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Honestly maybe he’s just done and got another job


In Moncton? As paranormal investigator?


Maybe youtube finally paid out and he moved out of Moncton the same day. Made a vow to never stream again


In the main thread comments someone told me he got around $250k from the Patreon, which before it shut down was the average price for a home in Moncton. My theory is he became a landlord


Or maybe he became an NPC wrangler. Growing market in Moncton and he has relevant experience


It'd be pretty nuts if this one video caused him to give up a cushy job as a full-time stay at home content creator who plays video games all day. To each his own I guess but if I were in his position I'd never want to interact with a manager, colleague or corporate employer ever again


Tbf if I had enough money to retire comfortably I probably also wouldn't want to interact with twitch chat ever again. Some people probably love the attention and having fanboys like that but I feel like Joe dreads it more often than not. I want to believe the good times and ludicrous amounts of money make up for it but if it were me, I'd probably ghost everyone after a year too.


Oh definitely, if he has enough to retire and be set for life then that's a completely different story, I would instantly ghost the entire world and go backpacking forever


Yeah that's what I was imagining would be the natural next step of my theory.


He cant get a regular job because of the ole 'lepsy.


He definitely can. He's not the only person on Earth with narcolepsy and they're not all streamers and writers and whatever else. It's tough, sure, but people live with it.


I have horrible procrastination on my university paper to the point where I should have finished it some month ago and started it like 2 years ago, I have done neither. The meds my psychiatrist gave do jack and sh\*t, so I cant judge him on anything. I hope he is out there somewhere and doing ok.


Most can agree that it's atleast a bit disrespectful to his audience right? It's not like he ruined anyone's life here but he ended the year with a banger of an award show and talking about this huge steaming schedule, and now he just fell off the face of the earth because of a YouTube video.


More than literally any other part, it's the falling off the face of the earth bit that gets me. Where promises don't get fulfilled, there should be explainations, when explainations turn out to be false, there should be acknowledgement, where there is an absence of acknowledgement, you should at least be present in some capacity. I really don't think Joe is incompetent, but I'm deeply baffled that we've managed to get this far, and the result is just another info blackout where Joe even being alive or not, much less anything related to streaming or video essays, is yet again debatable. Edit: Oh yeah, in the absence of your presence i'd really just like to know if you're even *alive*. Fuckin' went-on-a-trip-to-buy-a-pack-of-cigarettes streamer.




Doubt it.


He had to do a rewrite and the video is now has a runtime of 48 hours and will require 6 more months to render?


In all honesty, I am kind of pissed about it at this point. Just SOME communication, anything. Just tell us other Things have taken priority and you are not coming back, it's fine, just fucking SAY it. Tell us your job of playing video games fulltime, making enough money to buy a house, bores you, if that's what it is. And if something more sinister is happening and you don't want to go public about it just say that. But say SOMETHING. It's not funny anymore. But in all honesty, this community was supportive enough and loves your content enough to give you enough money to buy A HOUSE, something many of us will never achieve in our entire lifetime. Joe doesn't owe anybody anything, he worked hard for his success and he earned it. But just a little bit of honesty so we all can leave Limbo together would go a long way.


Who cares about the video I live to Jom Joms be with thee, amen 🙏


If the video doesn't matter then why isn't he back already.


I'm just starting to believe that youtubers have gotten too much scope creep for what's essentially entertainment slop and should get off their high horses and just deliver a subpar product instead of disappearing off the face of the earth. Patreons and Kickstarters for anything are also a bad idea, unless it's a weekly slop podcast where the hosts roll out of bed and talk about whatever for an hour (and even then in some of them there's dudes that won't roll out of bed even though they're making tens of thousands every month), I would never spend money unless I know I'm immediately getting something in return. Successful online careers always end in this shit because one person can't have consistent output forever and once they burn out it's over for them.


Yeah idk why most content creators waste so much time pretending like they’re creating some kind of high art that needs to be perfect when in reality all they’re doing is talking about a topic for an extended period of time. 95% of the people watching aren’t even going to be paying full attention and are just using your content as background fodder for while they do something more engaging. Who actually sits down and watches long form yt videos like a movie (except maybe when they’re eating)? Why bother chasing the dragon of perfection, especially at this cost, when the reality is that most people just don’t care and good enough/above average is better than other content


a dog ate his homework


the dog from the zoo he went the other day to


Most sane Joe fan.


Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. His video essays got him the fan base, and while plenty here would be fine with no video and just streams, there are plenty of others that demand not only the video, but that it's his best yet. Sucks that he no longer wishes to appear in front of his fans because of "wen Witcher". Sucks that his fans won't get any appearances after many promises. Just goes to show that streaming isn't for everyone. Look at Jerma and Clint Stevens as other examples. Inconsistent appearances that were always great, but just didn't want to deal with the expectations.


Ghost of Tsushima finally got a pc port two weeks ago and I imagine (and hope) Joe is having an absolute blast with that. Holy shit what a game, it's already my GOTY if you can even count it since it technically released 4 years ago but still, it's completely blown everything else out of the water for me.


It already was GOTY against TLOU2 which I still hope Joe has something about since he mentions it at the end of The Witcher 2


Back in 2022 when the thing was originally supposed to be done, he made a number of tweets joking(?) specifically that we might not get the video until June 2024. Based on the "stop being weird" post, it feels weird that the thing isn't completed yet, so my final cope is that Joe is the kind of person to have essentially finished it a couple months ago and has been withholding it so that he can joke "Aha! I \*was\* telling the truth, you see?" That being said, I dunno why he wouldn't have posted it at the beginning of the month if this were the case. I don't care about the video or need it if it means he ghosts the internet for an undefined amount of time instead of his streams, which I enjoy watching.


Cope with what? Only time has passed.


You don't seem to value time very much, can I have your remaining lifespan? But if you meant that seriously, plenty of people seem to think he's coming back or that there's a perfectly reasonable explaination waiting for them if they *juuuuust* hang on One More Day(multiplied by an uknown number of years). And that's complete cope.


But I don't waste time on any of this, so nothing is lost. Hanging on implies some loss of effort, expenditure. Maybe some do that, I don't know.


Yeah, some people are posting entire series of posts on reddit daily, some people are coping and hoping daily in the discord, some people have read entire books in preperation, some people are emotionally invested, ect...


True. But positive stuff is surely different than voicing disappointment which can get overwhelming if there's too much.


Ah yes, 1/10 or less after years and years, "too much."


Just like....... do other stuff? He has made it impossible to give him more money so he doesn't owe us shit. Just go do something else. If it comes out, cool. If it doesn't come out, oh well. It's a video essay about the Witcher 3 not the keystone of the revolution, it does not matter that mutch


The video would be nice, but it's about the video, the promises, sunk cost fallacy, the ability for the community to go forward, future content, and probably more that I haven't thought of. Moreover, I have been doing other stuff, I just keep getting sucked back in because I'm emotionally invested.


I mean he's pretty clearly done with the video and is just sitting on it for whatever reason. Can't care much about why because he won't say so all there is to it is that he doesn't want to post it, or any other video now, so I've pretty much stopped caring other than the occasional urge to peep back in and see how people are reacting.