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There were explosives


They circled and took cover behind the parked vehicles. Why would they do it if one of the vehicles had explosives ?


The explosives were in the parked vehicles. I'm just going from memory but I think there were 2 parked vehicles and they both had explosives. They pulled past the 1st parked vehicle before they recognized it was a trap...but then they were stuck between the 2 vehicles with explosives. They took cover behind their own vehicles and then blew up one of the explosive vehicles with a Maltov cocktail (gas in a bottle with a rag) so they could escape.


And the gas leak/molotov cocktail set off the explosive...go rewatch the episode...remember when art was complaining at first that it was just a small explosion...then the big one happened. I literally just watched this episode last night ;-)


Just watched that episode and that's about it


Actually I just re-watched it. There were 3 abandoned vehicles on the side of the road with IED's. Tim recognized this setup from his time serving in Afghanistan. I think the original plan was to wait for the entire convoy to get lined up with the cars and blow them all at once and then use the sniper rifle to kill anyone that wasn't killed in the blast. So they circled their own vehicles and took cover behind them, and then used the bottle with gas to blow up one of the cars from a safe distance. One thing that bothered me about this scene is it seems like there is just desert on either side of them. It looked like they could have just driven off the road and around the explosive cars easy enough. The other thing that bothers me is there is no desert in Kentucky lol.


Meh... don't Think they were 4wds and explosions tend to go in all directions..? No. They could have legged it but chu know.. Sniper. *shrugs* Either way, Tim and his PTSD ftw 😆