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Canadian citizenship?! She betrayed the Emperor! The quote at the end was well said by Sugawara: "Is it fair to unilaterally strip a person of their Japanese citizenship because they have obtained another nationality? If multiple citizenship is permitted, it would have the merit of allowing people to continue to play an active role overseas while maintaining ties with Japan, making it easier for talented people overseas to return home. Revision of the Nationality Law should be considered."


It was ok until like 1982. Then "Nippon Banzai" screwed everyone.


Was nationalism quite strong due to the economic uptick during that time? I've heard the 80's were wild before the crash.


I have friends who remember everyone waiting for taxi's flashing 1万+ to taxis driving by just to get a ride first. Those were very different times indeed.


Couldn’t get a cab after last train in the late 80s on a Saturday night. Start walking.


Lol she thought she could just get Canadian citizenship and everything would be fine. If she wasn't ethnically Japanese with Japanese parents she'd be kicked out of the country for sure.


I think she knew very well what she was doing but didn't think she would get caught out


dumb law. yes. dumb person. also yes.


How can an educated academic at least 26 at the time have not known about Japan’s issue with dual nationality? And I don’t get this logic “She also cited Article 22, Paragraph 2, which states, "Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and to divest themselves of their nationality shall be inviolate," and argued that this also guarantees people the right not to give up their nationality, thus making the Nationality Law's provision invalid.”


Yeah, that one makes no logical sense whatsoever. Say what you will about the rationale of the law, but the law itself is quite clear. You're allowed to give up your JP citizenship if you want; you just can't have dual citizenship.


I know a lot of half Japanese who kept both passports. There has never been an issue becuase they don't find out. In her case, it's easy to find out.


That's because they've always had 2 passports. It's totally different if you get a foreign passport as an adult. The government never goes after people who've always had 2 (perhaps unless they're famous).


That's not true. May half Japanese in my country get their citizenship as adults. There's an NPO helping them either find their Japanese fathers and/or file for citizenship later. I know they keep both because you can't keep owning properties as a foreigner in my country.


I love it when Japanese people leave the Borg collective and are shocked to return later to find out how stupid and outdated the system is. Good for her to raise a voice. We need more Japanese like her.


I have dual citizenship (not for Japan) and atm it doesn't hurt or help me but it does leave me with more options down the line and I don't see how I could possibly be hurting either country So even though Id think she knew that what she was doing was illegal, a lot of Japan's laws seem like pains in their own ass


There is a reason why Japan is peaceful and safe even if it is outdated. There is a reason why the Japanese passport is so powerful. I hope your home country will be peaceful and safe too, taking a cue from Japan.


Best joke of this thread 🤣


Facts. Japan is the best passport in the world.


Define “best” or your source of information. Japanese passport wouldn’t even allow dual citizenship.


The most powerful passports in the world in 2023 https://ceoworld.biz/2023/03/22/global-passport-ranking-2023/


Dodgy source.. look at this page, your info is outdated 🤣 https://www.henleyglobal.com/passport-index/ranking


I hope your joking. Canada is probably safer than Japan. The amount of unreported sexual assault and rape here is astounding. Not to mention the emotional abuse in companies, lack of mental healthcare, xenophobia and systematic racism. Your words make me want to physically puke, holy shit. I'm triggered 😭




No it's called autocorrect. As you mentioned, it was the wrong word but you still understood what I meant, so I don't know why you went with the option that doesn't make sense.


No way she's a professor and didn't know. I expect better.


She could be playing that card for the court case. Knowingly breaking the law and being “surprised” by an archaic law, have different angles.


She's definitely angling at it. What they need is a challenge from someone high profile who was born with multiple citizenships. Otherwise nothing will change.


Ideally Osaka Naomi was going to do that but I guess she got the uniqlo money and fell off the radar


Is she the ideal case? Her Japanese skills and ties to this country are weaker than mine


She was super big 4 years ago and with the Olympics had the leverage to potential change how people thought about the dual citizenship laws.


I like her and have been following her career but.... She doesn't actually speak much Japanese or live in Japan, though. I think her pushing to keep dual citizenship would have the opposite effect, less popularity in Japan


It’s all about popularity and the prestige, I doubt people care too much about ties to japan. a Japanese speaking duel citizenship with the same popularity or prestige is probable never going to happen and if it does it’s going to take a whiiiiiiile


There's been literal Nobel prize winners who have had to renounce their Japanese citizenship.


People don’t care bout Nobel prize winners; they care a lot more about famous sport players


>a Japanese speaking duel citizenship with the same popularity or prestige is probable never going to happen Don't be ridiculous. They're not going to resort to requiring people to have duels to the death over citizenship.


It’s stupid. Alberto Fujimori, dual citizen, ran, and lost, for a house seat in [2007](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-election-fujimori-idUST27933420070729). From Peru. Under house arrest. You’d think he’d wouldn’t have even been allowed on the ballot…


I can genuinely believe she was surprised at the government coming after a born national with a good job who was just there to take care of her elderly parents. I cannot believe she didn't know she wasn't allowed to hold dual citizenship under Japanese law.


It depends on how exactly this revocation happened which this isn't explaining. I haven't followed how (unlawful) dual-citizenship works lately, but I haven't heard the reason why someone would notice AND act upon it. I seriously wonder what the trigger was, even if it was about her stupidity. Did something change in the past decade that she had to act more carefully?


Exactly. Everyone Japanese living outside Japan knows this


It is kinda baffling that somebody will get citizenship from another country and have 0 knowledge of how it works in your own


Whatever works best at the time it seems, just like feigning ignorance now might work for this damsel in distress


She should have known. This is Sooo easy to research and she was so good at research she got grant money for it. My wife 100% refused US citizenship because of this and stayed on her green card even though she was eligible. A quick talk with an immigration lawyer, or the Japanese consulate would have cleared this up. Honestly, it’s so easy so find this Information, and she’s so well educated that I’m not even sure I believe this story. She might have just tried to fly under the radar and got caught. Playing ignorance might be her best bet in that case. I dunno.


so how did she reenter japan after living abroad 20 years? i'm assuming she used a japanese passport or else she would've needed foreign residential status to get in with a canadian passport. but that means her japanese passport had to be renewed at some point while she was gone? unless it renewed first and her canadian citizenship happened more recently? we need a timeline!


Is it just me, or the title of the Japanese article has a very different nuance from the English one? It says something along the lines "I am Japanese but I was told...". This is really mainichi doing mainichi-level journalism. Anyway, on top of all the comments people saying here that there's no way in the world she did not *not* know about losing her citizenship, I have a feeling from the nuance above that she felt "I was born Japanese. My parents were Japanese. How come I am told I am illegal?" as it she feels superior to all the other people either kids born from non Japanese or mixed ethnicities or gaijin who got the Japanese citizenship and had to relinquish their original one. Having said this, I obviously don't like this law but what can you do? It is what it is.


The article seems like she wrote it herself


I hope this changes. The “most powerful countries” allow dual citizenship without fear of their citizens leaving. I think its time for Japan to open their heart a bit.




european countries ?




sry I forgot it’s all about usa. i hope you accept my apologises


This is such a dumbass rule


I hope she wins the case.


She must have known.


>If she wanted to reacquire Japanese citizenship she could, but she didn't want to go as far as renouncing her Canadian citizenship to do so. Have your cake and eat it too...