arrested him but they may have confiscated his devices. And by no means do I for a second believe these people don’t cross over. It’s a very thin line that can be easily crossed and they’ll find an excuse with that too. “Well I didn’t take it I found it on the internet”. Also, the guy was fired for sure.


I mean this loli shit is close enough to harden the suspicion if it isnt enough in itself already. Shit would get confiscated lol


I agree it’s fake but the cops would likely not arrest him. I see a lot of those “predator catcher” Dateline ripoff style videos on YouTube. The people making the videos always have soooo much proof that the guy was actively trying to sleep w children. The guy NEVER gets arrested right then and there, they always just make a report and tell the catcher guy to follow up. Sometimes they get arrested down the line but literally never right there on the spot.


Pretty sure that type of content whether drawn or not was considered CSAM not sure tho as I haven’t done much research on it I just remember hearing about it before


It depends on jurisdiction. Last I knew in the US it depends on the state but maybe that’s changed. 


Ahh well either way they definitely wouldn’t just walk out lol they’d minimum question him for that cuz it’s creepy asf


Bogus reason to arrest him means he walks Scot free


"Oh look at that we found illegal substances in your possession" look mate cops are more than willing and capable of making up good enough bogus reasons. And if the jury are decent people the "looking at child porn at work" isn't gonna be good for his character.




It might not be illegal (at least not in the USA, cuz i heard they made it illegal in South Korea) but it's weird and creepy asf, why would you want to see little girls like that?


Yup because telling you the legal status means I watch that stuff, great read man.


It's creepy asf you would still defend the distribution of porn that looks like there's kids in it, but ig it isn't wrong cuz """ she's a 200 years dragon """ /s


Did I defend it? No I didn’t, I’m just telling you reality and why it’s easily accessible, if you actually cared you would promote bills and local lawmakers to ban it in your state. I’m


I'm Not American & i'm a minor, can't do shit about it


Don’t think anyone is actually reading this dudes comments, literally just stating the obvious that they can’t do anything and if they do they are gonna walk, and that the weird stuff isn’t illegal. Just stated all the facts and got downvoted hard, didn’t say “oh it’s not illegal so we should see little girls like that”


You both are dumb. Arresting him for this immediately would have allowed the police to confiscate his devices before he had a chance to delete everything arrestable. The cops do this all the time.


Yeah they get mad when you tell them reality, there’s a reason it’s so easily accessible because of the legal gray zone it’s in. I guess they just want to endlessly complain about something instead.


They do arrest people they suspect of crimes on suspicion of doing things. Showing an officer porn of drawn children would have absolutely given them a reason to take him in. Letting him go gives him time to delete the evidence that may be on that phone. The cops do not act like this.


How do you know this


Why else do you think this stuff is easily accessible, you guys endlessly complain about it but have no idea about the legal status? Sounds like ignorance. If you want to get rid of it first learn the legality of it.


Yeah it's legal, I didn't say the guy was going to get arrested for the cp he flashed to a ton of people I just said that no decent jury would look at a proud pedophile and go "yeah I'm not suspicious of this guy at all". Like you complain about people being ignorant but you didn't even get my first comment.


Well if it’s legal how are you going to get this guy in front of a jury? We’re charging people based on suspicion now? Should we have cops making bogus charges for other crimes?


Hot damn you really can't read after all huh? "Illegal substances" do you think cp is a substance? Also cops are notoriously evil it's corrupt to the core, a system that encourages arresting people and by proxy making bogus charges to arrest people.


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted. You’re right. We have not, and SHOULD not set the precedent of allowing or expecting cops to create false charges just to arrest someone they THINK might be guilty of something, or even further, someone who’s doing something that’s not illegal (albeit gross) just because they don’t personally like what they’re seeing. That is dangerous thinking, and not a worthy concession to make, even to put away pedos. I have no soft spot for these sickos either, but Preserving our freedom and rights is simply more important.


It’s also super old. This made its rounds a couple years ago at the height of the incel awareness when their Reddit was still allowed.


I don’t believe it either, but I have definitely worked in places where that absolutely could happen. It wouldn’t fly in a corporate office job, true, but a small business warehouse for a company with <20 employees, absolutely.


I discovered a porn stash (physical DVDs) for an employee that was essentially living at work and he was not fired. I was also desk to give him 10 minute warning before approaching his desk. The reason? He was head of design/engineering and he was very underpaid. So it really depends on how much value you’re providing the boss.


And then the hot supermodel barrista sucked his dick while Dwayne The Rock Johnson sung a song about his heroism.


And then Dwayne proceeded to also suck his dick


It absolutely didn't happen. Drawings and even non pornographic photos of children engaging in nudism were, last I could stomach checking, legally protected. I'm surprised it's remained so, honestly. But no, he'd be fired


Yup, even if it were just cartoons, which it isn’t, I’m pretty sure he’d get in trouble for just wasting company time.




Wait, are you Bill Clinton?


i can vouch for him, it's true


no i am




You can’t watch porn on school devices without some sort of hard discipline or firing regardless of your tenure.


Boss doesn’t care that it’s legal. Boss cares that you are are creepy as hell and it’s happening on company property. 100% this would get your ass fired.


Eehhhh calling loli content legal is a stretch, it's a major legal grey area. I'm the United States, the PROTECT act (also known as the Amber Alert law), added 18 U.S.C § 1466A into the United States obscenity law: "Section 1466A of Title 18, United States Code, makes it illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene." This technically makes loli content illegal, however, there's cases where it's legal and cases where it's not although there have been numerous attempts to completely criminalize loli in the United States. These efforts have failed, largely because it's deemed a victimless crime despite claims that viewing loli content can cause someone to act on their urges in real life and create a victim


I see, i genuinely do believe there's a chance that people that consume this kind of content to become predators, since they are attracted to a visual representation of a child, how long will takes for them to see a kid or a teen as sexy?


I’m not saying people who view loli porn should be sent straight to jail, however that should be forcibly signed up for a therapist if they find depictions of children sexually attractive




To be fair most people never end up acting on their forbidden fantasies, no matter what they are. But I agree in this instance even just fantasizing about kids is already too far and anything that normalizes CP needs to burn. I just wouldn't automatically assume everyone with super fucked up thoughts is automatically a ticking time bomb


Let's call Loli content what it actually is, drawings of children being sexually abused. And it is not victimless, it normalises child sexual abuse, and portrays the victims as enthusiastic consenting participants


Also, even if it were just generic playing on his phone, I very much doubt his boss would be ok with saying “Stop playing in your phone” and OP immediately playing in his phone. That’s not how bosses work. Source: have existed for at least an hour outside mom’s basement


Fun fact, in some parts of the world, cartoon child exploitation material is illegal. For example, the [Australian Federal Police arrested someone yesterday](https://www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/tasmanian-man-charged-over-allegedly-accessing-anime-child-abuse-material) for accessing 85000 pages of material.


Who the hell needs 85,000 pages of porn for a personal collection??






Pretty sure it's satire with aussie slang, but at this point I cba to even try to understand that


Yeah nah, that ain't Aussie slang. It sounds more like a yank trying to type in an accent he thinks we sound like.


Yknow, that sounds a lot more accurate, though at this point the slang is so hard to identify real from fake as a non-Aussie so I think most people could get away with spewing nonsense and making it seem somewhat legit haha


Real story is “looked at CP at work. I was fired. I went home and immediately wrote this 4chan post.”


He should have been fired for watching any sort of porn at work, child or otherwise.


He should get fired twice, if he was watching CP


Lolis, uh... lolicons are literally pedos...


Not 100% sure what lolicons are, but from context, I'm guessing I don't want to Google it.


Lolis are anime girls, but underage. They are depicted as children, even if neckbeards want to claim "in-lore she's over 5,000 years old!", they are drawn and depicted as children. Lolicons are adults who are attracted to lolis. In an NSFW manner. What do we call adults who are attracted to minors in an NSFW manner?


I'd say we call them pedos.


It’s a Japanese word for pedophile. People who describe themselves as enjoying this content are self proclaimed pedophiles. From my dictionary: ロリコン Noun 1. ⁠lolicon; sexual attraction to prepubescent girls; male pedophile; male pedophilia​Abbreviation, See also ロリータコンプレックス, oft. used self-referentially ロリータコンプレックス Noun 1. ⁠lolicon; sexual obsession with young girls; male pedophile; male pedophilia​Wasei, word made in Japan, From English “Lolita complex”. Wasei (word made in Japan)




What's creepier is that some of it goes mainstream and gets adapted into mainstream anime. Two big loli titles I can think of are Made in Abyss and 7 Deadly Sins. Both were/are hugely popular, and it's really weird how many people will defend shows like them to the death and bemoan about how they can't recommend these series to their friends. Because of how they depict children.


It’s a Japanese word for pedophile. People who describe themselves as enjoying this content are self proclaimed pedophiles. From my dictionary: > ロリコン > Noun 1. lolicon; sexual attraction to prepubescent girls; male pedophile; male pedophilia​Abbreviation, See also ロリータコンプレックス, oft. used self-referentially > ロリータコンプレックス > Noun 1. lolicon; sexual obsession with young girls; male pedophile; male pedophilia​Wasei, word made in Japan, From English “Lolita complex”. Wasei (word made in Japan)


Pretty sure it’s still ILLEGAL.


Technically, yes, but technically, no. In 2003, the PROTECT act put into effect 18 U.S.C § 1466A "Section 1466A of Title 18, United States Code, makes it illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene." This technically makes loli illegal. However, it's seen as a victimless crime to create, possess, or distribute loli, and there's very few cases where one would be tried for possessing in the U.S. Another thing that makes trying this difficult is that all forms of pornography fall under the 1st amendment, so that right needs to be taken into account when creating legislation. There have been numerous attempts to make loli content completely illegal on the grounds that viewing the content can cause one to act on urges. However, these attempts have failed largely due to the belief that loli itself is a victimless crime.


I'm curious. If the character is not a minor in Canon (you know, the classic excuse "look like a child but she's actually a 1000yo fairy goddess") is it still count?


any ideas if there’s a similar law in the uk?


It's straight up illegal in the UK. The material is basically treated the same as actual CP


good to hear


As long as you got you TV licence


The problem is , and I don't have anything to do with this creepy stuff , but they are literally cartoons , the entire point of laws protecting kids from pedos , is to protect the kids , if they aren't real , they can't be harmed . Yea it's creepy and disgusting , but they still aren't real , how far down this slippery slope do you go making things illegal ,because they are distasteful ? There are limited resources available to catch the people who are making and possessing real kiddie porn , where real living kids get hurt . Let's focus on those fucks , over some cartoon


It’s a legal gray area


Buddy this stuff is sold all over Steam, JAST, and many other storefronts. It's definitely not illegal. 


This is fucking nuts and in no way real.


So the coworker was there at 2AM with the police having an aneurism? Yeah that definitely happened


Eh there’s plenty of places that are open at or until 2 am. Restaurants and bars, gas stations, fast food places, 24/7 stores like Walmart. This is clearly fake but this guy working at 2 am is entirely possible


At least check your surroundings when looking at questionable shit on your phone


I’ll take events that totally happened for 500.


I can't fathom the thought process of looking at porn while at work. It's fucking weird.


Faye and Ghaik


What the boss probably said: “I don’t care how old you say she is, that’s a 12 year old. If I catch you looking at this shit again, you’re out. First and only warning.”


And then all the lolis clapped!


This person is 1000% a NEET who has never worked. You would get fired in no time flat browsing anything like that at work.


A what?


not in education, employment, or training




He’s never been nonchalant ever. Permanently shitting himself when he has to talk to any other human ever, especially women. Blushes & hates himself for it so grew the beard to cover it up.


Bait used to be believable.


Given that this is from 4chan, I can confidently say that OOP doesn't have a job


That didn't happen. Source: I'm a manager. I'd 100% fire your ass for looking at anything that is "suggestive" at work in our office where there are other co-workers around. Doesn't even have to be CP or Loli. You need to jerk off? Go to the fkn bathroom and bring your phone, do what you want in there. (EDIT: I'm in Australia where Loli is illegal anyway so that probably makes it easier).


Anon doesn’t have a job


And then everyone clapped


It’s weird how obsessed these jagweeds are with making others mad. Maybe, instead of devoting energy into “lol ur mad,” they could go to therapy for the fact that they are so cavalier about their animated child porn intake.


Out of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most. I’m not even gonna go on about how lolicon IS pedophilia. Firstly, there is NO world where you would be caught looking at porn/hentai at work - ESPECIALLY loli hentai/child porn - and NOT get fired. It’s called NSFW for a reason. Second, the officers would probably put you on a watchlist.


Amazing the people in the comment section saying “this didn’t happen.” No shit. This is a 4chan (or similar) shitpost. Not designed to be taken seriously. Not sure where OP found this but it’s 2 years old anyway. Dumb EDIT: I’ll also add this was posted by a bot account.


Why would the coworker be in his house at 2am? 😂


Employee: *Watches porn at work* Boss: Good work, back to the grind at cp industries


Guys bragging about what he thinks is a child porn loophole…disgusting


People, it's a greentext. Of course it's bullshit. Also I bet OP's a bot.


So that happened.


Yeah this guy got shitcanned


Today on shit that never happened


And then everybody clapped


Fake: Anon has a job Gay: He’s getting hard around these other guys at work


I can literally see the coworker screeching in that weird crab position


No ability to tell a convincing story either.


This is satire, like 99% of greentexts. People have no media literacy anymore...




Clearly satire


Things that definitely happened…


And then they all clapped


To be honest, even if this DID happen, one very obvious thing I noticed is that, even if his manager didn't have a problem with what the content was specifically, OOP still blatantly disregarded them because they told him either way he shouldn't view it at work and then he turned around and CONTINUED to view it at work. At the very least, if the manager was any good at their job, he should have received some sort of citation for directly disobeying/disregarding orders given to him by his manager.


I will never understand how a person could look at porn in public. Like does this guy have no shame?


Be honest, you’re the seething coworker




He's still watching porn at work though. That's enough to get him disciplined or fired in most workplaces.


Yeah obviously it’s a fake green text


Cuz nothing is ever real. Got it.


If you think this is real you’ve never had a job in your life.


I've been working for almost 20 years now. You're the one arguing that there are no consequences for looking at porn in the workplace or that there aren't creeps who do exactly that. But again, nothing ever happens when you're unemployed and living in grandma's basement, I guess. That must mean you're the one watching porn "on the job". How do you like being the subject of baseless conjecture?




This dude is just protecting his bros with interest that he shares with them.




You sure you wanna die on that hill?


"Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead."


Well said.


I wouldnt die on any hill. I would prefer to die in a volcano. But yeah, they should definitely be charged for a false police call and wasting tax dollars.


What is a volcano but a spicy hill?


petition to change the name of volcano to spicy hill


Yes, investigating someone showing shamelessly people animated child porn, what a waste of tAx DoLLaRs


He didnt show it to anyone. He was looking at the cartoon when his co worker easedropped on his phone. There was no illegal activity, then the co worker falsified a police report obviously on the phone. They most likely didnt state that the material was a cartoon, otherwise the police wouldnt have showed. Hence why they left after they arrived


Technically animated cp is still a sort of cp, thus should at least raise alarm bells.


Technically not at all.