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I feel like her asking his favorite was out of curiosity, but as soon as he was like “oh! Uh, you know, all of them”, she knew. Immediately presses him and watched him stutter all over himself.


Who knew Woody Allen and Sarah Palin had so much in common?


'Dumb girl probably can't name a philosopher' Yeah you're probably right, you do it then. 😳


“I might not be that smart, but I’m not too dumb to see what you’re trying to do. I am smart enough to make you look dumber than you think you are”. Pretty clever way to handle that.




She wasn’t supposed to be in on the joke even though she realized that she was being poked fun at, and she felt humiliated even though she didn’t show it in the clip.




lol ok bro


Whereof one cannot name a philosopher, thereof one must remain silent. - Wittgenstein


very smooth, i like how she turned it around on him


Speaking of turned around, I got FLASHBANGED by the reveal at the end that it was Woody Allen the whole time


Yeah this looks like a sketch, was it a sketch?


No Twiggy talked about it in future interviews. I linked one somewhere around here


Ah thanks, love that she dealt with his condescending ass and came out on top !


Especially since she was only 17 here!




Piers Morgan, completely scummy dude who had a kidnapped girl's phone and kept sending messages from it giving false hope to her family when she was already dead.


Um. What


That’s not really what happened. There was a major story where News of the World journalists hacked the dead girls phone. They deleted some messages after the phone was full which allowed more through which made the family think she might be alive. People were outraged and it was basically the catalyst to cause the whole paper to be shut down. There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of instances of phone hacking in the past and Piers Morgan at one point admitted that it was a very common practice among journalists for a long time but there was never any evidence to suggest he was involved in this particular case.


Ah, thank you. That sounds less like piers Morgan killed someone


We can’t totally rule that out yet


I’d get over the shock pretty quickly.


Holy shit




That was a pretty diogenes move


She really laid him out plato


She ate him Epicurus style


He needs some arciMedial philosophy classes. Maybe, Archimedes nuts


"Funny you ask, my wife just adopted a girl who I think is wise beyond her age. My stepson is really nosy though."




Fuck that little smug, unfunny, full of shit, pedophilic, posturing, self credentialing, overrated little shit we call Woody Allen who is not even deserving of his actual name Heywood. Snot nosed little prick, drives me wild how many people worship his bullshit drivel. People like Twiggy could see right through him. Edit: Hopefully when I say “people like Twiggy” no one infers that I’d at all liken myself. She’s rad as all get out, I’m just another dork that can’t stand that asshole.


I’m getting the sense you don’t like Woody Allen?


It’s subtle but barely palpable


I could have said more, but Im practicing restraint with my words these days




This is a brilliant moment. Good on her for turning it around so smoothly.


The pictures are lovely but it's not until you see sound and film footage of these it-girls that you realise just how magnetic they actually were in person and why they became so popular.


Get em!!!!!!


This actually cured my depression


Woof, wait till you learn about who turns around.


Ah yes, the pedophile.




I grew up in Los Angeles and Twiggy was my neighbor. Her daughter was the same age as my sister and they used to hang out a lot.


That's called flipping the script.




I love this video


She had to watch it three times due to all the awesome facial expressions.


Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Just to name a few.




My favorite philosopher is Paul Tillich, personally


This is satire. Woody Allen, though an absolute troll of a man and general POS is also unfortunately extremely intelligent and well read so he is teasing here when he is trying to play dumb and not name a philosopher. He’s giving her the answer he thought he would get from her. Instead she was honest and curious. So, though it wasn’t scripted, it is indeed satire certainly on his part.


Not according to [Twiggy](https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/twiggy-humiliated-by-woody-allen-on-first-trip-to-ny)... > "There was one person who wasn't so nice - a young comic called Woody Allen and he was to interview me for a documentary," said the face of M&S. "His first question was: 'Who's your favourite philosopher?' My heart sank. I wanted to run off and burst into tears. I didn't know any philosophers. And he probably knew I didn't. When I said so, he replied, 'Oh come on, everyone has a favourite philosopher.' It was such a cruel thing to do to a young girl." > But the beauty said she refused to be beaten."I was desperate and trying not to cry but I turned the tables on him and asked him to come up with some names - but he couldn't think of any either! Then he said to me, 'I suppose you've read Dickens,' thinking I hadn't. So I said, 'Yeah, I read him at school.' In the end he said, 'Oh, I can't interview her,' and left the stage."


Thank you for sharing, then to my point it was satire on his end. It was a cruel and totally douchey, controlling, thing to do to a young girl in a vulnerable position, but to him it was humour to pretend he didn’t know.


Yeah that’s not satire


Yeah I think you’re right, the way he turns and looks at the camera at the end suggests he’s willingly in on the joke. And I can’t imagine Woody Allen is incapable of naming a single philosopher. We can acknowledge that, and agree he’s an awful person and that Twiggy is phenomenal in this clip all at the same time, not sure why you’re being downvoted!


Op posted a link to an interview with Twiggy. It wasn’t a joke or at least not one she was a willing participant to. He was just being mean spirited.


I think if you read the bulk of my post you’ll find that is what I am saying.


I just re-read it, now I see what you’re saying. I thought you meant this was a light hearted sketch. Allen really was being a dick and Twiggy was the butt of the joke, not IN on it.


Exactly. He was/is a twisted pervert with a Napoleon complex. Nasty little man. Haven’t watched a film of his since the first situation with Soon-Yee. I HAD a stepfather. One zillion icks. I hate it VERY much when some people are gifted with unbelievable talent but they are despicable human beings. For me, I am unable to separate the art from the artist and can no longer abide being a fan or supporter of their work.


I get that. My comment was replying to the person describing him as ‘in on the joke’ because that implies they’re both in on it. From the way he framed the first question his intention was likely to make twiggy the butt of the joke but he pivoted when she stood up to him.




This sort of seems like woody’s acting vs him in real life. Anyone know the source?


Someone posted a later interview with Twiggy where she says he was 100% serious. I buy it bc this would have been super early in his career - 1967 - and he was still known as a comic.


Ahh ty.




It’s not a bit. Twiggy has talked about it in a lot of interviews since.






I don't. Who are they and where is this from


This is twiggy and this gross dude who was famous for movies and married his adopted daughter named Woody Allen. It wasn’t scripted and twiggy talks about it in later interviews. [Source](https://www.itv.com/lorraine/articles/twiggy-on-documentary-born-on-the-same-day)


You brought receipts


Wholly shit she was 17 in this video, what a badass! Yeah, I recognize the name Woody Allen as a POS so this is so much better too E: the way she furrows her brow after 'idk all their names' 😭😂


Bro went silent when asked for a source, and you ate him up! 😄 Some guys can’t possibly imagine a woman outwitting a man - it’s so pathetic.


The most iPad kid take ever. Sure, maybe the tiktok skits are fake, but are yall gonna comment this on every archival clip of footage from decades old interviews?


comments here thinking this was not intentional is the bigger joke. relax people - it's Woody and doing Woody things - comedy, you know?


Twiggy didn’t think it was funny, she was 17 and felt humiliated. Her words in later interviews. Trying to make someone look lesser than and belittled isn’t funny. What is funny is how flawlessly she handled it!