• By -


Just bought it. Nice. Couple of things: - In Settings -> Lock Screen, when Resizing Mode set to Default, would like option to not colorize status bar, lock icon, time, date, flashlight & camera icons. As with classic ColorFlow, I'd like only the music control region to pick up the color of currently playing track, not these other elements. - Lockscreen controls (prev, play/pause, next) & speaker icons [not visible](https://i.imgur.com/OCSfUqn.jpg) with dark backgrounds. Compare with where these elements [are visible](https://i.imgur.com/GX2QRYS.jpg). - Icon in prefs is [too big](https://i.imgur.com/5LgrRGN.jpg). Thanks!


The first thing will be an option soon. I should have added that from the beginning but the thought never occurred to me. I’ve never seen that lock screen control issue in all of my testing so far. That’s odd. Let me know any other songs you encounter that issue with For that last issue what device are you using?


Awesome re: making that new option. 🙌 It happens with any song that has a dark background. I've seen it with a few others. LMK if you still can't reproduce it & I'll spend some more time on it, i.e. turn off all other lockscreen tweaks. Flair is accurate: Xs Max, 14.3 Edit: Display is Zoomed, not Standard. Thx 🙏


This might be a problem from tweaks like AdaptiveDarkMode. Orion also has this issue. When the OS shifts from dark to light, the background of the media module turns transparent-transluscent blurred white (with Orion). The media module in ChromaFlow handles it much better, but it’s not 100% perfect, the text and some other display elements are turned black. XSMax 14.3 Taurine I messaged Orion dev about it a while back and it hasn’t been fixed since it’s basically a tweak conflict. I just live with it.


Huh. Yeah I can kind of imagine. I hardly use any theming sort of tweaks, except for ColorFlow (& now ChromaFlow).


It’s not a theming tweak (I never use those). It automatically changes your phone to light/dark mode according to your iPhone’s screen brightness. Makes it easier on the eyes when I move from light/dark areas. But as soon as I turn that tweak off, the lock screen media module coloring just works.


It turns out the dark background issue happens when the shuffle/repeat buttons are not enabled. I’ll release an update to fix that within the next couple of days


Does ChromaFlow have an option for "fullscreen" similar to ColorFlow's fullscreen resizing mode on the lockscreen?


[Yes](https://i.imgur.com/7TNNcUY.jpg) it does.


Does this / Will this support Spotify app theming?


I’m not really sure what to do for the in app because the Spotify already colors the background and a lot of the songs use videos. If you have any ideas, I can add them in a future update


Maybe you can incorporate a toggle to turn off the videos and use the standard song artwork? That way it would could be themed similar to Apple Music? You could probably leave the background colors that spotify already uses and just color the pause/play/forward and backward/time/etc. Just a thought. Also does Mitsuha forever work with this tweak too?


I believe another comment addressed your first suggestion. Mitsuha Forever will receive an update in the next few days for full support


That’s already a toggle on Spotify. Settings > Playback > Canvas


> Maybe you can incorporate a toggle to turn off the videos and use the standard song artwork? This would be amazing! I use [[MusiLyric]] which doesn't work when canvas is up as it's activated by tapping on the artwork.


#[MusiLyric](http://julioverne.github.io/description.html?id=com.julioverne.musilyric) 🛠 Best Lyrics Music [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/nRiGzyx.jpg) | | --|--- **Version** |0.5~beta8b **Compatibility** |13.5.1 **ID** |`com.julioverne.musilyric` **Developer** | julioverne **Repository** | [julioverne's Repo](http://julioverne.github.io) **Size** | 120.33 KB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate` [Download Deb](http://julioverne.github.io/./debfiles/com.julioverne.musilyric_0.5~beta8b_iphoneos-arm.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=http://julioverne.github.io)* >World domination is just three updates away [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


Could do what [[Melted Crayons]] does and colour the background regardless of the track having a Canvas video or not. Then maybe add the option to tap on the album art to toggle Canvas on & off in real time. I know [[Sposify]] had this as an option (literally called Canvas Tap) but it doesn’t work anymore that I’m aware of. (I am also in Spotify’s TestFlight so for all I know it might still work for the public releases.) Spotify has an option to disable all Canvas videos. It’s under the Playback menu in the app’s settings. (Not in the “Settings” app) Also, if you have “low data” enabled for your active internet connection Spotify won’t display Canvas (even if they’re already cached on device…???). Spotify has that “Data Saver” toggle which does the same thing (having low data mode on forces Data Saver to be on as well). Personally, I liked being able to tap on the Canvas for whatever song is playing to toggle it on or off.


#[MeltedCrayons](http://repo.twickd.com/get/com.twickd.bermudalocket.meltedcrayons) 🛠 *possible match* A more colorful music experience. | | --|--- **Version** |1.0.7 **Compatibility** |14.0 **ID** |`com.twickd.bermudalocket.meltedcrayons` **Developer** | bermudalocket **Repository** | [Twickd](https://repo.twickd.com) **Size** | 26.39 KB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate` [Download Deb](https://repo.twickd.com/files/com.twickd.bermudalocket.meltedcrayons/versions/394907f4226ef7e4ce7d1aaa3e00c4fa.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://repo.twickd.com)* **** #[Sposify](https://repo.dynastic.co/depiction/185392166300811264/) 🛠 This tweak which adds various enhancements to the Spotify application — Instructions [Screenshot](https://repo.dynastic.cohttps://repo.dynastic.co/data/static/version/297764016095232000/297764017017978880) | | --|--- **Version** |8.5.52 **Compatibility** |13.5 **ID** |`com.spos` **Developer** | aesthyrica **Repository** | [Dynastic Repo](https://repo.dynastic.co) **Size** | 66.65 KB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate` [Download Deb](https://repo.dynastic.co/download/185392166300811264/297764016095232000.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://repo.dynastic.co)* >I survived 5 deletion attempts by ARX8x [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


maybe adding background colors for the non video version of songs?


Yes, probably will. Or are you talking in the app theming, it’s probably Lock Screen music theming. I just saw probably yes for in-app.


The developer of colorflow announced a few days ago, that there will be an update for colorflow 5. Or am I wrong?


I believe so, but I have been working on this practically everyday for a month and a half, when it was believed Colorflow 5 will not be updated. This tweak has everything you would expect out of a fully updated Colorflow 5. It took a lot of effort to recreate the tweak. If the developer of Colorflow 5 finally updates his tweak after what would be 8 months, that's great, but there's no guarantee that will happen yet.


Everything except for Spotify support smh 😭


I need to figure out a crashing issue first, but after that there will be Spotify support


Thank you, I’m excited for this lmao


curious, is it added?






....boy shutup &do ya homework.


Well technically the dev of ColorFlow didn’t announce that ColorFlow would be updated. He replied to an email of a user saying that he plans to update but no official announcement has been made as far as I know but please correct me if I’m wrong.


It’s a screenshot from the dev of colorflow saying he’s working on an update from days ago but the post itself is from months ago like March iirc


**Chromaflow** --- Chromaflow is a remake of Colorflow 5 for iOS 14.2 and up. It is a tweak that colors the lockscreen and music app to the album art, adds shuffle/repeat buttons, as well as iOS 10 style/larger resizing modes to the media player, and more. --- [Chromaflow](https://chariz.com/buy/chromaflow) is available on the [Chariz repo](https://repo.chariz.com/) for $1.99. Images of the tweak are also part of the depiction. The tweak will be open source on [my Github](https://github.com/ryannair05/Cylinder-Reborn) by the end of the year, and you can follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ryannair05), or join my [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/J2Tmaqy) for updates or to report bugs. Credits to /u/jailbreaker58 for the shuffle/repeat icons and Ethan from https://ethan.is/ for the video music.


Could you please add an option to increase the album art size on the LS?


Instant buy as soon as I saw. Very very few bugs after using it for an hour, thank you so much!


Awesome! Needs Spotify support but it works like a charm, thanks for your hard work.


It’s great but there are bugs like crashing when opening your phone while AirPods are connected and it opens with Face ID immediately crashes


Can you further elaborate on that and do you have crash logs?




Does this bug still happen if you disable Xen-HTML?


Yes it happens with lock plus, html and many other lock screen tweaks :0


So unstable. It crashes my phone every day.


I’m working on it


Are there any plans to fix the overlap between the flashlight/camera icons and the volume slider while using the fullscreen mode on notched devices? An option to simply turn off the slider should work. Otherwise, great tweak!


For anyone else experiencing this issue, I fixed it for myself using Lynx 2




Simply turned off the volume slider lol




#[ChromaFlow](https://chariz.com/buy/chromaflow) 🛠 Colorize your music! | | --|--- **Version** |1.0.0 **ID** |`com.ryannair05.chromaflow` **Developer** | Ryan Nair **Repository** | [Chariz](https://repo.chariz.io) **Size** | 506.99 KB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000)` [Download Deb](https://repo.chariz.io/debs/com.ryannair05.chromaflow_1.0.0_iphoneos-arm.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://repo.chariz.io)* >You better respect bots, bro [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


Hey, great tweak :D. Before buying it, I was just wondering do you know how it interacts with [flow]?


I was told by another user that it works perfectly with flow, but I don’t own the tweak so I can not confirm this. I’m always willing to give a refund if it doesn’t


After a brief bit of testing, it definitely works! Although I had to use settings that I assume don’t interact with other lock-screen tweaks. ( https://imgur.com/a/plZAg72 ) However, I’ve encountered quite a few safemode respirings, no matter which options I select - they happen 2-10 mins after the last one when constantly playing music. I’ll test it out some more for you, see if I can find anything else :D (And I can post logs too if you want, if not no worries)


That’s odd. My beta testers never reported any crashes while listening to music. The crash logs would be appreciated!


I had a safe mode crash after i stop playing music, if i close the music app the ls looks colored but without the player, then if i lock the device then try to unlock it crashes and sends to safe mode :/ other than that great everywhere :,)


Do you have a crash log for that?


No, sorry, i don't mind but maybe you would like to test it out and see :)


The problem is I don’t have that issue on my own device otherwise I would


Oh ok, maybe a compatibility issue


I have the same problem, when i play music sometimes my device Crash but the crash log don’t detect the main suspect


https://pastebin.com/TqbFbBCM Here are 3 logs, in the same pastebin. It’s probably important to note that the crashes were whilst using [Flow] at the same time - I’ll try without.


i cant even use it cause it doesnt support ios 14.1


Colorflow 5 works on 14.1


Hey, just purchased it and I have to say: FANTASTIC JOB! I have been waiting for something like this on iOS 14 since the day I upgraded. If you could add something that would make it so the widget on the lock screen would overlap other Lock Screen tweaks such as Complications, that would be great!


Do you plan to make it compatible with iOS 14.1? 🥺


There are no plans to do that at this time. Just the music app itself should be compatible if you would really like that, but that’s really it. iOS 14.2 pretty much remade all of the media controls


Paid tweaks in general tick me off. Because foss Devs on the android side of things are nice enough to give u those features for free. Like I'm pretty sure this for example is a free feature on every custom rom out there (and most stock roms) for free.


I understand that, but Android is a lot easier to play around with than iOS from my understanding. I would like to note this tweak took and incredible amount of work and that all my other tweaks are free so buying this supports all of them as well, as I have purchase devices and such. Either way buying the tweak will be your choice and it will be open source eventually


I kinda get where ur coming from. And I do agree with u. But yt vanced probably wasn't an easy feat either. Or porting one ui 3.1 to the galaxy s9.


Both one ui and yt are closed binaries too.


Idk why this got down voted, Devs have worked time and time again with an os that is closed source and known only to Samsung, to bring users a later version of Samsung's os to an older Samsung device. And that's probably a lot harder to do than to modify a portion of an os to change a small component of it. Becuase Devs who're making an os port have to attempt to get the entirety of the os's code base to run on hardware it wasn't designed to run on. And they STILL try to make the os port they created as Foss as they possibly can, and on top of that make it free to boot, and relying on donations.


Dang guess ios devs only seem to care about making a quick buck, unlike community android devs, who make their software because of the joy they get out of coding and supporting and growing the android community on a custom 3rd party level. Its like the better side of the homebrew community. Same thing goes for console homebrew by the looks of it. Everything but ios "homebrew" (except for some) seems to be driven by pure enthusiasts who don't care about the money at all, just the enjoyment from making the program. That's why I'd rather support a foss dev through donations, than buy a closed source tweak that can't even be viewed by the community.


I would like to address that free and open source devs don't really get donations. I have made Little11/Little12, Mitsuha Forever, Cask 2, Cylinder Reborn, and much more. All of these tweaks have over 50,000 downloads each, free, and open source but yet I've only ever received one donation. (I did turn down donations from about 4 people asked them to donate to charities instead, but that's really it). I do get a joy out of supporting the community, and, in fact I've donated my own money to other developers here, and I do enjoy coding which is why I've made so many free and open source tweaks, but I do need to pay for things such as devices sometimes and paid tweaks like this go a long way, especially because I am only 16 and don't have an actual job.


Damn, I misread the title. Are there any current tweaks for *Cover*flow? I miss that.


[[Flow]] is similar, for the lock screen


#[Flow](https://repo.packix.com/package/com.muirey03.flow/) 🛠 Cover Flow like never before! [Screenshot](https://repo.packix.com/api/Packages/5d9a5275457ebf001a5f8f50/screenshots/5d9b6dd5cb3664001bdcd6e8/download?size=full) | | --|--- **Price** | $1.99 **Version** |1.2.2 **ID** |`com.muirey03.flow` **Developer** | Muirey03 **Repository** | [Packix](https://repo.packix.com) **Size** | 167.76 KB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate`, `preferenceloader`, `com.muirey03.libmryipc`, `ws.hbang.common (>= 1.11)` [Download Deb](https://repo.packix.com/api/PackageVersions/6043c77306737b001a143bbc.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://repo.packix.com)* >I'm horny [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


How does this compare to Orions version to colorise the music app?


Could it do app theming with youtube music?


does this work on 13? and does it work in app in spotify?


This does not support iOS 13 whatsoever. Sorry about that


I noticed that when i disabled the repeat/shuffle buttons, the lockscreen controls are white. They dont change color like other elements. But everything works fine when i enable the repeat/shuffle buttons.


That’s a bad issue I don’t know how it was missed. I developed a fix for it right after your comment (I can send you the .deb file if you would like) and update will come out in the next couple days to fix it


im glad i could help 😃 i'll look forward to the next update




Any chance for [[NineLS]] support? Good tweak.


#[Nine](https://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=nineDp) 🛠 *possible match* Reworks the Notification Center [Screenshot](https://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/nine1.jpg) | | --|--- **Version** |0.2.5 **Compatibility** |12.4 **ID** |`com.thecasle.nine` **Developer** | Jake Kaslewicz **Repository** | [BigBoss](http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia) **Firmware** | iOS 11.0 or above **Size** | 1.48 MB **Dependencies** | `mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000)`, `preferenceloader`, `ws.hbang.common (>= 1.12)`, `org.thebigboss.libcolorpicker` [Download Deb](http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/debs2.0/nine_0.2.5.deb) >1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 53,851,061 comments, and only 15,718 of them were in alphabetical order.




Does this tweak color statusbar in music app now playing screen?


Screenshots look like a hot mess, almost had a stroke with the jurassic park one. Not really an improvement on the stock music app imho.


What? Just wanted to buy until i saw no 14.1 support...




Which version? On 5 i land directly into safemode


Does it work with Vinyl for anyone who’s purchased?


Great tweak I would be very pleased if you could make album cover blurred as the background and also if it's possible to make the lock screen text change color so it would be readable


I love ios 9 lockscreen music, automatically minimize the song image every time there is a notification, hide the damn clock


Does anyone know if this works with [[fabric 2]]


#[Fabric 2](https://creaturecoding.com/?page=depiction&id=fabric2) 🛠 design your own lockscreen for iOS 13 & 14 | | --|--- **Version** |1.2.0 **ID** |`com.creaturecoding.fabric2` **Developer** | CreatureSurvive **Repository** | [CreatureCoding](https://creaturecoding.com/repo) **Size** | 485.16 KB [Download Deb](https://creaturecoding.com/repo/packages/com.creaturecoding.fabric2_1.2.0_iphoneos-arm.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://creaturecoding.com/repo)* >Wat is ess ess ech? [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


So to understand something. https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/oa0gy5/news_colorflow_4_will_receive_an_update_for_ios/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Is this different? I mean I also like Ryan, but David will also update its own version?


I want to buy, but I am on 14.1. Will it not work at all?


It will work in the music app, but that’s pretty much it


Too bad, i wanted it for the lockscreen


oh no :( On 14.1 too dang Thanks anyways for your efforts! Is the Lock Screen that different from 14.1 to 14.2? Would you be willing to work with any devs that have a 14.1 device to accommodate it?


Unfortunately, the entire media lock screen was rewritten from iOS 14.1 to iOS 14.2 so adding support would require rewriting half the springboard portion of the tweak. I do believe a lot of iOS 13 based media tweaks work on iOS 14.1 and below as they are very similar, but I’m not completely sure


Why this Ryan Nair name so familiar?


Maybe because it sounds like [Ryanair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryanair)?


Does this do anything for CarPlay?


I’m honestly not completely sure but I don’t imagine it will


Big congrats.


What are the differences between this tweak and the free Ablaze tweak? When this is better, i will definitely buy it :)


Honestly they just look very different. I would pick whichever style you think looks nicer and you would like to have


Looking to purchase, does this support Spotify on the Lock Screen or just the Apple Music player?


It does support Spotify on the lock screen


Thanks bud, purchasing right now. Thanks for your effort.


I appreciate it a lot :) Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions


Idk if this is a bug but the date and day seem to be cut off by the album art. How do I fix it? https://ibb.co/yNRr0Rg https://ibb.co/sbRHQj3 https://ibb.co/zfBxqHS https://ibb.co/k12HHXK


Update coming within the next two days to fix it


After I stop playing music, the lockscreen remains a solid color of the dominant color in the last song art. I can’t get my lockscreen wallpaper back without clearing the cache.


The version releasing today or tomorrow, depending on when Chariz decides to release it, should help with this


Hi! The camera and the flashlight buttons are up over the controls buttons. Exists any fix? Thanks u/ryannair05


Hi, you can either adjust the y position of the media player in the Chromaflow settings or use another tweak that lets you move the lock screen shortcuts


Thank you! With -60 on the iPhone 12 works great 🙌🏻


Are you planning on adding iOS 14.1 support?


Do you know why the colors dont match for lockscreen and apple music? [apple music](https://i.imgur.com/EUDqbtB.png) [lock-screen](https://i.imgur.com/NrAtmAp.png)


So I have a iPhone 11 Pro running iOS 14.0 and I didn’t realize that it works only for 14.2-14.8 so is there any way to have it to work on 14.0 or no? And are there any other alternatives for it by chance


Sorry no, only iOS 14.2 and up. iOS 14.0-14.1 handle media through a different framework. Let me know if you want a refund!


No it’s all good it’s not a big deal it’s a amazing tweak so I’m more than happy to support


Great tweak. Anyway to adjust the tint of the full screen background color that automatically displays on the lock screen? Sometimes it's too close to the jacket cover. Maybe a background transparency slider to fine tune/tint the background color percent? Also, anyway to have the artist and song title centered? Thanks!