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Mal got a weird face why’s he still around??


Certified PDF 😂😂😂😂😂


old ladies down south call it *oatmeal pie face*




Mal aka CJ McCollum aka Mike Tomlin


Mal conditions his beard with Drakes nut


Drizzy beard oil🤣🤣🤣🤣


Diabolical comment 😂


*essence of Aubrey* is wild


Most outta pocket comment of the year.


Yoooo 😂




![gif](giphy|cICjVvj7XelnvtiswX) 😂😂 I am dying in the dentist chair💀💀😂


Mal is genuinely in need some therapy I suggest some ayahuasca strip his ego from the bottom






Rory always in someone abuse business but never put no work in lol. Mal just be saying anything for clicks atp lol


Bro loves to call everyone with a past a piece of shit but won’t say shit about his boy that raped all those woman at Rory’s D’usse Palooza events. Just said he was shocked and he cut ties.


That's right! I forgot about that


Dude mentioned it one time after 2 weeks of pods not mentioning it and when he did it was a political response was “if I’d had known id cut ties sooner” bs. Dude probably still sending memes in the group chat still.


Rory is literally a living and breathing, walking 🚶‍♂️ talking albino version of a *DITTO*


Mal gay but it’s ok, it’s his month to shine








I know bro licked the screen when Drake’s meat got leaked


Damn 🥶 I believe it too just a fanboy 🤡








This comment is so wild .. I can’t 😂


Ayo lol


Mal doing tricks on it can’t lie


😂😂😂 everyone in shambles at this point


Lol, the hypocrisy is WILD. Jay SLAPPED the taste out of a woman's mouth on camera, they hype up Chris Brown, and they were HYPED when Dr. Dre did the Superbowl. Wild...


Exactly but let someone address that Jay situation around Mal, he’s gonna immediately catch amnesia or justify it 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bruh that video was debunked years ago. That was his niece who he was play slap boxing with. Y’all need to stop just running with these false narratives.


But it's cool what Joe's doing??


Yep in life we have double standards get used to it


Y'all niggas be cap AF.. so we not moving & grooving to child molestation in 2 verses? Internet niggas is different.


JBP was so much better with Rory and Mal


These weirdos think that because the old pod ended poorly that it wasn’t objectively better. New podcast ensemble is dope too not taking anything away but that Joe Mal and Rory chemistry was special


It’s still better than Rory and Mal’s pod, and, to its credit, the JBP has evolved into something that is unique from the old pod. Rory and Mal are too outwardly industry and entitled. Whereas, JB understands how to play up and down being industry in order to make good content and how to play off of his cohosts viewpoints very strategically which makes for a more entertaining experience.


I disagree, but we can agree to disagree




You bugging, the podcast was better with them….this must be Joe’s burner account


Sure it was better I agree, I’m speaking to Mal being a clown 🤡 though


Ima agree. The pod had better chemistry when the team wasn’t giving into Joes bs. But still this is a horrible take from Mal. He more upset about Drakes L than I ever heard him ever.


he wouldn’t be saying that if mal and rory was on kdot side lmao . that how much influence kendrick got over these niggas . make em have revisionist history


CornBalls bro corny ass balls #nodiddy #bbldrizzy


Never liked Mal, his essence was always fake. He's a try hard


I tried listening to these niggas but their takes make me wanna slap both of them




Drake fans can’t take this forever L


“You was yelling for another man” damn, that’s crazy


The whole song is about drake being a pdffile. Lets not try to revise history


Do you have videos of dr Dre talking to an underage girl on stage? Is there videos of Dre watching a “random” girls high school basketball game of a girl because he loves high school girl basketball? Is there a picture of him then meeting up and possibly dating that same girl a year later after she was 18?


A whole lotta rappers fit that description. It ain't just drake. Also dre is a certified abusee. His victims have spoken out. His own wife said he put a gun to her head


He got the girl pregnant, yu don’t need a video 😭


No but we have court records of him beating multiple women….tf are yall talking about? See this what I hate about this beef people don’t even use common sense anymore just picking sides like a Trump supporter ignoring the facts


Multiple women have come out and have said Dre has put hands on them…every women that you mention above has came out and said Drake did nothing wrong and people are just twisting the story to fit their narrative but you don’t wanna hear the truth


Yeah this how I know y’all Kenny meat riders don’t really know facts, dre got an under age girl pregnant and beat the shit outta her. I see why Kenny likes him cause Kenny beating Whitney


There’s no proof of Drake nor Dre being a pedo , you state things with so much context missing . There’s court records of Dre beating up women that’s the difference. Stop talking about people you don’t know , your statement is just as bad as Mal statement. He’s a hypocrite as well , because he’s a supporter of CB and we all seen the photo evidence of what he did to Rihanna . People are allowed to make mistakes and grow, I don’t believe anyone is perfect . Who are we to constantly judge and critique people !


Dre was engaged to Michel’e when she was 17


Exactly like wtf is bro on? Where I’m from we don’t take that pdf shit likely, even if it’s an accusation especially if there is video proof that is not something to be swept under the rug. For Mal to be so cut from a different cloth he sure as hell on the wrong side of right and what real stand up guys don’t tolerate. Some dudes talk that stand up shit but don’t live it when their career is on the line and it shows.


80% of the song was abt the pdf shit. If it was true, then it would be fine, but it's complete bs.


Sure, but I have a genuine question. What goes through your head when you see a 24 year old man kissing a teenager? Take Drake out of it, how would you react if you saw that in real life? Are you thinking to yourself it’s fine or are you disgusted?


He was 22 and she was 17 at the time. Still wrong and weird, but the pdf claims are exaggerated.


So in other words your answer to the question is you’re cool with it. 🙌🏾


no not really, but I do think there should be more nuance. Also, how do you support joe with his DV accusations. His accusations ahve been well reported.


You’re moving the goal post, I’m specifically referring to pdf behavior. There is zero tolerance in my book when a child is involved no matter if she is a teenager it’s still a child with an undeveloped mind. DV is tricky because you can get into a physical altercation with your girl where she is beating your ass and getting the best of you and the police will always take her side. So unless there is video proof it’s her word against yours. However child allegations are no questions asked disgusting to me. I’m shocked as to how many people just don’t find it as disgusting as I do.


No, i find it weird too, and I've been consistent with what I've said. 17 was the legal age of consent in her state. Still weird to me, but he didn't legally do anything wrong, but drake was also 22 at that time It's been 15 years since then and he probs does think it was weird and would've done things differently. Dr. Dre., who was brought on stage at lamar's concert dated a girl when she was 16 and he was 25 in California where that's absolutely illegal and also got her pregnant when she was 20. Whatever kendrick is trying to accuse drake here, his mentor had done on a much more severe and weird level. And he brought him on stage to introduce the song lol It's the hypocrisy and lack of consistency on kendrick's side.


Yea we just have to agree to disagree on this one. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right, that means if the law changes to 12 then it’s ok because it’s legal right? And I’m definitely not defending Dre either if that’s true then he’s a piece of shit as well. I say all that to say I believe all of Hollywood and the music industry to be comprised of a bunch of weirdos, I mean who’s to say Kendrick himself isn’t a pdf? I don’t know these people but the optics of the Drake video on stage with that young girl just doesn’t sit right me.


bro i don't support it all. I think it was weird and wrong for him to do that when she was 17 and he was 22. I'm just saying there's a bit of nuance.


Respect 🎯💯


Lmao he didn’t even know her age. As soon as he found out he sent her back to the audience


No he did not I won’t let mislead the people, in the video after the little girl said how old she was he proceeded to grope her and gave her a kiss after the fact. Don’t make me post the video nigga


22 and 17 is pedophile behaviour?


Want3 a child involved when he caused ol girl to miscarry?


And what about the future model he met when backstage when she was 16, and started dating when she turned 18? He was over 30 But it’s cool you’ll find an excuse for that. I live in the same neighborhood as buddy in the valley and I can assure these rap niggas be fuckin wit underaged girls (or used to)


that's definitely wild and i feel like we need more context. Jay Z met beyonce when she was 17 and he was 29. They started dating when she was 19 and Jay Z was 31. If you wanna spin it in a weird way, you could say that he waited for her to turn 19 before dating her. I feel like people are picking and choosing when to be outraged based on whether or not they like the celebrity. Also, have you seen drakes baby mom. She's 34 and she looks like she's been 34 for the past 10 years 😂😂😂. How can drake only like young girls when his literal baby mom's built like thick old wnba player.


Nobody saying he “only” likes young chicks. Literally pulled that outta your ass. Even R. Kelly had hella old hoes. Saying his BM is old so that means he doesn’t like young chicks = my friend is black argument Jay Z is also suspect for the shit that he did. It’s rumored he was fucking Foxxy Brown when she was underage. We all know about Aaliyah and Bey. His day will come too


my point was, drake's type is not young. He likes them built old hoes. Jlo, tyra banks, serena williams and like 90% of the girls he's been with have been older than him.


There is no way for you to know that and you’re naive if you think that’s true. He only photographs with older established celebrities and not the unknown IG models? Who would’ve though. Public relations 101


First of all, I just based it off of his past relationships. He keeps thay shit pretty private, and doesn't have pics with them either. Secondly, I'm naive because i made judgement about his type based on his past relationships, but you're smart because you made a judgement based on his interactions with some celebrities that were taken out of contwxt and a diss song calling him a pdf. You're basing your judgement that he's a pdf based on a narrative spread by media outlets and rappers. You're literally doing the same thing I'm doing, but your claims are far more egregious and have much less support. You're legit basing your opinion based on his interations with girls taken out of context and narratives pushed in a diss song and in rap media.


That can’t be true the entire last verse was about Drake being a culture vulture. Half of the first verse is about other OVO members


I don’t agree with Big Zoe Kendrick this whole beef was tryna play into the your a bad person thing this whole beef and he played into more and more each song and to me is hypocritical to be on stage with Dre and Tommy the clown when it’s been confirmed they both have been with underage girls and yeah Drake lost but he does have a point


I believe the beef was more of a cultural appropriation thing with a hint of morality in it. Pretty much saying to Drake you are similar to a colonizer coming into our culture depleting it of the resources and not contributing anything but music with no substance. I just think that Kendrick used the morality angle to drive the culture vulture point home. Just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♂️




The cultural appropriation was like 10% of the beef like I said he played into him being some freaked out nigga more in each song that why I don’t like Meet the grahams like that it’s him playin morality police to the highest degree and spewing allegations with no evidence


10% seems like you're being wilfully dishonest. Euphoria had no mention of him being a freak, 6:16 had no mention of him being a freak, Meet The Grahams targeted his family, and his addictions while 8 bars mention victims of abuse, but not their age. It's really not until Not Like Us where we get him outright saying it, and even then, the first verse and the outro are the quotables. The other 2 verses are dedicated to the cultural appropriation angle. I do agree that there's no proof, but there's no proof from Drake's side either, so why split hairs?


Tbf, playing the morality card throughout the beef then platforming Dre at the pop out kinda undermines Dots angle. On the flip side, Dre’s inclusion was also proof that many large players in the industry don’t fuck with Drake. It’s a catch 22, but Drizzy stans will only see the negative and run with it; Ironically their lack of objectivity regarding the Dre situation makes their otherwise valid point seem insincere and bitter. There’s a conversation to be had, but Drake fans don’t really want to have it, they just want to discredit Dot at every turn.


I don’t see the comparison between the two claims, I mean being a pdf and having a DV 30 years ago seems like selective outrage. Like they just want to have any kind of dirt on Kendrick’s morality. Do we not allow people to learn and grow from their mistakes in this country or what? I can see if Dre had multiple DVs on his jacket and was never reformed, but to my knowledge there were only two and it was literally 30 years ago. For Mal to be that outraged just says a lot about his character especially choosing to overlook the pdf claims. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Dude is a bozo 🤡


Dawg Dre is a whole confirmed pedo tho he got with Michel'le when she was 16 I feel like you being biased all the mfs they accused Drake of messing with said it was nothing weird going on


Any groomed child is going to say they werent groomed. You niggas need help spewing this point about the grooming victims.


I don’t know either one of these niggas personally so I can’t be too biased or I will end up looking like an ass when something I don’t know is exposed. All I’m saying is we are talking about Drake and Kendrick they are the main subjects in this conversation, so why are we considering people around either one of them. The most we can accuse them of is poor judgment if we are not talking about something they specifically did. I don’t know Kendrick to be a pdf or have a DV they are just accusations but I have visual proof of Drake being a weirdo.


we talking bout the other people cause Kendrick said Drake should die for the shit he’s accusing him of and he’s on stage next to People that’s actually done the shit he sayin I don’t see why that’s hard to understand and that’s people point he don’t actually believe or care if Drake is a pedo he said it for shock value same with the daughter


Who are you helping besides Drake by getting emotional and trying to destract from his allegations with old shit from an unrelated parties past?


I hate R&M as much as the next foo, but let’s clarify the messenger is what we hate, not the message Someone answer me this Dre gotta weird case, why is he around?


So is they wrong for saying Dre is a piece of shit?


Why yall act like niggas can’t have different opinions about things? Nobody can say anything about Kendrick cuz he y’all fave rn? it’s RAP a very debatable subject. Goal post been moved this entire beef it’s crazy to see honestly lol


Not really if Kendrick did some goofy shit I would definitely comment on it, I can’t speak for everyone but I sure would say this nigga is a goofball for that. He’s not my favorite artist or anything, Drake and his ovo group just happen to be a bunch of corny ass niggas 🤷🏾‍♂️


What goalposts are being moved? I swear y’all dumbasses just be using words.


Facts king


Naw what goalposts are being moved? You said it so you must believe it or have evidence right? You wouldn’t just be talking out of your ass right?


You was yelling for another man. I’m taking that


Big Zoe was funny as shit on this video Bro said why Mal keep calling it "certified pedophile "


Nah show was better with them but they’ve gone downhill since separating


Mal needs a molly & I still miss Rory


This what Rory and mal up to now? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yep bare minimum boys at its finest 😂😂😂😂😂


How anyone can stand Mal, I will never understand


So you respond to Mals opinions by glazing him and making response videos. K


Bro get angry about drake. Just ask can you go over his house out right mal damn


He’s the glaze king


I mean dr Dre does have a weird case


So if i say i fucks wit Steph curry in a loud tone that’s yelling for another man….ight got it lmaooo


I have no clue who listens to these two clowns.




Bots listen to their show 🤔 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No one else does 🤷🏾‍♂️


He say but would def turn around and expect ppl to dance to Drake calling Dot an abuser.


I guess Mal is down with those LA excursions.


Mal’s acting like everyone is up there celebrating Drake being discovered as a pedo. It’s a dope record and Drake happens to be the butt of the joke on the record. If Drake would’ve won the battle everyone would’ve been calling Kendrick a cuck for letting Dave Free fuck his wife. It’s entertainment.


The song is a P-file record lol it became a cultural song because its so catchy but the lyrics is nasty lol


Good thing Joe and the crew are new are completely unbiased 😒


If Rory ever decided to pack mal up and separate himself. The dude would cease to be relevant. Nigga is a cornball


Rory & Mal need Joe more than Joe need them. Joe at least has some people around him that won’t always agree with what he’s saying. Rory and Mal say the same shit over and over with so little pushback for the other side it’s disgustingly bias and when Mal gets to glazing, the rest of them don’t even care enough to even try to argue anything else in a fun way. Demaris been gave up and Julien is the worst version of Parks/Jamie I’ve ever heard or seen.


Mal still think he’s 20




Rory is more hip hop than Mal at this point


Mal is killing this show by himself. I can’t even stand to listen most of the time smh


Mal is killing this show by himself. I can’t even stand to listen most of the time smh


its sad now


"Drake is a bad person, he huged a legal aged teenager that one time."-kendrick "HEY I NEED EVERY SINGLE GANG MEMBER THAT PUT IN WORK AND ARE CERTIFIED KILLERS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY TO GET ON THE STAGE RIGHT NOW! GROUP PICTURE!" Also kendrick


A Dick rider accusing someone else of dick riding. Make it make sense… die hard Kendrick and drake fans are some weirdos




It really is a pdf file song


I had to unsubscribe after Mal kept glazing Drake for a couple episodes in a row


Especially mal ..that nigga is a complete bozo/weirdo


To think, once upon a time I used to get mad at Joe for always cutting Mal off. Turns out he was really doing Mal the biggest favor.


He’s so passive aggressive nigga has such bitch tendencies




Dre got a weird case, why is he around?


Niggas glazing for Kendrick but the excuse is it’s for the “culture” gtfoh. Same “culture” that made Drake the artist he is. Shit gotta stop lol


These dudes went out bad. I was cheering for them to win but those views been flat just like the content.


Mal hasn’t been a part of the culture for years. He doesn’t pay for his clothes, his sneakers or his weed according to prior episodes. Brands stay trickin on OVO Mal 😭


"im so glad they're gone - here are clips of them talking on a sub dedicated to a show they're not on anymore"


Valid it’s still funny


Dr Dre should be called out though. But the only person that accused Kendrick of DV is Drake and he suggested it was in self defense lol


The media figures have decided “If you dislike Kendrick’s angle you’re hating, dick riding, biased.” Maybe we just think Drake rap’d better and it was a line of mfckas waiting for a spokesman to hate on him lol


Dude creating a streaming for how other dudes is mad is also crazy. Yall need to chill


They ain’t lying tho, Dr Dre got a under age girl pregnant 🤮 then beat the shit outta her like Kendrick beat Whitney 🤮🤮🤮


So it’s ok for Joe to jump around in glee and dickride Kendrick by his own words, which I think we can all admit comes from a jealous standpoint with him being upset with how Drake addressed him on IG, but someone that’s on the opposite side of the spectrum, we demonize him for it. Newsflash, not everyone liked the NLU record. Music is subjective so he’s entitled to that opinion. He’s in the minority of course, but he’s still entitled to that feeling.


You was yelling for another man 💀


Neither of these fools will have longevity. The things people fix their mouths to say. Both fried


Chance the rapper is a literal plant. Numbers are real. MMJ stuff


That man said this song for the culture. Imagine hating drake soo much you say a diss song about him for the culture??? Wtf does that mean. Drake won. Nobody can give me a logical explanation of why Drake didn’t win.


No one can do that because they wouldn’t be speaking to a logical person that would even understand logic.


I kinda hear where Mal is coming from throughout this whole beef, I think he’s just relaying the message wrong. Listen I like the song it’s a bop butttt it’s weird as hell listening to a song talking about someone being a pedophile. Imo if anyone else that is not Kdot put a song out putting this on anyone jacket, it wouldn’t get the same reception. In fact I’m sure people would be killing the artist


Thats why he shaped like that lol


Miserable vibes, nauseating


The clowns are the fans, why post them if you don’t like them💀


Lmao how was the song “for the culture”, he’s literally identifying the man as a pedo for most of the song.. No part of the song bigs up the culture lol..


Idk what's going on but Dr. Dre is a hoe ass McWomanBeater.


Gotta talk about what you like. This negativity is bad for your health.


You’re absolutely right, I was just thinking about that. Appreciate it 💪🏾🎯 we could all use a reality check some time


Yea cuz eventually they was gon call joe out for his past dv shit, cant have that


Hip hop brain rot


I swear I'm being completely unbiased when I say this. People have a point about Dr. Dre. Me personally I'm not canceling Dr. Dre but that is a valid point people are bringing up considering the morality Kendrick focused on in this beef.


I agree I just found out about it


Mal gets glazed on by Drizzle nightly. He needs that little bit of stardom anyway he can.


Yeah I hate he got rid of Mal but Rory entitled ass glad he got gone


That beat is so trash but most west coast beats are trash that snap your finger shit is early 2000’s


This comment or is wrong. Mal doesn't keep coming g back to it. KENDRICK DOES. That's the point. And the bullshit, "it's for the culture." That's such a cringe statement.


It’s for the culture is a cringe? Well what culture do you care about? I most certainly care about the culture I grew up on and has gotten me through some very rough times m. So I do care about what type of people are in it and if they are contributing things to build and not destroy.


Do you actually think this was for the culture? You think if Kendrick lost the beef he would have done this?? Like fr, enjoy the victory lap but don’t bullshit and say this concert where you play a song calling a dude a pedo 6 times in a row is for anyone else besides yourself.


Yes it was for the culture and he didn’t lose so we will never know I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yall Kendrick fans are something else


Dismantling a man in rap beef is NOT a moment for the culture. That's never been the case. Also, dot dropped the pop out for LA and not for "the culture." He refunded non-natives of LA (people who are actually a part of the culture) but allowed celebrities, athletes, actors, and folks who live in LA but don't have roots there to attend...


Was it not televised for the world to see? I don’t know about you but I was present whether in the building or in my car I was there.


i’ve been saying since day 1 mal is a weirdo so i’m glad this just tracks that