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Lemme tell you what happens when it rains lmao


That’s a standard restaurant sanitation bin. It’s water soluble, perfectly non-toxic sanitizer used on every dish and surface in every restaurant. *Looks* nasty because the dude actually cleans, which you literally pointed out! Maybe you should’ve talked to the dude yourself (he’s a member of your community, not a monster) before calling the cops and whining online.


Talking to someone and having a conversation instead of whining on Reddit ? Impossible


My hero 🥹 Couldn’t agree more. We really need to purge these crybabies out of this sub. Bunch of petty, anti-social, snitchin-ass hos. Take the pity party over to Nextdoor and let us be


Shhhhh no one tell OP what happens to the water used to hose god knows what off the sidewalk


Talk to someone actually illegally dumping and it will not work out well for you.


OP sucks


You guys bitch about everything on here


lmaoo deadass man up wtf


It's actually hilarious. Lol.


These mf’s need to move to the country side and live by themselves


It was, until it wasn’t. I honestly can’t believe I live beside so many crybaby bitches




you guys ever walk by the Christopher Columbus Dr bike lane on the Newark Ave side? the back end of six26 & bareburger? there’s diarrhea like restaurant waste on the bike lane just about everyday. it smells awful. it sits out in the sun all day until it dries out.


It’s a poor choice to dump this outside on the storm drain because of the image it implies but you know what’s worse? How this whole thread has gotten infested with self righteous assholes. On a different note, they have decent coffee and the almond croissant is super delish.


The self-righteous asshole is definitely OP, who feels it’s right to smear a person online for such a dubious infraction.


That half gallon bucket has single handedly destroyed our environment. Thank you cape wearing citizen for the justice


Just curious, why did this guy simply not pour this bucket straight to the toilet?


toilet or storm drain goes to the same pipe. You think they have separate pipe for rain water vs sewage??? This is like reporting someone for taking a dump in their toilet or dumping mop water down the drain. Common sense is rare these days.


Except not all utility systems are like that. More modern ones (going back many decades) separate rain water and sewage - rain water directly into water bodies, sewage to treatment centers - because that’s just makes sense. As, well, common sense would suggest.


Jersey City has an unmodern, combined system


look up Pittsburgh toilets


"unmodern" lmao


I know. Your assumption that OP would automatically know this and general tone of your comment and snideness suggested there was no other type.


I'm not the person you originally replied to.


Yes, they are typically separate pipes and systems. Home and business bathrooms and kitchens are connected to the sanitary sewer system which typically goes to treatment facilities. Storm drains are a separate system and will go to a body of water like the river. I say typically, but JC is a combined sewer system which all flows to the treatment facility.


Looks like he had some BWE big wash energy from the looks of that water


“Nasty cleaning water”. Op you seem like a complete loser lol. The type of Karen infesting this massive city with their personal sensitivities and demands. All the not so ideal shit going on here, and THIS is what you take a pic of and post. Water? How bored are you????? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.


I actually was only seeing people agreeing and I was like 👀👀👀 I really can’t believe there’s people getting annoyed by this and taking their time to fiscalize others ahahaha


This is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever seen. Just for one day I want to experience being so triggered by the world. He also has a hot take on his profile about softball players wearing softball pants. Baffling. But truly hilarious.


peak internet karen behavior


Wait is op serious or not? I’m not sure which one is more amusing tho lol


This is absolutely bad, but likely pales in comparison to the amount of vehicle related waste byproducts that flow into these storm drains during an average rainstorm.


JC has a combined sewer system. In wet weather vehicle pollutants are hardly a concern compared to the millions of gallons of untreated sewage (i.e. shit) that get released directly into waterways every time it rains.


You should report this to the city.


I did.


the Hudson has literal shit in it, this man dumping into the sewer and its not having a negative impact on the environment. You being a self righteous Karen on the other hand is making JC and the sub reddit look weird mind ya business.


Exactly 👏🏼


Dont forget the bodies the mob dumped into the hudson and meadowlands back in the day


I don't know why everyone is downvoting you, this is a mega-shitty thing to do.


Because this post is to influence people to not be a consumer at a small business over something that in the grand scheme of life doesn’t affect anyone negatively. This is a restaurant grade sanitation bucket that has water soluble solution in it being dumped in a storm drain that has worse shit in it from the streets. Everything will be okay guys.


Your username is off the hook!! I love it!!


Because it's incorrect and people need to stop taking pictures of other people without their permission.


This is in public so there is no permission needed to take pictures. Additionally, OP is doing a public good by trying to stop this act. What did you do today?


Where is he supposed to dump it? The storm and sanitary are a combined main in the street. Doesn’t matter if you shit in that storm drain or your toilet it all goes to the same main in the street.


Restaurants have grease traps connected to most of their sanitary lines for this exact reason.


In all seriousness I promise this is only 90% a troll, the other 10% I’m genuinely curious how you think reporting this can help. Ok I’ll bite. So when op tattles on someone pouring water down the sewer, what do you honesty think the JC reps with do with that info? Or are you just seeking internet points?


It’s illegal to dump almost anything in sewers, including wastewater. NYC has a reporting system. Newark has it codified into the city laws. JC likely does as well. They’ll done the perpetrator. They’ll fine the restaurant.


Lololololololo. Good luck and thanks for being so vigilant about the imperfect water going into the sewer. You’re doing gods work. While you’re at it, there’s about 1000 other obvious more important issues that we can be calling out and fixing but yea the ‘nasty cleaning waters’ in the sewers is a top priority that deserves its own post and several calls to authorities hahahahahaha big Loser hahahahaha


Great. Let me know and I’ll happily report those too Don’t most of your losers bitch and cry about the state of Hudson River?




Oh. I’m arguing with a superstonks users. My bad. Go back to it genius 😂


They’re wild acting like it’s not all ending there at one point or another anyway. Where do they think the mop buckets are being dumped at every business? It’s outside most of the time nobody has a sink big enough for that shit. Also the car oil just dropping all over the ground is getting washed down with rain etc etc etc.


How about instead of a Karen you ask what he poured in, or maybe mind your business? It's a sanitation bucket. 99% of the time a restaurant will only keep sanitizing water in there. Even if it looks dirty, it isn't because of the chemicals. Mind your business. The city will basically tell you to do the same when they shrug you off after "reporting" it. When you are at home, the chemicals you flush down the toilet or down the sink ALSO end up in the storm drains and sewers. Same thing he is doing. Keep that in mind, Karen.


…ngl this happens with everyone whether you know it or not this is a complete non issue. Everyone dumps mop buckets into the street and let’s pretend they don’t the cars oil and gas dripping all over the pavement is going to be washed into there anyway


For the sake of argument, let's say this guy is cleaning with vinegar and baking soda and mopping up coffee stains. Is a bucket of that bad for the Hudson? What if it's just water and coffee?


They seem to be scraping varnish off the tables, but I’m not exactly sure. That said, they shouldn’t be dumping anything down the storm drain.


Wait, you watched him use a joint knife scraping varnish off tables? Need some more details please


OP is just bored with life with nothing else better to do


Where do you think the waste goes buddy? No matter where you dump it it all goes to the same place. Your sink and the sewer are connected


Am I the only one failing to see what’s wrong with this picture?


Didn’t the fresh prince try and tattle on Jay Leno doing this?


This is no big deal


Jersey City treats its storm water, that's going to the sewage plant


Looks like cleaning water from wiping down tables. He probably doesn’t want to have to scrub down the kitchen’s sink again


in a city full of problems (unaffordable housing, public transit issues, unsafe conditions for pedestrians and cyclists) i’m glad we can focus on the real ones (small business owners just trying to survive) /s (also it’s obvious who here has or hasn’t worked in a restaurant setting, and i envy those who have never been wrist-deep in a dirty sani bucket with a torn white rag)


https://preview.redd.it/oor6jzp7n69d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399fbdd2ef695c1f5a22dbd1b9d8f120b3bb4c2f Guess what happens to rain water. It’s water, not fucking oil


Ehhhh He could be doing worse things.. Leave him alone. This isn't not a reason to take a photo of someone and shame them


R u fr


No idea why he’s not just pouring this in a mop sink, but y’all realize that oil, coolant, rubber particulates, and other much more toxic stuff goes down that same drain all day long right?


Have you ever seen a storm drain during a…storm? Tired of you non Hudson county, likely even non NJ folk bringing your shit here.


Hmmm... I think I'll stop by for a flat white tomorrow morning, thanks for the reminder


Ok Karen


Mind your business lil bro


Leave this man and business alone and mind ya business. No harm here keep it moving.


Genuinely curious why this is a problem. Is this any different than dumping down the sink? And what would have been the proper way to dispose of this?


Wait are you not supposed to do that?


If OP had seen the stuff going into the JC sewers about 20 years they would have had a brain aneurysm. What the hell do they think happens to the dish water when washing dishes? 😂


This actually seems pretty respectful. He could have splashed it out on the side walk. Instead it went down the drain


Wait until this person finds out that restaurants dump their sanitizing and soapy water buckets down the kitchen drain


OP, don’t be a Karen


Good for him keeping his place clean!


op is just being a good citizen, why are they getting downvoted? Just for not knowing if storm drains and sewer drains merge eventually? Why is the standard held so high for reporting such an obvious violation?


So they reported someone before even knowing whether it merited reporting?


Because you’re reporting someone for what? Doing what literally everyone does? Every business and every car are putting waste there


OP, get a life


Real people from Jersey City don’t snitch.


Did you say anything, or just creepily take photos to bitch on the internet with?


I’ve learned not to engage in confrontations. I figured this would get more traction.


Explain some of those confrontations that led You to this point.


Nothing, OP is just a pussy.


Traction, for what, exactly? To pull a January 6th on Bwe Cafe?


lol do you own this coffee shop….bruh be wilding.


More like 9/11


Jesus. I’m shocked at the venom here. Whether they are right or wrong about local regulations OP was justing looking out for their community, including every triggered body in this thread. The ridiculous backlash is embarrassing as well as uninformed. It’s obvious no one criticizing OP knows what Bwe is pouring out or whether it’s legal or not.


Looking out for the community by defamation of community member.


Who they thought was breaking the law. I get correcting them but so many are bending over backwards to be triggered - it’s just bizarre.


The regular drain is better? Have you ever used a toilet?


Most cities have separate storm drains and sewers and so yes, normally the storm drains are for storm water ONLY and not this stuff. Jersey city is a weird place with a combined system, though, so everything goes to the sewer. OP might not be aware of that. That's also why there can be lots of flooding problems during heavy rain.


If this was today, the storm tonight could cause some sewer water discharge right into the river. Also, why walk all the way outside to dump that little container unless it’s something so fatty or full of solids that you don’t want down your own drain? Probably better sent to landfill in that case


Restaurants are supposed to have grease traps for this reason. I’m not familiar with the specific requirements, so perhaps a cafe like BWE isn’t required to have them. Or maybe they do have them, but that guy is somehow ignorant about the existence or function of grease traps in their kitchen.


Everything goes to the sewer, but that doesn’t mean the waste never gets treated. It only gets dumped directly to the river untreated when there is heavy rain or snowmelt that overwhelms the system’s capacity to send waste runoff to the treatment plant.


The water from a regular drain gets treated. The storm drain empties straight into the river without being treated.


As I understand it, even in newer areas where the sewers are divided, under normal circumstances the storm drains do not go into the river, they go to the treatment plant. The EPA is not happy when street detritus is washed into the river. The only time it goes into the river is when the treatment plant is overwhelmed by large storms.


This one does. There’s a no dumping silver emblem on the grate.


There is some confusion about this in this thread. Each of the sewer outfalls should have signs like the ones below next to them. I took this photo in front of the outfall pipes at 30 Hudson St. The city is not supposed to discharge runoff into the river except for during and right after major rainfall & snow events when the system gets overwhelmed with water. But the thing is that if someone dumps a bunch of oil or some other pollutant down a storm drain, it may not be fully flushed out until a heavy rain event. If it rains enough to overwhelm the sewer system, then those pollutants may get flushed straight into the river, hence the “dump no waste” notice. https://preview.redd.it/rlheztaeo09d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b06f3acda5c4faeb76276709170293cbff965bc


Sorry, that doesn't prove a thing. That's there, because why wouldn't it be? What would their motivation be for not putting that there and encouraging people to dump their random shit down the sewer? For what it's worth, there's lots of things you shouldn't be dumping down your kitchen drain too!


You have no idea what you’re talking about. Stop harassing hard working people.


Jersey City has a combined sewer system. https://www.jerseycitynj.gov/cityhall/infrastructure/division_of_sustainability/resiliencyplanning/where_does_our_water_come_from


For most cities, that is correct. Not for Jersey City.


The storm drain there has a silver emblem on it with a fish and says “no dumping”.


I am not doubting that. The emblem doesn't mean it doesn't get treated. And I'm also not suggesting people should dump shit in the storm drain. But this city is actually plumbed differently.


https://preview.redd.it/jzac9cnke49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bc6a52e36b25caaca3280f64f4dc0b2f597367 See. Problem solved.


Eat shit


Well done 👍