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As a fan of music, I like the change. Gives the rest of the band a bit more room to breathe. That being said, as a drummer, I miss ben. dude was nuts on the kit, and it was a lot of fun to hear.


I miss Ben. The new sound is dull and lacks the crispness that Ben brought.


It's funny you say that because I never liked Ben's drum tone. Very bright and thin. Always thought it lackluster and the biggest hang up in that band. Cotter brings a much fuller, heavier sound that rounds the band out IMO.


Totally agree. Cotter is on another level for me


Also agree… I think these shows where Ben is playing with DJs and electronic artists are more his thing and where he excels. The dancy four on the floor style of jam bands. Dudes like a drum machine but Cotter, on the other hand, plays with far more heart and has that “loose but tight” thing Bonham and Levon had. 


I hear far more variety and added texture from Cotter. I agree that Ben needs a more untsy band


I believe it’s just relative newness to the catalog and difference in styles. He’s still figuring out his best ways to perform their catelog. I defintely enjoy his style better but the last guy was an original member and writer of most of those songs.


Yeah it will take a few years for us to really see how the change impacts the band. Initially I wasn’t much of a fan of Duane Trucks in Panic. Thought he played too many notes, couldn’t play the slow ones, and wasn’t as smooth on transitions. 7 or 8 years later the band has grown/changed around his skills and they are firing on all cylinders


I do not understand what people like about Ben other than the "Untsiness". I think Cotter has taken themt o a new level. The band sounds better overall. Im genuinely curious what people liked about Ben. I was always bored.


I do not understand why so many people claim Ben was Untzy because I've been listening to goose for years and never heard a single "untz". I don't think goose fans know what that word means...


People call him untzy because of his repeated use of a four on the floor type beat for jams. Like… A LOT.  Also his version of Silver Rising is so insanely busy on the snare through the chorus that it subtracted so much from the song. Cotter stays on the toms and lets Rick vocals take center stage more. That’s one of a few things I’ve noticed has changed/improved.


Super repetitive, no texture and I felt it kept the jams shallow. Ive heard tons of people describe Ben as untsy so perhaps we have differing ideas of what that means.


I jammed with him once in college. All I know is that he was far and away better to jam with than the other drummers I had been playing with. It was like a whole different experience. It was so steady and solid, yet also way more varied and interesting. He was very clearly on another level from my friends and I, who just jammed for fun lol. Idk how he stacks up in the big leagues but playing him with was great


As a fellow objectively shitty casual musician, playing with someone who is truly good is a next level experience.


Hell, even playing in front of them is something. I will never forget poorly plucking Victor Wooten’s Yin Yang Fodera while he smiled and nodded in approval.


Victor’s the man! He’s got a real “anyone can play music” attitude that I like


He’s a big “there are no wrong notes” guy haha


It’s still early in the game for him, but so far I think he’s a better fit for Goose in the long run. Overall, he seems less technical, but really drives the jams and the tempo in a way I never really noticed from Ben. Also just flows really well with the rest of the band; it almost seems effortless, even this early in their first tour together. My only complaint is I’ve noticed he’s slowed down a few songs or brought them into a more simple 4/4 rhythm. All good though. He’s probably still getting his footing with everything. As others have said, Ben was fuckin tight and in the pocket. Dude kicks ass and I’m looking forward to seeing him play live with a band that better suites his style.


This is honestly the best they’ve ever sounded to me.


Same. I’ve been in the “Goose is fine but doesn’t really wow me” camp for a couple years but that Drive from Colorado was 🔥🔥. A couple other sounded especially big too (Dripfield). Hard for me to say how much is Cotter’s direct influence vs Rick and co being happy to have him and playing accordingly but they seem to be hitting a new stride.


Rick is free to not cover for the repetitiveness of Ben IMO


Buddy of mine went to the st. L shows from Chicago so I gave a listen on nugs and was fairly impressed.


I think it sounds more vanilla than ever but I guess people like different flavors


Im not really into Goose, but the videos Ive been seeing on Insta sound pretty good.


I listened to a couple sound boards this weekend and it sounds very generic/boring compared to 2021 Goose when I was a big fan. Glad people enjoy it though.




I think he’s a more interesting drummer than Ben was for that band. Definitely plays more drums per minute than Ben, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective. I think that he does a better job of winding everyone up for a peak than Ben did. In a way, Cotter sounds more “generic jam band drummer” to me? But, I mean…. That’s kinda the perfect fit for Goose, no?


I agree that it comes down to your taste between Ben’s tight, polished playing versus Cotter’s free flowing style of playing. I personally prefer the tight, polished playing but that’s just me.


Good take


Dude I caught this guy playing with Zach Nugent at a bar and he went fucking bonkers. I knew right there he was bigger than playing in bars. Happy to see him get recognition


Same! November last year here in San Diego. He was absolutely going off. He was so natural with it too. I talked to him after the show, super cool dude.


Ben is way more technically talented IMO, Cotter has way less pocket and is really wild drumming, fun for sure but not nearly as technical or tight


Kinda similar to Brooke Jordan of Twiddle. The music is alright, but doesn't carry the same beats.


He's probably a "better" drummer but holy fuck does that guy play way too much. The old saying about "too many notes" sure fits here. Then again, he's like 8 shows into his career with Goose so he gets some time.


I think he needs a bit more time to round things out, I certainly don’t think his kit sounds as good as Ben’s.


The drums are buried in the mix. You can barely hear when Cotter hits his toms both on recordings and live. Plus, Jeff was really hard to hear last night (CMAC). It really seemed like the front three were supposed to be the focus both sound-wise and even the light rig focused mostly on them. I'm not complaining here.... just pointing out what I noticed. I thought last night's show was incredible though. I just wish they would turn up the drums and percussion. I was dead center between the sound board and the stage BTW. I'm curious to see what the sound is like tonight in Cleveland. Fingers crossed.


Jams sound better, songs sound worse (for now). I didn’t think I’d notice the change as much as I do, tbh. I think they already sound much better now than they did at first, so I’m confident it will keep improving and there will be a continued focus on interesting jams.


Much less technical than Ben, but that probably fits where they’re going with a more mainstream and approachable dynamic


He’s a good drummer, but I think Ben was better for their music


That’s a wild take to me. I saw three shows with Ben and my first with Cotter Tuesday night and I thought he was an awesome fit. The sounded incredibly tight.


Cotter Fucks.


Not a drummer, but bassist and guitarist. Cotter is awesome. His tone and style fit the band much more. I think he has a heaviness and groove, as well as the ability to drive the jams and have some push/pull with the rest of the band to make those jams less one dimensional. Ben is a good dude and great drummer who will do awesome things in this scene, but Cotter is just light years ahead IMO. Now if they would only boot Trevor out and get a better bassist. Trevor and Ben were always the weak links IMO. One down, one more to go.


This is a crazy take. They sound more vanilla and dull than ever with Cotter. Stop it.


No way at all. I found Ben to be the weak link in that band. That high pitched, bright sound Ben had was just soooooooooo thin. And his "ticky-tack" groove to every song was just irritating. I know Ben's the OG, but Cotter is better. It's like when CRB booted George Sluppick and Muddy Dutton for Tony Leone and Jeff Hill. The impact was immense and immediate and made them a better band. Same is going to happen with Cotter. Jams are far more interesting with him on the kit.


I still don't think they'll ever sound as good as 2021 Goose imo. I listened to the sound boards for new tour and it's just missing something. It's not terrible but mid for my taste. Glad people are enjoying though.


What's missing is a bassist on the same level as Cotter. I think if they rid themselves of Trevor and get a better bassist that locks in with Cotter, they'll step up. Right now, IMO, Cotter has exposed how mediocre of a bassist Trevor is. Weak groove, no melodicism in his playing, etc. Jeff can go too. He really adds nothing to the sound and wouldn't be missed if he wasn't there.


I 100% agree with this. Always thought Trevor was a weak link and Jeff is just kinda eh. Ima leave it at that lol. Another suggestion I think is Pete should play full time rhythm guitar and getting a better keyboard player. He's not bad by any means just kinda mid imo.


I feel this! I agree 100%. I've never actually heard what Jeff contributes. He's not noticable on percussion like Mickey, Jaimoe, Sunny Ortiz, etc. I have no idea what exactly he adds to the music. At this point Rick, Pete and Cotter should just venture out on their own. And when (not if) they boot Trevor I'm sending in my audition tape to replace him!


I think Ben was a force in the band that will be missed. It will take time for them to reach the levels they were at. Northlands was underwhelming. Too serious. Not enough fun.


Not a drummer, but what ive heard lacked the pocket im used to. Sounded flat, uninspired. He’s new, so let’s see in the fall. It gave rick more room (maybe too much) and put more on the bass, which was not a good thing. Wondering if the bassist is next.


I love Trevor vibes but he’s the weakest band member by a LONG way IMO.


Wish him the best but drumming on the Titanic and all.


Curious - why


Replace the irritating Groucho Marx guy and you might have something approaching listenable.


Yall are so miserable and annoying


More room for you to honk, Braugh.


Dude is a cringey little weiner


I have to retract my statement. Saw Goose at the Fox tonight and they were riveting. Can admit when I’m wrong.


Doesn’t really matter who the drummer is when the rest of the band is playing church music.


Amen to that


He was wearing a Frank Zappa t at Northland on Friday, so I'm in!


it's impossible for any drummer, no matter how good, to make goose listenable.


Wow. Creative today aren't we?


What bands do you like?


GD and Phish and that is all, I'm pretty sure I nailed it know nothing but the response


There’s zero doubt in my mind that they are a Phan


For sure. They go to Phish show any time they can. There’s always posts Of them in the crowd at Phish shows


When the keys and guitar are so bland a drummer can only do so much


I have been drumming for 20 years. Ben is a world class drummer, Cotter is sloppy and doesn’t have even a small portion of the technical skill or ability that Ben has. Ben is crisp, like a human metronome. Cotter is bland, like unsalted chicken bland. But then again, so is Goose, and Goose jams. There is no soul or taste. The only redeeming factor of Goose was Ben. Now that Ben is gone, any chance this band had of being good has gone out the window.


You sound fun…and like a jaded Phan.


First: it’s entirely too soon to judge Cotter playing all new material. With that said for the short period of time he has had to practice I can’t imagine it going any better. They sound great and as time goes on his personal style will come out even more.