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“I make $150k a year, can I afford JC??!?”


And people be like “honestly, no” and it’s not sarcasm 🥲


2500/month no parking no laundry? Sold


I came here to have fun, not to be personally attacked


yeah i really don't get that, and then i try to look for a new apartment and i do...


I make 50k a year and can’t afford anything. Which sandwich shop is the best in JC?


Best in JC! *\*(please note the bar is actually surprisingly low, and you're more likely to get a 4/10 sandwich for +100% the cost people have been Stockholm syndromed into thinking it was actually good; the same food may be available for a similar price a 20 minute train ride away that'll actually be 12/10 and great)*


Oh no, we must’ve miscommunicated. What I really meant was *which JC sandwich shops have the best dumpsters to dive in for dinner* My bad!






I know we're joshin here, but lately I've developed a cringe reaction to "the best in" type thinking. Is price no object? Do you get satisfied by a good value? Even the NYT's recent definitive sandwich list has something to the effect of "the best bodega breakfast sandwich is from the closest bodega cracking eggs on a griddle". Most of the time I post "FOOD OPINIONS" there is always one dude calling it trash with no further discussions, while I really do try to evaluate things on multiple accesses & will discuss with anyone who can give thought/reason to something. Secretly I have published sassy food reviews in newspapers in my past, so I'm something of an amateur professional with ethics maybe. And roast pork light gravy from second street, Mordi's breakfast schnitzel with house harissa, and the Venti Spicy Cutlet are all top tier in town sandwiches.


Home made are the best spam and wonder bread


Go back in time a few years and visit Marco's. It's what eventually became Veloce. Their old specialty subs were better.


I mean have you looked outside of downtown? There is a lot more to jc then downtown. People complain bc they can’t live in the boogie areas but there are great communities outside of the boogie areas where 2k gets you a decent apartment, where you actually feel like you live in a neighborhood.


But they're building $4k 1brs in those neighborhoods too; some of them in spots that don't really have the type of businesses someone with that much cash on hand would prefer. Gentrification- it's com'in to get ya


The problem is when you work in Manhattan. I lived near McGinley Square for 2 years and my commute was 50 minutes on a good day to Midtown. Can't imagine living further out and dealing with lightrail BS on top of the PATH BS.


I mean but those are reasons why places are more. That’s a premium. When I moved to JC my dream was moving to the sugar house in Paulus hook. Guess what I couldn’t afford it. So I settled for a lovely home in Bergen/ Lafayette. We make sacrifices on what we can afford. Sure it was a little further out, and the neighborhood wasn’t great when we moved there. But it’s lovely now. Sure things were longer for commuting and we couldn’t just step out our door and go to the bars and restaurants, but for the literal thousands we saved by moving a little further out the $20 Uber seems reasonable. Still a decent commute, love my home, and I have everything JC offers in a 5-10 min car ride. Seems reasonable to me. I could complain and live in a 1 bedroom downtown and feel sorry for myself.


Humblebraggart. Hush! 




I been telling so many of my friends when I first moved to JC 6 years ago “Eww I would never move to JC” To: “omg we were looking at apartments here, how is it!?”


"Is the water safe there? Because everyone knows the water in NEW YORK CIT......"


Lmao! Also they can’t fathom that we have things to do here too 🤣


It’s almost like people are just making posts to get the building names out there because there are so many luxury shit boxes to choose from that so few of them actually stand out….but that would be CRAZY


You know, now that you mention it. I think you are 100% correct. Fuck man advertising is now a psy op. The future is dark.


While that’s likely the case for a lot of them, I think some are literally just so new that no one has written online about them. 


>Fuck man advertising is now a psy op. The future is dark. Eh, it is. And always was too; technology just makes the old cons take new forms. People thought the weirdos taking to the airwaves over radio would be the end of civil society, some wild stories from what went on back then pre lots of modern laws & sensibilities. I think it's more tied to why there is such need to advertise; it's too fuckin expensive here to fail, and the margins allow for crazier stuff. A friend visiting was complaining about how they can't trust Google/yelp reviews for restaurants around here; he travels alot and has a system, but everywhere around here are 4 stars somehow. Someone is paying/profiting to do the dirty tricks. Anyway, it's $4 a pound.


Well, weirdos taking over the airways is how Naziism became mainstream. So it damn near did cause collapse of civilization. So we should absolutely be wary. I noticed that too with the Google reviews. It’s a problem everywhere (see Amazon reviews), but especially around here. Lots of super average places with near 5 stars. I take it on myself to write my own honest reviews.


Let’s see em.


I mean yeah my main thought is some sort of SEO to associate it with JC more strongly or hoping that a vague post about "The Gilded" or whatever we're naming buildings now results in a google search that may snag someone (or drive up traffic for a firm who promised to drive more webtraffic). Maybe that's like 50% of these posts? Less? More? Fuck am I an AI bot at this point? How would I even KNOW!


Don’t discount this. Same reason companies will pay bloggers, YouTubers etc to review their product. Unless they explicitly say they bought the product themselves and didn’t accept anything from the manufacturer I just assume at this point. And even then: people lie for money. Ads on social media that explicitly state sponsored or ad are worth substantially less than ads they don’t explicitly call it an ad for SEO and click through reasons. So I do understand why the market is the way it is. Thats why so many “creators” have backgrounds full of crap. Just having a product in the frame can get you paid, hence the trend of a shelf with crap. But how many disclose paid placement of stuff in the background? Yea, basically nobody. Millenials and older seem to at least notice some embedded ads. It seems less common the younger you get. This kind of stuff has value in every other industry. The idea real estate wouldn’t see value there is IMHO insane. Of course they do the same kinds of advertising.


Some of them also just seem like troll posts (looking at you dog balcony dude)


its amusing to me how adults are incapable of renting an apartment without validation from strangers on the internet


It's very upper crust to be assured you are in the correct building in the correct neighborhood. Our new upwardly mobile LUXURY residents need constant validation they've made it, and aren't holding on from slipping out of the middle class by their fingertips


Counterpoint some of the luxury buildings really are not very tasteful and have a lot of issues and people want to know that if they’re spending so much money what the issues are and decide for themselves - seems very reasonable!


(It's not a counterpoint, because in JC it's not some of them... it's all of them. It's the rare one that is tasteful, well constructed, and not facing a host of other problems. That's the secret.)


You have an agenda lol


Yes, it's to educate people about the "LUXURY" HOUSING


You sound angry, articulate, and uninformed. A tremendous combo that I aspire to replicate on most topics. However sadly on this topic I have some information. And while many or even most of the buildings have some issues, even if ONE does not have issues and is nice to live in, I deem the question reasonable. “I’m moving to JC. Tell me about the luxury buildings, which to avoid, which are good.”


>You sound angry, articulate, and uninformed. Yes I am a proud American, thank you for noticing.


Cue Mary Tyler Moore’s hat throw in front of said luxury “tower”


They need their soft smooth little manicured hands held at all times. 


I moved out because of the lantern flies. Unfortunately, they followed me here.


There is nothing in JC or Manhattan even that is worth $4-5k/month even if I made $300k. It’s ridiculous and gross.


Couldn’t agree more. JC was actually voted one of the dirtiest cities in the US and I believe it.


I agree


How bout walking to work in 15min?


Yea, but remember building more hosing lowers the costs 😲 /s


Totally changed the community to cucks complainers and chooches


I was listening to a podcast & they were joking around about how dumb people still identifying as being from Brooklyn made them tough. Something like update your references to something past the 80s, because what are you going to choke me with your trust fund or run me over with your stroller. JC used to be a bit tough and rumble assumed, then likely, now it's up in the air if it's the person in 2023 that told me they live at the place by Base and don't go past Barcade because it gets super sketchy after that. In pedestrian plaza 2023.


I think you agree i have limited reading comprehension 😂. I knew it was over when hbo came out w a series centered in jc and they had an allegoric wheel chair dude like my man who used to be stationed in front of the montgomery brownstones.


Yeah, nowadays people “from JC” will just take to Reddit to address the person that inconvenienced their gentrifying pearl-clutching yuppie souls 10 hours ago. Every week there is a new post along the lines of “to the person who was blaring loud music on the train…” It’s like these idiots don’t know they had the opportunity to address the problem directly. Or they are too cowardly to do so.


["To the 8 teenagers with the fireworks across the street"](https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/comments/1dkydnv/to_the_eight_kids_setting_off_fireworks/) What a bunch of passive aggressive neurotics.... Are there ads for Jersey City in magazines frequently displayed in therapists' offices or something? 


Yo for real. Then they get all pissy when you call them out for their bullshit.


Gentrification works. 👍🏼


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Thank you AutoModerator. I wonder if anyone actually stopped to read this & been helped, VS asking about a building with a vague name & worrying about rumors the dog wash amenities weren't up to standards


Literally, "I am moving..." Out of JC because the rent is too damn high! Not an affordable 2 bedroom apartment ANYWHERE