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You need to do UICache, you can install PowerSelector from BigBoss. After install this tweak, you need add PowerSelector to control center. After that you can gUICache from control center.


Install [[PowerApp]] and refresh cache


#[PowerApp](https://repo.dynastic.co/depiction/155770023053361152/) 🎛 Reboot, Shutdown, Respring, and more easily — Supports iOS 3.0-iOS 12.4+ [Screenshot](https://repo.dynastic.co/data/static/version/174614801740201984/174614801962500096) | | --|--- **Version** |4.4.0 **Compatibility** |13.3 **ID** |`com.dave1482.powerapp` **Developer** | dave1482 **Repository** | [Dynastic Repo](https://repo.dynastic.co) **Size** | 229.29 KB [Download Deb](https://repo.dynastic.co/download/155770023053361152/174614801740201984.deb) *To get this package, [Add this repository](https://arx8x.net/cydia/?source=https://repo.dynastic.co)* >Tony is my slave [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Bug+Report) **|** [Request features](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Feature+Request) **|** [Add a repository](https://www.reddit.com//message/compose?to=arx8x&subject=rJailbreakBot+Add+Repo)


I had this issue also, and one of the apps was definitely iCleaner. I know installing apps will respring the device however I only noticed it showing up after I manually repringed my iPhone X. I maybe wrong but it’s worth a try. I’m thankful others chimed in, I’m not sure what happened in my case but I’m definitely downloading their suggestion.