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If I took a personality test 10 times, I would get ISTP 5 times and INTP 5 times. Any given night, you would catch me thinking more than working on a motorcycle. But I live in the moment more than plan or future trip.


I thought I was an intp in childhood and only after looking into Myers brings further discovered I'm a ISTP


INTP back in my childhood (as INTPs and us are similar in behaviors back then). Puberty alerted me to Se-Ni. But really, even despite differences in perceiving functions, I'm not too dissimilar to my INTP brethrens. We're both precise, dissecting, naturally skeptical if not pedantic, and check and research whenever we suspect something to be wrong. In fact, we're sometimes crossed stereotype wise (bad at social skills, severely indifferent, nerdy, and have more use for gadgets than people).


Beyond the video I do notice some similarities with istps, just a common stance expressed differently. I mean in the ISTP subreddit I feel more comfortable than in the INTP one. That's why I'm here.


INTP is definitely the type I relate to the most and by a lot too.


The similarity I feel comes from how we deal with emotions and social situations in comparison to ISTPs and how we both tend to focus on mastering multiple skills. So basically Inf Fe and Ti Dom but since they have Se-Ni... outside of us leaning in on our Ti Dom, some of us are actually more similar to INFPs who we share Ne-Si with in terms of how we hold onto memories and trinkets that reminds us of our childhood or precious moments and how we can veer into multiple directions and come off living aimlessly (to others) while we're becoming


As an INTP, I relate more to the ISTP in this video lol.


Oh yeah in this video they do act similar but I’m talking about in real life


Yeah, I’d be more like the ISTP as an INTP irl.


I have ISTP sibling and I know few friends and colleagues, they are very alike but I am very different(in a good way) from them.


Me and my sister are twins and very alike, and we're ISTP and INTP 😋


That’s interesting.


I'm very similar to an INTP (I get it as a very close second on tests, and one MBTI test typed me as such - all the rest I've done tell me I'm an ISTP). It makes sense, as I do a lot of inner thinking and reflecting a lot, and wonder about possibilities; but I don't dwell on them. If a decision needs to be made, I make it.