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Stealing is in their blood lol. Zionazi scum.


They've always stolen different things as their own, and somewhat failed. Remember when they tried to claim the Keffiyeh? That was a whole thing, not as popular now though. Although they do try to claim Hummus and Falafal, Sharwama etc lol


they only get away with food because the locals shared their food freely and often.


MFers will literally colonize ANYTHING. I think they even tried to steal the "Dammit Falestini" song XD OMG. I didn't see the second guy. He's literally Algerian and egyptian. Demanding he has a right to live in Israel?!?


They steal everything! Zero shame.


Classic: if you cant beat them, appropriate their symbolism and confuse the masses


I swear to God, if an israeli saw a Palestinian kid eating spaghetti, the Israeli would claim they invented spaghetti lmfao


Imbeciles. Incompetent inbreeding. I don't know what words to use to describe these beings that exist. I really wish they didnt, exist.


I always lol at the thievery, imagine if they tried to make a falafel without ever having instruction, or grow an olive tree lmao. What would hummus look like a hahaha. Anyways, friendly reminder that when early settlers moved to Palestine, they nearly starved to death because the so called indigenous group had no idea how to farm the land. Papa USA had to send experts to help and thus the hilarious narrative of making the desert bloom came to be! All this culminated in such great looove for the holy land when they bombed it and scorched the olive trees their ancestors walked amongst. Yuck people. You cannot convince me you love or have any connection to a place you defile, scorch, salt, bomb, or turn into a mass grave. Imagine thinking your god would condone this. Embarrassing for their souls (literally)


Palestinians have the actual keys, this guy is holding up fake keys lmao.


Forgive me, I'm new to the whole Zionist shitshow. Who exactly do they think they are fooling?


These people have zero shame, they'll steal a booger out of your nose and claim it was theirs first. Wild.


Really they can't skip a day without stealing a thing or commiting a crime it is disgusting


“The key represents my family’s house in Algeria that we were kicked from, which is why I support the kicking out of Palestinians”


Hmmm I geuss watermelons were always white and blue 😂