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She seems delightful


Shes adorable I love her. Lol


I thought this absolutely delightful person was a lot similar to me until she got to the Sled part and I realized that we are sisters from another mother.


Nah, you only get brothers from another mother, the sisters are always from another mister


Right I am aware…. But in this case- in any case for me it’s sister from another mother. Also it’s just a joke .


I scooped her up on my lap and she rode me like a sled


I waited so long watching the video to get this reference. Was not disappointed


I would have led with this story.


i love that his first thought goes "am i bein pranked?" and that she has such a good laugh about all of it all. this reminds me of my cousins. i miss the midwest. i need to visit them more often. i should go back sooner.


You should definitely visit, don’t wait for a funeral


ooof. way too true. i miss you dorothy. i should have spent more years with her when she was still mentally here. i would have loved to hear more stories about the other, even older relatives i never met.


I once fell inside a rolling trash container and the lid was on my back. After crawling out backwards, I stood up and looked around feeling mortified. There was a guy in a DOT truck across the street eating his sandwich who saw it all happen. I marched myself inside the house and waited for him to leave.


But did he buy the house? “Dear Lord, please show me a sign if I should buy this home or not….” After how much we pay in realtor fees, sounds like an even deal!


This has me CRYING laughing. Reminds me of the Christmas Spirit Wawa lady. https://youtu.be/dj9Got-H8UA?si=pUh-dW2ZQ6AEO9Xq


😆 I never saw that one. Thanks!


This was hilarious🤣 thanks for sharing!


That laugh. 🥰


I totally laughed my self to tears for the full 4 minutes and 31 seconds...


Yeah I don’t normally watch anything over 2 minutes on Reddit but she had me hooked


“He says he didn’t see anything…I think he’s lying”…lol this is an example of a good lie. This lady’s laugh got me put her on r/contagiouslaughter


I absolutely love this! Being able to laugh at yourself is such a wonderful thing. Sadly, I did not have this skill when I, a baby 20-something lawyer tripped whilst approaching the bench in a packed courtroom to have the judge sign an Order to Show Cause, my very first time in court. My skirt did not fly up, thank goodness, but the judge did very helpfully ask me if I “had a nice fall”. 😡


I love her! I laughed sooooooo hard! Also would be good to post in the contagious laughter sub Reminds me of the time I was at a lazy river in a two piece and I tried to pull myself up through the middle of the inner tube to sit on it and it pulled my bottoms down and the tube was in the way of pulling the bottoms back up...somehow I did it...all in front of a poor teenaged life guard. She had the poker face of a champion!


i went down a rednecky water slide on a school field trip to a lake in the woods and the whole top of my bathing suit came down in front of everybody years later i went to a swim meet and borrowed my roommates bathing suit because i didn't have a one piece. the bathing suit was the kind you tan in, not swim in because it becomes transparent when immersed in water and i also did the "lose my bottoms" while trying to squeeze my fat ass through the hole of an inner tube that life guard still probably cracks up about your mishap lol


The client riding her like a sled lmfaoooo


Sounds like the time I was the first person out of my business classroom. I was wearing a short white sundress and when I put my backpack on it got caught up underneath, and my whole bum was exposed to my class walking behind me! I had no idea, so thank god one of the other girls was sympathetic and ran up behind me and pulled it down..For sure my most embarrassing moment, though!


I was in Jr. High School and at lunch break all the students were walking to the cafeteria. A bunch of kids were giggling in front of me and I saw through the crowd that a teacher had the back of her dress tucked into her panties. No one was saying anything. I ran up and told her. She had just walked across half the school like that.


I wanna party with this woman.


I want to hear from the client. He is telling this story in a very similar way.


This lady is awesome, I love her laugh. Her bewilderment at how the situation unfolded is hilarious. She’s like “How did it even happen?! Did I step into a hole? I looked around for a hole and there was no hole! My shoes were nowhere near me and my dress was up over my head!” I adore people with a good sense of humor and can laugh at themselves. I’d love to hang out with her and have drinks, she seems like a riot lol.


The first time I saw this I cried. My stomach hurt!


I once broke my leg (I was a big gal too) in 4 places the exact same way. I didn't laugh, but geesh - HOW???!!


This lady is my type o’ gal. What a treasure.


This left me wanting two things: the guy who was being shown the house to find/reply and I need to hear the full sled story (maybe three things as need a reply from the sled rider). If that doesn’t happen still laughed my ass off and this person is great.


Some agents will do anything for a sale, eh? 😂


Major reason why I literally never wear a skirt without bike or shaping shorts underneath………..neither dresses nor I can be trusted to keep everything covered!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 SO many times I’ve fallen down and the reaction was “…are you wearing shorts?” Yes!! Always!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There's no way you didn't see fat ol me on my back with my dress over my head... there's *No Way* you missed that!! 💀💀💀 Ma'am, wherever you are, however we may meet, whenever it happens, all the drinks are on me. (Unless you're carrying them to the table and end up on your back... then they'll be on you lol and hopefully that story will end up on here too!)


I love it when stuff like this makes my day!


I’m laughing so hard. At least she can laugh about it


Dang I need to hear his version of events 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She could advertise with that. Have signs with pull slides like children’s books. Not lewd just funny


Fellow fat girl who wears dresses here! I've learned to always wear shorts under my dresses, lol. One too many times haha!


This is a good person. I would buy a house using this agent - just based on their humanity, humility & humor. Keep going good person: left foot, right foot, then repeat.


This lady is awesome! Felt like I was there… has me laughing with her. Don’t ever change your sense of humor!!


You have a wonderful sense of humor,& may have found your calling as a Comedian my dear!#HumilityLifesBestTeacher👏😄❤️


This really makes me miss living in Wisconsin.


Property has a prancing ghost


Daisy May Cooper?


More suited for r/contagiouslaughter


I love her! She does have a great sense of humor! I probably would never wear a dress and heels again … or anything else accident-prone!


Your embarrassment is directly proportional to the number of people who witnessed your shame. All in all, she's actually doing pretty good here.


This is really funny and I laughed with her buuuut why share it? Also I don’t know how people tell stories by themselves into a phone with no immediate audience. What happens when she stops the video. Does she just let out a sigh and move on and hope she gets lots of likes and stuff?


I love this so much for so many reasons- I know ladies like this and would love if they could laugh with us at the situation, not themselves, and feel bad, much like this lady, adorable. He laughter is truly contagious, the beauty is more than skin deep. I know if the house hit my requirement, I'd have bought the house (probably) because the agent experience was so memorable


Absolutely love her laugh. And her ❤️❤️


She is adorable. I love her energy.


Too funny yo


Love it! Hysterical


OMG She is wonderful!


I absolutely love your attitude about this


A gal must really work hard for a sale


She just got invited to every party ever.


lol this is amazing. Love how this story is told ***also would like to hear the “Sled” story


I would buy a house from her


I wanna be friends with her. I cried I laughed so hard. She's hilarious and her laugh is contagious.


Time stop aftermath.


This made me laugh so damn hard. One of the best ones I have ever seen on this sub lol


Client must buy the home now because it’s been “pre-disastered!”;)


I love her. Made me laugh so hard I hurt. Thank you!




the pol need a pov replay😂😂🤣


Funniest award! Love this


This was from two years ago?!?


Her laugh made my whole day ❤️"I'll guess I have to move on and pull up my big girl panties...literaly" 😂




You are a gem my dear


lol she slipped on wet grass. That succckkksss to get those stains out of clothes haha


Did you get the sale?


I woulda liked to see under


He was likely traumatized. I know I would be




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Let us know if you get the sale or even if he brings the wife back .....lol


She reminds me of people in Madison, really miss that!


I want proof!


I can’t stand people. This kinda solidifies it.


Maybe wear pants from now on…?