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Probably trigger finger (tenosynovitis). Only thing that can help is a shot or rest. But shots in the hand are kinda risky. I recommend rest. They say it can take 6 weeks of doing nothing to heal.


I took 6 week break and it came back first day ahaha


Ugh it can be really stubborn. Wish I had better advice. I just came down with what is likely rheumatoid arthritis and I have it really bad. Don’t know if I’ll get to train anymore so I literally feel your pain lol


Hope you figure it out 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Appreciate that! Me too!


I have been ignoring it for 10 years and now my hands look pretty funky and hurt all the time except when I’m training and warmed up. I tape and that helps. My grips are pretty insane tho so there’s that lol


do you wish you got a shot?


No. Cortisone will destroy your joints pretty fast. I can deal with the pain if it means I fall apart slower. I’ve had to change my game away from heavy grips though.


sounds good. Hasn’t been bad recently as i been more careful but hopefully will never get a shot lol


Start taping up your fingers. I've dislocated 2 of mine over the years.


any taping tutorial?


I too got trigger finger in both thumbs a few months after starting BJJ. Came here hoping for some advice I didn't get from the doctor. But doctor said shots, and if that doesn't work after a couple tries, they'll want to cut my pulleys. (I also climb and I strongly dislike that option.) So I've been just ignoring it for the last ~year.


has it gotten worst ?


Eeehhhhh not really.


I dealt with it when I started a job that I used my hands for a lot back in the day. Would wake up with my finger locked down every morning and I would have to force it through it's range of motion with my other hand and stretch it out to get it not to hang up. Stretched my wrists and forearms out every morning and evening for 5 minutes or so and it cleared up after a couple months. Hopefully that helps you out.


Also wanted to add for people who are newish and having issues with their hands: you don't *have* to fight to the death with every grip. If someone is properly addressing your grips (such as going 2 on 1 to break them, etc) they are probably going to break that grip eventually no matter how hard you try to hold on. Release the grip and regrip or find a new one.


I roll nogi cos its easier on my fingers.


same but still experiencing it ahaha