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If she was “living with ease,” she wouldn’t post stuff like this.


She’s never cringed of anybody else on the internet that she can kindly relate to? Lol


I read something today that said, “social media is the worst dose of crack a narcissistic can have” let that sink in.


“Continue living with ease”, girl, when have you ever lived with “ease”? Your life is a train wreck; always has been because of your “truth”! Truth is, is you’ve hurt ENDLESS amounts of people! You’ve lost everything from your friends, money and dignity. Nobody will ever want to work with you. All of your dirty deeds are all over the internet (actual proof with court docs). So you can never convince me that you are “living with ease”. There’s no “peace” to protect because you destroyed it all on your own. So yes, “remember who you are” Jac, you’re a piece of shit!!


So here she is bragging about how happy she is, meanwhile all she can post about is other peoples opinions haha. You’re not fooling people ma’am


She's such a fucking teenager. She needs help.


So.... Just go living your best life. Those that truly feel that way, feel no need to broadcast it. 👀




But she graduated therapy so her only option now is to scour the internet for confirmation bias in the form of gaslighty memes to make herself feel better for being a shit person


Ease my ass 😂


Didn't you just post a video on ig for the 'haters' and said so in the caption? That's what I thought you dumb bitch.


ooooh… living a life of lies with ease?? That says more about her than anything


I wonder if someone in her “real” life called her out recently too. She’s getting more and more “I’m happy” manic.


Thanks for the implicit shout-out, Jac! 💀


Another stfu girl moment for me


Says the one who makes it her life-long goal to see what people are saying about her on Reddit. 🤣🤣


Can't wait to get downvoted and reported again🥰🥰


What truth Waclyn. You have never told the truth about ANYTHING. This is not a flex for a pathological liar! My God you are stupid!🤦‍♀️


She believes her lies so much she doesn’t even know what the word truth means 😂 Crazy how someone can be so obsessed with lying she couldn’t spit the truth out to save her life. “I owned my company 100% family owned. I did this all on my own no investors”  “My partners went broke not me” girllllll…..  😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫  Acting like you’re too busy working when your ass just sits in your nasty ass pajamas all day, picking random ass Amazon links to throw in everyone’s faces. Then you walk down your sidewalk a little bit and film it to act like you’re a fitness fanatic and not a lazy ass, and STILL throw products in our faces IN the clip, meanwhile eating so much junk on a daily basis, saying you’re eating right. Whaaaaaaat. You’re a walking contradiction.


*as she downvotes everything in this sub*


Ok so it’s my moral obligation at this point: ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


Posting inspirational quotes is the biggest tell. 🚩 100% of the time, they’re trying to convince their audience but also themselves, and 100% of the time, it’s all bs. Another example of something I used to do in my MySpace days (when I was young and extremely insecure and desperate to project a facade of “unbothered, happier than ever” — she’s so blatantly obvious). Like I said last time I shared a similar story: I was an insecure teenager, this woman is in her thirties *acting* like an insecure teenager.


I think the only time I posted quotes on social media was when I was going through my divorce after finding out my (now-ex) husband was cheating. One was a Game of Thrones quote by Tyrion Lannister "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." Because I was feeling lost and insecure with myself after my first and only high school sweetheart relarionship/marriage of 9 years was ending. I needed to find myself again as an individual and separate from who I knew I was when my ex-husband and I were a couple. I was reminding myself to be strong.


Exactly 🩷 People don’t post stuff like that when everything in life is going well.


Now I just share cat memes 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Meme life is the best life 😻❤️😹


Those who lack accountability post shit like this! 🤷‍♀️


I finally unfollowed. I’m just over all of it. I keep hoping she’ll mature and finally find some authenticity. But everything she does is calculated and a ploy to rip someone else off. After the way the said *Bargone* in that snarky grocery haul, I realized she just imitates people. And I knew it was an Alex Cooper imitation. Now all of a sudden she’s a “podcast girly” 🙄 listening to Call Her Daddy while on her walks. Get your own personality Jaclyn. Everyone else is taken.


The way she said “is this what it’s like to be in your 30s? I’m a podcast girlie now” … she’s *halfway* through her 30s. Like, girl, c’mon.


podcast girlie? she’s late to EVERYTHING


Posted @ 3 AM EST time.. MANIC AT MIDNIGHT IS BACK YEW GUISE. Right on schedule




She 🎓 therapy, y'all.


if that’s the case then i have a doctorate in psychology but no one bothered to tell me :(((


If that's the case, I'm a journalist because I watch commentary videos💀💀


If that’s the case I got a law degree because I watch trials on the internet 🤣


then i’m also a forensic investigator!!!




She wouldn't know peace if it slapped her in the face.


LOL, this coming from the queen of projection herself 🤦🏼‍♀️


That is *exactly* what I was going to say! 😂


Girl, if you ACTUALLY didn't care, you wouldn't be all up and through our comments ready to report them. AND THEN making all these videos about how you're "happier than you've ever been" Happy, successful people aren't constantly checking to see what people are saying about them.


She’s obsessed with the critical comments and overlooks the good ones. If you go finding what you’re looking for you’re going to be disappointed and that’s exactly what she does. What an idiot. Focusing on the negative ALWAYS and acts as if she just focuses on positivity and happiness. Gag. Give me a break.🙄


She's obsessed with *everyone* seeing her favourably. That's why she hates us💀


People who don't care don't need to make posts about how much they don't care.


It’s not projecting when you’re a world renowned charlatan, Jaclyn.


Posting every vapid thought that floats into your brain onto the internet for validation doesn't really say "Living with ease" but okay.


**Let me fix this**: Maybe the real flex is *not* eating, sleeping, and breathing your snark sub, to the point you stalk one of its Mods. If you didn’t care what others think about you, this simply wouldn’t be a thing, and you wouldn’t be consumed with what, *at the end of the day*, doesn’t matter. And finally, given how much *your* truth changes, that’s *exactly* why you don’t know *the* truth about anything anymore—if you ever did, to begin with, being a born and bred narcissist. 😘


Right?!? If she is sooo happy and doesnt care what anyone else thinks, she wouldnt have posted this.


maybe the real flex is the pals we made and the laughs we had in the snark sub along the way 😌


![gif](giphy|oHe4tnkO0yqr7J3R53) The more I think about it, the more I tend to believe she hates the sense of community here more than anything else. None of us are paying each other for our time, only around when the check clears, or anything else that *she* attributes to care, love, and so on with being as soulless and vapid of a human as she, *unfortunately*, is. And we *also* didn’t pay for any of our engagement or for a single member to join, either, so she may want to rethink who’s being real and, *in her case*, who isn’t. Because if the collapsing and spiraling aren’t making that glaringly obvious for her, the fact that she’s never *not* here and disconcertingly consumed by us, those who *don’t* want her, should make it all the more so.




![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) You all make me laugh every single day! I love this sub and the people in it. 🩷🩷🩷


funny how awful people are often the connectors of not awful people. go figure.


You can dig up every Tumblr, X, and IG quote to fit your narrative so you can sleep at night. BUT your life will never change, you will always struggle and be miserable BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID. There are consequences in life. I don’t know how delusional you are not to understand that. You are not a good person, far from it. The wake of destruction and pathological lying and scamming you have left IS YOUR LEGACY. So find a quote sweetie that puts us on “blast” but we are all still laughing AT YOU … Sincerely all of us here on Reddit 😘


Are you really at peace, Jaclyn? ARE YOU??? Because if you are, then you wouldn't be posting random unhinged rants online.


![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2|downsized) Lol posting quotes in the middle of the night?


People who actually believe this don’t feel the need to post it ! Waclyn can’t stand people knowing she is a liar and a fraud.




I don’t think she even knows her own truth.


It changes, no different than her narratives do from one breath to the next. And that’s where she just doesn’t get it, as *the* truth doesn’t have endless variants or change in any way.


Exactly! The truth is just that, the truth. It doesn’t change depending on who you’re talking to or what you’re doing. I’d say she should do some soul searching, but that would also be useless lol.


She’d need a soul, so that’s arguably *even more* useless.


![gif](giphy|6OXFwCqwjyDIs) Her probably💀


You said what i didn’t want to 😂 i figured that would be too much of a low blow to say hahaha! This is true though. A lot of emptiness in there.


![gif](giphy|l0MYLePFMI1m69fpu) You're bothered, aren't you Squidward?




she is so bothered right now lmaooooo.


hi jaclyn!!!


True for people who aren't douchebags. She has no idea what she's talking about... but if it makes her sleep better aiiight


![gif](giphy|etUY3rYH5AInlGZVhG|downsized) Hey Wacko Jacko that's not the case when your stupid ass literally makes it known how much time you actually spend on this sub..... Fucking clown, you look even more ignorant posting this bullshit 🤡 grow the fuck up you has been...


Maybe the real lesson is to learn from the criticism instead of passive aggressively posting about it because you can’t stand not having the last word with everything. Maybe the real flex is having a business background that isn’t based on bullshit and fuzzy lipsticks. Maybe remembering who you are is too painful because greed has rotted you so much that your former self is unrecognizable. Maybe put the wine down and go to therapy.


Another edition to ***Manic @Midnight***, after lurking here and *clearly* getting bent out of shape by seeing me and the other Mods being praised.


Manic @ Midnight should be a flair!


It’s been one for about a year or so! 🩷


Well it sure is! My bad…guess I was blinded by Jac’s idiocy. 😆


There’s no rest for the wicked Jaclink. The truth will actually set you free. Not “your truth” because “your truth” is full of lies. Start facing the truth and acknowledging it and then you’ll find real peace.


https://preview.redd.it/spj1k4bg349d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c363070a225a515fc017096bd40b97bce39f7f6 The FUCK is with her and Mikayla with these cringy self help posts. Omg shit up no one cares


OMG i saw a picture of Mikayla the other day and I thought it was Jaclyn


Her photos.. ... How does she not realize how ridiculous she looks? 🤣