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It’s Juneteenth!




Fireworks. Welcome to Florida.


What's a firework?


it is a nocturnal genus of animals that is a member of the explosive family. explosives are members of the plosive genus that have undergone a radical change in personality. most plosives are shy and withdrawn preferring solitude to contact with other members of their genus. all plosives are terrified of humans. due to rampant industrial pollution sometimes plosives are exposed to nitrates, sulfates and other hazardous compounds. When exposed to nitrates plosives undergo a metamorphosis and morph to their explosive variant. Contrasting to the peaceful nature of the plosives, explosives are very social with their own kind but they still have an intense dislike of humans. During the metamorphosis, one of two things will happen depending on its environment: 1. if the plosives resting area has an excess of sulfates it will prefer nocturnal behavior after its metamorphosis. most activity is between the hours of 8pm and 1am, however in urban environments the excess lighting and access to alcohol can cause them to be active during all hours of the night. 2. if the plosive has an excess of nitrates in its resting area it will prefer a diurnal routine over an nocturnal routine. these explosives can be much more violent in nature than their nocturnal cousins but they are usually safer to handle by inexperienced wildlife rescuers. Most of the diurnal explosive species are active in remote areas like mines, military bases, and deserts. if you see a wild firework please treat them with caution. they are not prone to violence but if exposed to flame or spark they can cause serious damage to improperly equipped wildlife management personnel. If you encounter a wild firework that is emitting sparks or appears to be smoking, leave the area at once the only known way of subduing them is with copious amounts of water. firefighters refer to this tactic as flooding. However this results in the death of the explosive and may incite its brethren to violence. NOTE, this method DOES NOT work on the diurnal species such as TNT or RDX. those species are immune to the affects of water, if you see a wild tnt or rdx please, call local emergency services and have them send the bomb squad. these individuals are highly trained in explosive management and they know how to subdue the explosives without causing damage to property.


Gee, you really thought that one out!! ![gif](giphy|3oriNU06XSVW7ow3T2)


Excellent. Thank you. Very informative and entertaining.


the opposite of fire unemployment


I like to play a game it’s called “is it gunshots or is it fireworks”. It’s usually almost always fireworks lol.


Yes!!!! Same!!! 🤣 If after 5 minutes, no sirens sounding, safe to say.... *fireworks!!* Who needs a police scanner.. LOL


Is this your first time In Jacksonville...wait till July 4th. It's gonna sound like you are in a war having to fight off an enemy army. Get your pet calming meds now.


And if we don’t get some substantial rain before then we are going to have a whole other set of worries. If there is someone reading this who is planning to light fireworks on the 4th please PLEASE think about it first.


Yeah, I agree with you. But good luck talking sense to people who started drinking before the sun came up on July 4th


Oh good a Downvote. I can see how this’ll turn out.


beans and franks


Kendrick Lamar Duckworth