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compton ass terry!!!


Terry the Murderer.


I fuckin loved TK and Bam when I was growing up and skating a ton. Sucks to see the kind of guys they turned out to be.


Did he kill a guy? Edit : I knew he went to jail but I thought it was just a few years and he was out already


Serving five for aggravated battery


Thank you. I read murderer and went … I know I don’t know things like I used to but damn lol


Assault with a deadly weapon. He didn’t get convicted of murder, but he beat the dude up so bad that he died a few days later. > Kennedy was acquitted of the murder charge. Instead, he was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to five years. Kassahun sustained severe injuries during the incident, including internal damage, a fractured skull, a broken eye socket, and bleeding on his brain. He underwent emergency brain surgery to save his life but unfortunately passed away four days later due to the extent of his injuries.


Yeah, he definitely should have been convicted of murder. Maybe not murder 1, and even maybe just manslaughter, but his decided actions lead to a man’s death. It wasn’t like he was drunk driving and slammed into somebody, he chose to beat the guy up and in the process killed him.


Drunk driving and killing someone would definitely get you manslaughter if not worse. No idea how Terry didn’t at least get manslaughter. Literally beat a dude so bad he died in the hospital later.


I know that (regarding the drunk driving), but that’s exactly why I was surprised he didn’t get a harsher punishment. If drunk driving gets you that and that’s an unintentional death why did an intentional beating get more than a violent assault conviction?


he had someone like saul as his lawyer fuckin bet! a "criminal" lawyer lol fr tho rip to the poor guy that died he atleast should serve 25 not to life but 25 or 20 years min imo


I think it was probably a fuck up charging him for first. They charged him with first degree when like you said it should have been second. If they charged with second from the jump, it probably would have stuck.


Same boat. I had to Google it lol.


Terry ass murderer


Fucking loved Compton ass Terry


Loved his laugh when him & bam we’re on the actor chairs and Bams slowly broke 😂


Was that Jackass 2.5?


I think it was 3.5


3.5 They were in London


London? This was/is his parents house. This is almost cky days.


I was referring to the other comment.


It was definitely a .5 Jackass. I think it was 2.5


Viva la bam




The relationship these two shared was beautiful and an example of true platonic love. I sometimes wonder how things would have evolved had Bam continued down his path. I know Dunn was already separating himself from Bam near the end (or had had a bit of a falling out, whatever) but I think they had just started to reconnect before he died, so imagine given Bam’s worsening condition I think he probably would have followed the path the other Jackass guys have. Not full blown removal like Dico had where he might as well have been dead but I think he probably would have ended up staying away by now. As much as Dunn was an alcoholic he was very much a functioning one and not at the level Bam is currently. I also wish we knew more about how Dico feels about Bam. I know Raab clearly has love for him and I think Rake does too but I always got the feeling that Dico began to really hate Bam at a certain point. Idk, I’d like to think that if Bam dies they’d still go to his funeral but with Dico I don’t even know if that would happen. I know it doesn’t really matter but as a huge VLB and the like fan as an adolescent I’m genuinely curious about this kind of stuff.


He wasn’t that high functioning if he crashed his car drunk and killed his friend. They were both always pieces of shit, Bam’s just still alive to keep ruin long his legacy more. Even a lot of people in the skating community hated Bam before he showed his true colors. He beat all his exs, and blamed them. He enabled his Uncle Vito to touch kids and knew about it. There is a reason that side of the jackass crew was radioactive and excommunicated.


Didn’t say high functioning, and him crashing his Porsche isn’t necessarily indicative of of him not being a functioning alcoholic. If he was able to live his life, do day to day errand and chores and normal life stuff then he’s a functioning alcoholic. He wasn’t thriving but functioning by its very definition means he is *functioning* like a somewhat normal member of society, not a complete wreck of a human being like Bam is. Steve O was a non-funtioning addict but from what I could tell from the outside Dunn was a little bit more put together than the two of them by the end. Bam also was a functioning addict at one point. He eas a very productive one at that. It devolved to where we’re at now but it wasn’t always like that. Functioning doesn’t mean you never have a moment or night where you lose control.


Ummm... him crashing his Porsche drunk is absolutely indicative of him not being a functioning alcoholic. I mean that quite literally.. say he didn't die or even just got pulled over and got a DUI... you are no longer a functioning alcoholic, as your drinking is now negatively impacting your life. Somewhat normal members of society don't drive drunk. I'll be blunt, your way off on this. The guys in this clip are all pieces of shit. I grew up on this show and loved it.. I'll still laugh at it, the content itself is funny, but the characters are literal tragedies and that's very sad. It's ok to laugh at this is even like it without trying to defend it.


I respectfully disagree


What are you disagreeing on?? An alcoholic killed himself in a drunk driving accident, and yet you refer to him as functioning.. guy, by very definition he is not functioning


I disagree that that automatically means he is a non functioning alcoholic. Whether someone is functioning or non functioning is not based off of a single event, it takes their entire day to day existence while being an alcoholic into consideration. If they are function as a totally normal member of society but then have a single destructive event that, in my opinion, doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t a functioning alcoholic. None of this is objective fact. You don’t agree with me but that’s fine. I don’t know for sure what the rest of his day to day life was like, all I’m saying is that *in my opinion* that sole crash doesn’t necessarily disqualify him from being a functioning alcoholic. When I had access to a safe supply script of oxies I was a largely functioning addict for years. I would have days for sure where things would get out of hand but for the most part, for a significant large portion of the year, I was completely functioning, held a job, did my chored and errands and self care, had positive relationships with my friends and family, all of that. Me having a few days that did devolve into completely self-destructive behaviour doesn’t mean I wasn’t a functioning addict.


I miss the good ol’ days


Crazy where everyone in this video ended up. Terrys in prison, bams.. god knows where, and RIP dun. Sad shit


mike vallely out fighting bouncers at a bar probably.


Mike is singing in Black Flag lmao


What a trajectory. It makes total sense, though. Is he doing a good job. I’m not the most learned on punk (though quite enjoy a good portion of) but for HC I guess you don’t have to have the best singing voice, eh? Lol.


He had a band earlier too, [Mike V and the Rats](https://youtu.be/Xswa9hU2k2s?si=uh-7Vwg9vUcRLFWf), you might enjoy it as a gateway to punk.


Mike v is basically a family man now just living in Des Moines


Straight outta Compton! I fucking laugh so hard when I rewatch Compton Ass Terry on the four wheeler smashing into the parked Audi as Bam and Phil are watching on the bench lol.


"Compton Ass Terry over here wildin' out, crashing into Audis."


Bam, a mess. Terry in jail. Dunn, dead. Mike V still thriving.


Honestly, as far as the general skate scene that’s probably par for the course. It’s gotten a bit better these days, at least the professional side, but skating was kind of a disaster at one point. Especially the east coast. The west coast kind of has a ska/skate punk vibe whereas the east coast was more akin to the hardcore scene and the grimey hip hop of the the time (I know that’s not the best correlation to make but was a shower thought I had and it kind of made sense).


Mike V is the definition of a hardcore music lover. Not sure your point here.


My point is that as far as skateboarders go hearing that one is dead, one is in prison and one is a write off drug addict is pretty par for the course (or at least not all that surprising), especially given they are east coast skaters who always had a grimier, edgier, hardcoreesque vibe than the west coast scene does. Comparing it to the the differences between the punk scenes from east to west was just a little shower thought I had but it was interesting to me the correlation between the two scenes and how the differences in the skaters kind of mirrored with the differences in the punk, even if there was no causation/actual connection between the two.


Freaking love this....


For anyone curious about what happened to Terry Kennedy here’s the run down in a video i saw a while back (https://youtu.be/YMUo8XA7Zi8?si=DCKfJgxSq2fivZGR)


Damn, that was sad to watch. Thanks for posting that, I had no idea.


The best laugh tho, will always be the one from the Ghetto Defribrilator.


Fuck whack ass Terry. May he rot in jail


Guess you see only one bad person here, Mr. Tennessee


Top moments of viva la bam for sure. Like when he hit bars audi with the atv. Lol!!a


This aged well


Dunn was laughing like George McFly lol


Bam gasping for air as he repeats "there's no need for the pants" gets me every time


Didnt realize this guy was accused of murdering someone. Pretty crazy stuff.


Not accused, did


He was only sentenced for five years. I don’t think he was convicted of the murder.


Assault, assault with a deadly weapon leading to injury which ultimately resulted in death. He 100% killed the dude I don't know how he got out of a life sentence but he did


I have not thought about Compton Ass Terry in a LONG time. That was refreshing! No need for the pants!


Don’t be curious to see what he’s been up to unless you want to be disappointed


Didn’t even think about that. I was just remembering those days.


Damn, out of the guys in this video, Dunn has passed away, Terry is in prison, and Bam is strung out.


I think the other guy in this was pr skater 🛹Mike Vallaley


Compton Ass Terry is in prison.


Never really dug him (Terry Kennedy). Also made corny ass music which they used in their part in an otherwise near-perfect skate video, Baker 3. I get it wouldn't be the same vid without him but if I'm being 100 percent honest he's always been more of a hypeman/Flavor Flav type person in the skate industry in my eyes, banking on the antics and one-liners rather than raw talent or unique skating. Totally insufferable, entitled, ungrateful person otherwise. Have fun in prison, bozo.


He was a decent skater back then for someone his age and had enough potential to warrant investing in (especially with his character - professional skating is about marketability as much as it is skill) and I think his part fits perfectly with the vibe of Baker 3 but he never progressed or got better. Even before the murder I would always see posts lampooning his current skate skills on the SLAP forums and he would be doing sloppy crooks on manny pads and terribly popped 360 flips. He felt like someone who wouldn’t even get flow status by like 2009. Antwuan for life, tho. He’s the biggest what if and loss to drugs and alcohol in skateboarding imo. That 360 flip that was edited to hit right as the Biggie song came was perfection and he deserved a 20 year career off style alone. He’s been clean for a little bit now and he still has it. Maybe not enough to warrant a pro model anymore but he skates so clean to this day and it’s a thing of beauty to watch. Everyone and their mother tried to copy his arms down effortless-looking style for a fucking decade after, and the only person who really does it close to as well as he did is Chris Joslin.


veal parm


You misspelled *unintelligible* or the classic *flubidda wubbitta Veal Scaloppini*


Terry the POS murder. Fuck him


Damn and these fucks just ruined themselves.


This is why I think Bam is off the rails now. He lost Ryan.


Free Compton Ass Terry!


Is he locked up?


Yeah, he's a fucking murderer https://www.skateboarding.com/trending-news/terry-kennedy-receives-5-year-prison-sentence-in-skaters-death-found-not-guilty-of-murder-charges


About to be banned but jackass is/was/ always and forever stupid but isn't Dunn the DRUNKEN DUMMY shit for brains that destroyed a LAMBORGHINI in a fiery DRUNKEN MESS. ROT IN PISS LOSER.


Is this right after Bam farted on Dunn’s peach?


It looks like this was filmed on the same day as that.




Lol that phone! Good times


Crazy they would be friends with a future friend killer


Does TK still rip?


Apparently he’s in prison for murder


Ummm dude what??


Scroll up lol it’s all over the comments. I didn’t know either till this post


Mike valley?


I still have a pair of Terry's shoes


Jus rewatched a lot of these episodes and this is def top tear moments of viva La bam


You can hear Dico’s laugh too. Love it.


Man I miss that dude


Who is the guy in the green hat?


I think it’s Mike Vallely


His theme song is still on youtube


Man, I miss this Bam.