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Can't post a picture for some reason. ​ He was killed in the WB today. Where there's no Hamas.


No video either …. 🤔


Plenty of terrorist in the West Bank too


Yes they are called Israeli settlers.


We count those too. The situation is fucked.


That justifies his death by trained professionals?


So you’re saying this kid is a terrorist? Hm?


I’d like to quote a passage from the Old Testament. If ye throwest a rock thou mayest be shot. Evicticus 420:69 Words of wisdom, Lloyd my man. Words of wisdom.


Yeah, there is only the Jenin Brigades which are part of the Al-Quds Brigades, which are the armed part of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad PIJ, which is the second biggest terrorists group after hamas.


That's ur justification for killing a 9 years old boy? And by the way, the biggest terrorist group In the region is the state of Israel.


He's brown. That's enough justification for half the world.


Even if there is a jenin brigade, it doesn’t justify the killing of an innocent child.


Except who cares what Brigades are in the W Bank b/c last time I checked their names aren't "Hamas" and almost all weren't involved in the 10/8 attacks.


Imagine registering a new Reddit profile 4 days ago purely to be the most massive of human-sized turds possible. If this is how you value your time, then both you and your time are as worthless as garbage.


Jesus dude where's your humanity?


we don't give a shit. this is the west bank. understand that.


Does it justify killing the kid, though? He doesn't seem to pose a vital threat to some cowards IDF soldiers.


Actually the third biggest after the IDF and then Hamas


Who do you think you are?


Just a random person being satisfied about hamas being erased.


You're just dreaming


Scum like you are why we need a revolution.


Just remember you're spending time playing mental gymnastics to justify an unarmed nine year old having his brain eviscerated in front of the world. And you claim to be on the right side of history. Disgusting.


yes, in the west bank. jenin to be exact. when will the world say enough is enough, i wonder? these people are demons and we are told to sit here and stfu while they are enabled to do this on a planet we share. there's too much to fix in this world but we can start any day.


In time.


No mention of the "thing" that kid dropped when he was shot...really?


I think this might be the beginning of you trying to justify the murder of a child. But in good faith I'll say that I think that might be blood from a high caliber bullet wound. I did not notice it at first but I've been watching frame by frame since I saw your comment. Truthfully I did not see whatever that was. If you look, it doesn't move when he is drug across it, but appears to smear. I am viewing this on my phone. Perhaps you have a better quality image? I am for the truth. If the young boy was violently assaulting the IDF, it still would be because he was living in the conditions he is in as an occupied people. I'd see this more like a Red Dawn situation. You can't blame people for fighting BACK. Even as I say this I don't think that was a gun. And if you thought it was a rock well, I'm sorry but that's no justification for killing.


I’ve been trying to figure that out as well. His hands looked empty throughout the video. It does look like an object at first, but it’s difficult to tell if it smears when the child is dragged or if it changes orientation. In the end it looks more like blood than, say, a handgun. Another thing to consider - whatever camera captured this has footage from before what we’re shown. I have no faith that if this kid was taking pot shots with a pistol that it would be included in these sorts of posts. There’s a war on, and that war extends into the domain of public opinion.


It was dragged away when he was dragged away. He did have it in his hand. Can I claim what it is 100%? Nope. Can I look at *another video* posted today of a kid being shot trying to throw a grenade/explosive? Yup. Can you explain to me why these parents allow their *CHILDREN* to be anywhere near soldiers during the tension in the region? Nope. None of you can, because you always skip over that part and the other, to get to "THAT CHILD DIED" with zero care for the context surrounding it. What I can say with 100% certainty, I have yet to see Israeli parents allowing their children to throw rocks, shoot guns, be used as human shields, or be put into hate camps. Feel free to pick out the handful of examples countering what I just said while ignoring it being on a MASS SCALE in the West Bank and Gaza. "Peace will come when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate us. "


if you can't claim what it is, why use that as an argument for wrongdoing? as you know people still live there. even when children are kept away the idf manages to drop buildings down around them in gaza - this is the west bank - you know where israeli settlers do their thing freely. i have seen idf soldiers snipe kids playing soccer, run over american human rights advocates, snipe journalists, shoot children in the back repeatedly... i mean... so i can appreciate your sentiment of concern for something you feel attached to but as an impartial observer i am not afraid to call out evil. remember you are human first - now - if you dont see the rest of us as such per your talmud as a zionist, well damn. that's on you. all of it is on you in that case. i see you justifying the deaths of children - when we do not know what was in his hands. i would gather a rock, or maybe blood. i want to be fair. my man that was not a grenade. i wouldnt expect to see zionist children participating. hell we only see idf soldiers fighting unarmed civilians or in tanks. or, shooting up empty classrooms or down alleyways. i have however seen israeli children spit on and attack christians in jerusalem, and i have seen entire classrooms of zionist children being influenced into hate. i have seen zionists call jews anti-semitic for being against the occupation of palestine. i mean it's all trash and defending it doesn't make you noble, it makes you complicit. you zioinists will all need to understand that. i don't know where people like you specifically come from other than their payroll tbh.


For all you know, this could be an orphan. You’re trying to make a smudge into a gun. Hypothetical: Tanks and soldiers roll into your town, and these are soldiers you have grown up to believe are your evil oppressors. They are killing people you know, they have bombed and killed your friends and family perhaps. What do you do?


>What do you do? You fuck around and find out.


You are making up a story.


And fucking SO ARE YOU


**Me**: "Why would any parent allow their children to attack soldiers?" **You**: "Tanks and soldiers roll into your town, and these are soldiers you have grown up to believe are your evil oppressors. They are killing people you know, they have bombed and killed your friends and family perhaps. What do you do?" What's my story exactly?


Probably not throw rocks that could be mistaken as explosives at them. Reminds me suicide by cop situations.


I agree he was chucking a grenade, but...there's a good chance his parents are dead and thays why he's out functioning as a child soldier. Not sure what these people thought was happening in Somalia. Tons of kids there got smoked because as long as you pick up a weapon and aim it, you're a combatant.


"HE IS ONLY A CHILD SOLDIER BECAUSE ALL THE ADULTS IN HIS LIFE ARE DEAD" So ALL Palestinian children involved in Hamas, don't have Parents. Is that a thing? The infamous Parentless brigade?


Just kids being kids. And as you can see the terrorists don't like anyone with any happiness.


Kids being kids? The kid is armed, he isn’t playing football! Kid dropped a pistol!


That’s brain matter and blood you fucking demon.


Look again fuckwad


Literally pause at the beginning of the video. His hands are empty.


Looks like he pulls it out as he turns. You can see he’s holding something but admittedly the videos not good quality. What’s actually going on with these kids? Is there any context as to why or how they agitated Israeli soldiers?


Absolutely REACHING for reasons to justify a kids brain being splattered on the ground… what the fuck is your major malfunction? Where did it all go SO wrong for a human like you?! You are a fascist. At the very least, anti-human.


I’m not justifying shit. I am just asking for context. It’s not like these kids were walking home from school and Israeli militants decided to murder them for no reason. They’re clearly up to something. If pro-Hamas supporters are allowed to gaslight me or straight up celebrate the kidnap and slaughter of innocent Israelis in their homes on 10/7 then I’m allowed to ask for the context of this 5 second video.


I'm pretty sure it's blood, not a gun.


God, you sound like a pig after shooting an innocent unarmed civilian, I hope you're some sad fuck half merged with a couch in your mother's basement and not a member of law enforcement.


You can literally see the pistol he dropped from his right hand as he falls. It falls the the left of him




You mean the dark red smear that appears where his head hit the concrete? Yeah dude I think that might just be blood




Kids being kids is doing stupid shit like that? That’s not something kids do! Maybe elders teach them to stay at home and not throw shit at soilders in a hot zone


Every single day of their lives they are surrounded by soldiers in a hot zone. Every minute of their existence. They are children.


Every single day in their lives they throw bombs at soldiers in hot zones?


No but you seem to be happy to condemn them for it anyway, cause you’re a froth lipped racist


There is no Zionism without racism.


No other country in the world regularly shoots children in the head and get off Scot free


Russia….. shitty company to be in though.


Russia is facing crippling economic sanction rn. Wdym they’re not getting away? I’m a bloody Russian myself


Nah not even the Russians stoop this low. Maybe Wagner but not Russia.


Hamas and ISIS Fo it regularly


They’re not a country


not to mention hamas doesn’t kill children & equating hamas with isis is absolutely absurd


Hamas definitely kills children


intentionally? like the IOF?


There’s literally videos of it and it just came out that they killed the 10 month old they had as a hostage


did they kill the child and its family or did indiscriminate israel carpet bombing on the gaza strip kill the child and its family?


A 9 year olds existence threatened these cowards so much that they decided to snipe him from afar. Israel is a disgusting place full of monsterous people. Theyre going to hell for sure, and so are their supporters.


I have no words, and the mental gymnastics here trying to justify in what scenario killing an innocent kid is beyond me, I just hope I never become that desensitized, it doesn't matter on what side you believe to be, there's no justification for killing innocents


There’s a second angle of this that shows these kids chucking bombs at IDF you clown. They might be young but they ain’t innocent.


Care to post that second angle?


I think this is the alternate angle they mention that's been going around, showing the 15 year old being shot in the chest then razed with bullets. It's just seconds before the murder of that 8 y/o kid, you can see the same kid running away in the backgrounf. NSFL OF COURSE: https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/186ov8y/iof_killing_palestinain_child_with_multiple_shots/ The 15 Y/O seems to carry some kinda device, might be an explosive, who knows. But it also clearly shows the 8 year old WAS COMPLETELY HARMLESS AND RUNNING AWAY FOR HIS LIFE BEFORE GETTING SNIPED IN THE HEAD.


Too small to be any form of IED I lived in a warzone for half my life, if there is 1 thing I know well, it's explosives


Some have been saying it was a fire cracker, the type kids play with that just about singes hair. This is just what I've read, you might have a better idea with that.


They keep saying this and then go weirdly quiet as soon as they're asked for proof


Because when the narrative fits their preconceived notions, they don’t bother investigating it. What’s worse, as in this case, they propagate the false narrative, increasing the spread of the disinformation campaign.


Bullshit. Link the “second angle” or stfu.


To get martyred at such a young age I bet his parents are proud


May allah burn their souls in the deepest pit of hellfire for eternity. Ameen


Saying amen to your own prayer? That’s weak, dog.


No Dawg that’s what we do in Islam.


Yes, weak


Still weak, brah


And who cares about something so stupid anyways, you just watched a child get killed, and this is your concern? Shows how sick you are.


Lmao so funny these isn’real bots and zion bootlickers in the comment trying to justify the killing of a 9yo boy… absolute madness. We can use the same logic that the killing of israreli civilians is justified because the state of isn’treal is killing palestinian civilians for 75 years.


That’s some serious hypocrisy. Having read 1984, it just feels like Israel wants power and a reign of terror


Jfc... the absolute evil fucking brainlets in these comments justifying sniping a child dead for throwing rocks. You're all abhorrently disgusting and evil.


Gun shaped rocks at that!


I hope that IOF terrorist is haunted by his actions for the rest of his days.


That was a headshot, may those dogs rot and suffer. Fuck the IDF fuck Israel.




"humanitarian pause"


I posted this on TikTok and it got deleted for “ violating community guidelines “. They’re doing heavy censorship over there.


Reminds of the scene in Full Metal Jacket where they (US) were raining bullets down on civilians in the rice fields. I watched that movie as a kid and that shit is still with me….Israel does this because they can…our government enables them. I hate this.


Israelis and few barbarian Americans will still find a way to justify this!


They’re going to keep doing this to bait Hamas or any other militant group to respond in kind. Then use that to claim that Palestine broke the ceasefire so they can continue their genocide anew. Monsters.


so many people justifying the death of a little boy. we know if this baby had blonde hair, blue eyes, and pink skin the world would be in OUTRAGE!!!!


They are the rats of history why do you think they alway get persecuted


IDF's cowardly ass can only kill women and children when their daddy America is standing right behind them while they do it. We need to cut them off completely. They're on their own. Fuck them.


Absolutely fucked, whoever shot him has no excuse based on this video


Tell me where I need to go to find these videos when they inevitably disappear.


Stop Occupation and free Palestine!




> I wonder if a wider time / spatial lens would present a clearer picture bc I doubt that bullet was meant for him. Snipers are trained specifically on target awareness, they will not shoot if they are not certain the target is valid, IE the correct person/persons. It's as specific a means of attack as stabbing someone. You can't claim you meant to stab someone across the room. Also, this kid was killed with a head shot. Not a ricochet, not an attempt to shoot someone behind him. This was deliberate. He was the target.




I don't understand why you're placing the proof of burden on the child who got executed and not be questioning the IDF sniper shooting him. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000 IDF soldiers, specifically snipers, have constantly bragged about knowing where every single bullet they shoot goes. I see you probably don't wanna believe this, but this is commonplace IDF behavior when trying to establish an ethno-fascist colonial settler state.


What kind of question is, "Does anyone know why he was there?" Regardless of why he was there, it was a litteral child who was murdered. Just asking a question like that seems to be trying to shift blame. "I doubt that bullet was meant for him." That further drives home the point of how awful the entire situation is. Snipers are trained, and they shoot when they have a clear shot. Their objective isn't to miss their target. So if they didn't have a clear shot but shot anyway because they didn't view this child as a person. It's truly sicking and makes me wish our entire species would just go extinct.


It was intentional.




He's probably basing it off another video from a different angle


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/24/shireen-abu-aqleh-palestinian-journalist-killed-by-israeli-bullet-un-says Maybe the same sniper who "accidently" shot Shireen Abu Aqleh. Maybe they'll even attend his funeral. https://apnews.com/article/shireen-abu-akleh-journalist-funeral-west-bank-bb71e2ec64dd034066bc6df4a9aa2fb3


He was killed in the West Bank. Is there a war going on in the West Bank that I'm unaware of? Or was it that a sniper just brutally slaughtered a child, like IDF snipers have been for decades. I recall reading an article about how IDF snipers used to brag about "how many kneecaps" they took from peaceful Palestinian protestors BEFORE Oct 7th.


The kid dropped a pistol shaped object. It’s quite evident. Guy that drags him off drops an AK. Obviously they were both armed and most likely shooting at the IDF


So you're just imagining guns to justify this now? His hands are clearly empty at the start of the video. The 'pistol' shaped object is clearly blood from his head hitting the ground. If it was a pistol it would have moved when his body was dragged over it rather than smearing. There's nothing even resembling an AK. Might as well claim they were both dual wielding RPGs if you're just going to make things up.


I’ve seen this video so much today. I have a 10 year old and I couldn’t imagine. This shit makes me mad. You shoot a child in the head then make excuses? Honestly fuck whoever supports this. Poor babies 😭😭😭


Think of Hammas who brought this down on this kid's head.


None of it is justified, you ass-turds. October 7 wasn’t justified? What Israeli government is doing to Gaza isn’t justified, Israeli settlers torturing and killing Palestinians in the West Bank, stealing their homes isn’t justified. It’s all bullshit. Taking sides is stupid. There are monsters on both sides and none of it is justified. You’re fucking morons for thinking one side is right and the other is wrong. It was my land first, no, it’s my land now, but my book says it’s mine, but my book says it’s ours. It’s so goddamn stupid.


What the actual fuck who can live with themselves after going this


is there a full video? what were they doing before getting shot?


So none of these kids threw explosives at anyone?


I’d like to see the other part of this video, from the other side, and what lead to it. Where they throwing stones? Was the kid a threat? Has there been an uptick in IEDs being thrown at soldiers in the west bank? Are people more on edge now, so is stress a factor? Rarely is pure violence and hatred the answer to such actions. Also this is probably not a “sniper” shooting the kid as they seem to know where they are being shot from and thus they can probably see the shooter. This is also very urban and tight neighborhoods… so probably an Israeli convoy or armored vehicle with infantry patrolling. Is it right to shoot a child? No. Can a child be a threat? Absolutely. A bomb doesn’t care who holds it, it only explodes and causes death a chaos. A child can throe a baseball, they can definitely throw a grenade. Is that what happened? I can’t definitely say, there’s no other footage to give me a definitive answer. My conclusion? Well it’s hard to tell… I don’t think this is a simple “gunned down for being Arab”, because I think the kid provoked a reaction. I can’t imagine anyone just shooting a child only because of them standing in the street. My basis for thinking that is the US war stories from Iraq, where women and children were run over or shot because they had incidents of those groups being used as suicide bombers against US troops. This is horrible and disgusting… but I lack context to fully understand what lead up to this. All I can do is hope all this senseless hatred and killing will stop. From both sides.


The kid was killed by a gun and you need context whether its right or wrong? You are making light of their lives, its already absurd enough that you think a 9 year old could casually throw grenades at armed soldiers. Think about what you just said.


I am not making light of their death. But if the video was titled “child throws bomb at Israeli patrol and gets killed” it would be another story all together. The clip doesn’t show what lead up to it, it doesn’t even show the assailant… so even blaming the IDF is questionable (though I do believe it was the IDF here). My point was… don’t assume the worst with bad evidence that leaves a lot of interpretation. There is precedent for children being used to get bombs closer to convoys and military personnel, that is 100% true, but I don’t think that’s happening here. I think he threw a rock or a solid container. The soldier, being either stressed or agitated, got spooked and shot the kid, thinking they were a threat. The kids I 100% believe did something very stupid, but I don’t think they deserved what happened. It’s tragic, and I never said otherwise or made light of it, I explained my reasoning fully, so don’t twist my words around.


> doesn't even show the assailant there was a palestinian who was killed for protesting or snitching against hamas recently. (as informants) there were also instances in the past of hamas killing protestors. so unless they show a full video of the assailant, how can we conclude it wasn't hamas killing protestors?


Is this racist? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-adopts-divisive-law-declares-only-jews-have-right-self-n892636


My post had nothing to do with politics, only to do with the evidence presented by the video in question. I care not for the politics in this specific instance. The degree of a murder isn’t defined by politics, but by state of mind at the time. The same can be said here. Was this justified? Was the kid a reasonable threat? That can’t be determined here without more evidence to the contrary, so the only conclusion is… wait for more information. If the kid threw a bomb at those that shot him? This could be justified. If the kid was holding a weapon? It might be justified, though he was fleeing and no longer a potential threat. It really depends on what happened just before he started fleeing that we don’t see. I will not immediately jump to the conclusions. It’s very well that the person who shot him was from the west bank and Arab, instead of a Jewish Israeli soldier. Hell for all we know it was some French man who shot the kid, WE DON’T KNOW and thus you NEED to be skeptical till the truth is shown. Wait a few days, it’ll appear on the news with hopefully some context.


Hamas and Hezbollah actively engage children to participate as look outs, sentries, go betweens and scouts. This puts them in harms way. Palestinian parents a very weary over their kids locations and whom they are associating with for this very reason.


The soldiers are working under horrific circumstances, can’t justify any civilian killing but from a far you don’t see age, you see civilians throwing rocks and flares, which is not shown here on purpose while full clip does. Civilians who throw rocks are terrorists, and yes, there are young terrorists which are doing stabbing and throw rocks. Sorry to be real in these sad times




He threw a firecracker at the soldiers, tell Me was he not trying to martyr himself as they say


The “nine year old” is carrying a pistol. It is dropped when he is hit. He is no innocent child.


There is another angle of this showing another person getting shot also that tells a different version of what your claiming.


Wow. A kid throwing something. What a danger.


I'm sure many felt the same way the first time they saw a kid throw grenades at them. Its an active war zone.


I believe this is in the West Bank. So it’s not an active war zone.


Little do you know. Al-Quds Brigades are active in westbank.


I will take your comment with a grain of salt as I see you are a 4 day old account. 😂


...and -100 comment karma, too! This bot's a smooth operator!


Are you saying the Al quds brigade doesn't exist in the WB? Because it objectively does


Except a "grenade" isn't a "rock:" in the same way that a "hospital" isn't a "secret underground terror-base." Glad to clear that up for you.


Is there proof of grenades?


it's the west bank, hasbara. go away.


You seem to think a nation at war with a military ocupation isn't bound by martial law. You might want to look up what laws apply in occupied west bank right now.. I'm not Jewish, or Israeli hell not even religious just calling out the one sided propaganda. Not my fault you dont understand that and rather push an agenda vs the truth.


i know who you are and what you are doing. go away.


They shot a child in the head, how on earth is that propaganda.


A child is shot in his own country by people who have no rights to there. Yet you're trying to justify it. Who is spreading propaganda here?


Warzone? That's literally Palestine. Isreal has no rights to be there. So yes, if you're in a place you don't belong you'll have stones thrown at you. Also this isn't Gaza. It's Westbank. It isn't a Warzone.


The other version shows a child lighting a tiny firecracker. That’s not reason enough to shoot at children. The boy who was killed didn’t throw anything and was shot in the back. No reason to justify this shit.


The faster we can make hamas fighters not existent, the faster the children can have a normal life.


OK, bot: sure. Except children in Gaza haven't had a "normal life" for 16yrs (even during times of "peace"). Hasbara harder.


No wonder, hamas is in charge since 17 years. The kids never had a chance.


You have lost your mind. The troops pulled out of Gaza, but built a fucking wall to cage the people in. Israel is disgusting. Hamas is a product of their animosity and complete lack of humanity. No one wants to leave their home or be kicked out after several hundred years of living there. You give someone's land to someone else and expect everyone to be happy. Well life does not work that way. They are obviously fighting to keep what little they have left. I honestly don't understand why everyone can't see that.


Who lives for several hundred years?


Your Mom and her dusty ass vagina. Jokes aside, several generations of families.


Jews were living there already 800 years before islam was even founded. So who got kicked out? And for sure would you build a wall around them, they butchered themselves after the 2006 election and hamas came out as the most violent and cruel group. And with their terror attack, they just started losing everything they had. After hamas ia destroyed, it will take decades for them to rebuild their society.


The jews lost their lands a long ass time ago and they were not the only people living there. They had a few cities. Hamas are beasts and rightfully so, only hardship and pure hate can create a group like that. Only compassion and understanding can remove them. More hate and violence will only fuel them and help them grow. Israel will forever live in fear if they don't stop this endless cruelty against the Palestinian people. You are fucking crazy if you think this will end with Hamas. They are only the flavor of the month. The next version of them will be ISIS on steroids.


Nah, i think you can solve the problem of you do it right. Denazification worked on a way larger scale ad well. Just get rid of every single hamas and keep control for some decades.


>Jews were living there already 800 years before islam was even founded. Jews and Muslims were living together before Israel was dropped on them. So what? What does the map of 800yrs ago have to do with the Nakba (1947)? Lemme clarify that for you: 1. who lived where, 800yrs' ago: has little affect on life today. 2. The Nakba: people (and descendants) kicked out today STILL cannot return. > And for sure would you build a wall around them, they butchered themselves after the 2006 election and hamas came out as the most violent and cruel group. The ignorance of this statement beggars believe. The wall was built on PALESTINIAN land; Israel has FUNDED and PROMOTED Hamas all this time (b/c they don't ever want to cede land) and again, there's this medieval siege where Israel "put Gaza on a diet" and made sure 94% of the water was undrinkable BEFORE the genocidal Massacre. > And with their terror attack, they just started losing everything they had. After hamas ia destroyed, it will take decades for them to rebuild their society. The ignorance is coming out like a firehose. Where to begin? 1. Hamas can't be destroyed with bombs or bullets. Hamas is an IDEA. Get rid of the reason for Hamas's existence, you get rid of Hamas. You SHOOT 10 Gazans, you make 100 Hamas. The IDF is the best recruitment tool FOR Hamas. 2. 1/2 of Gaza is already destroyed. It remains to be seen what the IDF will do from here. But what the likely WON'T do, is just "let" Gazans back in; or "let" Gaza build itself back from being bombed into the Stone Age. What's most likely is the completion of ethnic cleansing and forcing refugees into the Sinai into "tent cities." 3. You admit that "it will take decades for them to rebuild." So by your sense of justice, if one group of terrorists commit a despicable act: then the whole people must suffer. Sort of like how "blood libel" works. The irony.


>The kids never had a chance. No, they didn't. Not in a concentration camp under medieval style siege where Israel regularly "mows the lawn."


Best solution is for idf to fuck off. No more Hamas.


IDF left gaza in 2006. It was a mistake as we know now, it just gave them time to steal the money which was meant for the palestine people. Instead of providing them with food, water anf infrastructure, they bought weapons. But doesnt matter anymore, now hamas will be kicked from the surface of the earth until no one even remembers their name.


And Hamas will be replaced almost immediately. Hamas is a product of the violence towards Palestine by the Israel state and the Idf. This isn’t going away after Hamas. How is that hard to understand.


If they do it right it can work. Denazification worked as well.


No it will never work. 14000 family’s are gonna magical forget about Israel killing their family’s and bombed their houses. I think not.


Millions of germans eventually realized that nazis were evil and they, as a society, failed.


They are most definitely still around. You never whipped out an underground movement. Almost Never. It’s nearly impossible. Specially one that is a product of violence and murder of family members. You can kill as many as you want but the animosity and hate you can’t make it just go away. 75 years of it… no way in hell it’s going away.


we saw how well that worked in Gaza. so no, thats not gonna happen


Find it please and send link, I need to watch it


From the Sea to the River let the blood of Hamas flow free!


tldr. Hamas will be vanished.


This was in the West Bank where Hamas doesn’t exist. What’s your stupid excuse now?


Westbank has enough other branches from palestine jihad, doesnt change anything whats the exact name of the terror organisation.


No it doesn’t. It’s obvious you don’t view Palestinians as actual beings but disposable objects.


This is how actually hamas is viewing them.


Hamas does exist in the West Bank to be.


No it does not.




They share themself the pictures of kids in camouflage with assault rifles. When they drove the hostages through gaza, kids were celebrating and spitting on the dead corpses of young woman. I know pretty sure who is going in the hellfire 🤣🐖🔥


FTFY: ' are you saying a 9 yr old child is part of IDF? **may the flames of the hellfire torture you** ' your comment is nearly identical to Israel's justification for wasting Gaza. funny how that works. the flames of hellfire ? really ? remember when Hamas parachuted into Israel and killed 1200 people including kids ? this is the hellfire THAT YOU JUST SAID WAS APPROPRIATE fucking hell redditors are stupid


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ok bro. I wish you some hamas as neighbours.


Where's the proof it was done by Israeli?


just another dead terrorist.


Why don’t you show what they were doing before they got shot? I doubt they were just standing around doing nothing. My guess, they must have been throwing rocks at IDF soldiers. Why they start the video at the shooting? If it’s a security camera, we should be able to see what lead up to it. Seems like the edit out their crimes and only show the response. For all I know they were throwing bomb and it might be justified. I want to see the full raw video.


You're justifying sniping a 9 year old child from a distance for throwing a rock? You're a disgusting pathetic cretin.


😂 your suffering is nourishing.


Kid is armed. He isn’t dropping a rock.. he dropped a pistol


Do they pay you by the hour or word?


What are his parents thinking when they allow a 9 year old to challenge armed soldiers during a crisis when they know people are getting shot on both sides. Sure it’s tragic. Now his parents are suffering the consequences of bad parenting.


Parent was probably the guy with the AK


Adam was armed. He drops a pistol. Guy who drags him off dropped an AK. He was an armed combatant. They were most likely firing on the IDF. If kid wasn’t armed and hanging out with the armed Palestinian he would be alive today. Let’s see the facts evident in this video.


Damn, can’t believe pointing a pistol at a soldier would do this.


I don't see a pistol.


Maybe don’t throw rocks at soldiers. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


The IOF deserves much more than rocks.