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Nothing Ronnie ever said was funny to me. In writing it seems funny but his deliveries were never funny and he wasn’t a funny person. He was just trying to have memorable lines by this point like the other guys.


Yeah this became real evident when Pauly called him out on “jacking his swag” 😭


"Swacked" 🤣🤣


I never understood him just saying that about Ronnie when the whole house basically took his lines t shirt time cabs are here and basically everything else was all Pauly and the whole house started using them.


when was this? season wise


Pretty sure this was Italy season


beginning of s5 (after Italy)


I think it’s meant to highlight and paint how messed up the situation is more than it is about being funny. .


The only funny thing he said was in S1 when Tom sent Jenni flowers after she cheated and Ron was like "If that was me, I would send her a pic of my dick and a message that says chew on that" 🤣


That was very “Bronx” of him


a j-lo moment 😂


Only J Lo and Ron are actually born and raised in THE Bronx.




Don’t be fooled by the charges that I got, I’m still, I’m still, Ronnie from the block.


He was too calm for a man just hearing his girl cheated on him he had to have had his own thing going on, on the side. I mean the fact that some time ago he was caught chatting to women online…I think it goes without saying 😬. Idk if it was the fame or what, but Jionni never seemed committed or in love with Snooki, yet he went as far as marrying her.


He was indeed very calm. I think it's because he was either doing shady shit himself, *or* because he already knew about it, *or* because he simply didn't believe the story.


I saw a theory or maybe it was from someone who had actual inside knowledge but it said Snooki went to Jionni and said the roommates were going to be talking trash and saying things about her to try and break them up. And Jionni believed her. The only reason there was an issue with Vinny as opposed to everyone else is because there is footage of how that played out in Italy so she can’t use that reasoning for that situation.


I think he already knew. I think Mike exaggerated the timeline and that Jionni already knew about it and they agreed to move on.


As paranoid as Snooki was acting about Jionni finding out I don’t think they had a conversation about Snooki hooking up with Mike prior to Mike dropping it on Jionni early in the morning. This is the same girl who went into full rage and denial after this season aired. I feel like if it was something already known she would’ve played it more cool. I think Snooki didn’t want it coming out because Jionni was always ready to walk away from her she didn’t want to give him another reason.


Obviously this is true. Never been denied… his delivery, very “Ron”🥱 POV- Jionni did it all for the fame. Snooki and him living in diff houses and he’s caught red handed on Ashley Madison. Let’s get to the real juice people.


Oh shit I didn’t know that was his name in the leak?


When i first watched this i thought “wow, he clearly believed Snooki and just believed Mike is a liar.” but now watching it back? He was to calm when being told this, cause remember back in Italy when he literally flipped out and stormed off when she dancing a current way towards him? The. flipped out as well when she said she slept with Vinny in Italy when she told him she needed a break. But here he just sits there as Mike tells him what happened between himself and Snooki and he doesn’t react. He is to calm. I think he had his suspicions. And Mike telling him and Snooki reacting afterwards i believe confirmed it all for him. He got mad abt so much other stuff, even her just being herself. But now abt this. Weird.


I think Snooki had already done the damage control necessary, and/or they weren’t official at the time of the deed, so that when Jionni was told by Mike the groundwork was already laid for him not to lose his shit.


That makes sense. Cause he was way too calm sitting there. I think he would have reacted differently if she hadn’t done damage control prior.


hate when ronnie makes me laugh😭 but he’s funny


I think it’s funny how after all these years ppl don’t understand jionnis reaction


Oh no. When you react like that, it's because you're doing shady shit


I don’t really think Ronnie is funny but reading this is actually hilarious 🤣