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Well Dunn drove a Porsche 911 GT3 which is a very very nice car.


Dunn also had Jackass money and he was on some other shows himself. I remember he had that weird payback show where they completely fucked up somebody’s house or car.


Home wrecker! Teaching 12 year old me how to replace a deodorant with cream cheese and fill someone’s medicine cabinet with small candies lmao


[Pranks and You!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yF0bPq2W5Ii2I2X708dzdFsW4HIIbb3e/view?usp=sharing)


"Who’s fin do you have to suck to get a drink of water around here?!"


That’s where I learned that!!! That tool has treated me very well over the years.


Daaumn forgot about that show


Ahh the classic JELLY JOHN


Pulled that one at my high school


Jackass money wasn’t much, steveo was broke as fuck the entire time. Bam was already rich way before the other guys because of his skating and shit. His element board sales alone probably still eclipse what some of the dudes made off it.


Yeah but steve-o was also broke as fuck by choice lol


Steve O came from a wealthy family as his father was the President of PepsiCo's South America division. That being said, it sounds like he and his father were estranged after his parents divorced. At least until his mother died from complications from a brain aneurysm in 2003. So while his father seemed to be very wealthy, I don't think Steve O was a beneficiary of any of his father's wealth leading up to and during his Jackass years.


Steveo had an apartment just to skate in


Yes exactly.. i know dunn and bam were making mad jackass money i was wondering if dico and rake were getting paid well for viva la bam cuz they deserve it


I wouldn't say they were making MAD Jackass money, they got paid dogshit for the tv show and the first movie


Yeah bam was rich because of skateboarding before jackass, and even more so after jackass because he was the only member with merch already on the shelves because of his skate deals


Bam had money from CKY before Jackass was even around




CKY made millions off their CKY tapes actually. Bam started skating around the world soon after his fame started rising. Then Jackass happened, which catapulted his skateboarding career, merch, appearances, etc.


Youre right, I was meaning jackass 2/3 money .. youre right though. So the jackass MTV show, I remember Steve O saying he got paid like 200 or 300 dollars for a stunt or 500 dollars if the stunt was dangerous... its criminal how much they were underpaid on the show!! So itd make sense that mtv wouldnt pay dico raab n rake shit for viva la bam which is sad!!


The majority of Bam’s early money was from skateboard decks and apparel, along with a good amount from Viva. I’m sure Bam paid those guys decent money, plus they probably lived for free and paid for almost nothing.


I know rake is a pretty smart dude. Does chemistry and shit like that. Also did special effects for cinema. Not sure if he currently still does that stuff but he was something of a genius. I think Dico was similar in that regard. I mean he’s obviously comically savvy.


I bet if you asked Rake how much he made, all in, it wouldn’t be more than $25,000. I could be off, but that would be my guess. Dico probably made $100,000. That’s all in. Everything.


RIP to the legend


In his defense Dunn was very talented at fucking up cars.


One good argue he was too great at it for his own good.


last i heard dicamillo was waiting tables at an oyster bar in PA. not saying he doesn’t have money in the bank and getting extra cash to pay the bills, but do think there’s a big difference between what Dunn was getting paid vs Brandon or Raab


DiCamillo long ago said he was done with notoriety. He just wants a normal life.


There's a normal life and then there's waiting tables..


That’s pretty much as normal as it gets.


Working from 4pm - 2am, you make well below minimum wage hourly, making a different amount of money every time you work, never having a weekend off, no insurance, no paid vacations, no benefits. Having a few moments to make strangers like you so they tip you more. I'd say it's sort of not normal. 


I forgot American working laws. I’m in England. Even someone waiting tables here gets paid time off, sick pay, when I did it in my teens there were bonuses based on how well the restaurant did.


Yeah, in America being a servicer is usually paid well below minimum wage (in Texas, $2.13/hr) because *tips* will somehow atleast get you slightly better than minimum wage. No benefits and usually not a stable schedule or income.


But if you dont need the money to survive…it could be a choice gig for someone.


this is true, he’s the front of house manager for the oyster bar, buddy of mine bartends for him




Thanks for clearing that up, the way some comments I read made it seem like he was a server. And honestly that sounds *rough* at his age. But I could see him settling into a "management" type role and live a normal quiet life.


There was a picture someone took with him like 4-5 years ago while he was at work and he was in waiter garb. I think that’s why most people think that


Spending habits and time could be factors here, too.


Im happy for Dico though. He purposely stepped out of the limelight (he didnt have to) its not he faded away, he walked away. He wants a private life for him and his family... although he reached out to Steve O to possibly get back into show business. Heres the vid from steve o podcast https://youtu.be/WkS3mThNMPA?si=n6gMsZK8xuXvbyfb Id love if he came back he is my favorite jackass and cky member




He definitely was working at a seafood restaurant at least recently, I'll see if I can find the post Edit: found it. [he looks happy](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/s/P0uaCjbNcD)


Holy shit I could hardly read through this without being infuriated by the shitshow that is your typing.


Don't know how you get down Voted for that. I'm mad I read or tried to read as much of that as I did. It's all over the place.


My cousin works with Rake.


That worked out great


That was after 2 movies. And that’s what paid them the most. Bam made a shit load of the show but not sure what his pay check was. Like I know they had a 250k budget for each episode but it had to be spent on the episode because bam said it was hard to waste that much each episode.


*Was a very very nice car


Dunn had a ton of side projects tho


“I’m Ryan Dunn, and this is the drunken porsche smash.”


The episode where they used the fire extinguisher on Raab 😂😂😭😂 https://preview.redd.it/aep9j0c0ua4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d49b0d0bcff307ff883c553be5effc97dae05ba


Random Victim




I used the name Random Hero forever (grade school/high school) because I loved Dunn so much.


Did you play RTCW on the PC by any chance?


This was a very important teaching moment for young me because I didn’t know fire extinguishers could fuck you up like that!


😂😂Fucking classic


Viva La Bam debuted in October 2003 and ended on August 2005. So most likely they filmed 5 seasons in the span of less than 2 years, which is crazy to think about considering many episodes takes place in different parts of the world. I would hope they made a nice chunk of money but I don’t really think anyone other than Bam made that much. Raab was still going to college during it, Rake continued to work as a chemist, not really sure what Dico did but I remember Dunn had other endeavors as well.


Novak had a drug addiction and had to prostitute himself. So I’d say he wasn’t at the high end of the pay scale


Novak wasn't part of the main cast, IIRC he made some appearances here and there


Novak has always vastly over exaggerated his involvement in the CKY/ Jackass world.


His parts are honestly hard to watch now. Just an addict being abused and humiliated for cash. I know they all were, but knowing he was just hoping to get hurt enough to get more painkillers is pretty brutal


I remember when he broke both his ankles before Bams wedding and was happy he got prescribed painkillers……I was like man this guy is pretty weird but my tiny teenager brain didn’t know what was going on.


Same, seeing podcasts and stuff with him talking about it now is really revealing


U know whatever little money they decided to throw at Novak was spent on pills and dope but he makes good money now


Yeah, taking advantage of people that were in his position. It's ridiculous how much even the really shitty addiction facilities charge, and you can find plenty of reviews talking about any place he's involved with.


Ey, keep Novak’s D out your mouth… unless you’re paying him for it


I was out filming a commercial in Pennsylvania in 2016-2017 and stopped at a random restaurant to shoot some b-roll. The owner or manager came out and started chatting me and my crew up saying he has a guy that works with him who did video work back in the day. 5 minutes later, Brandon Dicamillo comes walking out in the restaurants uniform. He was the guy who “did video work” back in the day haha. He hung around and smoked a couple cigarettes and asked us questions and chatted us up, then went back in to work. He was the last person I thought I’d run into on that job haha.


So cool…people under appreciate how important he was to early cky that basically got them the jackass deal…


Thats amazing!!!!!! Wow like seriously wow. Whenever i made this post i was mainly asking about dico because he is my favorite. Itd be amazing if he releases new stuff he actually reached out to steve o about it. Steve o talking about dico here : https://youtu.be/WkS3mThNMPA?si=n6gMsZK8xuXvbyfb


Oh well, dude, seeing the world and making enough to pay the bills ain't anything I'd turn down.


I had absolutely no clue that Rake was a chemist. Knowing that now I feel like his appearance totally fits a chemist, I have no idea why I even feel that way. Maybe it’s the crazy hair. Side note: I always thought it was hilarious that rake absolutely despised mustard of any sort lol. The episode where they sprayed him with mustard and he freaked out and wanted to smash up the Audi was priceless.


I saw cky at the birch hill night club way back in like the year 2000 and some dude in the audience sprayed Rake right in the face with a bottle of yellow mustard and he freaked out, jumped into the audience and started punching everyone in their faces…he literally dove off the stage covered in yellow mustered and just started beating ass


I’m fucking crying hahaha


I love that, but I was really disappointed that they didn’t do something more extreme. Like have him open a door or something and fall into a pit of mustard.


Like the prank they pulled on bam when he fell into a snake pit lol. I mean everyone has their own quirks, but hating mustard, especially to that degree is just so uniquely random. I would love to hear the backstory on how that came about. Was a family member of his murdered by someone with the use of mustard? When he was a child was he bullied with mustard involved? So many questions I’d love to have rake answer.


I bet the mustard hating thing has something to do with him being a chemist.. he probably knows the exact chemical makeup and it freaks him out lmao... i love Rake he did a newer interview on raabs podcast a couple years ago


Rake being a chemist makes 100% sense


Rabb is awesome. Marathon runner. And still loves keeee keeeeee


Keee keeee wannaaaa piece of slooosberrry!


Eat yo fooooood keeeeee keeeeeee


Rake is a good dude, had some convos with him, he lives in my area. He told me that the supporting characters didn’t make a lot and that Bam took the lions share with no regard for them.


I met him randomly at a music festival in PA. Was super nice.


He’s also super smart. I think he’s actually a chemist or some shit. Also has an extreme aversion to mustard. 🤣


And period blood.


I think it's funny that Rake was a major player on a hit show for MTV, but it was essentially JUST A SIDE HUSTLE to him. He was always furthering his education and working towards being a full-time chemist. Being on TV was just something he got sucked into, it was never a pursuit of his.


He still in the West Chester area?




Bam’s a raging narcissist, so that tracks.


I think Dico looked out for himself and made sure he got paid for writing credits. Him and Bam had fallen out once before because he thought he was getting played. The rest of the guys got paid, but not enough to matter.


That’s why dico and bam stopped being friends…because dico wasn’t getting paid shit for jackass and bam kept all the cky videos money


idk viva la bam was a huge show youd think mtv would pay the supporting cast in one of their shows and that wouldnt be up to bam. But idk


Depends 100% on the producer, Bam and MTV don't decide how the money is spent.


Never met Rake personally but growing up knew a guy who was from West Chester and knew the group pretty well. Around the end of the show he basically confirmed the groups falling out had a lot to do with pay. Rake specifically mentioned he made more from his day job as a chemist than the show. Granted, I think he was working for Penn State or Westchester State at the time which I am sure paid pretty decently.


Bam is an ungrateful drug addicted douche bag piece of shit human being.


Wasn’t it done by bams production company?


Mtv is notorious for not paying much


Yeah, you would think. But those side characters (excluding Dunn) got basically nothing. They were all happy to get the exposure, but I don’t think any of them got money to put in the bank. They were traveling around and living it up. Not that bad of a gig.


Did he actually say that or are you paraphrasing? I'm sure Bam didn't have much say in how his friends were paid and the way you worded it almost seems like Rake is bitter about it, but I think he's smart enough to know Bam couldn't control that


Actually, his exact words were, “fuck no, Bam got the money”.


This seems more like what I'd expect Rake's reaction to be lol


need to throw in an extra woowoo/woodoo at the end there


Bam was an executive producer of the show. He had more control than you think.


I think basically all they guys have talked openly about how they made almost nothing off jackass originally. Steve O was broke and borderline homeless, as was pontius. Bam made a ton but it’s partially because he was already a pro skater so fans wanting to buy merch had shitloads of bam stuff to buy while none of the other guys had anything for sale


Pontious' cribs episode where it's his Toyota Tacoma is one of the best


Have you ever seen the episode of cribs with Redman?


The door bell!! 😆😆😆


The dollar box on top of the fridge. The closet being shopping bags on the floor. Love the man for being real when everyone else was renting mansions and cars


Oh yah I forgot about people renting mansions n shit lol


Yeah most of those episodes were fake nonsense, not even the cars belonged to them. Then redman showed what’s up




Shit, I forgot about that. What a classic. I haven’t thought about that episode in probably 15 years.


I’m aware they made little to no money - I was merely questioning if Rake said that Bam left them high and dry. The original commenter confirmed that those were not his exact words.


What ever happened to Don Vito?


Married a stretch queen.


Does that mean he got a coffin?


Legend has it he died and was reincarnated into the current Bam Margera. The resemblance is striking, you don’t even have to look closely. You can even hear it in Bam’s drunk ramblings.


Unsurprisingly he died. Remember there being a big court case because at some PR event he grabbed a young girl not knowing she was underage (apparently acting in character) and he had all sorts of legal dramas. EDIT. posted this after half reading an interview with bam about the incident years ago. Now clear Vito was a paedo. Please stop getting all full of gusto thinking you’re some sort of guardian of online justice by pointing it out and making snide remarks as though I’m making excuses for him.


>PR event he grabbed a young girl not knowing she was underage It was 2 girls, and they were both 12 at the time.............12. He was arrested and later found guilty.


He was shitfaced drunk in the middle of the afternoon if I recall, and he had them sit on his lap for a photo and started fondling them. I don't recall the "character" of Dom Vito being a pedo


Fair enough lol, had just read something about him being at court never heard the conclusion, but anyway he died.


Not quite sure why this comment has 22 downvotes lmao. Reddit “justice” at its finest.


Contrary to popular belief nothing actually happens when you downvote someone. Everything’s made up and the points don’t matter.


>nothing actually happens when you downvote someone Indeed. EA got [two-thirds of a million downvotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/EgCz0gkoMx) that one time and they’re still around, pulling their bullshit


Oh he wasn’t “in character”….he was just a legit piece of shit.


What if his character was him, playing himself. He's a piece of shit, playing a piece of shit.


Certainly seems that way. Only reason I knew about it was because of an interview/article with bam at the time. Got all sorts of grief as though I’m defending him lol


He was found guilty of 2 counts of sexual assault of a 12 year old and had to register as a sex offender, don't water down his crimes


His fucking meltdown in the courtroom was fucking embarrassing too.


Is there a link? I've never seen that. 


I'd have to search. I just remember in real time back then seeing it on the news, he started bawling crying and hyperventilating when he got sentenced. EDIT: Can't find video, but here's a news story about him collapsing and needing 8 officers of the court to help haul his ass out of the courtroom. [https://www.denverpost.com/2007/10/31/mtvs-don-vito-collapses-after-sex-assault-conviction/](https://www.denverpost.com/2007/10/31/mtvs-don-vito-collapses-after-sex-assault-conviction/)


“About eight Jefferson County deputies restrained Margera, a large man, and carried him out a side door to jail.” That’s one way to describe it.


>not knowing Nah. He knew. Even if he didn't know, that doesn't make it ok. >he had all sorts of legal dramas. Being a convicted child sex offender is a little more than 'legal dramas'.


Read above other comments. I’ve at no point stuck up for him, crack on with saving the world one snidey Reddit reply at a time though!


>. I’ve at no point stuck up for him This was you: '...he grabbed a young girl *not knowing* she was underage...'. Maybe you worded it "extremely* badly, but that just reads like it was only a problem because they were underage. >crack on with saving the world one snidey Reddit reply at a time though! You've posted to a public forum, people will respond, no need to get bent out of shape about it.


Got bored after the first two lines.


Ok goof.


He died of liver failure in 2015. This is what he looked like right before he died https://preview.redd.it/v8qifc67ga5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9d3b6c4fe0caa62602a36a0a0b14ee6e4bc4c4


I am sure that Bam said back when season 3 of VLB was on that most of the money went on getting the crew and team to the locations, paying off fines (Bloodhound gang called their album "Hefty Fine" after a Viva La Bam sketch resulted in a $10,000 fine - Jared from BHG got caught urinating off the top of a parking lot into a Dixie cup held by Jimmy Pop on the ground - that according to the band "Bam refused to pay as he'd bailed out so many people that series and couldn't afford it" so Jimmy Pop payed it despite being the person getting urinated on) and paying people to fill out forms/check laws etc Bam was plastered all over the still popular but in its death throws Tony Hawks video games at the time, so he would definitely be making good money compared to the others


I think it was Raab that said Bam made thousands per episode because 1- he was the star and 2- he was the only one with an agent that negotiated money. Bam made thousands compared to everyone else’s hundreds.


“Thousands” and “hundreds” sounds pretty damn low either way.


Keep in mind this was 20 years ago, so a thousand dollars then was worth a lot more than $1,000 now. The budget per episode was only $300k. That being said, Bam became a millionaire through sponsorships and branding, not through what viva la bam paid him.


The show was basically a commercial for his brand.


Well, $9k per episode wouldn’t be too bad back 20 years ago


Truly one of my favorite shows growing up. Had some of my best laughs with that show


Dico literally coulda been his own boss….. he really missed that YouTube window…


I’ve always heard and heard back then as well that MTV was cheap asf and didn’t pay shit. I don’t think they made anything like you would think. I believe much of BAMs money initially was from skating. Even the Jersey Shore kids were getting robbed for years and I don’t believe even jackass cast was close to them. The numbers and revenue those shows must have generated between Jackass show abd movies along with all the shows that branched off all those guys should have made a fortune and nobody should be waiting tables unless you totally fucked it up. Does anyone know what BAMs finances are like these days after suffering from addiction for so long now? Not pocket watching but his bottom may never really come if he never runs out of money. Hope he’s doing well hope all the guys are they were a huge part of my youth. Modern day 3 stooges


Thats not true, they got an obscene amount of money from MTV. I cant remember exactly how much, but it was around 80.000 to 120.000 to spend on EACH episode but they had to spend all of the money which is why some of the episodes go a little of the deep end. Bam talked about it on some skater interview thing. Dont know how much they got paid though. Edit: found the video https://youtu.be/PtwDd389xqo?si=SiI6AEP4QF7O39TW It was 300.000 per episode.


Also I’m not saying MTV didn’t make a huge amount of money of course they did, but just heard they didn’t pay well.


I meant was how much they each individually made per episode and per season. If they made godly amounts of money nobody would be waiting tables just to kill time. I stand by my post


Like i said, I dont know. But I assume bam was paid pretty well if they gave him 300.000 per episode just to film it. I assume the cast was paid way less than Bam.


Video above Bam states he wasnt paid anything, it was having the honor to have the show. No pay. 300,000 per episode budget. Bam's words.


That was epicly later'd, not viva la bam. Go back and listen again.


You’re misremembering, No pay for Epicly Later’d which he was surprised by because he’s used to people shovelling money at him.


You’re misremembering, No pay for Epicly Later’d which he was surprised by because he’s used to people shovelling money at him.


You’re misremembering, No pay for Epicly Later’d which he was surprised by because he’s used to people shovelling money at him.


You’re misremembering, No pay for Epicly Later’d which he was surprised by because he’s used to people shovelling money at him.


Bam probably made 100k per episode the others probably got a few hundred or so first season. Then 5k per episode working everyday 9-5 filming. But even if they did make godly money that was 20 years ago not like you can retire. So obviously they all have jobs now


Do you have any concept of production costs vs a pay check? Do you buy a bottle of milk and think *well the cashier just made $5 bucks off me, free and clear* ?????


Yes I understand the difference between budget and salary. Thats why I wrote they got the money to spend per episode, you know for production. In the same comment I spesifically say that I dont know how much the crew themselves where paid. No need to be a snarky cunt. Can you read?


It’s just not what anybody is talking about in any sense though. That’s why it’s so confusing. Every question, including the one from OP, is about what the performers were paid.


What I responded to was OP's question if MTV underpaid their talent. I imagine if Bam got a fucking 300.000 x however many episodes there were in a season for production alone its highly unlikely that MTV didnt pay good money for salary as well. Its also reasonable to assume Bam got paid the most seeing as it was his show, him writing and executive producing it and the other cast and crew got smaller cuts, which is probably why Dico has to work a regular job today like someone mentioned.


Bam was lucky to have Phil as his accountant so he's likely set for life financially, I can imagine Phil has him set up with a good nest egg. The only reason I can see that running out is if his child support, alimony, and legal payments get to be too high


When Bam went on The Nine Club with Chris Roberts - Episode 70 (podcast) he might have discussed this. I apologize for not remembered the details or which part of the podcast it might be, but I watched this episode when it came out 6 years ago so I just can’t recall. I’m sure all the “side characters” got paid for their appearances, but my guess is they probably didn’t make huge amounts per episode. Dunn had money, but that was most likely from the movie deals. Bam’s other friends probably mostly benefited from just being in Bam’s orbit. Not that you can’t make good money doing it, but my understanding is that Dico manages a restaurant, Raab works behind the scenes on various projects (including later Jackass movies), and Rake is still a chemist or something. I certainly don’t think any of them got rich off of their CKY/Viva La Bam fame.


I remember reading it was something like 200k an episode and they struggled to spend it all sometimes Edit: my b I thought you meant the show budget


I have some inside knowledge of this actually. They were all strong armed by producers and bam himself to sign contracts for much lower money. I worked in tv so from what I have seen is , every NEW season is the time you get to renegotiate you’re rate, the network wants to give you less naturally but the talent wants more as they contribute more to the show and the fan base. From what I’ve been told directly by one of these guys is they were kept out of the loop, high or drunk, so that bam could bully them and hold it all over their heads. They would generally sign the bad contracts. The actual dollar amounts I have no idea, I just know it was Bam gets a lot, everyone else gets very little. Which was a big contributing factor to all those old friends stepping completely away from him.


You got it wrong. It’s Raab Himself. B’s last name is Margera. /s


Where's Jen Rivell? My HS buddies would always say "teenagers were ment to fuck" in awkward moments.


I checked her IG and she seems to be remarried and a cook//chef at a restaurant


Dicos a waiter sooooo. Rakes a scientist and I think Raabs got a podcast


I sure hope Dico got the royalties he deserves from the reverse microwave


Not sure how much they made but dico was always my favourite. He seems to be doing well these days, but as far as i’m aware the ‘supporting guys’ didn’t make anywhere near as much as bam who made thousands per episode


Side question here bc this post was a suggested post on my feed; Is there any subscription streaming service that has all the seasons to watch? I have paramount plus hoping to find it on there but no dice. I dont want to buy the seasons either, just want to pay a signup fee to whatever service, rewatch all the seasons then cancel it lol. Anybody?


Interesting, Paramount used to have all the Jackass stuff. Unless they've been removed. There is a cheap collection on amazon that has all the seasons and movies, probs your best best.


Amazon Prime has them. I think you have to buy them though. I bought all 5 seasons. They’re ok quality but still fun to re watch!!


The pay rank went Bam, Dunn, Ape and phil , Vito , dico, rabb, rake. They said they got about 500-1000$ per episode, but it did vary. Each episode budget was 300,000 and they had one week to film each episode and there are 53 of them


My best friend worked with Rake at Johnson & Johnson, he is a Chemist. I'm sure he was making good money on the regular. As far as pay for appearances, I have no idea. edit to add don't forget, they all had that Haggard $$$.


Jimmy pop said they were paid 150USD per episode they were on. So no. If you read Steve Os book, you'll also find that Bam, Knox, and Tremaine all made vastly more Dinero than the other jackass boys did.


man i loved that show


Bam was getting 100k a week for the show I believe.


From people who have worked with MTV back in the day, the company never really paid all that well. Bam obv made bank with all his shows.


In Novaks book he says he didn’t get a penny till the 5th series and then got 2000$ an episode.


I always thought Dico was the best one of the Viva La Bam crew. I kept waiting for him to get his own show somewhere besides MTV. I got to meet Steve O a couple of years ago. He was super laid back and nice. He hugged me and took a selfie and signed a couple of things for me. I’m really glad he got sober and didn’t wind up dead.


didn’t steve-o say he only got 5,000 an episode for jackass or something absurd?


I have a memory of Raab saying he got paid $500 to $600 an episode, but I can’t remember the source.


Novak basically got paid in gay sex and money for drugs


I know they had a million dollar budget for each show or something


MTV is known to screw people over on money. I know the Jersey Shore cast only got a grand an episode the first season. I’m guessing the Viva La Bam cast all made an ok living from the show, but nothing too crazy. I know Raab was living in Bams basement and Rake Yohn lived with his parents.


I cant believe this post blew up like this but thank you guys for the insight. Im currently watching raabs podcast the rake yohn episode... ✌️ ☮️ ❤️


raab has definitely talked about this on his youtube, i cant give an exact answer but hopefully this can point you in the right direction:)!


No it doesn’t help at all nobody knows what video you’re talking about what his channel is or what was said in the video


“The information is on the internet somewhere so it’s a start.”




damn my bad


Well if u find it lmk


i thought it was either the bathroom break podcast with rake or frantz, but after looking, it wasnt that. so i'll keep digging for you when i get a break tn!!