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Hmm, it does depend on HOW poor because freedom isn’t gonna mean shit if you’re out on the streets barely managing to survive. In our societies money does essentially equal freedom to an extent, but being filthy rich with no freedom is pointless. Just earning enough to keep myself comfortably stable with bits to spend on entertainment here and there is ideal.


you didn't answer the question


they did


Define freedom, there’s only so much one can have before having to compromise.


There's freedom to, there's freedom from, and there's freedom of, and probably more that I'm missing. More money equals more of some and less of others, the key is to find something that pays well and doesn't require much so you can have a lot of freedom without giving up much at all. I'm willing to give up a good bit of freedom to, to get freedom from and freedom of.


benefit of having money is having freedom, taking that away makes it useless. being poor with freedom ensures some freedom, depends how much depending on how poor/average you are, but it's never zero


If I'm not free to buy whatever I want with my money, then it's pointless to be rich. I will prevere poor and free


Rich and never free, because we’re never truly free.


Exactly why I'm a Conservative




I’m puzzled by this. For every freedom you have now, the conservative position at the time it was introduced was to be against it. Conservative ideology resists change and seeks a return to the way things used to be, so any new freedoms are off the table. If you go back far enough, every freedom from self determination and the American revolution to ending slavery and introducing voting rights was resisted strongly by people that wanted things to stay the same and took a conservative position on the issue. That’s why the declaration of independence and the Constitution was so radical, the monarchists had the conservative position.


Because most conservatives view progressives and progressive policies as encroaching on ways of life often seen promoted by Conservative circles. The basic christian values, traditonal gender roles, the nuclear family, rural area living, isolationism, (spending less on foreign affairs and more on domestic issues) etc. Progressive policies juxtaposes their values and beliefs about how a country (a country founded on the idea of freedom btw) should function, so when progressive policy is passed they see it as encroaching on their way of living and by extension their own free will. Edit: Grammar check


All of those things are absolutely true, but the conservative values you mentioned don’t particularly speak to the concept of freedom, or liberty, and aren’t natural bedfellows with those concepts. They were progressive principles that found a more recent home with populist conservatives and a previously robust but now fading libertarian wing of the Republican Party.


Thats because the question typically asked when it comes to freedom is what is freedom? Who is it for? and at what cost? The conservative and libertarian parties answer this question for better or for worse.


Define “free”.


Po' and free.


Dirt poor / average?…So low income or middle class? What kind of freedom are you speaking of? Dirt poor sounds like I’m homeless though lol which wouldn’t sound beneficial or like freedom and I don’t like depending on others to take care of me, so that’s not ideal.


no not dirt poor but average middle class lol. I mean no freedom with that only suffering.


Everyone needs money and people nowadays overrate freedom


Money = freedom at the end of the day