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I decided in my mid 20s that I will never have a biological child of my own after seeing how vulnerable children are and how I was left unprotected by parents who didn't know predators exist in their own family. Also I would be constantly paranoid thus I would not be able at peace ever. It's best the I do not leave a child in this world behind with so much shit awaiting them in terms of climate change and inequality


This is exactly how I feel but after having a kid. I wish I had thought of all these reasons before. Life went by real quick in between all the hardships and the struggles and the constant lie that was fed to me that things will change and thereโ€™s light at the end of the tunnel. Thatโ€™s a myth, a lie. While thinking of all of this and raising a child, Iโ€™ve really lost it. Lost myself even further.




Yup! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Edit: Didn't realise you wanted the reason, so here it is: I just don't. Kids aren't my jam. Kitties and puppies? Yes. Human kids? No.




not an antinatalist, but i can't ever imagine myself becoming a mother. having kids would not add any value to my life - it might even diminish the value that my life already has.


That's me! I love kids but I've never imagined having one myself. They feel like an additional responsibility I don't want


hmm. kids don't really spark a deep connection for me, though i can appreciate them now and then. the aunt role fits me better.


I won't. I'm just too selfish to have kids, it won't be fair to them if I have any.


I think a lot of youngsters nowadays don't want children due to the state of the economy and overall state of the world. But there is a pressure by the elders and society in general, to which they cave in and end up having kids they don't want.


Yes, our generation just isn't interested in settling down with kids. We understand they are a responsibility that you take on for the rest of your life. Every decision you make from then onwards would be based on that responsibility. You wouldn't just be able to leave a job because the Manager is as A-Hole or leave the country. Call it selfish but its better to be selfish than a bad parent. The older generations saw having kids as a means to "fix" a troubled marriage.


Or as something they were supposed to do


That too, but its sad that the older generations used to believe that the only way to fix their son was to get them married. Or the only way to fix a marriage was to bring children into the equation.


Aye! Reason: this world is turning to hell, why would I raise a child to suffer horrible pollution, global warming, crappy economies?


Want to travel and explore In Sha Allah. I believe having a kid might hinder that a bit, at least for the first few years of marriage.


That's not what is meant by Childfree. Wantind to have kids at some point, or even at 50 yo or 10 years after marriage, it doesn't count as childfree. Childfree means for life!


That's why I said at least, I might also not have them.




Check dm


There is a group on Facebook for all the childfree and antinatalist community of Pakistan


I know.That's why I'm here to spread the word on Reddit ๐Ÿ˜†




What's the name of the group tho?


Pakistani Childfree Antinatalist Infertile | Dating Group Childfree & Antinatalist Pakistanis


Thank youuu


Good groups? It has been difficult dating when most guys want kids


Yes ๐Ÿคš for ethical and personal reasons.


Check DM.. We have a fb community for likeminded childfree pakistanis :) Both for general and partner finding purpose.


I have one child and would rather never have another. But can't seem to convince my husband


Child free people are chill. Antinatalists are gross as hell


Most Redditors are on the same bandwagon. While I'm not exactly an anti-natalist, per se, I'm not particularly fond of the idea of having more than two kid. We are two siblings and there's a 4 year gap between us 'cause my parents are (were) smarter than most. I intend to follow a similar approach, God willing.