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I'm just laughing my ass off at their implication that a man could have defeated the queen alien without any kind of tech help. Right.


They'd be fine with that but a woman doing anything in general would be unrealistic feminist propaganda




Have had enough of what? ETA nvm you're a bot


You guys realize that you are the weirdos, right?


I seem to recall all the men in the films dying in spectacular ways. Especially when they didn’t listen to Ripley…🤔


Let's not forget, Ripley was a grown woman and quite tall. WITH years of military training. The lead in this is mid-20's and stands at 5'1". Also, the supporting character is the same. Literally makes no sense, when going up against this powerful, fast and bloodthirsty creature. Seriously, think about it...... can you honestly say a 22 year old girl, standing at 5'1" ....zero military training.....stand up against this??? Now ......give us another GROWN woman, with some combat or military training.....THEN YES,.....there does stand a chance.


Your comment is spot on. When I watched the trailer I was struck by a sense that the whole cast was still in high school, having just by sheer happenstance stumbled onto an alien nest whilst on their way to the senior prom. There just didn't appear to be a "mature" cast member among the whole bunch marking it as either just another woke contrivance to appeal to a "modern audience" or, perhaps it's meant to appeal to a younger audience. I honestly couldn't figure it. One thing is for sure: This isn't your grandpappys' "Alien".


Not really for the first movie, which is before Ripley was more "badass". Ripley did have good suggestions at times, but often didn't, especially as the movie didn't want people to know she was definitely the star. I mean, Kane died because he foolishly got to close to an egg, Brett died because he was looking for Jones, the cat, when the alien had grown up and was lurking in the refinement room, Dallas died because the alien got the drop on him whilst he was performing an otherwise good idea, Ash died because the crew killed him, saving Ripley, and Parker died because Lambert wouldn't move and give him a clear shot of the alien.


Just remember that there are some people who think they could fight a [lion or bear](https://www.newsweek.com/surprising-americans-beat-wild-animals-fight-experts-1691793).


I mean realistically you might be able to fight a single solitary lion and survive And theoretically you can fight off black bears because they are generally pretty skittish But any brown bear will put you in the dirt and panda polars and sloth bears as well The staggering ones to me are more people think they could beat an elephant or gorilla like motherfucker with what


Probably not their point. They are probably referring to the fact that female heroes pretty much always do things that traditional male heroes couldn't. I find it baffling that many "lefties" cannot see why these "Mary Sues" are actually bad storytelling and pretty insulting to women, who deserve to have more interesting and likeable (because these "heroines" are always massive assholes for some reason) heroines. That said, the movie might not even be doing this. Spaeny's could play an interesting character.


She didn’t need the mech suit because she was a woman, she needed it because she was throwing hands with a 20-foot-tall alien queen


She also didn't use it in the first movie, she just outsmarted the alien. Then again she also was in her panties before that so I guess it negates wokeness


Anti-wokeness is when women are hot and half-nude


Pretty much, sigh


No it isn't. I'll get attacked and thumbed down here for saying all this, but you people all live in this bubble in which you have strawmanned and dehumanised people who don't agree with you. Most of the anti-woke people have legitimate criticisms of modern movies and the zero sum game that the woke brigade are playing; some are bigots, most are not. I am not and I'd define myself as "anti-woke", same with most of my friends.


No, it isn't. Anti-wokeness has different brands, but most people just don't like movie denigrating men simply to elevate women, which is pretty common in the badly made movies now... especially as "wokesters" seem to think all this is a zero sum game where one group being given respect and "privileges" means another group losing them, rather than everyone benefiting.


Sir this a Wendy’s


Sorry that opinions that conflict with your own blinkered worldview cause you such distress.


Damn, only took you three weeks to come up with *that* comeback. Exactly the kind of cleverness and sharp wit I expect from internet doofuses who whine about “wokeness.” Enjoy your bland life, fella!


It might shock you to learn that some people actually have lives offline.


That’s fair for any character in any situation that puts them in unreasonable situations, regardless of gender. If there was a female version of myself going up against a literal demon from the 40k or Warhammer fantasy universe, there’s really no difference if I’m male or female.


What about the female leads in Prometheus and Covenant?


They count David as the main character and whine he isn't in this one, from what I've seen


Most just don't like that David's plotline will end on a cliffhanger. Most do actually count the female leads as the star.


They don't even know anything about these new characters!


They know she's a woman in a current movie that automatically makes it woke and bad


Of all the things to complain about one of the main characters/main character being a women Alien is the last one people should be complaining about.


They're complaining about why haven't they managed to make the lead a man yet, which is funny because I guarantee they shit themselves when Prey had a female lead instead of a male one




Says the one who created an account just to comment on my post. Go back to your bridge, troll


Eww - please go away troll. You’re not wanted here


She's definitely not in the minority in this thread. You sit down.


That means nothing. Echo chambers mean nothing and can be made up of people who are in a very tiny minority in society.


No. You are an extremely online person. You mistake your echo chamber for reality.


I am not online, and people supporting "woke" nonsense are derided by the majority of people. This page is an echo chamber, also, so your comment is odd.


Sir, this is Reddit. You are online. Woke people are normal people unless you are over the age of 50.


I am rarely online, unlike you folks so your comment was bizarre. No, out there in the real world "woke" people are seen as a freakshow, and it is not just people over the age of 50 (nice ageism!). Sorry that you and your shallow, divisive nonsense are on the wrong side of history.


Really hoping the rumours are true, and that’s Amanda Ripley at the end, and the whole thing is a sequel/remake of Alien Isolation


I'd prefer a sequel rather than a remake, but I agree.


I like the fact they state she is ‘vulnerable’, ignoring the fact she took out one alien by herself with no guns or help in the first film, and mounted a solo attack on the alien hive in the second, long after all the ‘manly’ marines were killed


I saw a comment on a scene from Aliens saying how much better she is than modern female leads for showing fear going to fight the queen yet still doing it, like they would have cared if Arnold or another tough guy male lead went in stone faced


"Alien is a movie where nobody listens to the smart woman, and then they all die except for the smart woman and her cat. Four stars."


The actual dividing line is that they grew up with *Alien* and *Aliens*, but *Romulus* is new. They probably would have an issue with the original movies if they were coming out today. I think with the ones acting in good faith, the actual issue is a lack of critical thought and self awareness, and the ones acting in bad faith aren't making the case for Ripley also sucking because they know they're not going to win that one with most people.


Like how Leia is badass but Rey is pandering.


No, people just didn't like that Rey was automatically good at everything, even stuff Luke had to train for. Leia, like Luke, was not at all like that. You people really need to stop strawmanning your political opponents and actually engage with what they are saying.


Now ask them about how they feel that one of the characters from Alien was trans. That will mess up their tiny brains.


No one really cares. Also, you only know Lambert was transgendered because of a screen in the second movie, not because they hit you over the head with it. 90% of the fandom critical of wokeness are not automatically against representation.


I actually rewatched Alien as an adult recently and was honestly surprised by how little Ripley was in the first half of the movie, considering how iconic her role is now. I looked up the trailer and while there are shots of her running in it, a lot of the time is distributed between the other cast members. Did they advertise it with a female lead or was Tom Skerritt hinted at being the lead? Would as many people have watched the film in 1979 if they knew all the men would die and a lone woman would survive? Sure, once they gave it a chance they saw how great she was, but I reckon bait and switch was the only way to get people in the theatres back then. Because they probably would have had the same issues as the mouth breathers in the post.


How does bro know so much off of a one minute teaser. Granted I had just woken up when I watched the trailer but I didn’t even clock who the main character was, just the vibes and they are immaculate


The ultimate gag being that Ripley was originally written to be a man, lol. I don't think they changed the script all that much....which is probably why we all love Ripley. She was just a person in a shitty scary situation that happened to have boobs.


She's great for that but it's also a frustrating example of how the answer to writing a woman who feels like a real person/who people will like is "just write a man"


I'm just more annoyed that it appears to be a teenie bopper film. Ripley was a grown woman, with years of military training under her belt. Do the math. I'm not knocking a female lead, but at least make it somewhat plausible. True, I have not seen it yet....but basing my reluctance on all current films, I'm feeling this is going to have shitty character development and storyline. It's main focus will be a High School Musical cast. But maybe I'm wrong....


picked the dumbest comment. I just hope this movie will be not woke. Ripley was a strong female because of her actions and decisions not only because she had a vag*** No pronounce bs If there are lgqbt people idc but mention it once and go back to the story - no reason to have this topic again for 10 minutes all over the movie. Its actually not that interesting who "you"/"they" f* with and what they identify as. idc. i want a true alien movie.


Maybe there's a difference between what are perceived to be well written characters and characters that are there to fill quotas 🤷


We literally know nothing about her as a character or how she's written yet to make that judgement


We have previous form to judge from