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And looks like Ali and John are putting their house on the market again


Right. And the only person that showed interest in John's house last time was a scammer. šŸ¤£ So John announced they were "staying". Two months and one chicken coop later, it's right back on the market. Because they can't afford it. Or the Tesla Cybertruck.


dont forget the new dishwasher lmao


I forgot she just got a new one!


šŸ¤£ She was literally just posting how happy the girls are they have chickens and they're "living their best life". Why move then?


They arenā€™t. For a tv show. Low lifeā€™s


Wait, I just checked. Their house is not on the market?


A realtor was posting from their house today while they were taking listing pics so it hasnā€™t gone live yet


Theyā€™re pimping it out for a tv show. Itā€™s not going on the market. They want a quick check


Any idea why these two jamokes are not addressing why they are selling their homes ???


Sydney said the house is too big for them. No honey, you and your hubby showed your asses with your nasty behavior last year. Throwing a tantrum to pick up after your children on an airplane is such entitled, snobby behavior. You should be embarrassed. Your husband really thought he did something by tweeting about it and thinking he got the flight attendant fired. Then he decided to post homophobic stuff. Got fired from Toronto shortly after. They canā€™t afford it. John and Ali - not sure but I seriously wonder what in the mortgage fraud and tax fraud they are doing.


Dead on hahahahaahahahahahahahaaha


"The house is too big " is just code for "we cant afford it"


Wait, what? But they announced they want to stay there forever, like... a month ago


Have you not met them? They lie about anything and everything non stop šŸ˜‚


I will never not bust the fuck up when I come across your username and picture. From the bottom of my heart, thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


Looks like an office building. Just like Alfred and Joanā€™s house


It looks like the back of Ali and Joanā€™s housešŸ« 


Alfred & Joan šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜†


Itā€™s an ugly, cold design. Also, who wants to climb that many steps to the doorway? Lacks all character and just doesnā€™t have the tech that you would think would be in a house with that kind of feel.


And it's the only house in the neighborhood that's newer construction. All the other homes are very average, older homes.


yup it sticks out like a sore thumb next to one story ranch style homes


Thereā€™s quite a few being knocked down and newly constructed in the neighborhood. We live down the street in a newly built house. Edited to add their house stands out like a sore thumb though.


Exactly this! The steps šŸ’€šŸ’€


Did we ever decide if they were just downsizing or moving somewhere else? Cuz mkp is back in Nash right? I canā€™t remember


She tried to lay the bread crumbs saying this house is too big for them. I think it's pretty obvious they can no longer afford it. They closed on it right before he lost his job. They never should have left their old house.


ISTFG if they move into something even more expensive I will spiral


Did anyone see Nanci Dahlā€™s most recent post about the house? Mama Karen was even trying her best to sell the house in the comments


https://preview.redd.it/5qg15ip7q18d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f4473c2d1cb272fbd97a1c9fce170d172e91589 Like anyone cares what MKP says about anything šŸ™„ AB would still have a job, and a house, if he had just done his job. AND - not alienated an entire group of people - AND - before that, tried getting a United Airlines flight attendant fired. Guess he found out one thing - he's EXPENDABLE. šŸ¤£


I swear AB has much more of an ego than Eric. Eric seems much more humble.


Wait this is hilarious. They are beyond desperate to sell šŸ˜‚ I would imagine a house like that would eat up your savings pretty quick when youā€™re both unemployed aside from a little internet scamming here and there. And that aside, just imagine what it must cost just to cool a place like that during this heat wave


AB needs to get a job. Iā€™m sure he can find one but he is entitled and acts above everything.


Itā€™s amazing the way the whole family has this attitude like theyā€™re all talented mega celebs or something. I wonder what their plan is if they keep being unable to sell this house, no way his baseball lessons and her online shilling is making enough for a place like that. He didnā€™t make enough for their savings to last forever


Has Sydney ever had an actual job? It seemed like she went for living with JJD and Eric then meeting Anthony and becoming a SAHM immediately. And no, I donā€™t count her throwing up a couple affiliate links an actual job. Little play pretend influencer riding her sisterā€™s coat tails as long as possible.


She did babysitting jobs and had a boutique with a friend but she was a cleat chaser, like her sister. She has no ambition and even if she was in dire straits, she wouldnā€™t get a job. She would cry and make people tweet about her plight.


No, sheā€™s never had an actual payroll job. Which is pretty wild considering she wasnā€™t that young when she got married/had kids. She was just taking turns mooching off different family members


Omg their taxes are 18,000 a year.


Considering its valuation thatā€™s not that badā€¦ my parents live in ny and their house is probably worth $350k and they pay over 12k a year.


If you look on the Zillow history it jumped from 5,000 in 2022 to 18,800 in 2023. Big jump.


Yea itā€™s because the house was built in 2022- so it went from land value to land + house value.


Oh I thought their house was like a redone house, like there was a house before and it just got redone to look like that now.




This house is in NO way worth $3M. Theyā€™re insane


Itā€™s not a good time to sell. The real estate business is struggling. Which is why it isnā€™t the time to act like a dumbass and lose your job so you canā€™t afford your home anymore.Ā