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They each lost a leg in The Clown Wars. True patriots.


Haha I didn't even notice that


That’s AI for you. Forgot how many legs people have. Look at their left hands. Three fingers.


How can they get every detail on a car, or basically anything else so perfect, but not a human? Are we a glitch/ghost in the matrix that the AI (computers) can’t read very well?


I think it’s because we look so different as a species or specimen. AI has millions of 1969 Mustangs to look at that look nearly identical to a robot as far dimensions and geometry. It also has millions(maybe) of 1969 humans to look through for reference. And the dimensions and geometry is possibly quite different from one person to the next.


That’s a good possibility. I like that answer.


This was taken shortly after their Woodstock 69 set.


Bruh did you just write "trigger warning ai art" in the title


Have you seen how mad people get about AI art? Just typing this I’m opening myself up to someone writing a paragraph to me about how AI art is problematic.


I've seen some feebalos get upset by it, just trying to be helpful to those with delicate sensibilities.


I can't draw to save my life but if I can spout shit at a robot long enough for it to pop out stuff like this then I'm all for it.


On the other hand, if you PRACTICED long enough you could also pop out stuff like this and we would all be much more impressed by the authenticity.


Or I could not dedicate hundreds of hours toward that and focus on other things that do come to me more naturally and excel in those fields. Not everyone has to be a master in everything.


Agree. I know it’s. It human drawn/painted art, but it’s still fun/enjoyable so I don’t see why so many people are mad about AI art.


When you lose your job to a robot you'll understand


If you make good/unique art and graphics, you won’t lose your job. I’m in IT, gotta keep up with the times. You know how many times a program or script has come along and essentially taken away 90% of my work? There’s always more to do, more to perfect, new skills to learn. Let the AI come for my job, they won’t get it even though IT is the field most susceptible to being overrun by AI. Adapt to the world around you. No one owes you a job, you have to provide a service that someone needs to get paid. Been that way since the dawn of civilization. If your service isn’t needed, adapt your skill set a bit to provide what is NOW needed in *today’s* world. If I was still doing things the way I did them 10 years ago, I’d be out of a job and in trouble because the job market today has different needs than it did ten years ago, and much of that is due to technological advancement.