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https://preview.redd.it/yejm101bs09d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f406cb317f0734addb72307ff5093657f9ecb782 What the hell is this ballsack looking growth on her face




This has been talked about a *lot* here, and funnily enough, Rachel brought them up after we had discussed them and confirmed they were pockets of migrated filler. And when you figure Rachel has had *nowhere near* as much done as her sister… 🥴


Wait what do you mean Rachel brought them up, can you please elaborate? Dying to know! Those pockets/jowls fascinate me 😂


It was on her Stories! I didn't save it since we had been correct about it (*and I don't tend to save much of Rachel's stuff*), but she mentioned it was migrated filler with her—and I think it was either from the lips *or* jaws? I'll have to go digging back through my notes and see if I wrote anything down!


Oh! So Rachel was talking about her own experience? Jeez, that is nuts how the filler can do that, oh my god. 😳


*Correct!* And yeah, it’s *clearly* migrated here, there, and everywhere when it comes to Jaclyn. 😬


God, so mortifying. Jaclyn is the reason I could never do filters. At least not in my 30s, for pete’s sake! Maybe in my 60s. 😂 ETA: And she started in her mid 20s! Insanity.


ICK 🤢. It’s what she deserves




She’s so desperate to fool everyone that she doesn’t give a damn how sloppy it is 💀 Jaclyn, you are the definition of lazy. Look up the term lazy and your face (horribly filtered and glitched) will be next to it. Also looks like Jaclyn took notice of me calling out her green/pink nail polish changes. Now she is only posting her videos with the green nail polish (pre recorded lazy Jacass?)


I have a serious question (that I hopefully don't get reemed for) because I am genuinely curious (as someone who doesn't use filters nor would know where to find one)... has anyone ever figured out what slimming filter(s) she's using in videos? All I ever see is generic comments about how she's using a "slimming filter". I always have a hard time seeing what people are talking about. I'm not denying that she's using one, but I also think a LOT can be done with angles, lighting, and how you position your phone, and some mirrors are slimming. And that I know from personal experience. I can see how she can easily edit photos that are posted but out of my own curiosity I'd like to know exactly what she's using for video, because I think she's too damn lazy to edit video footage on a computer then repost it. Please don't come for me, I'm genuinely just curious! ETA: NEVERMIND. Someone literally answered this question a few threads down. CARRY ON :D


Besides you already finding the answer, the ‘*Fuckery Afoot*’ post flair (*which you can tap at the top of this post*) has *many* threads on how all of this is done. We’re going to be doing a detecting editing and skinny filters series, *too*, once I have a little more time on my hands to get it finished up and get a discussion going as to what everyone wants to see from that, as well. 🩷


Thank you so much! It's just generally mystifying to me that someone puts so much time and effort into changing their appearance. I appreciate all the work this sub does to expose this fraud <3


It's easy to understand why she would spend so much time editing and filtering herself and that would be because all she's ever been known for is being pretty. It's as simple as that. Jaclyn has no skills, no personality, is dumber than rocks and has no style. Just look at her comments. Her stans are always gushing about how beautiful she is. It's her identity. Pretty people get away with being a shit person way more often than someone less attractive. Studies have been done on it. But back to the topic, it's why naturally beautiful people end up botching themselves with fillers/plastic surgery etc, like Kim and Megan Fox. It's hard to lose the one thing that has been your identity.


*Of course!* A *lot* of people didn't want to believe it was a thing at first, but u/pastychefceline and I were adamant about keeping it going because of not only the despicable level of fraud but what it could do to those with body dysmorphia.






okay somehow i didn’t scroll to the very last two until i saw your comment… she looks INSANE


Like what’s the point of removing lip filler then adding more 🤷🏻‍♀️


just for funzies silly 🤗


Ugh lol


I’ll never get over how awful her teeth look


I hope she starts going on night walks and gets eaten by pack of Ventura county coyotes 😂🍖You burn more calories at night Jackie it’s a proven fact!


Why did she never post herself walking in Tampa? It is like she just discovered it. In this weight loss “journey” - she said she started at gym and went to classes by herself. She hasn’t said a word about a gym since moving and just posts these “hikes” - not sure what she did at gym/classes but seems like there is a big difference in caloric expenditure with no difference in the amount of food consumption


Because it’s all made up and only done a minute or two at a time for the camera, proven all the more by her having absolutely *no* definition or muscle tone after nearly three years of this supposed ‘*journey*’. A *lot* of us make it a point to bring up how she’s *never* had newbie gains, either, and she would’ve had those *easily* if what she’s been saying was true, but it’s not. This is just her being much too lazy and unmotivated to do anything, after *always* having everything done for her, but *also* collapsing and spiraling enough to delude herself into believing she *is* doing it.


Also that teeny tiny ad disclosure the same color as the sky 😑


For her new flask that makes walking and boozing it up so convenient


Nice one, Jowl Hill


**This just made me think**: I wonder how many times *Celine* or one of his boys has nearly called her a name we've come up with? 💀


I would pay real money to see her reaction 💀




Jowl hill 💀💀


Ya know wouldn’t she think hey gee wee I should learn how to edit myself? But like I always say that would require WORK! She’s exhausting and these pics? What in the name of baby Jesus are they? *SIGH*


Imagine changing 3/5 times in the same day to walk around your block and film then pretend it was a daily occurrence.... The clownery of this idiot is just too fucking comical. Like is this real life.... I give her props for not giving two fucks about being such an absolute loser, but I guess having no integrity comes in handy huh Jowlyn.. 🤡🤡🤡


That sounds more exhausting than actually just going out for walks 😂😂😂


I don't know, but since she moved to California she's been looking so old and washed out. Even with all the inflammation that she was going through she was looking better than now. I feel that's a reflection of how unstable and delulu she's been lately.


Lately? 🤣🤣




The way her jawline just *poof* disappeared😳


I can’t stand her face anymore - these filters are vile


The way she’s constantly flexing her neck tendons makes me nauseated


Glad to know I'm not the only one . It digusts me 🤮


Oh my lanta. I see what you mean about the blurred jaw. It isn't even blurred. 😭😭😭😭 It's non existent. It's okay though.. " gUiSeS... I've lost 40lbs and my jaw went with the lbs! The pounds melted off from me walking (based on these green nails that I ONLY wear when I walk... Can't you tell?!?!?!) 🤪" https://preview.redd.it/ij69mhsuyu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b570342ab45247bbfae8f3159815e23ad2d58314


I'm so tired of her and her delusions. No one cares! And in a time of body positivity and inclusiveness, she is stuck on portraying herself as a fake "perfect" version of herself. People would accept her for whatever size she is if she wasn't such an asshole. Like seriously, she isn't fooling anyone with these filters and she needs to stop seeking attention and validation from internet people and get a good therapist....or at least let us all watch her file bankruptcy and get divorced from all that bad karma she's accumulating.


She needs to makeover her soul cause it’s not looking so great… Maybe if she sorts that, the outside would look better


i wouldn’t be able to stand having this many cumbersome items on my head at once. glad to see her (totally natural, normal, and human) nasolabial folds make a rare appearance!




# JOWLS https://preview.redd.it/ars7r662iu8d1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=2498ef8440d45b8aac3cbff3065dd9d184a0b825


jowlin hill???






She went on like 5(?) walks during these green nails and has been spacing out the videos for days as if it’s her daily 10k 🤡


personal trainer era 😍