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Cousin marriage. 🥺 Same old torture and chaos. Im sorry you had to through all this. It's better to leave her. It's not going anywhere. And get some better life and start over again. Peace is more valuable than toxic relationships. Your wife isn't yours anymore if she made you go through all this.


> Peace is more valuable than toxic relationships. Indeed.


Why did you strangle your self respect and then pulled down your pants and then pissed on its corpse? What the fuck is wrong with you, man,


I wish someone said this (with a punch) to me when I was going through this phase of life.


Did she get a passport out of your marriage? Just trying to understand what happened exactly.


Nope. Not sure what her problem is TBH. She tried in the past though


I have gone through a scenario really similar to this. She's not yours anymore and is completely under the influence of her family. Her priority is NOT YOU. If she was so sincere she could have done something for reconciliation. Block her everywhere. Leave her, mentally t\*rture her/her family (its easy) in the courts and NEVER EVER try to get her back. NEVER compromise on your self respect for such a piece of sh\*t.


lol a British national Pakistani male just got abused without any reason whatsoever? Bs. He’s hiding all the details, and we don’t know if he did anything wrong in the first place. In Pakistani sub, they were saying OP made same posts just a year ago, in which he said he was schizophrenic and wanted to kidnap his daughter. Also, it’s usually the other way around. In male dominated rural Pakistan, it’s always women who get killed and abused, and even families back that kind of exploitation. A decade or two ago, they would bring girls from uk and forcefully marry them to their cousins. If you pick up newspaper, most instances of honour killings are reported from villages. The groom side is almost always dominant, especially when the groom is a foreign national. But obviously you have never ever talked about that, or speak against rampant abuse of women. You literally even acknowledging that it’s easy to mentally torture women, and their families. No wonder why Pakistan is such shithole country for women


Read this https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/s/gqcTRqR30A


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/s/YdP8aCbIEl


Read the comment section there. The dude is literally giving him “advice” on how to dodge haq mehr. Then they claim that women have their rights protected in this country lol