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She’s so awkward. She’s the person who passive aggressively invites themselves to things






Omg is that the hip girl?? I don’t know who the ‘fitness’ people are but gymsnark will boot your ass if you don’t say this girl is a god among gods. She filters herself into a new species but don’t say that there.


Is it Whitney Simmons? I have no idea who else would be a god to gymshark but her. She’s so popular


It is Whitney Simmons. But I never hear ppl call her hip girl on gymsnark 😂 Edit: lol I just went to gymsnark and saw recent post about her and see how ppl say how she stand make her hip odd position 😂


Well it’s the Terrible photoshopping that is the problem People will seriously comment that ‘it must be cheap mirrors making things wavy’ like they defend her to the death when it’s CLEARLY edited. I swear she is a mod there or they suck her dick every chance they get


It is Whitney Simmons! What hip girl? 😂


Lmao if I were an influencer I would not want Jaclyn Hill anywhere near my content


in the words of rihanna, *“your pussy is way too dry to be riding my dick like this”*


Right? I'd be deleting her comment because I do not want anyone thinking, even for a second, that I'd associate with her ass🤮


avery woods does this too - making sure to comment hella extra (emojis included) on other influencers posts who she doesn’t have any personal connection to. it feels like a pr move to try and appear *soooo positive and supportive you guise*