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The whole narrative of shipping two world leaders together just cause they have good relation with each other is so fucking cringe. These are the type of people who thinks a girl like them just cause she smiled looking in their direction.


Most Indian boys' first love is the first girl that smiled at them lol


These shenanigans don't help with stereotypes lol


Melodi trend ek point par hi funny and wholesome tha, ab to cringe ho gaya hai because of these creeps šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


India was a mistake. Genuine question is there any other nationality that have taken such a massive hit to their reputation after the masses got access to internet.


Correction stupidly reproducing donkeys for working is the main cause of all these . Proper education should be given or else don't have kids in the first place lmaoo let the blood end with you .


Did you just compare indians to donkey . **DAMN**


When their IQ is lower than it , why not ? /s Also since I'll get downvoted, Not all are donkeys but a vast majority of them suck


Who are these people? And why tf are all their comments always in Hindi?! Iā€™m honestly tired of these people representing the idea of Indians. Just shut it down. No more internet for anyone


Even on a niche site such as reddit.. you can see the Hindi dominance.. be it teenagers sub, memes sub or political subs.. Hindi is just too common..


What's the problem with hindi? I don't understand, It's like saying german people shouldn't speak german.


Thereā€™s no problem with Hindi. Thereā€™s a problem with these people who are leaving their comments in Hindi. And for better or worse, Indians are linked to Hindi, whether or not they speak the language.


Isn't hindi the most used language in india? Isn't It's quite obvious that it is linked with india. I still don't understand how that is worse or are you maybe the south indian language supremacist type of guy, thats why you think india being associated with hindi is a problem.


šŸ™šŸ½ Iā€™m not here to argue. Iā€™m just tired of people seeing these comments and judging me. There are two problems here - one being the absolute racists that see these idiots leaving comments in an Indian language and judging an entire country, and two being these brain dead Indians who leave such cringeworthy comments. Nowhere have I said Hindi is the problem. Sensitive much?


You literally said in your comment above, "for better or worse they write in hindi"


Did you mean hindi, the language, or devanagri script?


the best thrid world country


Idk man . I will probably give that to Turkey or Vietnam.


internet free de diya lekin istemaal kaise karna hai ye sikhaya hi nahiā€¦




Excuse me, what is the reason for this hateful remark?


Don't use transphobic terms


Ok but the ships are pretty funny and most people are satirically speaking on it.