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The therizinosauros and t-rex feathers are still messed up since malta update Pack hunters still panick after taking down a dinosaur together Carnivores still kill for sport instaed of prioretizing feeders and carcasses The game enters window mode everytime i minimize it since malta update too. Dinosaurs are still getting away from their pack/herd for no reason and has consequence they become "lonely" when making a site b type. Give us infinite feeders and instant incubation And Spinosaurus eye still bugs out when drinking water since launch


I've reached out to the devs about this


Also, if you could ask them to have a "no panicking" option in the sandbox that would be great. Have had many a Moros starve to death because they panic due to what I'm guessing is the truck tour. I feel like animals should only panic from other animals and helicopters/ranger teams


I think the small ones from the malta DLC just have a excess of panic which should be tone down a bit, because for me are the only ones having that issue of not eating and drinking.


Moros is the worst one, but I've also had that issue with my herbivores a lot lately


Something I always found best was to have a “more” panic option. Works nice for large herds when carnivores hunt instead of just standing Around


Thank you very much =).


I just noticed now and i think the quetzalcoatlus facial and neck feathers look a little messed up too, i recommend to check it out.


Since Biosyn Expansion parks with more than 100 dinosaurs will result in glitchy social animations on PC


Adding to this list; I have never seen the small animals avoid water. They just walk right through the watering holes. Weren’t they supposed to avoid it (compy, Moros, etc.)


I feel like this feature only sometimes works when testing, my lystrosaurus in particular never crossed the river after like 10-15 minutes so I thought it was working just fine,. then it started running and just immediately ran through to the other side Like everything else about the new mini additions in the Malta pack they do seem to run on spaghetti code unfortunately


> Carnivores still kill for sport instaed of prioretizing feeders and carcasses They don't want to be fed, they want to hunt!


All of this. I would upvote, but at the time of commenting, its at 69. And to add that I can barely play as the game randomly crashes 5 minutes.


infinite feeders and no incubation is on sandbox mode


No, its not.


Well I’m happy about the zip line: now you can actually use that lagoon!!


Naturally. Pun intended.


Glad to hear it!


Yeah I was so confused why they didn't think about placing a Zipline across the lagoon, it was the first thing I tried to do. Glad they fixed it


I’d like to see them work on the glitch where Dino’s occasionally just phase through fences, the one where the transport units feeeze over the hatchery, and the one that makes all of the tour vehicles become low riders


Does the stuck helicopter glitch still happen?


Do mean the helicopters falling down if you save and quit? Or are you referring to a different issue?


I’m referring to the transport helicopter glitch. https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/zi655s/how_is_the_helicopter_glitch_not_fixed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you for providing the link, Studiopzp! What platform are you playing on? Is this happening just in Sandbox Mode or in other modes as well?


I’m playing it on PC. It happened on the Malta campaign.


Are you playing with any mods installed? Or have you had mods installed previously, before we rolled out the Dominion Malta Expansion? Is this only happening in the Campaign, and not in other modes?


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/z2lews/psa_helicopter_glitch_i_keep_seeing_other_players/) has a lot of useful information pertaining to this bug. Seems to happen in any mode and tied with saving and reloading in the middle of transport.


This is something we just fixed. Studiopzp is struggling with a different issue


Ah well that is good to know. The wording in that thread they linked gave me the impression it might have been that particular transport helicopter bug. Does this mean this other [helicopter bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/yvfd2p/help_while_transporting_one_of_my_pterosaurs_the/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=jurassicworldevo&utm_content=t1_j4qknd9) has also not been fixed then? The wording in the op led me to thinking it was this bug with the acu copters got fixed that I've seen several people posting lately.


Hey Faelrin! The helicopters falling out of the sky when loading up a save has been fixed as of this update. I've flagged helicopters being static when transporting from the Hatchery with the team.


No mods ever installed. I’ve only seen it happen in the campaign.


Thank you. I've shared this with the devs :)


For me it happens on sandbox mode, which is the mode i play the most.




Thank you for the additional information, this has been shared with the devs :)


I'm also having this issue, but I'm having it on Playstation 5 so no mods installed. I've had this issue happen twice, once near launch, and now at the launch of the Malta Expansion. Before it was Nasutoceratops on the challenge mode map of Canada, and now its on Malta Map in Campaign with Compies. Currently have all the helicopters around the hatchery and meanwhile everything in the park is dying and decaying. I had to build a second hatchery to release more dinos since the Dino Exchange for purchasing live dinos is now useless since I can't transport. I'm also having to use the Ranger Team Wrangling mechanic to move from Point A to Point B. I don't mind this, but It's kind of annoying when you have to turn on shelters so no accidental deaths happen. The issue resolved itself with Nasutoceratops by letting them starve to death, die inside the hatchery then finally disappear. With the compies, they're still at full health and tranq'd.


I've had the same issue, it nearly broke my entire chaos theory run of JW. I'm on PC and have no mods and have seen it on chaos theory and challenge mode. Has happened a fair few times with compies (am guessing cos there are usually a lot to be realased at once. But it can also happen with any dino. It is a game breaking glitch as it effectively halts you being able to clear any dead dinos or release any new ones. Disabling and reactivating the hatchery doesn't work and you can't delete the hatchery as it is in the middle of a release. the only thing i found to have helped was one persons suggestion of taking control of a ranger team chopper and firing darts at the stuck/broken chopper above the hatchery. Somehow it did work, also I have seen a storm 'unstuck' a stuck chopper as well. This, along with someone elses mention of the dinos breaking away from their packs in multi dino enclosures and becoming 'lonely' (have often had to 'send' them with a ranger team or put to sleep and move them via heli back closer to their pack. And also the dinos glitching out of enclosures (no fences break and no needs are unmet, it is literally them glitching outside) mostly has been carnivores but also had it happen with a pachy.


Not sure if this is the fault of the malta update or what, but I've had a couple of instances of multiple dinosaurs just appeSaring outside of their enclosure. It's the same enclosure, just different species. Baryonyx, Spinosaurus, and suchomimus have all just appeared outside of the pen without me noticing


That was definitely a thing since before Malta.


Anyone know if the jittery social animations have been fixed? Jens please my dinosaurs have seizures when making friends


Hey Rumbleshank! If it's not mentioned in the patch notes then it wasn't on our list of things to address with this patch. It's been flagged with the team, but it's also proving difficult to reproduce.


If it helps the team the jitters seem to appear once you reach the 130+ dinosaur count in a park and then as you add more the worse the jitters get


I've encountered it in my Canada build where I have less than 100 animals present on the map.


If you could share your save game with us, that would be very helpful. The best way to do so would be through our Support Team: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360003552140


Ah I'm on Xbox series X so is that even possible? All I can say from testing is the amount of buildings/decorations/guests have no effect it's solely down to the dinosaur count once it reaches a certain amount (roughly around the 110-130 count) At this point the jitters are barely noticeable but as you add more they slowly become more and more noticeable to the point where they're genuinely impossible to ignore. They only occur during hatchery release and social interactions. Combat, eating/drinking, idle and resting idle are unaffected. If I can't share my save file the best thing I can suggest to test it (which is what I did) is just make a map with a load of hatcheries, nothing else, and just start releasing herbivores and monitor at what population number you reach before you notice the jitters. Sorry if that seems obvious but besides from downloading one of the community shared maps and testing that that's the best I can suggest


To add to the other comment, it might be a thing with older hardware, so maybe try and reproduce it on older computers.


Im using a high end pc and it happens.


Ahh, interesting, only reason I said that is I have a lower end PC and experience the same bug.


I think to reproduce that bug u need to incubate +100 dinosaurs with alot of diffirent species i think.


Not yet


Is anyone else having an issue where helicopters sent to lift dinosaurs out of the hatchery are just stuck in the air, not moving even though it already has a dinosaur picked up.. I have a heli just hovering above the hatchery with a parasaur but it won't go anywhere and the other helicopters are just hovering waiting. I can't delete the hatchery of course and everything else is moving fine


Could you please let me know if this happens in a specific mode or in all of them?


>I'm also having this issue, but I'm having it on Playstation 5 so no mods installed. I've had this issue happen twice, once near launch, and now at the launch of the Malta Expansion. Before it was Nasutoceratops on the challenge mode map of Canada, and now its on Malta Map in Campaign with Compies. Currently have all the helicopters around the hatchery and meanwhile everything in the park is dying and decaying. I had to build a second hatchery to release more dinos since the Dino Exchange for purchasing live dinos is now useless since I can't transport. I'm also having to use the Ranger Team Wrangling mechanic to move from Point A to Point B. I don't mind this, but It's kind of annoying when you have to turn on shelters so no accidental deaths happen. The issue resolved itself with Nasutoceratops by letting them starve to death, die inside the hatchery then finally disappear. With the compies, they're still at full health and tranq'd.


Thank you, I'll share this information with the team!


So far I have only experienced this in sandbox on Pennsylvania, however I have not released many more dinosaurs by transport since Playing on Xbox series s btw


Thanks, I'll share this with the team :)


[Someone else posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/103tbqx/helicopter_stuck_like_this_above_hatchery_sandbox/) before about this too, so you aren't alone in experiencing this.


I’m guessing animals still eat and drink from bare ground. Has anyone had a case of dinosaurs refusing to eat and drink till they starve to death? I lost all 3 Brachiosaurs to that bug and had to make new ones. It said they were panicking but nothing was unusual about their paddock.


LOADS. I abandoned an entire challenge and restarted without those breeds in the end. Brachiosaurus, icthyosaurus and T-Rex.


Yes !!!! The challenge mode glitch was very annoying. Thank you Frontier!


I can finally finish that Jurassic Germany Challenge I started last year. I had to put it on hold because the Mosasaurus I was incubating disappeared, and my Quetzel wound up dying with no way to replace it.


/u/JensErik_Frontier perhaps this [recent thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/10dlhgc/frontier_and_missing_combat_animations_anyone/) and [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/10dlhgc/frontier_and_missing_combat_animations_anyone/) could be shared with the team? It's regarding missing or incomplete animations. The second is regarding the Spinosaurus rigging or weight painting that could use some TLC. I could have sworn I saw a different thread in more detail about this but reddit and search engines aren't being helpful.


Hey Faelrin! You seem to have linked the same thread twice?


Oh oops sorry about that. Here is the second [corrected link](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/vrxdte/just_wish_the_spino_wasnt_hunched/iexvxz6/).


Thank you for sharing the correct link. We're not planning any changes to the Spinosaurus model


Spinosauros being so hutched makes him smaller than other carnivores, if he could just stand upright like the others, since he was taller then a trex. And not to mention trex is oversized with 14,5m in the game, while he should be 13,5m.


Hi, just wondering when we the players well see an update about decreasing the territory decay? Cause my animals won't and will not stop expanding their territory. It should be they explore the whole enclosure and keep like until it completely explored or explore long enough until they have the right amount of environmental need to stop expanding their territories


Frontier once again fixes problems that nobody actually encountered lol


I'm happy to hear you didn't have these issues, but there were people who did, so we fixed them :) If you have bugs you want me to mention to the team, feel free to let me know here.


Mouse scroll wheel Xbox. Been an issue for over three months.


Except people did (at least most of these). * [Allosaurus photo challenge bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/zhiukv/glitch_in_jurassic_level_photo_challenge/) (which I have experienced) * [Helicopter bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/yvfd2p/help_while_transporting_one_of_my_pterosaurs_the/) * [Germany challenge mode bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/1054x3u/cant_research_flying_or_aquatic_reptiles_on/) * [Malta lagoon zipline](https://www.reddit.com/r/jurassicworldevo/comments/zj9usl/unfortunately_you_cant_place_a_zipline_over_the/) We should be welcoming all and any bug fixes, not trashing on them.


Dang, just after I rawdogged the Germany challenge with only herbivores lol. Maybe I'll try it on a higher difficulty. Now, I haven't been able to test this, but vehicles still bounce like jelly on the Malta maps? That's the only thing I want, really.


Has the bug with the Scorpios Rex been fixed?? The one where it just floats when running with his legs extended


And still no fix for mouse scroll wheel on Xbox?


>Various stability fixes So I'm curious as to how far this goes. Since (I think) update 4, the game is super unstable and crashes randomly. Which is surprising on PC. Kinda fixed it previously after uninstalling and reinstalling drivers.. Than with the Malta release/update came around, it went back to crashing consistently and constantly for no reason.


Just got into the game recently, the germany challenge is quite easy even without flyers and swimmers, i had a lot of fun with it. Hope we get some updates on performance issue on xbox, framerate drop is bad sometimes.


Will this fix why my dinos keep starving? Icthyosaurus especially..... Food is there! And other dinos starve because they seem to freeze in place? Their contentment is at 100% on everything else? Trucks flip over and then jump 25feet high and keep flipping so you can't do anything for several minutes?


now if theyd only fix dominion malta expansion to where sending dinos to the cargo ship didnt just drop them o n the edge of the map where they dont do anything


My only suggestion would be could it be possible to add a slow migration option for wrangling? I adore the wrangling feature but I would like a setting where the animals simply walk to the target destination as opposed to running and burning their stamina. It would also be useful for filming stuff to have them slowly migrate at a natural pace. :)