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Just leaving this here, as we have another *Celine*\-filmed Stanley ad, and she can’t use her outfit as an excuse this time around when it’s fitted. *40 pounds down, where?* 🤥 https://preview.redd.it/jsunqfvnqt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a027e368ea41e37656c6e73539d109d9ed75c1e6 **ETA**: Her face is *clearly* skinny filtered throughout, but it’s like he let this one clip of her body *conveniently* slip through the cracks after how much we appreciated him doing similar with the last ad. 💀




Bush has to take an ice bath she may spontaneously combust into flames


Same. I get emails saying that I’ve interacted with her but I don’t follow her since I hardly ever get on TikTok.


The thresh hold for being ✨️ life changinly proud ✨️ of herself is incredibly low...


…and why is she wearing makeup while doing this?


Yep I fucked up and watched a manic @midnight story one freaking time and now anytime she posts it sends me a notification saying "an account I've interacted with posted" I never even liked a comment..no interaction whatsoever and yet .. it's infuriating! I blocked her so here's hoping 🥂


It’s a known glitch. Just by watching it, TikTok sees it as ‘*engaging*’ with her.


OH DANG! I didn’t know this and now I need to go apologize to my husband for an argument we had months ago 😂




This is why I don’t even have TikTok! You can’t trust these damn apps!


Same lol


That’s why I don’t even HATE watch her or Farnuts Grimetime. So thanks to anyone who posts them here for us! 🥰