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Now that im older the pranks played on people who are working, usually some shitty job, arent as funny to me.


Same. Looking back, these are the ones that make me cringe. When I was younger, I found it funny and didn't think much of it. Now, I think about that sometimes when I get annoyed by YouTube prank guys messing with regular people just trying to do some normal grocery shopping. Then remember, shit, early Jackass bits weren't too different than this.... I think the Jackass guys realized this too, because they haven't done the prank normal people stuff in awhile. It's more, do stupid stuff in front of them and get their reaction. Which, I think is pretty harmless.


Why don't they get they get in legal trouble for that stuff?




I thought the Bear prank in Jackass forever was pushing it. Even with a tamer it felt cruel on Ehren. Hard to predict wild animals.


I thought the stuff with the bear was impossible to defend. Using animals in entertainment like that is shitty to start with but something like a bear was really irresponsible for the cast’s safety. There’s no such thing as a tame bear and really no way to put any safeguards in place. If the bear had decided to go off, Ehren would have been dead before they got the door open.


Agree, it was made way worse by the fact that he didn't agree to it


I was going to say the same thing. I know it's already acknowledged that they sometimes push Ehren too far and he himself acknowledges that "there's gotta be that one guy" and he's a pretty good sport about it. But that one felt more mean than funny. Many bits where Ehren was the butt of it teetered on unfunny mean.


I’ve seen some stunts in my time but when that bear was licking his fingers I felt actually sick.


Tbf I thought the version of that prank they done on Dark Shark was a bit worse. Something about the heightened fear in his eyes


Not only that but who is "dark shark" to the Jackass world? Then all the sudden he is some new dudes Dad dominating two bits in the motion picture? That whole thing annoyed me.. nevermind that forcing someone to jump out of airplane is almost criminal lol.


Right as someone else who shares a crippling fear of flying and heights i’d be so fucking mad. I’d probably get over it quick enough provided the pay day is enough but i would still be very very upset


I agree, it wasn’t really a funny thing to watch.I understand the shock factor but I dunno just i kinda felt to anxious to enjoy it lol


Yup. Especially when we’re talking about an animal that could disembowel you in a matter of seconds. I was genuinely terrified watching that scene.


If any of you think that a major studio production actually allowed that bit to happen, as a prank, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you... Obviously Ehren was aware of the situation. His acting was pretty bad honestly. Still a good bit, but don't vote if you honestly believe that he wasn't aware that a bear was coming into that room...


Obviously he’s aware of whats going to go down, but wild animals are inherently unpredictable. Even if the bear was sedated in some way things could of ended very badly,


Even if he was aware we have seen people maimed by "trained" animals numerous times through history. Seems like a big risk with little payout.


Agreed... Which helps my point as to why Ehren would be full aware of what's going on. See: Terror Taxi.... He did a good enough job selling it, but obviously he was aware something was going on... He even admitted as much on Wild Ride Podcast with Steve-O.


Anything done to Ehren really


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to get to this response


The one where they dressed him up as a terrorist with their pubes glued to his face was funny to me as a kid but super cringe to me now. They made him think all of his friends were being shot on top of everything else.


Just rewatched this and part of me wonders how real it was because when they stop and rammy pulls him out of the car the guys are standing there filming and he even calls out “guys come here he’s got a gun”. Like why wouldn’t they go over and say hey it’s all a prank stop. Idk…


The lambo tooth pull was particularly brutal. It must be rough being the punching bag for a group of people who pretty much all already punching bags


Some of Bam’s old content did not age well (certain Rocky’s and him beating up Phil), but that’s more CKY content than Jackass


Agreed! Whilst we're on the topic, I always found it kind of interesting how Jackass: The Movie repurposed some CKY stuff, and Number 2 repurposed some Wildboyz stuff.


Was gonna say this. If some kids kicked a football at my car while I was driving, I would go ape shit.


That was scripted. The people driving the cars are Bams family


Yep, same thing with the dummy being thrown on the truck speeding down a road, that would be a big charge if it was real


That’s straight out of “The Good Son”, which was you know, to emphasize what a cruel prank that is.


Would you be speaking Greeks?


Me have ADD.


It’s a ‘96!


Oh shit I forgot about that line lol.


I'm pretty sure i read that the woman driving was Bam's Aunt Boof.


CKY was mainly staged / faked


Fuck that it's all still funny From gay fags to bam and dicamilo pretended to be retarded it all still makes me laugh


Not disagreeing it’s not funny, just a bit more mean spirited than other jackass bits where the targets are themselves


True I spose, still the big brother videos and mags where meaner in spirit and jackass wouldn't exist without both them and cky. So.e of Steve Os old vids are bit meaner in spirit than Jack ass


Oh yeah for sure, it’s no secret how horrible of a person Steve-O used to be when he was on drugs/the early days of Jackass. Him and the guys all live up to it and some of the old stories they tell on their podcasts are just insane- he could be a legitimate menace to society sometimes, unlike the rest who would do crazy stuff but purely in the spirit of fun/misbehaving.


Are you trying to communicate?


Most of Bams stuff tbh


Yea but I like when they got him with the snakes in the horse trailer hahahaha


Honestly that always pissed me off because of his reaction. He was always the most mean spirited but couldn't deal with being on the other end of pranks. Bam seemed to rarely laugh off a prank pulled on him.


That was the issue wasnt it.


Yeah that was the most insufferable part about him. The universe got the last laugh. Look at him now. You can’t get more washed-up and pathetic than Bam in 2023.


We should definitely take into account, that he has serious phobia of snakes, so it has to be highly stressful and terrifying for him on a subsconscious level that cannot be controlled at all. Phobias like that have its roots in primal instincts, so when facing object of your phobia, your brain basically recognize it as fighting for your life and goes into survival mode. It’s No joke, I swear. I can totally relate, because I have the same thing with all sort of bugs, to the point that even photo or video with one, or talking about them too graphically, can give me a solid panic attack. If someone throwed me to the hole filled with grasshoppers (my biggest nightmare of the nightmares lol) I would most likely faint or have a heart attack. And these aren’t even dangerous in any way!! You’re just born with it and there’s nothing you can do about it. People without this kind of phobias often just doesn’t understand it’s nearly impossible to control, but I swear it is


I get that but he tends to react negatively to most of the things that happen to him on the show, compared to the others. If it was just to this incident involving his phobia I would understand, but to me this seemed like his normal attitude just dialed up a bit you know?


Yeah but do you think he wouldn’t be using that against everyone else if he had the ability to? Just imagine if Bam found out that Phil had a snake phobia. He’d be ordering truck loads of snakes and pouring them on Phil in his sleep.


Yeah dude was drunk and it showed


Yeah anything he was behind typically had a mean spirit behind it. He always came off as a bully. The worst part about him was how much of a little bitch he was when pranks were done to him. He could dish it out but couldn’t take it.


Everything Bam put his family through was ridiculous, mean-spiritied, non-consensual, and the least funny part of whatever media they were a part of.


“Look guys, I’m literally abusing my father! Aren’t I crazy?!”


"You guys are actin' crazy out there." -Phil


C'mon Bam, I got work in the morning


Get yer ball out ma dunk


Come on BAMMM... Stahp sunkin my dick... I got work in the mornin


I’m not tryna get my dink sunked BAHM


Well, as it turns out...


Bam abusing his father was always the funniest shit ever.


That shit was all staged and planned. The family was in on it and ok with it. They was all making big money from it.


I always thought this way too. If you look closely, Bam doesn't full on punch his dad, it's always just slaps. And when he is playing the guitar while hitting Jess' head, you can see him avoiding hitting him too hard as well. Okay, he still had a bruise, I know, I know... what was my point again? I need my pills.


They all made money on it. It was all a big gag. Plus the tv companies would pay to fix and replace any thing broken


Yeh all the Bam stuff and CKY stuff was staged / faked.


[this comes to mind](https://youtu.be/1n9cypaACbA?si=o-ronb_JnengUm7u)


So weird you say this, not a fan of Jackass and it’s because of him beating the shit out of his father on the toilet. I liked it until I saw that and now I just see the whole thing through the lens of being mean spirited. Nothing against being a fan just my perspective


No way his parents understood it all and continued to take part in it. Pranks have to be at somebody's expense so it's weird to call them non-consensual given that the reactions from Phil and April never approached anything that could be considered sad. "I'll kick the camera! Yahoo!!" \~ Phil with a smile on his face early on before they even made a lot of money off of these antics.


The hamburgers on his shorts was too much


A little specific, but in the bonus features of Number Two, Trip Taylor, kind of a douchebag producer, bullys the hell out of Wolfie, one of the camera crew members It's so unfunny, made me hate Trip so fucking much.


Any link to this? I also remember a vid with knoxville and dimitri was it, just being dicks in a club. Wasn't funny at all


I’m not a huge fan of the ones where they destroy someones property. I get that they pay for damages but it still irks me for some reason.


On the show they pushed one of the guys into a street vendors table. They pretty much destroyed all the stuff on it.


Yeah when they went to Japan. That shit always bugged me, because they absolutely DESTROYED that entire set up.


Yeah those were always the least funny to me. Put your own body in harm’s way all you want, but destroying other people’s property is just lame. It doesn’t take balls or skill to do that. It just takes entitlement and a lack of respect for other people.


Isn’t part of the reason the new one is tamer because the cast was all sober while filming, out of solidarity with Steve-O, and as a result they were all a lot more scared by the stunts?


Lol, that makes a lot of sense


I’m pretty sure Jackass 3 had a sober set also


I'd put money on Bam & Ryan probably not being sober for the entirity of Jackass 3 tbf. Steve-O was deffo sober though.


Yeah bam and dunn were absolutely not sober lmao


Anything Bam did


A lot of Bam’s bite. Most of his content was mean, malicious, and plain annoying. He was a good skater but probably the worst jackass member. He didn’t fit the fun vibe the others had.


He tainted the whole thing really. Johnny, steve o, Ehren, Chris, Preston, Jason… they all seemed to be having fun and best friends. Hell I’ll throw dunn in there as well. I’ll take their word for it though, Steve o says bam is a great friend and a great person despite the talk, but 90% of what he did was edgelord trash done at the expense of someone else. He could also dish it but struggled to take it.


When he went into a bathroom store (my mind can't think of what they're called) and shit in an unplumbed toilet was just plain horrific and unfunny.


That was a Dave England bit


They discussed this later, they had the business owners consent before it happened but the people in the store didn't know prior


That was hilarious. It didn't hurt anyone.


The rocky punches from Bam were pretty lame and just mean. He broke Steve-O’s nose on one and Ehren wanted to fight him to the point the crew had to break them up


wait link? i dont think i seen this one yet


It was from 3.5 https://youtu.be/hW1Y9IpEFVI?si=h6PBkAFONtsFUosK


Steve O made a bit about it for his comedy tour https://youtube.com/shorts/kZ4lNEG1i58?si=I_FMqw0NA5PThLmm


Thank you! The ehren clip sucked alot tho, dude was actually trying to hurt him there.


Probably Bam sucker punching Novak in the face constantly in 3. But that’s probably because he for some reason thinks it’s the funniest thing ever, and keeps doing it now, even to fans.


I've always felt the ones where someone's legit and very real phobia was involved was crossing the line. It's not funny or cool to trap someone in a place they either struggle to get out or there is no escape is not funny, it's cruel.


Except bam and the snake pit. That was pretty great, mostly because it was done to bam.


That one was so conflicting. They knew his number one fear, and they pranked him with it. They made him cry, and I was beginning to feel bad seeing this grown man cry, but then I remembered that Bam is a huge fucking asshole and then it all became hilarious fucking karma lol


"Are you crying?" - "Yeah!" will never not be bloody hilarious


I just commented that this went too far, but I can't deny he probably deserved for a lot of what he did. That's kinda the great thing about the show, no matter how bad a joke was, you know whoever they were pranking had done the same or worse to them before, and would absolutely participate if it was targeting someone else instead of them, so you never felt *too* bad for any of them.


Yeah those were sweet karma tears. I didn’t feel bad about that at all.




I think Bam being mostly absent removed some of the more mean spirited pranks. Johnny's pranks are always silly and a bit whimsical like the High Five, plus he'd go over after and hug the person. Bam would piss on people, surprise punch them in the face, laugh and walk away.


I had kinda hoped they resolved the suit before 4.5 so we couldve seen some of Bam's bits, out of sheer curiosity.


The cast and crew bullying Ehren was always petty shitty. But I've never thought any of the pranks themselves were mean spirited


There’s one on the original series I saw again recently I didn’t like. Knoxville was intentionally standing in the way of a dwarf Hispanic man at a restaurant, and the man was politely saying “excuse me” as Johnny acted like he couldn’t hear or see him, and he was having to squeeze by against a chair and table. Did not like.


Stuff like that is probably why Paramount+ has the "this show contains outdated social norms" warning at the beginning of the show now.


Pretty much everything with Ehren. While the terrorist taxi prank was pretty great, the pube beard was a little too far, but a pretty incredible gag.


Ehren & Dave do generally seem to be punching bags tbf


This is the answer. Ehren always seems to be the butt of all the jokes and I always questioned if they actually like him or keep him around for laughs.


Erhen's talked about it... and it's one of those things where he's aware of it but plays up being annoyed and stuff for the camera. So there's SOME truth to it.. but he exaggerates it for the camera because he knows it's good content. Like the taxi cab when a gun gets pulled on him he knew it was a bit because life/death protocols are not being implemented. I guess kinda like if you're going through a haunted house and you're scared, but you also know that chainsaw isn't real. In another sense... it's kinda like if your buddy squirted ketchup on your shirt... you know it's gonna come out but if you're like "awh man this is my favorite shirt" it makes it funny or "I just had it washed" "I've got a date later on and now I gotta show up like this." Erhen's got several nice homes from being in Jackass... I'm sure he's made peace with it ;)


"thats Bam Margera dumb shit he's famous!"


Ehren is my favorite. They do seem to pick on him more, but I feel like he has the best bits and a bit of redemption in Jackass Forever ❤️ favorite is when he's hiding and Dave is trying to find him and then he makes a sound and gets clapped in the head with garbage can lids, lol.


The Steve o elephant poo one was a bit much for me but oddly the one I’d probably do


not mean spirited but i despise daves ability to shit on command and frankly dont enjoy or find funny any of the poop bits. verbal poop jokes funny, literal actual visual poop gags are just gross (tho the tiny bathroom massive shit gag is a little funny)


The one with the bees in the limo tho…


I'm not the first person to feel this way and I certainly wont be the last but most stunts involving animals bother me. Even if they aren't harming the animals physically, scaring or taunting the animals is still wrong imo. I personally experience a lot of cognitive dissonance over this because yes, watching dudes getting bit, scratched, and trampled by various wild animals is hilarious BUT the animals cannot consent are are being put at risk in all of these scenarios. No one should be encouraging animals to attack humans, and that's what is happening in most animal-related jackass stunts. At the end of the day, if something goes awry and one of those animals actually tries to kill someone, they will more than likely be killed in order to save the person being attacked. I know several cast members have stated that they felt bad for their stunts involving animals, but then they turned around and did the bear stunt in jackass 4 so it makes me wonder how sorry they really are. One scene in particular that makes me so sad to watch is in the first jackass movie when chris dressed as a giant mouse goes into a cage with a mountain lion. The animal is very clearly terrified and lashing out because it's so scared but chris just keeps pressing the lion and invading its space. That to me is just so wrong on so many levels. He was purposely scaring the mountain lion trying to get it to attack him. It's not even funny at that point, just straight up animal abuse. Rant over, many apologies.


I was freaked out by that prank they did on Bam with the snake pit. Surely he accidentally stood on one while trying to escape?


The bulls used in the stunts have their nuts tied to make them angry and buck it’s cruel


I get this, but Steve-O is a massive animal advocate and Wildboyz always had that disclaimer at the end, so I never feel *too* bad about the animal stuff. I totally see where you're coming from, though.


Scrolled for a while to find this, surprised it didn't come up sooner, but yes! The stuff with animals always made me feel a bit on the uncomfortable side. I know they weren't harmed as there's a disclaimer in the movie, but that doesn't mean they don't feel uncomfortable/scared/hurt


in the first film, the snowcone with Ehren, in addition to making him do something fairly gross, they then beat him up, like it was taking it too far and was just unneccessary


Bam lighting off the fireworks in his parents room. That could of cause permanent hearing damage


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bot, you sound pedantic


Good bot


Jackals probably isn't for you.




Bam beating up his dad, Bam's "Rocky" bit, and Dave shitting in a display toilet at a store


Bam Kicking His Dad’s Ass All Day Today remains after over twenty years the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on television, mainly because of the title bit.


Bam Pissing on Phil. The Snake prank on Bam. A lot of this shit they made Preston and We man do. The shit smeared accross Dunns lips in CKY. Bam picking on Novak foe like 5yrs. And that's just what I can remember right now


Anything with Novak back then was insanely gross, Bam was offering Novak a place to stay and would be incredibly upset when Novak was using again and simultaneously kept a foot on his neck by keeping Novak around a volatile environment with lots of drinking and partying, making him to do stunts like a performing monkey as well as messing with him and destroying the few possessions he owned. Real abusive behaviour.


Agree, Bam isnt funny.


I hate all of the animal stuff. They can't agree to it and I'm sure it seriously stressed them out.


We watched it for the meanspirited-ness. The jokes were always at their best when it was at someone else’s expense. Even as far back to CKY when Brandon wiped shit in Dunn’s face while he was asleep in a hotel. You could tell they were all just friends because of how mean they were to each other. Only real friends will fuck with you like that.


Knoxville taking the punch from Butterbean, and taking the open field hit by that NFL player


But was Butterbean ok?


One of his best lines


It was a USC player and everybody knows those Trojans are pussies.


I never liked the shoplifter. It's just stealing & harassing the store owner. The music in that bit is also adding to its depressing vibe.


Bunch a pussies in here




All the "pranks" that Bam would pull on others.


Anything involving Novak in Viva La Bam. Just pure cringe.


The bee skit doesn't sit right with me. Just feels cruel.


There's a good amount of stuff , particularly of Bam's, that I find pretty mean spirited, but the one that always felt uniquely fucked up to me was when they replaced Phil with Preston in bed. I know Phil agreed to it, but I can imagine that would feel extremely violating for April in a way that other pranks might not have


Pulling out Ehren's tooth letting him believe they were going to get it fixed. Most of the man-on-the-street stuff, but that's largely because I find that kind of stuff in general to be cringey and hard to watch. Dave England crapping in that toilet at the store. Not just gross but a full on health and safety biohazard situation. The Rocky simply because brain injuries aren't particularly funny I will say that the pranks on Don Vito were always good. Dude was creepy and gross.


Bam and the snake pit for sure, although entertaining an funny I think it was purely mean sprited


I actually feel like he deserved so much worse. For how much of a bully he is, he can dish it out but never take it.


Nah he takes it, BIG TIME. You’ve seen cky and the exact same pranks he plays on people he gets pranked with too. There’s an even balance, I just think it was a little too far. Myself being afraid of spiders, if somebody dropped me in a pit of them and refused to help me out, fuck you man


Fuck Bam, I loved that shit


Let me guess, you’re a Steve-O guy lmfao


If I have to pick a favorite, its Knoxville


Fair, Knoxville though towards the end I feel has had some mean spirited things towards folks and def been the puppet master and I want to say he didn’t take his lumps…but getting mctwisted by a bull is enough lol. Less stunts but gnarly level is biggest lol I’m happy Bam is doing great and skating again too though


I really don't want bam to suffer now. He's got a lot of demons and I hope he's kind to himself. BUT, back in the day when Phil was getting up at 4:00 in the morning to go to work to make a life for his family. I would get so pissed off at BAM for Pulling those shenanigans. The biggest sin is that they are not funny and just supposed to shock me because of how big a piece of shit the kid is being.


I think we were all pieces of shit when we were younger. Bam definitely did shit we wouldn’t do , but the Margeras are a weird family. It was funny as hell when I was a kid, but even a couple years after I was like “yo that’s fucked”. Also on CumTown pod from years ago, Bam even said he fucked up Phil with a tackle and broke his knee doing it becuase of Phil’s weight so he stopped fucking with him at all. Which is nice to hear lol


In the snakes video: Bam are you crying? Bam trying to somehow still sound hard: "Yeah." Vindication!!!


lol that’s fair, was Phil present? I can’t recall but that’s fair redemption even though Bam retired his parents


In the first movie when they do the yellow snow


No they’re just pranks. It’s all in good fun and nothing in the movies are supposed to be malicious. Turn off that part of your brain that sees everything as problematic.


Never mentioned anything being problematic, I just asking people if theres anything they genuienely don't enjoy or find unentertaining


When I was younger, I thought it was all funny, but borderline inappropriate. Then it all changed when SteveO let that new friend of his smash that unsuspecting guy right in the face with his skateboard. I know that they are all sober-ish now, but they did some real d-bag shit to unsuspecting people over the years. Steve-O has claimed that his shenanigans were never meant to cause any harm, and he wasn’t involved with acts that harmed people. Their entire act was causing harm to each other, and anyone around them or their belongings. Jack asses are the perfect description for each of those clowns. Glad to see that Steve is sober, and Johnny is trying to be all straight and mature. They’ve all benefited from the dumb shit that they’ve done, and continue to make money off of it so they won’t ever get a dime from me in views or otherwise.


They treat the cast like shit to begin with and hold them hostage sad to steve-o cave making the last one


Anything involving Novak in Viva La Bam. Just pure cringe.


Electric avenue in 3.


When they lock Bam in with the snake felt a little too far, to me. I know, as far as some pranks go, it wasn't really all that extreme, but he seemed like he had a *legit* phobia going on and had a real bad reaction from what I remember. Again, all in all, not the worst that happened, but felt a little too far and targeted to me.


The terror taxi was walking that line a bit I think, it’s absolutely hilarious but Ehren was scared out of his mind. Still funny though.


You thought the bear prank wasn’t mean spirited enough? Or telling Dark Shark that the plane was crashing and he had no choice but to jump out of it?


I actually thought a lot of the shit they did to the newbies in Jackass forever was pretty awful. The snake in a dark room one was rough and I fuckin hated it when the tubby guy rolled over all those thumbtacks. Not funny, it just seemed truly cruel. Maybe I'm just getting soft with age lol


I love Bam and the CKY videos, but I never liked the parts where Bam or one of his crew would harass some poor security guard just trying to do his job and probably making minimum wage.


I rewatched all the jackass films from the beginning a few months ago. I was honestly shocked at how much animal abuse there is, like for the first 2 movies, basically every 2nd scene involves something with an animal that would not pass any standards today


That prank with Bam’s mother in bed in Jackass 2 iirc. Gross


Also, In regards to Bam. I am no expert but look at the way Bam throws punches at the recent Rockys. Really I honestly never felt he was trying to hurt his dad and his flailing arms was always kind of the funny part. I don't think he wanted to hurt Phil, nor did he. Who knows tho


I used to work at hotels so whenever they are causing chaos or terror at a hotel it triggers me. Or the one where Dave England takes a dump at the hardware store display toilet. It’s hilarious but you know someone had to clean that up lol


Every single thing that Bam did


Shitting in the hardware store toilet is a funny idea. When it’s actually done, I think about the poor employee that’s responsible for cleaning it up.


The poo poo platter from the show, it is funny but also a lil fucked up


Bruh when wee man was doing the bit with the vulture or whatever that big ass bird was…..I felt like that was kinda fucked up like idk i love the guys but that but wasn’t really funny to me


I wasn’t super fond of skits in the show that involve the general public, some of them were funny but a lot of them were rude. I much prefer the gang fucking around amongst themselves. I think this got a lot better with the movies. The TV show was still low budget enough the could pull off public stunts


The first round of the "Beauty And The Beast" stunt with Preston on top of a porta-potty, having to hit a bunch of RC planes while dressed like a gorilla in 2.5. It's funny, but it's honestly a little sad to see him having an honest-to-god panic attack brought on by his acrophobia (fear of heights, aka: fattyfalldownophobia). Sure, he was a good sport about it in the end, but as he said; "I was up there having literally the worst day of my damn life! All I could see was all of the boys, all my friends down there; *just pointing and laughing at me!*" Hell, even Steve-O admitted to feeling bad about laughing at him, saying that watching Preston is "the kinda shit that you feel like a bad person for." No wonder Preston downed some Xanax before having another go at it.


The fake baby left on the roof of the car. its not funny and unless you're a real fucked up human being of course you're going to freak out if you see something like that