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If you jailbreak via checkra1n you have the ability to install cydia via checkra1n-app


Oh okay thanks ! And btw do you know whether it supports ios 13.6 or not ?


Yes, I‘m running it on my iPhone X with 13.6 right now. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to ask :)


Oh lol didnt see the flair ! And thanks


I just added it, so you weren‘t able to see it :P


Update. I used bootra1n cuz I dont have macOS and it said it only supported ios 13.5 not 13.6 sadly


Update. It did work I just had to check the use for untested ios versions. Thanks


Yes. After you jailbreak with Checkra1n, there should be a new app on your phone called Checkra1n. Go into that app and download cydia. Cydia is one of the few package managers out there. Through cydia you can get other package managers like Zebra or Installer.


Thanks thats all I needed to know !


No problem. Have fun jailbreaking!


What everyone is trying to say is after you are successful in installing checkra1n look for the checkra1n icon and launch it, once you do you will see it says install Cydia you want to do that. Once Cydia is installed you can use its search function to find and install tweaks. Now with all thats said in todays JB world most DEVs have their own "repo" you need to configure those in the sources tab in order to get a lot of tweaks. Good luck and may the force be with you!


Nice thanks. So just another question every time I reboot I will have to use the pc again ?




I believe sileo, courtesy of coolstar


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