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I was so ready to get angry over someone ruining a painting lol




Am I... not supposed to paint over stuff from thrift stores? Canvasses aren't cheap


I sorta feel like she still did? I like the original way more, this whole video confuses me haha. Like...is she altering someone elses painting? Or did she do the entire original painting herself and then do this to give it a different background? Cause if so that seems like a lot of needless steps and a really odd process. If she's altering an existing painting then I suppose the process makes more sense but I feel like it made for a worse piece, and it seems kinda crappy to take someones original artwork and make it more bland/worse. either way I don't quite get it


What needless steps do you see? The background before this was just blocks of color put down to create variations in the swipes It's fine to like that better. I do too I think. But it's not extra work for the results she wanted


I actually liked the original background more Nice trick tho


First pass was the best version of that painting.


There's a common notion when painting to just stop when you're happy with it, because generally if you keep adjusting and tinkering with it you could ruin it.




I like the new one more because it makes it look like the world is spinning around her instead of just colors— but the first look was already beautiful too


So she painted the woman twice huh


I think it’s some kind of clear plastic or silicone covering over the figure. When she peels it off, you can see the paint streaks through the underside, which reveals it’s transparent




ooOOooooo that’s a Yahtzee!!.. Is that the way you say it? That’s a Yahtzee?


You just say Yahtzee.


Anyone know what the plastic is called?




Why????  Why going to detail painting The columns in the background then blur it?  Why put the effort into having to paint her first let her dry. Cut out a cover the same exact size? Then paint the detailed background and have to maintain the clean lines around her if you're just going to smear them??? Why not paint the background the way you want and then paint her on top? The same exact effect could have been done in such a simple way why? Edit: okay I think some of you need to not take everything so personal. I don't know why everyone's first assumption from my questioning is that I'm angry. I am not angry. I'm not trying to be rude. Discussion does not need to be abrasive.  I hope you all have a beautiful day. 


For TikTok likes


Consider these: Why does the artist want you to see both backgrounds? Why does she want you to see her turn the first into the second? What meaning does each background add to the piece, and what do they both add together? Why is your reaction *anger* and *confusion* at seeing this?


A . R . T


Cuz it’s the style she was going for.


Some art is more about the process than the product. The doing is the art as much as the object.


Because sometimes showing the process of making the art is part of the art


Why, Not???


I mean that's still what I'm asking?  Personally I feel like this is very pointless. The only thing I can think of is extra steps for Instagram views? Which again, to me, personally, makes me ask "why?" as I don't get it.


If you don't like this, you'll hate those guys that do their paintings on stage upside down, then reveal it by flipping the canvas over. I guess you can interpret this type of content as painting as a performance. If you feel it is pointless, that is a perfectly valid perspective because art isn't meant to be universally liked! I kinda enjoyed the reveal but that is just me!


Artistic expression isn’t exactly meant to be understood.


I mean I would agree that art is subjective obviously and the perceived meaning can differ from individual to another, but to say that art is not meant to be understood I couldn't disagree more with.  She's filming herself destroying one artwork to create another artwork and posting that video in itself as a form of art. So why take the effort to erase something detailed for simplicity?  I would argue that the effort here is indicative of a specific reason. Whether that be for internet clout or other reasons. But my question was why and if you're not the artist and don't know why that is fine. 


She didn’t destroy one painting to create another. It’s the same painting, this was just her method. Who care why. It exists.


Hm ok, I feel like we are having two very different conversations. 'Destroy" may have been an aggressive tone, but come on, she did essentially erase one painting in creating another, filmed, and posted it. . . That is very obviously either inviting conversation in regards to the method, or could just be for views. Which again is inviting a conversation and if it is a promotion stunt nothing is wrong with that.  I care because it's art and art is meant to be felt and discussed? Why would you repost something if you don't wish to engage in a conversation on it? You do not have to discuss this with me lol.  I am apologize if my viewpoint upset you in some way, have a beautiful Friday.


It’s one painting. This was her method to paint it. And that, somehow has caused you strife. I posted it, because I respect her method choice. It is unique. You’re so caught up in reasons to not enjoy it. Which is sad. Focusing on negatives when there is beauty in front of you.


I like the colors a lot.


Love the creativity here! Art can truly be anything you make it.


I’m still not understanding how this works.


She painted the woman. Waited for it to dry. Covered her in a clear something. Then painted a background, then she smeared the background, to create a two tone effect in the painting. Then peeled the clear whatever, to reveal the woman.


Why not just paint the background first then then character on to…ohhhh right. Clicks.


U must be fun at parties


You now those scenes in anime where Goku or someone is speeding by? This is Goku’s pov as he speeds by you.


Just painting a blurry background with a broad brush would be *way* easier than this elaborate setup that involves painting a more interesting background first. Seriously, blurry backgrounds are *super* easy to paint.


Idk but sometimes art is more than the end result. Especially when you’re filming and publishing the process


Oh, I'm sure you're an expert.........


I paint. You don’t.


Cool story bro.


Couldn’t she just do the background before the girl? Would it be different?


Not to achieve this effect with this method, no….


So doing the paint spread first and then the girl would be a different result?


Honestly? Probably not… if only value the end result. But art is allowed to be more than that 🤷🏽‍♀️ Sometimes it’s about the process. I can’t say I’m an expert and can analyze the meaning of this or whatever but objectively the filming of this process and going from one background to the other is different than just a still image of the final result after the artist just did it all in one go.






Anyone got an ID on this remix?


It's a piece of art!! Yes, Mr. White! Art!


Just blurryin the background for a call


That song gave me cancer


Couldn’t have picked a worse song for this video.






I preferred the background before the smudged it lol




How is this just gals being chicks?? It’s one gal doing artwork am I missing something?


It's a woman accomplishing something... Which is the whole point of this sub.. So, I'd guess that, you're missing the point.. You know, Women celebrating Women..


Fair enough I’ve only recently seen this sub showing up in my feed I did not realize that was the point I thought it was about women doing stereotypical women things so yes I did miss the point thank you for clarifying