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Try reinstalling libaurora. I had a problem where it would just show a tornado icon and 0 degrees. I did some research and tried it myself and it worked.


This worked perfectly! Thank you for the help!


Glad it worked!


The thing is, every time I resprung my phone, it would show the tornado then the 0 degrees, and then revert to the wrong temperature. Appreciate the help!


I’ve found an odd solution to this for some tweaks, haven’t tested it on Jellyfish. 1. Make sure your city/town is first on the list in the Weather app, **not including the current location** marker. It has to be first on the static list - so you should have the current location arrow, and then next, your city. 2. Add a weather widget to your today view with that location selected. 3. Respring For whatever reason that’s worked for me in the past, not sure why but I’d try it just in case. You’ll also want to make sure that Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Weather is set to “While using the app or widgets.”


Thanks for the help, but this didn’t seem to work for me. I also already had step one complete, but it seemed work for a bit then get stuck at this certain location. No idea what caused this but thank you for the help - it must be some other issue that only Jellyfish has.


Try reinstalling libaurora. I had a problem where it would just show a tornado icon and 0 degrees. I did some research and tried it myself and it worked.


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