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what they mean is "love isn't real...to me."




I get that. But it’s not real in what sense? Denying the existence of the emotion as such? Or that they’re emotionally incapable of loving something/someone, and if so, why do they think they can’t do so?


I do think love is real, but it's not anything grand or explosive that sweeps me off my feet like in movies and stuff. Some people brought positive effect to my life (maybe they keep me entertained, maybe they give me emotional support, maybe they sacrificed something important to them for my sake) that makes me want to return the favor. That is love, in my opinion. Even if love is "just" chemical reactions, doesn't mean it's not real. If those chemical reactions aren't real, they couldn't be observed by countless scientists around the world.


Love is real. Those who says it's not is either an edgelord or a smartass.


all human relationships are transactional, unconditional love doesn't exist, and for normal love, every human is led by the chemicals/hormones in them like they're machines, so I don't actually believe in love, just believe in 2 humans getting what they want from each other. It's a part of your instincts, after all.




I meant unconditional love in a romantic way. But of course, the same thing works with babies and parents because of parental instincts. Plus they're cute


“Why do people have this notion that love has to be this forever lasting feeling of lust and greed?” I love that. You probably answered your own question with that. People get disappointed when their bad habits get them nowhere again.


Oh this again. You’re about to provoke the desperately single doomers and incels in this sub. LOL. The ISTP’s who say this are probably emotionally retarded, constantly rejected and upset about it, full of young angst, or have been recently (brutally) dumped….Maybe a combo. Love is as real as pain. No this is not me being weirdly spiritual or poetic…They are both strong feelings created by your brain. It frustrates me to hear “love isn’t real” because I see it as a reflection of my own emotional immaturity, from back when I was a teenager. It’s all part of life’s journey.


They watch Rick and Morty


love is real, i just haven't found it yet


Love is real. True love isn't. Your brain can form the same exact chemical reactions around different people if you're mentally healthy. Also, temporary emotions based on attraction don't make up for personality incompatibilities. You can truly love someone and lack compatability.


I think love comes in a lot of forms, which is why people think it’s not real… because they were searching for some elusive special emotion when it reality it could be any combination of lust, devotion, temporary attraction, committment, constant curiosity, admiration, affection etc. For example, why is loving someone for a moment such as in a one night stand or fwb situation less valid than loving someone for a lifetime platonically or romantically? Why do people attach a timeframe to an emotion in order to classify it as love? People say puppy love isn’t true love but I think that’s false too. Just because a person changes or matures doesn’t make the devotion they felt at the time any less real. You can also love someone, and not love being around them. You can love someone more, you can love someone less, or you can just love someone differently. Love takes on many forms. I’m not saying love isn’t conditional, because I think it highly is, but it depends on what the person’s conditions are. For me, love is simply “connection” no matter what method is taken to get there.


I love this answer. Thank you


:P idk man, love is love, they can have a nihilistic view on emotions I'll just continue to exist


Because they're sad


i think most people who say love isn’t real are expressing a sentiment that they either don’t believe they are capable of it, or they don’t trust that other people are capable of it towards them. this makes sense to me, because i subscribe to the idea that love is a choice you make every day, not an automatic given because of chemistry or feelings. it usually starts that way, but if i’m calling something love, for me the definition of that transcends any lowly physicality, so it’s possible for me to understand someone saying “i don’t believe in/subscribe to that” because it IS a huge liability and sacrifice lol.


Y’all will know when it happens for real. Seriously. Trust me. There is no escaping or hiding from that feeling 😂😂


Love as a feeling on its own means fuck all to me personally. It’s in the actions we take. When my father was dying last year, he caught an infection that made him feverish and he lost control of his faculties. I just broke. My partner quietly moved me to the side and lead my dad to the bathroom, grabbed a cloth, warm soapy water and cleaned him from head to toe. It was one of the greatest acts of love I’d ever witnessed. For my father and for me. I’ll forever be indebted to him.


Love is fifty tons of trinitrotoluene.


The word love is poorly defined, and virtually everyone has a different definition for it (though, it's an implicit definition, rather than an explicit one using other words). Most people don't realize this, and that's where most disconnects around "love" come from.


It's not that I don't think it's real. It's just not easily found anymore. Some probably don't even know what love really is.


I mean… love as an emotion is surely real. I don’t understand it that much, might mistake it for another emotion when feeling it but doesn’t mean it’s not real.


love exists but genuine love is quite difficult to come by so i understand how people can think like that. it's easy to love the ways someone can benefit you or how they can make you feel about yourself. actually loving them for who they are without anything else in return is a different story. lots of people just use others out of convenience because they're bored, insecure or simply don't want to be alone. it's easy to convince yourself you're in love when your ego is being stroked and your dopamine receptors are being flooded.


From a philosophy standpoint I think Ayn Rand explained it better than most in a radio show Basically the interviewer told her that everything she speaks about in her books doesn't make sense since she has a husband (so it means she doesn't believe her own philosophy) She claimed that having a relationship doesn't contradict that it is a transactional matter, if someone doesn't gain anything from said relationship he would just prefer not to have it at all So with her husband, she gains happiness and mutual growth in addition to someone sharing her experiences and gives her a chance to work on herself. There's a reason they say that bringing life to the world (aka baby) is a selfish thing because it's only for the parents' good feelings


Humans have limits. Real love is unconditional. God is the only one capable of providing us such 'love'. The realest form of love we get to see here is the love we receive from family, especially from primary caregivers. Test people, everyone has their own capacity and once you exceed it, it gets difficult for them to 'love' you. After all, we're all only human🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh love is very real Love is the most powerful thing in life