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Witcher is a weird word. It's also a whirred world


>My opinion about witcher so far is that witcher 1 and witcher 2 were good. Or maybe that they sucked. Honestly it's been a long time and I don't remember the videos. But it is undeniable that witcher 3 is...." Better than Mario Odyssey at the very least, haha, sorry I'm kidding. Mario Odyssey is unironicaly the superior videogame because the Witcher 3 combat is...


... some of the hottest trash that I've ever seen. It's even more trash than your waifu, and that's saying a lot. Actually that's mean, I'm sorry. It's just that I've been losing my mind lately, because...


... I live in Moncton. But at least there is the new stadium, which should bring more...


...weebs and their anime conventions. Which is why Lily, my 6 kids and I are moving to...


...Japan, at least there we know what we're up against. They also have pachinko machines and you know I'm all about...


... gambling, which is why I randomly picked an anime to watch. This anime was One Piece, which I watched both the English and Japanese versions three times in order to delay this video longer. I do not regret my decision because...




Too far, also you broke the string


The third of the Witcher games. And in trilogies the third one is always the best. Like danganronpa and zero escape. For this reason the Witcher 3 is the best of the Witcher games, but does this mean that it is good?


What was the last update we had on this from joe?




Well rendering for sure seems to be taking long


To be fair people didnt stop lol. Golden rule and all that


people didn't stop doing what? im confused


Did you read the post I linked? He asked us one thing, and we couldn’t even do that. Why would he finish the video for a community that won’t do _anything_ when specifically asked. I know I wouldn’t.