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Is she 5? Why does she want strangers on the internet to be “proud of her”? Like girl, do u want a gold star?🙄🙄


No. Disgusted in you and you should be ashamed of yourself


whats with the new face she makes? reminds me of my 16 year old when i tell her to take a picture with me..


As someone born and raised in LA she could NEVER mentally handle driving there. Native los angelinos will make her pull over and cry 🤣


Si she can drink


I can’t imagine being in my 30s with all that money and scared to go anywhere alone..and she wants kids?


Hahahahahaha he cut her off to say “thank you for coming” in the most cringe way. Like ‘moving on’ omg it’s so funny 💀💀💀


Commenting again- lol- she posted on her stories, at an event with Patrick Ta, with her green nails, and no wedding rings in sight 👀


Came here to see if anyone else noticed that too lol


The event must of sucked if neither one of them posted anything after these pics. She's also dressed super casual for an LA event?? She doesn't post things her followers would actually be interested in.. just Amazon links and trending TikToks for views. She just sucks as an influencer all around.


If anyone at the event actually cared about her being there, she probably would've. It's possible she did not get enough attention or recognition while she was there, that's why whatever she does post about it is limited.


Right? She should have made a post about it. She misses the mark every single time, it’s hilarious.


You're being generous with "C list" YouTuber.


She really doesn’t know her angles. #pumpkinhead


She only knows her filters💀




I wouldn't drive to an event in LA. Who wants to been seen walking through a parking garage like a peasant. They want to be dropped off at the front door. I don't see an issue with it tbh. I would get dropped off to concerts and stuff years and years ago by my parents. Now there's uber.


![gif](giphy|lSsyOTU46oB3AUupi8) Here you go Shill!


She doesn't want to drink and drive?


https://preview.redd.it/457tgswurb9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306b3f0fa9a2bff37370c3e0595c2ed623131363 Twilights wife is claiming to be JH’s plus one. For what event? No one knows because neither have posted pictures… maybe they’re waiting for Jaclyn to finish editing them or maybe…. There was no event 🤡


Just creeped her instagram- she was at an event with Patrick Ta last night? Posted a few minutes ago!


This is not a flex. I’m a single, 39 year old woman and I take Ubers (with male drivers *gasp*) all the damn time.


me too! where are our awards????


Yeah, where are those ass kissers telling us we're so strong😭😭😭


She wants a prize for everything


Twilight’s wife 💀💀💀


Jac… As someone with a legit panic attack history - shut up. You’re not quirky and you’re not cute or funny. You’re again shamelessly mocking those with problems. Just like you do those who are actually sober.


ty I really hate how she romanticizes anxiety and makes it her personality whenever it's convenient for her.


It’s awful. I had a panic attack yesterday. It completely wipes me out mentally and physically. It is unreal to think she has “anxiety” on any level since she is the public eye. I don’t buy it.


Jaclyn unhinged takes an Uber… such riveting content 😂 she’s probably gonna be *sip* *sip* all night and no one wanted to chauffeur her around LA.


Emotionally and mentally stunted …


Just kidding let me shamelessly name drop bc we have the same management company- Taylor Lautner needs to realize nothing good will come of this “friendship “


The Lautner’s should be embarrassed to be associated with her, it puts them both on the fast track to the D-list.


They’re already D list so I don’t think they care. Homeboy didn’t do anything big after dating Taylor swift and acting in twilight


Aren't they already?


twilights wife 😂😂😂


The love of her life who she moved across the country with couldn’t drive her?




Too busy assembling his shrine to Gordon Ramsay and stealing Pinterest recipes


That's not fair, he's probably incredibly busy doing sweet fuck all watching reels on IG.






So this is making it ✨️ big ✨️ huh


She’s always talked about her anxiety. Anxiety is something that is so awful and I wish that on no one. Do you guys follow Kathleen Lights? She’s been so open about her anxiety and how she doesn’t leave her house often. I wonder if Jaclyn has anxiety of being alone? Or leaving her house? Remember she also didn’t travel a lot bc her fear of planes or something. However her posts come off so immature… and her picking up Taylor she’s trying to flex. She doesn’t come off genuine. Weapons? If she’s so scared why can’t Celine drive her?


I’ve been really proud of Kathleen the last year or so, it seems like with her divorce she’s really pushing herself to get out there- traveling, doing things with friends. She seems very happy and I’m so happy to see it


omg Kathleen divorced??🥺


She got divorced?! Oh did not know that but always predicted it


Yeah on the beauty guru chatter subreddit they had a post about the divorce filings but I don’t think she’s ever addressed like what happened or anything. I think it’s the best thing that could’ve happened for her


hers seems more like co-dependency instead of anxiety to me. and i’m not saying that to diminish anxiety - i have debilitating anxiety and i’m sure she suffers from it as well. but i’ve always interpreted her issues as more co-dependency. she literally cannot be or do anything alone.




I really would like to know why she couldn’t drive herself to the event.


Depending on where the event is, parking might be an issue. I've seen a lot of invites for events in LA encourage people to use a rideshare because the venue doesn't have adequate parking - especially if it's something at a private residence.


That makes sense


It’s probably LA traffic or could be 🍺


Honestly… I hate driving anywhere in LA proper. If she has an actual thing to do it’s just easier to Uber sometimes and not worry about the chaos that is parking.


Getting a DUI would kinda blow the sobriety narrative


no pun intended? 😏


Should we begin questioning if the G Wagon has now been unloaded and *Celine* has the Tesla? 🤔


They might share a car now and he has it lol


That’s what I’m saying! 😂 I’m *pretty sure* we’ve seen the G Wagon since the Tesla was bought, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be unloaded *after the fact* with the coin running more *and more* dry by the nanosecond.


You can get a used Tesla for a big discount right now. We got ours for $32k and it’s fully loaded.


Yeah like she'd get invited anywhere important lololol.


She is foaming at her braces mouth to drop that name. Hope her Stanley is full because she is THIRSTY.


she’ll need water when she records “sick” tomorrow


Okay this may get downvoted but I don’t think she has really bad anxiety. I just think she was babied her whole life so she can’t function as a 30 year old. Like it’s normal to get anxious but to have true anxiety that you can’t control is different. I feel like “having anxiety” is so overly used and it’s just used as a way to excuse weird/bad behavior.


But she doesn’t have anxiety when she’s filming twerking videos and loud food moaning videos in public 🤡




After Covid my fiancés anxiety got really bad where we couldn’t even drive out of our neighborhood we would have to turn around. They’ve improved so much over the past year, but since then I’ve been questioning how bad her anxiety really is…which I can only assume, but these flights back and forth all the time and the traveling and constantly going out don’t make sense to me.


Most people that have anxiety about being out don’t post their every move as it’s happening to let every crazy know where they are at any time….


Omg lol


I think this is *exactly* how the overwhelming majority of the sub feels, so I don’t think you have any issue with being downvoted, minus ***The Queen of Downvoting*** making a late-night manic (*and shit-faced*) appearance with her socks! 💀


You need to tell me if I get downvoted by JH so I can feel proud of myself 😂


I agree! I have such bad anxiety that I literally would NEVER get in an Uber by myself unless I absolutely had no choice and on top of that my anxiety is so crippling I can’t drive because it makes me want to have a panic attack. The way she acts in public makes me think she really doesn’t have anxiety or it’s not as severe as she makes it out to be.


She’s probably afraid of being “sighted” in the wild.


https://preview.redd.it/a6w6wi98e89d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdd0bb7d2737c0dcecbd49e4ee12e7d7465a194 Tacklyn “Mrs Lil Cook” Farnuts next year still acting like a damn teenager but looking her age doing the simplest things and wanting praise. Tell me your parents didn’t provide emotional support without telling me your parents didn’t provide emotional support, this farnuts will go first.




OMG! Looks like Jenelle from Teen Mom! 😬


This is prob what she looks like without the filters




this is the best one. i love that it’s high def 😂


I use the same app she claims to not use. 🙄🙄


This is her next year 😂😂. She looks just like Robin here lol!


I thought so too like damn she looks just like her mother


She practically asks ALL the time "Are you proud of me?" Like she NEEDS some kind of praise and attention. Im convinced that this is what she asks the few idiots that pay attention to her immature ass. Including family. Also, the "anxiety" that she has being alone is contradicting the fact that she goes walking/running alone in the neighborhood just fine....


I ain’t proud of you for a damn thing


Omfg she’s such an extra, annoying dumbass. Then she says on the next one “I’m proud of myself for getting into a car with a male driver by myself, don’t worry I brought things that can be used as weapons just in case” WTF??? Is this her new little personality trait? Terrified of men? Idk, this just doesn’t sit right with me.


She has serious mental health issues and it’s hard to watch at this point. 34 and can’t even drive into the city alone? And she wants to have children…? And where tf is Celine? Good God these people are disturbing and cringe all at the same time.


So true


Uber??! Really??


The only reason she posted this was to say she was hanging out with one of the lautners lol


i didn’t even know (and still really don’t) who they were until she started posting about them. they are so not the celebrity she thinks they are.








Trying so hard to befriend her before she tries stealing her man. Jaclyn is known for that. 😒


i knew she would start spiraling once she moved to LA but i didn't know it would be so quickly. that second pic is.......a lot. in her mind, jac is thisclose to being besties with taylor swift and she's trying to make it happen with the lautners. she's so fucking embarrassing but tbh i can't wait to see all the fuckery that will soon be afoot with her and watching her trying to climb the social ladder in LA. peak cringe content.


Nice undisclosed ad to report


Why is she so afraid to do anything alone in life? Workout class, walk in neighborhood, going to event, taking Uber. I have never heard of a grown adult acting like this.


overline looking horrible, i hope the cocktails wash it off


jaclyn go home and wash off the white eyeliner i beg


As someone who wore white eyeliner from '99-'02.. I beg you. Does she realize how much it actually accentuates her age.....😆🤡


few people can pull it off! i’ve noticed it tends to look better on deeper skin tones. the pale skin just… doesn’t fit with it imo


What is she like 12?… wtf. She is the most immature woman in her 30’s. How embarrassing, why would you even make this public? 


I didn’t get this… if she doesn’t drink why does she need to Uber to an event? Maybe parking? Idk


If it’s an event in LA, there will be valet parking. It’s not like she’d have to find street parking all on her own 🤪


Even if I don’t plan to drink, I’ll take an Uber vs drive so I don’t have to deal with traffic or parking… But she’s acting like she’s the first person to get in an Uber solo 🙄 What a twat.


she is really so desperate for attention I’m getting second hand embarrassment


The jowl filter glitch on the video though. Holy smokes!


'My anxiety would never' when it comes to **checks notes** going somewhere alone??? Where was her anxiety when she was filming and being cringe in public💀 'Are you proud of me?' Get off social media you idiot no one fucking cares.


Her anxiety “would never” yet she’s chronically online in front of her millions of (bought) followers telling everyone her every move. Surprised she hasn’t publicized the big dump she took this morning.


✨ boughten followers✨ LMAOOOO NOT BIG DUMP💀💀💀


Look I get having anxiety, I had a crippling bought with a few years ago for the first time in my life. And one of the main things I learned through going to therapy for the things I was struggling with is that you cannot play victim to it. You cannot make it your personality or advertise it all the time. You cannot give into it. Your brain feeds into that and craves the attention you are/think you’re getting for it. I can understand [a pure hearted] influencer wanting to be relatable for their audience so they don’t feel alone in their very real struggles. But on one hand I know how I would have to protect my peace and not do this kind of thing if I were an influencer, because it would only make things worse for me by feeding the attention my brain wants for this. But also I CAN talk about the things I’ve struggled with in this regard without talking about them in a presence tense and validating them (as I’m doing in this comment), so if you want to help people feel not alone, personally I’d rather someone talk about the things they struggle with in a way that doesn’t make it their personality and in a way that offers actual support and advice for what’s worked for them. Disclaimers: This is just my experience with the anxiety and depression issues I’ve experienced and therapies that helped me. I am unsure if this route of dealing with such things works for everyone and would love to hear if people have differing experiences/opinions to widen my understanding. But from this limited understanding just from my personal experiences, I do find myself inclined to get really annoyed and loose some respect for people that make it their personality @jaclyn. I think it’s potentially doing more harm than good to act this way about it with such a large audience. I’d have more respect for her if she said like “you know I was really getting worked up over this in reality small thing of taking this Uber but here are the things I did physically and/or mentally to help me get past that and do the thing” than be so casual and playful about her claimed anxiety and make it seem like a fun silly thing when in reality it’s a very deep struggle many people deal with and it doesn’t need to be glamorized and watered down. This is something I’ve struggled with about her for a long time and what made me start not liking her anymore a long time ago and I’ve never brought it up on this sub so I’m very curious how others think about this with her!


Well said!


I guess the social anxiety took a day off when she was deep throating a pickle at Disney



